root system

[gēn xì]
Total root of a plant
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Root is the general name of all roots of a plant. There are two types of roots, Taproot and Fibrous root system Points. Taproot system taproot Developed and obvious, it is easy to distinguish from lateral roots. The root system composed of this main root and its various levels of lateral roots is called taproot.
Most Gymnosperms and Dicotyledon Having straight roots; Such as dicotyledon cotton Dandelion , soybeans tomato , peach, etc. Monocotyledon Primary root of underdeveloped Its root system is fibrous root system. [1]
Chinese scientific name
root system
Latin name
root system
Distribution area
The range of the vertical projection plane of the crown is the range of the root system.

morphological character



When the seed germinates, it first breaks through the seed coat and grows outward, and the part that grows vertically downward is the taproot. As you are familiar with Broad bean When it germinates, the root that breaks through the seed coat and stretches out in a white strip is the root, and then it grows downward to form the main root. Similarly, it is used as vegetable Yellow bean sprouts mungbean sprout They all have a long white thing, which is also the root, and later forms the main root.

lateral root

When the main root grows to a certain length, it will produce some branches, which are collectively called lateral roots. In soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts, sometimes when the main root grows longer, there will be some lateral branches near the end of the main root, which are called lateral roots. During the growth of lateral roots, they may branch again to form new lateral roots, which are called secondary lateral roots. Of course, there can also be the third level, the fourth level... There is no research on the endless generation of new lateral roots, but as the main root, there is always only one, and there is no second level of main root, which can be said to be non main root.

Adventitious root

Indefinite root is plant growth In the process, the root grows from the stem or leaf, which does not come from the main root or lateral root. For example, after cutting a weeping willow branch and inserting it into the wet soil, a root soon grew on the stem inserted into the mud, which is called adventitious root. A narcissus head, placed in the water for a few days, densely grows a ring root at its bottom, which is also an adventitious root. Adventitious roots can produce branches, such as Weeping willow Its adventitious roots have branches, which are also called lateral roots; Adventitious roots also have unbranched ones, such as narcissus Adventitious root No branches.

Distribution characteristics

The root system of fruit trees is divided into 2~3 layers in the soil, and the upper layer Root group The angle (the angle between the main root and the lateral root) is large, with strong branching, and is easily affected by the ground surface environment condition And fertilizer and water; The root group angle of the lower layer is small, and its branching is weak, which is less affected by the surface environment and fertilizer and water conditions.
According to the distribution and growth mode of root system in soil, it can be divided into horizontal root and vertical root. The root system that grows nearly parallel to the ground is called horizontal root, and the root system that grows nearly perpendicular to the ground is called vertical root.

Root classification

root system
The total of plant roots is called root system( root system), Divided into Taproot (taproot system ) and Fibrous root system (fibrous root system)。


The root system of a plant consists of an obvious taproot ( radicle And all levels of lateral roots. gross Dicotyledon All have straight roots, such as Upland cotton (Gossypium hiasutum L. ), soybean (Glycine max( L. ) Merr. )Etc. mostly Qiao Lin , shrubs and some herb , for example cedar pomegranate Broad bean Dandelion beet , Hu radish The roots of radish and other plants are straight roots The characteristic of taproot is that the main root is obvious, and the lateral root grows from the main root, with distinct primary and secondary. From the appearance, the taproot develops vigorously Coarseness It is easily distinguished from lateral roots in terms of length. By cutting Batten etc. Vegetative reproduction The root system of a tree grown from Adventitious root Although there is no real taproot, one or two of the adventitious roots are often thick, similar in appearance to the taproot, and have the form of taproot, which is also traditionally regarded as taproot.

Fibrous root system

The fibrous roots of plants are composed of many Adventitious root (by Hypocotyl And the lower boundary produced by the root). The main root cannot be clearly distinguished from the root system (this is because radicle It is caused by stopping growth or slow growth after forming the main root for a period of time). gross Monocotyledon All are fibrous roots. as sorghum ( Sorghum vulgare Pers.)、 Cyperus rotundus ( Cyperus rotundus L .), etc. Gramineae For example, the roots of rice, wheat, various weeds, alfalfa, onion, garlic, lily, corn, narcissus, etc. are fibrous roots. The characteristics of fibrous root system are seed germination The main root degenerates very early, and clusters of whisker like roots grow from the stem base. These roots are not from the old root, but from the base of the stem. They are later generated, called adventitious roots. The number of adventitious roots is amazing, such as a mature plant Ryegrass There are 15 million roots and root branches with a total length of 644km Surface area There is a large volleyball court and 0.57 cubic meters of soil. [2]
Main root system and fibrous root system