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Format refers to disk Or on disk partition (partition) initialization This operation usually causes all files in the existing disk or partition to be cleared. Formatting is generally divided into Low level formatting and Advanced formatting If not specified Hard disk The format of the floppy disk Formatting usually includes both.
Chinese name
Foreign name
An operation for initialization
All files are cleared

Type of formatting

Disc formatting involves two different programs: low-level and high-level formatting. The former deals with the characteristics of disk surface formatting and disk sector number; After the low-level formatting is completed, the hardware disk controller can see and use the low-level formatting results; The latter deals with "specific information written with the operating system". [1]

Low level formatting

Low level formatting is also called low-level formatting or physical format. For some hard disk manufacturers, it is also called initialization. At the earliest time, with the emergence of disks using the CHS addressing method, frequency modulation (FM), improved frequency modulation (MFM) and other coding schemes, low-level formatting was used to refer to the operation of dividing the disk into cylinders, tracks, and sectors.
Nowadays, with the gradual withdrawal of floppy disks from daily use and the emergence of disks with new addressing methods and interfaces, the term has lost its original meaning. Most hard disk manufacturers define Low Level Formatting as the operation of creating hard disk sectors to make hard disks have storage capacity. Nowadays, people have some misunderstandings about low-level formatting. In most cases, the reference to low-level formatting often refers to the zero filling operation of the hard disk. [1]
For a standard 1.44 MB floppy disk, its low-level format will create 160 tracks (80 on each side), 18 sectors per track, and 512 bit sets per sector on the floppy disk; A total of 1474560 bit groups. Note that the low-level formatting of floppy disks is usually supported by the system. Generally, the format operation of the floppy disk includes low-level format operation and Advanced formatting Operate two parts. [1]

Advanced formatting

Advanced format, also known as logical format, refers to an operation that writes specific data in a specific area of the disk according to the file system selected by the user (such as FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3, etc.) to initialize the disk or disk partition, and clear all files in the original disk or disk partition. Advanced formatting includes rewriting the corresponding area of the partition table in the master boot record, and according to the file system selected by the user, drawing a disk space in the partition for storing file allocation tables, directory tables, and other files for file management so that the user can use the partition to manage files. [1]


In short, formatting is to initialize the disk so that we can record data on the disk step by step. For example, if we have a big house to store books, we will not move books to the house and throw them on the floor. Instead, we will set up bookshelves, mark categories, and put books in categories. [1]
Before using the newly purchased disk, to make the operating system recognize it, we need to write some magnetic marks to each a sector , you can access the data on the disk under the operating system. This action is called formatting. [1]
Advanced formatting And low-level formatting
Formatting actions can be divided into high-level format and low-level format. Floppy disks only have low-level formatting (although it looks like advanced formatting); The hard disk has not only high-level formatting, but also low-level formatting. Low level formatting is aimed at Hardware Of Track To work in units, this formatting action is Hard disk partition And advanced formatting. Generally, ordinary users will not do this. [1]
If not specified, the general formatting action refers to Advanced formatting stay MS-DOS operating system Among them, we can use the FORMAT command to format the hard disk and floppy disk, for example, to format a piece of disc drive A: And put the boot file into the disk, then use the 'FORMAT A:/S' command. In the Windows operating system, the formatting action is Explorer To execute (right-click the disk name -->"Format..."). [1]
The formatting action is usually written at the beginning of the disk boot sector (boot sector) data, record the disk label in the root directory Document Allocation Table (FAT) Reserve some space, and check whether there is a damaged sector on the disk. If there is a damaged sector, mark the file allocation table with a damaged mark (usually the capital letter "B" stands for "BAD"), indicating that the sector is not used to store data. [1]
Note: Before advanced formatting, we usually have to disc drive appoint partition (partition), which is to divide a physical disk drive into several partitions so that different operating systems can use different partitions, or divide it into several logical disk drives. This action is called“ Disk partition ”。 [1]

