Brothers Green

German fairy tale writer brothers
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Brothers Green (German: Brüder Grimm or Die Gebrüder Grimm )Yes Jacob Grimm (January 4, 1785 to September 20, 1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (February 24, 1786 to December 16, 1859) The two brothers were famous in Germany in the 19th century historian linguist , a collector of folk tales and ancient legends. Because of their similar experiences and interests, the two people cooperate in linguistic research, collection and sorting Folk Fairy Tales And legend, so it is called the "Green Brothers". They jointly sorted out the "best selling German Works "-《 Grimm's Fairy Tales 》。
Chinese name
Brothers Green
Foreign name
Brüder Grimm、Die Gebrüder Grimm [4]
one's native heath
linguist Folk story collector
Representative works
Green's Fairy Tales

Life Overview

On January 4, 1785, Germany's famous linguist , fairy tale writer, Jacob Grimm be born.
The Green brothers were born on the Rhine Hanau , his father was a petty official. In their youth Napoleon It was spent during the occupation of Germany. At that time, Germany was subjected to the dual oppression of foreign aggression and powerful feudal forces. After graduating from college, they immersed themselves in the study of history. Inspired by the collection of folk songs "Children's Strange Horn" co edited by German romantic writers Arnim and Buchantano, they began to collect and sort out in 1806 Folk Fairy Tales And ancient legends, and in 1814, 1815, 1822 successively published a three volume collection of German Children and Family Fairy Tales. [1]
After the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, the reactionary forces in European countries rose again, and the division of Germany was still very serious. This gave the Green Brothers confidence that politics must be reformed. In 1837, seven famous university professors, including the Green Brothers, protested Hanover The Duke broke his constitutional promise and lost his professorship. During this period, they tried to combine the study of historical heritage with the people's demands for freedom, democracy and unity. They studied the German language and wrote《 Deutsche Grammatik 》And the History of German Language, as well as the unfinished German Dictionary, which set a precedent for the study of German linguistics German nation It is a unified nation that provides proof.
Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (or bCarl) and Wilhelm Carl Grimm (Wilhelm Karl Grimm) was born on January 4, 1785 and February 24, 1786 in Hessen Frankfurt Hanau nearby. There are nine children in the Green brothers' family, but three of them died when they were babies. They spent their childhood in the countryside. From 1790 to 1796, the father of the Greens was employed by the Prince of Hesse, and the Greens moved to the local administration Judicial officer Near home.
Philip Wilhelm, the father of the Green brothers, died when Jacob Green was 11 years old. The family then moved to a small house in the city. Two years later, the Grimm brothers' grandfather also passed away, leaving only their mother to support their children. Some people think that this experience is the reason why the Green Brothers tend to beautify and forgive their father in the story, and focus on the notorious evil stepmother and other evil women (such as the stepmother and stepsister in Cinderella). However, this view ignores the fact that the brothers only "collect" folk stories, not the authors of the stories. Such experience may also affect the brothers' choice of stories. For example《 Twelve Brothers 》, which tells the story of "one" girl and "several" brothers family structure How to bridge the gap between the two.
The brothers are in Friedrich in Kassel Liberal Arts Middle School (Friedrichsgymnasium) Marburg University Study law. stay In college , they were Friedrich Carl von Savigny Under the influence of professors, they became interested in the past. In their twenties, they began to learn linguistics and Philology Research on, Grimm's Law And collections of fairy tales and folktales are the results of these studies. Although the Grimm brothers' works later became popular, in essence they were the by-products of the brothers' linguistic research, and research was their main goal.
In 1808, Jacob was appointed King of Westphalia librarian In 1812, the Grimm Brothers published their first volume of fairy tales, namely, "Fairy Tales for Children and Families". They collect stories from farmers and rural people, as well as published works from other cultures and languages (such as Charles Perrault ) and other sources, which has caused controversy. In the process of cooperation, Jacob focused on research, while William's work was more delicate, turning the collected content into literary works with childlike style. They are right folklore And plain literature. In 1816, Jacob became the librarian of Kassel, and William was also employed. From 1816 to 1818, they published two volumes of German legends and one volume of early Literary history
Brothers Green
one thousand mark (1992)
Later, the brothers became interested in the older languages and their relationship with German. Jacob began to specialize in the history and structure of German. The relationship between these languages is revealed in Green's Law. They collected a lot of data. In 1830, the brothers moved to Gettingen , and both work for University of Gettingen [4] Jacob has been a professor and chief librarian since 1830, and William has been a professor since 1835.
Grimm Brothers' Tomb: Saint Mateus Kirchhoff Cemetery in Schenenberg, Berlin
In 1837, the Green Brothers joined University of Gettingen Five colleagues of the same professor in China protested against the destruction of the Constitution by the King of Hanover. They gradually became famous in Germany, known as“ Gottingen Seven Gentlemen Incident ”。 But they were also expelled from the university, including Jacob Deportation Jacob settled in Kassel and left the territory of the Hanover King. William also followed him. They settled with their brother Ludwig. But the next year, the brothers were King Of Prussia Invite to Berlin and settle here.
In their later years, both brothers devoted themselves to compiling the dictionary Deutsche Wö rterbuch, the first volume of which was published in 1854. The dictionary was not completely completed before the death of the Green Brothers, and was continued to be compiled by future generations.
In 1859, my brother Wilhelm Grimm Jacob Green died in 1863. [2]

