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Gerhart Hauptmann

German dramatist
synonym Gerhart Hauptmann (Gerhardt Hoptman) Generally refers to Gerhardt Hoptman
Gerhart Hauptmann (November 15, 1862 June 6, 1946) is a famous German playwright.
In 1889, the first play Before Sunrise was successfully premiered on the Berlin Free Stage. He became the representative of German naturalistic drama, and this play also became the model of German naturalistic drama. Before the First World War, his important plays came out one after another. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912. After the outbreak of World War I, on the one hand, he worried about the war disaster, on the other hand, he did not know the imperialist nature of the war clearly, and thought that Germany was resisting "foreign forces". French writer Roman Roland once issued an open letter asking him to condemn the imperialist war launched by Germany, but he refused. After the war, he expressed his support for Germany's first republic in public speeches and articles. [2]
The Weimar Republic regarded him as "the representative of the German spiritual world" and awarded him a medal. The Vienna Academy of Plastic Arts awarded him the honorary membership, the Prussian Writers Association appointed him as a member, and Frankfurt on the Main awarded him the Goethe Prize. He appealed everywhere for unity and humanitarianism, and took a political attitude of not intervening in the party struggle. After A. Hitler seized power in 1933, Hauptmann lived in seclusion. In the autumn of 1945, Yo Ro Beshir went to Agnetendorf in Silesia to invite him to participate in Germany's post-war democratic revival. He gladly agreed, but died on the eve of moving to Berlin. [2]
He has created 42 plays, more than 20 long and short stories, more than 10 poems, fairy tales, legends, and translated Shakespeare And wrote three books Autobiography Works, yes History of Germany A rare prolific writer, he is also versatile Literary giant
Chinese name
Gerhart Hauptmann
Foreign name
Gerhart Hauptmann
date of birth
November 15, 1862
Date of death
June 6, 1946
Key achievements
Obtained in 1912 The Nobel Prize in Literature
one's native heath
Obel Salzbron of Silesia
Representative works
Group of Rats

Character's Life



Gerhart Hauptmann
Gerhard Hopterman was born on November 15, 1862 in Silesia Salzburg, a small town in the north Parents in Local operation A hotel He has two older brothers, Georg Hoptman, Carl Hoptman and an older sister, Johanna Hoptman. Young Hoptman likes legend literature.
In 1868, Hoptman went to primary school in a small town and came to Germany in 1874 Cultural city Breslau (also known as“ Wroclaw ”, World War II Ceded to poland )High school, Hoptman not suited to Metropolitan environment He was particularly disgusted with the tough attitude of his teachers and the elegant behavior of his aristocratic classmates when teaching in Prussia. In addition, he often fell ill and could not go to school normally, so he had to take the first year's courses again. But this period of time gave Hoptman the opportunity to go to the theater. Hoptman left high school with barely qualified grades in the seventh grade to work on his uncle's farm, and then he joined Art examination , but was not approved.

Youth career

Gerhart Hauptmann
In 1880, Hoptman was admitted to the sculpture class of the Royal Art Vocational School in Breslau, but a year later, because of "bad behaviour "And not diligent enough" was dropped out of school, and then was admitted again, leaving school in 1882. Hoptman wrote a play "Spring of Love" for his brother Georg Hoptman's wedding, which premiered at the wedding. At the wedding, Hoptman met the sister of the bride Adele Tinaman, Mary Tinaman. They fell in love at first sight and made a private engagement at the wedding. Mary Tinaman is the daughter of a businessman in Radbouiller. The three sisters married three Hoptman brothers, Adele Tinaman married Georg Hoptman, Mary Tinaman later married Gerhart Hoptman, and her sister Marta Tinaman married Carl Hoptman, another brother of Gerhart Hoptman.
After a private engagement, Mary Tinaman funded Hoptman to start his career in Jena University Philosophy and Literary history Study, but Hoptman soon gave up his studies. Mary Tinaman helped Hoptman go mediterranean sea On the trip, he decided to settle down in Rome and become a sculptor, but his idea of settling down in a Roman German gathering area failed. Disappointed, he returned to Germany Dresden He studied painting at Royal College but did not complete his studies. Later, he studied painting at HU Berlin The study of history also ended without success. Hoptman's strong interest in drama is far more than his many academic setbacks.

Old age

Hoptmann, June 6, 1946 bronchitis He died in Silesia. June 27th Stralsson city hall A grand memorial ceremony was held by German United Socialist Party He was one of the founders of Wilhelm Pieck host. Before sunrise on the morning of June 28, a funeral was also held on the Baltic Sea's Hidenzo Island, where Hoptman was buried Monastery In China, Hidenze Island is Hoptman's favorite tourist destination. In 1951, a granite tombstone was erected in the monastery of Hidenze Island. According to Hoptman's will, only Hoptman's name was engraved on the tombstone. After the death of Hoptman's second wife, Margaret Hoptman, in 1957, she was buried together in Hidenze Island in 1983.