Distinguish the lower level

Low level formatting It is to divide the blank disk into cylinder and track, and then divide the track into several sectors. Each sector is divided into identification part ID, interval GAP, data area DATA, etc. It can be seen that low-level formatting is Advanced formatting The previous work can only be completed in the DOS environment. Moreover, low-level formatting can only target one disk and cannot support a separate partition. Each piece of the product has been low-level formatted by the hard disk manufacturer when it leaves the factory, so users usually do not need to perform low-level formatting operations. In fact, we have a floppy disk A full format is a low-level format. [1]
It should be noted that low-level formatting is a lossy operation, which has a certain negative impact on the life of the hard disk. Therefore, many hard disk manufacturers advise users not to resort to this tactic unless they have to. When the hard disk is affected by the external strong magnet, strong magnetic field, or because of long-term use, the magnetic recording part of the sector format divided by the low-level format on the hard disk is lost, resulting in a large number of“ bad sector ”The "sector" can be re divided through low-level formatting. However, the precondition is that the hard disk is not physically scratched. [1]
Advanced formatting It is to clear the data on the hard disk and generate Guidance area Information, initialization FAT table, annotation Logical badness Etc. Generally, we Reinstall the system Because MBR does not rewrite, there may be viruses. MBR virus Can be accessed via anti-virus software Clear or execute fdisk/mbr in DOS to rewrite the MBR to completely clear the virus. [1]
In short, Advanced formatting It refers to the format related to the operating system. Low level format refers to the format unrelated to the operating system.
Advanced formatting is mainly used to partition Format the tracks and divide them logically. For advanced formatting, different operating systems have different formats program Different formatting results and different track division methods. [1]
The low-level format is the physical level format, which is mainly used to divide the magnetic cylinder of the hard disk and establish sector number And the interval ratio of selected sectors. The hard disk must be formatted at a low level before it can be formatted at an advanced level. However, the hard disk that has just left the factory has been formatted at a low level, so users do not need to perform low-level formatting again. Generally, users need to perform low-level formatting only when it is necessary. For example, your Hard disk bad track Too many often lead to errors when accessing data, or even the operating system can't be used at all, so you need to perform low-level formatting. In addition, if some parameters related to low-level formatting on your hard disk are damaged by a virus, such as the disk spacing factor, you have to perform low-level formatting to re-establish these parameters. [1]
The CMOS of many motherboards provides the function of low-level format. Generally, in the HDD Low Level Format option, if your motherboard has this option, you can directly use the Hard Disk Low Level Format Utility to perform low-level format. There are also many motherboards that do not have low-level formatting functions. If so, you'd better use the hard disk management and low-level formatting programs provided by the hard disk manufacturer. There are also general low-level formatting programs, such as DM (Disk Manager), PC Tools, etc. If your hard disk is relatively standard, you can also use these tools to perform low-level formatting. [1]


It can also be called formatting, which is applied in other phrase sentences according to specific formats (widely used in fields such as formulas)
Example: a * a/q