Grimm's Fairy Tales

Children and Family Fairy Tales (German: Kinder - und Hausm ä rchen, KHM), commonly known as《 Grimm's Fairy Tales 》(German: Grimms M ä rchen), a famous collection of fairy tales published by the German Green Brothers, First edition Published in 1812. There are 210 fairy tales in the book. Grimm's Fairy Tales 》The well-known fairy tales include Snow White, Cinderella《 Little Red Riding Hood 》Sleeping Beauty《 The Frog Prince 》Etc.
Original German name
Chinese translation
Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich
The Frog Prince
Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft
Cat and mouse partner
Our Lady's Child
Märchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen
Fool, learn to be afraid
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geislein
Wolf and Seven Little Goats
Der treue Johannes
Faithful John
Der gute Handel
Good deal
Der wunderliche Spielmann
An amazing musician
Die zwölf Brüder
Twelve Brothers
Das Lumpengesindel
A group of rascals
Brüderchen und Schwesterchen
Little brother and little sister
Lettuce Girl
Die drei Männlein im Walde
Three Dwarfs in the Forest
Die drei Spinnerinnen
Three Spinning Women
Hänsel und Grethel
Hansel and Gretel
Die drei Schlangenblätter
Three snake leaves
Die weiße Schlange
White Snake
Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne
Wheat straw, coal and beans
Von dem Fischer un syner Fru
Fisherman and his wife
Das tapfere Schneiderlein
Brave Little Tailor
Das Räthsel
Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst
Mice, birds and sausages
Frau Holle
Frau Holle
Die sieben Raben
Seven crows
Little Red Riding Hood
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
The Animal musicians
Der singende Knochen
The Singing Bone
Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren
The Devil's Three Blondes
Läuschen und Flöhchen
Lice and fleas
Das Mädchen ohne Hände
Girl without hands
Der gescheidte Hans
Perfect Hans
Die drei Sprachen
Three languages
Die kluge Else
Smart Elsa
Der Schneider im Himmel
Tailor walking into heaven
Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel, und Knüppel aus dem Sack
Table, golden donkey and stick
tom thumb
Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin
Mrs. Fox's Marriage
Die Wichtelmänner
Der Räuberbräutigam
Robber groom
Herr Korbes
Haile Corbis
Der Herr Gevatter
Frau Trude
Mrs Trude
Der Gevatter Tod
Godfather Death
Daumerlings Wanderschaft
Big Thumb's Travels
Fitchers Vogel
Fitcher's Bird
Von dem Machandelboom
Der alte Sultan
Old Sultan
Die sechs Schwäne
Six swans
Princess Rose
Abandoned bird
König Drosselbart
Thrushbill King
Snow White
Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein
Backbags, hats and horns
Der Liebste Roland
sweetheart roland
Der goldene Vogel
Golden Bird
Der Hund und der Sperling
Dogs and Sparrows
Der Frieder und das Catherlieschen
Frederick and Catherine
Die zwei Brüder
Two brothers
Das Bürle
Little farmer
Die Bienenkönigin
queen bee
Die drei Federn
Three Feathers
Die goldene Gans
Golden goose
Thousand skin beast
Rabbit bride
Die zwölf Jäger
Twelve Hunters
De Gaudeif un sien Meester
The liar and his master
Jorinde und Joringel
Yolidan and Yoredel
Die drei Glückskinder
Three lucky people
Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt
Six people go around the world
Der Wolf und der Mensch
Wolf and man
Der Wolf und der Fuchs
Wolf and Fox
Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin
Female Wolf Gossip and Fox
Der Fuchs und die Katze
Fox and cat
Die Nelke
Das kluge Grethel
Smart Gretel
Der alte Großvater und der Enkel
Grandfather and grandson
Die Wassernixe
Water nymph
Von dem Tode des Hühnchens
Death of Little Hen
Bruder Lustig
Rastin, man
De Spielhansl
Gambler Hansel
Hans im Glück
Fool Hans
Hans heirathet
Hans married
Die Goldkinder
Golden doll
Der Fuchs und die Gänse
Foxes and geese
Der Arme und der Reiche
Lazarus and Dives
Das singende springende Löweneckerchen