Character works

Hoptman has left 47 plays and 5 songs for future generations German narrative poem 21 songs prose poem And some novels. In all his works, drama plays a leading role.
Carnival (1887), short story
Bahnw ä rter Thiel (1887), novella
Vor Sonnenaufgang (1889), drama
Das Friedensfest (1890)
Einsame Menschen (1891)
Weaver( Die Weber 1892), Drama
Der Biberpelz (1893), drama
Hanel Ascension( Hanneles Himmelfahrt , 1894), Dream Drama
Florian Geyer (1896), drama
Die versunkene Glocke (1896), drama
Henschel the coachman (1898), social drama
Michael Kramer (1900)
Der rot Hahn (1901)
Der arme Heinrich (1902)
Rose Bernd (1903)
Un Pippa tanzt! (1906)
Greek Spring (1908), travel notes
Der Narrin Christo Emanuel Quint (1910), a novel
Die Ratten (1911), Tragicomedy
Atlantis (1912), a novel
Winter Ballad (Winterballade, 1917)
Dorothea Angleman( Dorothea Angermann , 1926)
Passion (1926), autobiographical novel
Vor Sonnenultergang (1932)
Das Abenteuermeiner Jugend (1937), autobiographical novel
Magnus Garbe (1942)

Literary style



Gerhart Hauptmann
In 1885, Gerhardt Hoptman married Mary Tintman. At first, they lived in Berlin, but life in the city made Hoptman's lung disease When things got worse, they moved to the small town of Eckner on the outskirts of Berlin and lived there for four years, where they had three sons. During this time, Hoptman attended Berlin And completed his early works, including the short story Carnival (1887) and the novella Bahnwä Rter Thiel (1887), his first play was also the famous play Vor Sonnenaufgang (1889) and his most important work Die Weber (1893). Before Sunrise was praised after its performance on the "Freedom Stage" in Berlin in 1889, and Hoptman became famous. Hoptman's plays often focus on the people's uprisings. The Weaver, set against the backdrop of the Silesian Weaver Uprising in 1844, was founded by the Prussian authorities Inspection system He and the police think that they are calling for class struggle and forbidding public performances in Berlin. The "free stage" is the stage for these forbidden dramas to perform in private. These dramas also include Leo Tolstoy And Ibsen. In order to strive for the Weaver to be in the Deutsches Theater Berlin After obtaining permission for public performance, Hoptman explained that the play was not written to appeal Social democracy As a poet, he sympathized with the participants in the uprising.


Gerhart Hauptmann
On《 Otter skin 》(Der Biberpelz, 1893) After being criticized, Hoptman's creation started from Realism The theme has shifted to mythology, religion, fairy tales, etc symbolism Themes, works of this period include the dream play Hanneles Himmelfahrt (1894) pantomime Dieversunkene Glocke (1896) and UndPippatanzt! (1906). In 1893, Hoptman fell in love with Marguerite Mashak, the sister of composer Max Mashak. After learning about this relationship, Hoptman's wife Mary Tinaman took Hoptman to Paris to attend the premiere of Hannel Ascension, and left Hoptman for the United States with her sons. In 1904, Hoptman divorced his first wife Mary Tinaman. Two months later, she married Margaret Mashak. She had given birth to a son for Hoptman in 1900 before that. This marriage lasted until Hoptman's death. But in 1906, he had an affair with 16-year-old actress Ida Orlov.
Since 1910, Hoptman has also started writing novels, including Der Narrin Christo: Emanuel Quint (1910) and Atlantis (1912), which became Hoptman's first film adaptation in 1913, Although Hoptman is not particularly interested in adapting his works into movies, he finds that this is a good source of income.
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Hoptman won many awards. He won three awards in 1896, 1899 and 1905 Austria The literary award of Grier Palmer Prize, he won University of Leipzig and Oxford And in 1912, "I would like to commend him for his rich and diverse achievements in the field of dramatic art" [1] get The Nobel Prize in Literature

Character influence

the First World War At the beginning, French great litterateur Roman Roland He wrote to him to criticize the war, but he refused. After Hitler came to power in Germany, He did not have. Timely see through The Third Reich Of fascist Essence. As time went on, he gradually realized the essence of Hitler. However, when he recognized the trend of the historical trend, he had more than enough strength. On July 28, 1946, this Literary giant I passed away forever. But he left behind a wealth of books on German Literature and World literature Has made great contributions. It enjoys a high reputation all over the world.
His main works include "Before Sunrise", "The Bell" and so on.
In 1912, Gerhard Hoptman was awarded the title of The Nobel Prize in Literature , is the 13th winner in the history of the award. Award speech: "I would like to commend him for his rich, diverse and outstanding achievements in the field of dramatic art". At present, there are translations of his works "Selected Novels of Hopterman"《 Two Types of Hoptman's Drama 》Etc
When Hoptman started his literary creation, naturalistic literary thought was rising in Germany. He is a member of the German Naturalist Poet Group News Agency. His first play Before Sunrise is a representative work of naturalistic literature. At the end of the 19th century, Germany Workers' movement Rising, Bismarck was forced to cancel the "Anti Social Democratic Party" Human law ”The Social Democratic Party won the election again. proletariat The growth of power has an impact on the progress of bourgeois class Literature has had an impact, and Hoptman, driven by this huge political trend, has also embarked on the road of realism. He has created a series of excellent realistic plays, such as Otter Skin, Coachman Hansel and Flame. In particular, in 1844 Silesia The play Weaver, which was created on the theme of the Weaver Uprising, has epoch-making significance. For the first time, the oppressed and exploited workers in the script hero We stepped onto the stage. The script points out to people that keeping order can only lead to the killing of the enemy. The only way to survive is to fight. Lenin attached great importance to this play, in the preparatory stage of the 1905 revolution. Lenin I personally reviewed the translation of Weaver.

Character honor

Gerhart Hauptmann
In 1896, Greer Parzel Award was issued in 1962 by Hoptman Commemorative Stamp
In 1899, Greer Parzel Prize;
In 1905, Greer Parzel Prize;
In 1909, the honorary doctorate of Leipzig University and Oxford University;
In 1911, the Royal Medal of Maximilian in Bavaria;
In 1921, the honorary doctorate of the German University in Prague;
In 1922, German Empire Eagle Medal;
In 1924, the Prussian Medal of Excellence;
In 1932, Columbia University Honorary doctorate;
Frankfurt, 1932 Goethe Award