
[hé guǒ]
A type of fruit
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Drupe is a fruit formed by a single carpel pistil and an upper ovary, and also by a syncarpal pistil or a lower ovary. The exocarp is thin, the mesocarp is fleshy, and the endocarp is hard and woody, forming a hard stone. Each stone contains one seed, such as peach, apricot, walnut, etc. Some drupes are similar to berries, called berry drupes, such as ginseng, panax notoginseng, etc. [1]
Drupe is a type of fruit, belonging to simple fruit , developed from a carpel Fleshy fruit The endocarp generally lignified and nucleated; Common in Rosaceae Rhamnaceae And other groups of plants.
Most of the "flesh" for meat consumption comes from mesocarp.
Chinese name
Foreign name

morphological character

A typical drupe with a membranous exocarp, called peel The mesocarp is fleshy flesh The endocarp consists of Stone cell It is composed of hard, called nucleus, and seeds are in the nucleus.
1. The fruit is furrowed and covered with hair or wax powder.
2. Lateral buds.
3. Both sides are flower buds, with terminal buds; The flowers are solitary, pink, and the petiole is very short; Ovary and fruit are often pubescent, extremely sparse and glabrous; The nucleus often has holes, very thin and smooth; The leaves are folded in half, elliptic and lanceolate, and the petiole has glands; Flowers bloom before leaves.
Fruit growth period
The length of fruit growth period varies with species and varieties from fertilization at flowering stage to fruit maturity
Peach: 75 days for early maturing varieties, 250 days for extra late maturing varieties
Chinese cherry : Generally, it only takes 40-50 days. European sweet cherry : 40 days for early maturing varieties, 50 days for medium maturing varieties, and 60 days for late maturing varieties
Fruit development
The development of stone fruit generally goes through three stages:
Phase I
From the expansion of ovary after anthesis to the hardening of stone, the volume and weight of fruit increase rapidly, and the stone also increases correspondingly, and the growth rate of early, middle and late maturing varieties of the same kind is roughly similar (for example, it takes 45 days for peach and 9-14 days for cherry)
Phase II
The nuclear layer begins to harden to the completion of hardening (hard core stage), which is characterized by slow or no obvious growth of fruit, and the length of time varies with varieties and varieties (such as early varieties of peach about 2-3 weeks, medium varieties 4-5 weeks, late varieties 6-7 weeks or longer)
Phase III
During the second rapid growth period, the pulp thickness increased significantly, especially in the period before harvest.

Drupe species

peach Lateral buds are solitary and terminal buds are absent. The nucleus is usually smooth or has inconspicuous holes.
Ovary and fruit are often pubescent with red or white pollen,
Often without handle or with short handle; Leaves broadly ovate or ovate, fruits hairy, without wax powder; Usually flowers before leaves.
Walnut of peach
Branchlets reddish brown, leaf apex short acuminate; The stone is smooth.
apricot Branchlets green, leaf apex long tail tip; The fruit pit has concave spots.
plum blossom Ovary and fruit are smooth and hairless, often covered with wax powder; The flower is white and often has a handle; Leaves obovate or oblanceolate; Flowers and leaves open at the same time.
Li Fruit without ditch, not covered with wax powder, branches with terminal buds; Flowers solitary or inflorescence, ovary smooth; The nucleus is smooth, with grooves, rare holes, and the leaves are oval or oblong.

Distribution range

The main economic cultivation areas of peach are in North China and East China; Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian are the provinces with the largest plum production, mainly cultivating Chinese plum and its variety Chennai plum, among which Yongtai County in Fujian Province is the county with the largest plum production in China. Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei and Henan are also planted in large areas. Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Jilin provinces in northern China also have large cultivation areas, and the main variety is Chinese plum; Apricot is widely distributed in China. Except for the southern coastal areas and Taiwan Province, it is found in most provinces and autonomous regions, including Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places. Its concentrated cultivation areas are in the southern northeast, north China, northwest and other provinces of the Yellow River basin; Cherries are divided into Chinese cherry and European sweet cherry Two. Chinese cherry originated in China and has been cultivated for more than 3000 years, and is widely distributed in China. It is cultivated from southern Liaoning and northern China in the north, Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan in the south, and Qinghai, Gansu and Xinjiang in the west, especially Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang.
European sweet cherry, native to western Asia and southeast Europe. Chinese sweet cherries are mainly distributed along the coast of Bohai Bay Yantai City and Dalian Suburbs are the most. Shandong Province is the province with the largest cultivation area and the largest output of sweet cherries in China. In addition to the districts and counties of Yantai City, Qingdao, Weihai, Jinan, Rizhao, Zibo, Weifang, Zaozhuang, Tai'an, Linyi and other places are also distributed. Liaoning Province is concentrated in Jinzhou District and Ganjingzi District of Dalian City. Hebei Province is mainly distributed in Shanhaiguan District, Beidaihe District and Changli County of Qinhuangdao City. In addition, more than ten provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, including Beijing, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hubei, Jiangxi and Sichuan, have also introduced and cultivated varieties.