The lion and the lark who can sing and dance
Die Gänsemagd
Goose herding girl
Der junge Riese
Young Giant
Dat Erdmänneken
village god
Der König vom goldenen Berge
King of Jinshan
Die Rabe
Die kluge Bauerntochter
Smart peasant girl
Der alte Hildebrand
old hildebrand
De drei Vügelkens
Three birds
Das Wasser des Lebens
Water of life
Doctor Allwissend
Doctor Know All
Der Geist im Glas
The monster in the glass bottle
one hundred
Des Teufels rußiger Bruder
The devil's untidy brother
one hundred and one
Der Bärenhäuter
one hundred and two
Der Zaunkönig und der Bär
Titmouse and bear
one hundred and three
Der süße Brei
Sweet porridge
one hundred and four
Die klugen Leute
The Clever People
one hundred and five
Märchen von der Unke
The story of Toad
one hundred and six
Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen
The poor miller and the cat
one hundred and seven
Die beiden Wanderer
Two Travelers
one hundred and eight
Hans mein Igel
Hedgehog Hans
one hundred and nine
Das Todtenhemdchen
one hundred and ten
Der Jude im Dorn
Misers in the jungle
one hundred and eleven
Der gelernte Jäger
Highly skilled hunter
one hundred and twelve
Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel
Flail from heaven
one hundred and thirteen
De beiden Künigeskinner
The children of two kings
one hundred and fourteen
Vom klugen Schneiderlein
Smart Little Tailor
one hundred and fifteen
Die klare Sonne bringts an den Tag
The innocent sun revealed the truth
one hundred and sixteen
Das blaue Licht
Blue light
one hundred and seventeen
Das eigensinnige Kind
Obstinate child
one hundred and eighteen
Die drei Feldscherer
Three military doctors
one hundred and nineteen
Die sieben Schwaben
Seven Swabians
one hundred and twenty
Die drei Handwerksburschen
Three guys
one hundred and twenty-one
Der Königssohn der sich vor nichts fürchtet
Fearless prince
one hundred and twenty-two
Der Krautesel
Grass donkey
one hundred and twenty-three
Die Alte im Wald
Old Women in the Forest
one hundred and twenty-four
Die drei Brüder
Three brothers
one hundred and twenty-five
Der Teufel und seine Großmutter
The Devil and His Grandmother
one hundred and twenty-six
Ferenand getrü un Ferenand ungetrü
Faithful and unfaithful Ferdinand
one hundred and twenty-seven
Der Eisenofen
kiln for steel production
one hundred and twenty-eight
Die faule Spinnerin
Lazy spinner
one hundred and twenty-nine
Die vier kunstreichen Brüder
Four smart brothers
one hundred and thirty
Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein
One eye, two eyes and three eyes
one hundred and thirty-one
Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie
Beautiful Katerin Laye and Biff Pavel Portriel
one hundred and thirty-two
Der Fuchs und das Pferd
Fox and Horse
one hundred and thirty-three
Die zertanzten Schuhe
Twelve dancing princesses
one hundred and thirty-four
Die sechs Diener
Six servants
one hundred and thirty-five
Die weiße und die schwarze Braut
White bride and black bride
one hundred and thirty-six
one hundred and thirty-seven
De drei schwatten Princessinnen
Three black princesses
one hundred and thirty-eight
Knoist un sine dre Sühne
Knut and his three sons
one hundred and thirty-nine
Dat Mäken von Brakel
Braque's Daughter
one hundred and forty
Das Hausgesinde
one hundred and forty-one
Das Lämmchen und Fischchen
Lamb and small fish
one hundred and forty-two
Mount Simory
one hundred and forty-three
Up Reisen gohn
Travel to
one hundred and forty-four
Das Eselein
Little donkey
one hundred and forty-five
Der undankbare Sohn
Unworthy son
one hundred and forty-six
Die Rübe
one hundred and forty-seven
Das junggeglühte Männlein
Young people burning in the fire
one hundred and forty-eight
Des Herrn und des Teufels Gethier
God's animal and devil's animal
one hundred and forty-nine
Der Hahnenbalken
Wooden beams carried by chickens
one hundred and fifty
Die alte Bettelfrau
Old Beggar
one hundred and fifty-one