In Windows and dos operating system There are format program , however, once formatting is performed Hard disk All data in the hard disk will be lost! So before this action, make sure disk Whether the data in is still needed, if so, please backup it separately.
If yes Hard disk The format is as follows: [1]
Parameters can be filled in []. It is recommended that you do not fill in parameters generally, but directly type format C:, and then press Enter, because it is not meaningful for ordinary people to fill in parameters.
The most important and commonly used parameters of FORMAT:
/u yes Hard disk Perform destructive formatting. If this parameter is not added, a hidden MIRROR will be generated in the root directory of the hard disk Image file If no other hard disk operation is performed, you can use UNFORMAT to restore the original hard disk content. Of course, it is better to back up the data to be backed up before formatting the hard disk. [1]
/s Change DOS after formatting System files Copy to Hard disk In the root directory, fill in this parameter, and the hard disk can be booted to C:, which is very useful in the era of DOS, and has no practical significance now. [1]
/c format Hard disk Check at the same time of Hard disk sector And repair bad sector , this repair is not very reliable, and will also affect the speed of formatting.
/v [label] After formatting Hard disk Plus in [] Volume label (name). [1]
/q Quick format [1]
There are also some parameters that are not commonly used.
We still need WINDOWS98 Startup Disk , insert it computer Drive A, then turn on the computer, press 1, press Enter, ten seconds later screen A: will appear because we Hard disk There are 3 partition , so type f:, enter, and the screen will become F: (if there are 2 partitions, type e: enter, if there are 4 partitions, type g:, enter, and so on), type format c: enter, and the following prompt will appear. [1]
Proceed with Format (Y/N)n
It means dangerous. Data in Area C will be lost. Format?
We press Y and enter, and then a progress digital indicator will appear, starting from 1 to 99 and formatting 5G Hard disk , if computer If the configuration is high, it can be completed in about 2 minutes. If the configuration is low, it may take 5 or 6 minutes, perhaps more slowly. However, if the progress figure does not move for a long time, the hard disk is faulty and needs to be replaced or repaired. [1]
When the progress number flashes 99, the following prompt appears.
Volume label ( 11 characters , ENTER for none)?
It means let's make a hard drive Volume label , that is, the name. If you enter directly, there is no volume label name.
Then, after formatting, Hard disk The list of space will tell us the total capacity of the hard disk, the available space, and the system Space occupied bad sector Space occupied, Volume label , the remaining space and other data, and returned to the F:/status, which indicates that we have successfully completed formatting C partition And then complete the formatting of D: area and E: area according to the above steps. [1]
Format: refers to the alignment disk Perform pre-processing before use to store data. Generally speaking, new disks must be formatted, while used old disks can also be formatted disk All data on will be deleted. [1]
be careful: Hard disk Formatting is a very dangerous operation. It is recommended to back up important data in advance. If you do not back up in time, you can format( Advanced formatting )After that, users can use some recovery methods Software To recover important data, but the precondition for the whole region recovery is not correct partition Write anything. If the content is written in, it may not be recovered completely, but some data can still be recovered! [1]
Quick format
On disk When formatting, we also have the option of "Quick Format".
When running normal formatting command When the current partition Of Document Allocation Table Each of the a sector Mark as free and available, and the system will scan Hard disk To check whether there is bad sector , each sector will be marked as available during scanning. scanning bad sector 's work takes up formatting Disk partition Most of the time. [1]
If you selected Quick format , then only partition Document Allocation Table Mark deletion instead of scanning in disk To check whether there is bad sector Only when Hard disk It has been formatted before and can ensure that the hard disk is not damaged situation This option can only be used under. [1]
Data security
Theoretically, Advanced formatting (whether in fast or ordinary form) disk Delete data on the disk. It only gives the disk where the data is located a sector A special deletion mark is written at the beginning of the to tell the system that new data can be written here. As long as the entire data is not immediately overwritten with new data after formatting Hard disk , then the original data will still be there, and only some specific Software The original data can be recovered.
by contraries, Low level formatting What we have done is to disk Each on a sector Cover with "00", which will completely destroy Hard disk It is no longer possible to recover all data on. [1]
Can format clear the virus on the hard disk?
Not necessarily. As long as partition When the format command of is executed, all existing data on this partition will be marked as unreadable. wrong Boot partition As a kind of virus Procedure documents Naturally, it can't be seen, and of course, it can't run again. Boot area virus It cannot be eliminated by formatting. [1]
In addition, it is worth noting that a Hard disk More than one partition , shown in“ My Computer ”In, you will see several examples from C: Drive letter You must put all these different drive letters partition You can only say your own after formatting Hard disk There are hundreds of viruses. Otherwise, this disk is formatted, and there is a virus on that disk. When you open another disk to read, the virus will come back. [1]
Can I format all hard disk partitions in Windows?
The answer is "no". As soon as the Windows system starts up System disk (Generally C: disk, which can also be customized) System files Is locked to be unmovable or deleted. The format command under Windows is Windows with graphical interface program , this program is Windows operating system It cannot run without the Windows operating system, so it cannot format the "parent" system program Disk partition
As long as it's not system partition , other partitions can be easily formatted. [1]
How do I format all hard disk partitions?
Answer: Try to access DOS, such as using the startup CD of Windows. Enter DOS Command line interface Then, use FORMAT X: (change X: to any letter+half colon, "X" must be FAT format partition )OK. Other third parties are also available Disk management Tools such as PQ Magic. these ones here Disk partition Software , you can format the current partition at the same time as partitioning. [1]


Formatting tool with graphical interface under Linux:
Gparted, Recommended for novices, with intuitive interface and convenient operation
Ubuntu/Debian users can use:
apt-get install gparted
To install it
In addition, the format command under Linux is mkfs [File system]
such as
If you want to format/dev/sda1 as Ext3 file system, enter
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
The format is complete. Other operations are similar to this
Mkfs. [file system][ partition ]
Key points of adding new hard disk and partition formatting under Linux
Adding for host at Hard disk Before, first understand Linux system Lower pair of hard disk and partition The naming method of.
Under Linux, IDE devices are named after hd. The first ide device is hda, and the second is hdb. And so on
commonly a main board There are two IDE interfaces on the. A total of four IDE devices can be installed. The two devices on the main IDE correspond to hda and hdb respectively, and the two devices on the second IDE port correspond to hdc and hdd.
commonly Hard disk installation On the main interface of the main IDE, it is hda; The optical drive is usually installed on the main interface of the second IDE, so it is hdc (hdb should be used to name the slave interface of the main IDE) [1]
SCSI interface The device is named after sd. The first device is sda, and the second is sdb. And so on
partition It is named by the device name and number. For example, hda1 represents hda Hard disk First on device partition
each Hard disk Up to four Primary partition , which is used to name the primary partition of the hard disk with 1-4. Logical partition It starts from 5. For each additional partition, add one to the number.
For example, general systems have a master partition It is used to boot the system. This partition corresponds to the commonly known C partition. It is named hda1 under Linux. Later, we have three logics partition The names of D, E, and F are hda5, hda6, and hda7 under Linux
stay slackware There are two below partition Software Fdisk and cfdisk
For example, there is already a Hard disk Added another hard disk to the system
Then the newly added Hard disk It should be hdb. The following command can be used to Hard disk partition
fdisk /dev/hdb
You can also use cfdisk come partition , the command is as follows
cfdisk /dev/hdb
Format hard disk
Format to ext3 format
mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1
Format to reiserfs
mkfs.reiserfs /dev/hdb1
Give Way Hard disk Start Auto Mount
For example, mount/dev/hdb1 partition To/mnt/hd catalog lower
Edit the/etc/fstab file with vi and add the following contents
/dev/dhb1 /mnt/hd reiserfs defaults 1 1