Growth environment



Stone fruit trees all need a certain low temperature in winter to pass through dormancy normally, but different species or different varieties of the same species require different hours of low temperature.
Peach needs low temperature hours below 7.2 ℃, and the range is 50-1250h. The varieties below 400h are short low temperature varieties. These varieties can be cultivated in the south (or facilities), but most varieties need low temperature above 750h. During the winter dormancy period, in case of high temperature, some flower buds will not differentiate well, and the next spring will sprout due to the inability to normally release the dormancy. The flowering will be significantly delayed or irregular, and even the flower buds will wither and fall off halfway (for example, Baifeng and Yulu Peach are cultivated in Guangzhou).
The southern peach can tolerate high temperature and humid climate conditions, and the introduction of northern peach has a good performance; Peaches in the north prefer cold, cool and dry climate conditions. Plum with poor performance introduced into the south is suitable for the annual average temperature of 15~22.5 ℃, flowering period - 8 ℃, and young fruit period - 4 ℃ will cause damage.


Although different tree species and species have different requirements for light, stone fruit trees are photophilous.
Peach is sensitive to light. If the light is insufficient, the branches and leaves will grow excessively, the flower bud differentiation will be less, and the quality will be poor. The flower and fruit fall will be serious, the small branches in the chamber will die, and the fruit bearing part will move upward; On the contrary, if the direct sunlight is too strong in summer, the branches of peach trees are prone to sunburn, and the tree vigor and yield are also affected.
Compared with peaches, Li is not so strict with light requirements, especially Chinese Li is more tolerant of shade.
Among cherries, European sweet cherries like sunshine the most (2600-2800h annual sunshine hours are required), European sour cherries take the second place, and Chinese cherry It is relatively resistant to Yin.
Apricot blossom period is "not afraid of sudden cold and slow Yin".

water content

Peaches are drought resistant and waterlogging resistant, and generally suitable for cultivation in sandy loam with loose soil and good drainage. Among them, northern varieties and nectarines are mostly suitable for dry areas in summer, such as too much rain, and nectarines often crack and drop fruit; The southern variety groups and flat peaches are mostly suitable for cultivation in wet areas in summer.
Chinese plum is drought tolerant and wet tolerant; However, European plum and American plum have strict requirements for water, that is, higher humidity in air and soil.
Cherries also vary by type: European sweet cherry Neither drought resistance nor waterlogging resistance, but sour cherries and Chinese cherry It is suitable for cultivation in areas with annual rainfall of 600-700mm.
Apricot and peach are both drought tolerant species, and their leaf transpiration is only 1/6 of that of apple. Similarly, apricot is also extremely resistant to waterlogging.
Mei is more suitable for humid climate conditions.


Although stone fruit trees can be cultivated on clay and loam, for the best effect, most species are still suitable for sandy loam with deep soil layer, loose soil and good drainage
Peach is easy to grow and suffer from gummosis when it is cultivated on too sticky and fertile soil; Peach likes slightly acidic and neutral sandy loam soil, with poor growth below pH 4.5 and above pH 7.5, and pH 5.0-6.0 is the best
Plum has a relatively shallow distribution of absorbing roots, which is suitable for cultivation in the soil with heavy clay and rich mineral elements. The optimal pH is 6.0-6.5
Cherry often performs poorly on clay soil, and the suitable soil pH is generally 6.0-7.5
Plum is suitable for gravelly clay or gravelly loam
Apricot can grow and bear fruit on sandy soil and clay, but sandy soil is better; In addition, apricot is more adaptable to salt and alkali than apple and peach, and it grows normally under the condition of pH6.8-7.9.

Branch type

By main function (length):
1. Fruit bearing branch: long fruit branch (40~70cm)
Medium fruit branch (10~40cm)
Short fruit branch (below 10cm)
Bouquet shaped fruit branch (3-5 cm)
2. Growing branches: overgrown branches (generally more than 1m)
Developmental branch
Leafy twig
Various fruit branch types:
1. Excessive fruit branches.
2. Grow fruit branches.
3. Middle fruit branch.
4. Short fruiting branches.
5. Bouquet shaped fruit branches.
Main fruiting branch types of different species and variety groups:
Peach: southern cultivar group and Peach The main fruit bearing is long fruit branch, and the main fruit bearing is medium and short fruit branch in the northern variety group.
Plum: Chinese plums mainly bear fruit on flower bundles and short fruit branches, while European plums and American plums mainly bear fruit on medium and short fruit branches.
Apricot and plum: fruiting mainly comes from bouquet shaped fruit branches and short fruit branches; plum blossom The apical bud of the needle like fruit branch has metamorphosed into a needle, and has no ability to regenerate new branches. It will wither after one year.
Cherry: European sweet cherry They mainly bear fruit in bouquet like branches, European sour cherry and Chinese cherry Long, medium and short fruit branches can bear fruit.