Die drei Faulen
Three slackers
one hundred and fifty-one
Die zwölf faulen Knechte
Twelve Lazy Labourers
one hundred and fifty-two
Das Hirtenbüblein
Clever Shepherd Boy
one hundred and fifty-three
Die Sterntaler
Star Silver Dollar
one hundred and fifty-four
Der gestohlene Heller
Cheated Silver Millet
one hundred and fifty-five
Die Brautschau
Select fiancee
one hundred and fifty-six
Die Schlickerlinge
Discarded Hemp Thread
one hundred and fifty-seven
Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder
The old sparrow and its four children
one hundred and fifty-eight
Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland
Fairy Tales of Blissful World
one hundred and fifty-nine
Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen
The Lies of Dietmar
one hundred and sixty
Riddle fairy tale
one hundred and sixty-one
Schneeweißchen und Rosenroth
White Snow and Red Rose
one hundred and sixty-two
Der kluge Knecht
Smart servant
one hundred and sixty-three
Der gläserne Sarg
glass coffin
one hundred and sixty-four
Der faule Heinz
Lazy Heinz
one hundred and sixty-five
Der Vogel Greif
Grievous Bird
one hundred and sixty-six
Der starke Hans
Strong Hans
one hundred and sixty-seven
Das Bürle im Himmel
Farmers in Paradise
one hundred and sixty-eight
Die hagere Liese
Thin Liz
one hundred and sixty-nine
Das Waldhaus
Cabin in the woods
one hundred and seventy
Lieb und Leid theilen
share sb.'s joys and sorrows
one hundred and seventy-one
Der Zaunkönig
Hedge king
one hundred and seventy-two
Die Scholle
one hundred and seventy-three
Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf
Cormorant and Dai Sheng
one hundred and seventy-four
Die Eule
one hundred and seventy-five
Der Mond
one hundred and seventy-six
Die Lebenszeit
one hundred and seventy-seven
Die Boten des Todes
Death's Messengers
one hundred and seventy-eight
Meister Pfriem
one hundred and seventy-nine
Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen
Goose herding girl by the well
one hundred and eighty
Die ungleichen Kinder Evas
Eve's various children
one hundred and eighty-one
Die Nixe im Teich
Water demon in the pond
one hundred and eighty-two
Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes
Gift of Dwarves
one hundred and eighty-three
Der Riese und der Schneider
Giant and Tailor
one hundred and eighty-four
Der Nagel
one hundred and eighty-five
Der arme Junge im Grab
The poor child in the grave
one hundred and eighty-six
Die wahre Braut
The real bride
one hundred and eighty-seven
Der Hase und der Igel
Rabbit and hedgehog
one hundred and eighty-eight
Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel
Spindles, shuttles and needles
one hundred and eighty-nine
Der Bauer und der Teufel
Farmers and Devils
one hundred and ninety
Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch
Bread crumbs on the table
one hundred and ninety-one
Das Meerhäschen
one hundred and ninety-two
Der Meisterdieb
one hundred and ninety-three
Der Trommler
one hundred and ninety-four
Die Kornähre
Ear of wheat
one hundred and ninety-five
Der Grabhügel
one hundred and ninety-six
Oll Rinkrank
Old man Linkrank
one hundred and ninety-seven
Die Krystallkugel
Crystal ball
one hundred and ninety-eight
Jungfrau Maleen
Miss Ma Lin
one hundred and ninety-nine
Der Stiefel von Büffelleder
Buffalo leather boots
two hundred
Der goldene Schlüssel
Gold key
two hundred and one
Der heilige Joseph im Walde
Saint Joseph in the Forest
two hundred and two
Die zwölf Apostel
Twelve Apostles
two hundred and three
Die Rose
two hundred and four
Armuth und Demuth führen zum Himmel
Poverty and humility guide the way of heaven
two hundred and five
Gottes Speise
God's Food
two hundred and six
Die drei grünen Zweige
Three green branches
two hundred and seven
Virgin's goblet
two hundred and eight
Das alte Mütterchen
two hundred and nine
Die himmlische Hochzeit
Heavenly Wedding
two hundred and ten
Die Haselruthe
Hazelnut twig [3]