Antiviral effect

Because formatting will disk All the information in is deleted, so the virus will also be deleted. Therefore, formatting is often regarded as a Clear virus The auxiliary means of. However, if the virus is lurking in the motherboard bios or is being formatted partition Of course, formatting cannot eliminate viruses in partitions other than. However, some viruses exist in the file, and formatting is also a good choice! [1]
The format is in the physical drive( Hard disk )Formatting is a purely physical operation. At the same time, it checks the consistency of hard disk media and marks it unreadable and bad a sector Because most Hard disk It has been formatted at the factory, so it is only necessary to format the hard disk media when an error occurs. [1]

DOS Start

If you have installed WIN98, press and hold Ctrl when starting the computer, and the startup appears Select Menu , select 5 "Command Prompt Only" to enter DOS mode. [1]
Our common operating systems are Windows 9x/Me, NT, 2000, Windows Xp, Windows 2003, Windows 7, Windows 10, etc. They are all visual interfaces. The operating system that people used before these systems was DOS. The DOS system is no longer used by anyone, but the DOS command still exists in the Windows system we use. Most DOS command It has become a visual interface in Windows, but some advanced DOS commands still need to be executed in the DOS environment. Therefore, learning the command line is necessary for us to operate Windows skillfully. [1]
Different operating systems need different commands to enter Command line interface
In Win9x/Me opening menu Operation in program Enter the command Command line interface
Run in Win2000/NT start menu program Middle key? Quot; cmd "command, you can enter Command line interface
The DOS commands I mentioned below can be executed in the Windows Me operating system.
So, how do we enter the command line window?
Start ->Run ->Type command (or directly enter cmd) ->Enter
Enter the command line operation interface( DOS window ), you can only use the keyboard to operate in the DOS window.
In DOS, add enter key This way program [1]

Return to disk A

If we need to format the C: disk, we cannot format the C: disk in the C: disk directory, but return it to the A: disk. In any case, the disks other than C: disk are usually A: disk after startup CD The startup is not in disk A: (the specific disk depends on the number of disks partition , it will automatically move backward). [1]
  1. one
    3、 Format command and diagram (please be careful of wrong format)
FORMAT --Format Command
As we all know, newly bought disk All must be formatted before use. The FORMAT command can floppy disk and Hard disk The format of the format is "FORMAT [drive letter] [parameter]", for example: "FORMAT C:/S". It has two common parameters:
/Q: Proceed Quick format (Please be careful of incorrect formatting);
/S: Complete the format and set the system boot file Copy to this disk
VB Format Function
return Variant ( String ), which contains one expression , which is formatted according to the instructions in the format expression.


Format ( expression [, format [, firstdayofweek [, firstweekofyear ]]])
Format The syntax of a function has the following parts:
Required parameter. Any valid expression.
Optional parameter. A valid named expression or user-defined format expression.
Optional parameter. constant , indicates the first day of the week.
Optional parameter. Constant, representing the first week of a year.

Set value

firstdayofweek parameter The following settings are available:
Use NLS API settings.
Sunday (default)
firstweekofyear The parameters are set as follows:
Use NLS API settings.
Start from the week containing January 1 (default).
From the first week of the year, there are at least four days in the middle of the year.
Starting from the first week of the year, this week is completely in the middle of the year.


Use a predefined named numeric format or create a user-defined numeric format.
Date and time
Use a predefined named date/time format or create a user-defined date/time format.
Date and time ordinal
Use date and time format or numeric format.
character string
Create a custom string format.
If not specified when formatting numbers format Format Will provide Str Function is similar, although it is internationalized. However, with Format Acting on positive numbers does not reserve sign space, but Str I will. [1]