Publishing books

  • Author name Brothers Green
    Grimm's Fairy Tales is German folk literature collected, sorted and processed by German linguists Jacob Grimm and William Grimm. There are more than 200 stories in Green Fairy Tales, most of which originate from folk oral legends. Among them, Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Frog Prince and other fairy tales are more famous. It is a classic work of the world's fairy tales. Since its inception, it has a very wide influence around the world. Green
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales: A must read classic for children (green printing, full color phonetic notation)
    Author name Brothers Green
  • Green's Fairy Tales - Classics of World Children's Literature for Primary School Students
    Author name Brothers Green
    Work time 2006-4
    Introduction to Green's Fairy Tales, a classic library of world children's literature for primary school students: There is a kind of learning without teachers, classrooms and homework, but with tears, laughter and enlightenment, which can make children grow up, satisfy teachers and parents - that is, children's own reading. This is the most relaxed, effective and enjoyable learning to stimulate children's interest in learning. In order to bring such happy reading to children, we specially designed for middle and low grades of primary school
  • Green's Fairy Tales - Top Ten World Masterpieces that Influence Children's Life
    Author name Brothers Green
    Work time 2007-6
    The World's Top Ten Masterpieces that Influence Children's Life: Green's Fairy Tales has selected more than 20 of the most well-known and tireless masterpieces, such as Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Cinderella, The Frog Prince, Sleeping Beauty, The Musician in Bremen Town, Lettuce Girl, Brave Little Tailor, etc. For more than two hundred years, these fairy tales have spread all over the world and are deeply loved by children. They have a far-reaching impact and are enduring.
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales - Classic Compulsory Reading of New Chinese Curriculum Standard
    Author name Brothers Green
    Work time 2012-7
    The classic required reading of the new Chinese curriculum: Grimm's Fairy Tales was produced in the early 19th century by the famous German linguist, Jacques Grimm? Green and William? German folk literature collected, sorted and processed by the Brothers Grimm. It is a classic work of the world's fairy tales. Since its inception, it has a very wide influence around the world. Brothers Green, with their rich imagination and beautiful language, told children magical and romantic fairy tales. Classics of the New Chinese Curriculum:
  • Green's Fairy Tales - Selected Masters of the New Chinese Curriculum
    Author name Brothers Green
    Work time 2010-9
    Green Fairy Tales, ISBN:9787512001657, Author: Grimm, J (Germany) Grimm, W (Germany), selected and edited by Han Ting
  • Green Fairy Tales - Experts Teach You to Read Masterpieces - Compulsory Education New Curriculum
    Author name Brothers Green
    Work time 2012-5
    Grimm's Fairy Tales, produced in the early 19th century, is German folk literature collected, sorted and processed by the famous German linguists, Jacob Grimm and William Grimm. It is a classic work of the world's fairy tales. Since its inception, it has a very wide influence around the world. Brothers Green, with their rich imagination and beautiful language, told children magical and romantic fairy tales. "Experts Teach You to Read Masterpieces" as a series of masterpieces
  • World Classic Fairy Tales Series: Green Fairy Tales
    Author name Brothers Green
  • A series of extracurricular compulsory books of the new Chinese curriculum for primary school students: Grimm's Fairy Tales
    Author name Brothers Green
  • Forever classic: Grimm's fairy tales
    Author name Brothers Green
  • A Must read Series for the Growth of Chinese Students - Green Fairy Tales
    Author name Brothers Green

marriage and family

Snow White
Jacob has been single all his life. On May 15, 1825, William married Henriette Dorothea Wild (also called Dortchen). She is the daughter of a druggist. When she was young, she told her brothers《 Little Red Riding Hood 》The playmate of the story. William and Henriette had four children, but one died at an early age, and the remaining three were Karl, Jacob and Agnes. After William got married, the two brothers still kept in touch. They are like harmony under one roof big family
Jacob Green teaches at the University of Gottingen [4]
William died on December 16, 1859 Berlin Jacob continued his dictionary compilation and related plans until his death in Berlin on September 20, 1863. Both brothers were buried in Saint Mateus in Schnenberg, Berlin Kirchhoff Cemetery (St. Mathä us Kirchhof Cemetery)。 The Greens helped cultivate the German public's Democratic consciousness It is regarded as the pioneer of German democratic movement.