Campus recruitment

External recruitment channels
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Campus recruitment is a special External recruitment Approach. It means that recruitment organizations (enterprises, etc.) directly recruit from schools at all levels Fresh graduates , also refers to recruitment organizations (enterprises, etc.) mode Recruit new graduates at all levels.
Chinese name
Campus recruitment
Foreign name
On campus recruiting/recruitment (OCR)
Human Resources Management
colleges and universities Recruitment activities held by

Basic knowledge


Common carrier

Campus recruitment includes universities Secondary professional school Recruitment activities held, graduate recruitment activities held by professional recruitment agencies, talent exchange agencies or the government, and recruitment organizations (mainly large enterprises) Current term For graduate recruitment activities, enterprises entrust colleges and universities or secondary professional schools to cultivate students, invite students to practice in enterprises and select and retain them. Enterprises set up scholarships in schools, select and employ among the recipients, and recruit professional websites on campus.

School recruitment procedure

1. Investigation and analysis, Define goals school. For example, each school Professional settings , student characteristics, etc.
Campus recruitment
2. Early publicity (according to the actual choice), such as participation in and sponsorship of school activities.
3. Approaching the preparation of recruitment.
(a) Determine specific schools.
(b) Prepare promotional materials( Publicity poster , audio-visual materials, publicity equipment, etc.)
(c) Determine the specific recruitment carrier.
(d) Establish a recruitment team and clarify the division of labor.
4. Enter the school or other recruitment places.
5. Accept applications and resumes.
6. Organize and implement recruitment examination (if multiple colleges and universities have unified recruitment examination, it is better to ask professional examination service agencies to implement it)
7. According to Examination results Conduct screening and interview.
8. Hire and sign agreements according to the interview results.

key problem

How to select excellent talents; How to optimize the recruitment process and control the recruitment cost is the most important issue for employers.

Risk vigilance

Employers should pay attention to understand some policies and regulations on employment of college students, so as to avoid being unable to recruit after selection; Some college students have Step on two boats Or several ships Liability for breach of contract Students often have unrealistic estimates of their work in the society and lack accurate evaluation of their own abilities.

Outstanding features

Campus Recruitment Industry Distribution Map
As a huge talent pool, colleges and universities can be described as "a pool of talents, hidden dragons and crouching tigers". After several years of professional study, the students have a systematic professional theoretical foundation. Although they still lack rich work experience, they still have many employment advantages, such as enthusiasm; Strong learning ability; Be receptive new things There are few rules in mind; Have a vision for the future; And they are all young people, without family drag; Can devote to work wholeheartedly; More importantly, they are "fresh workers" like "white paper", Plasticity Extremely strong, easier to accept the company's management philosophy And culture. It is these characteristics of graduates that have attracted the attention of many enterprises, and campus recruitment has become an important Recruitment channels One, relative to Social recruitment It has the following distinctive features:

Time concentration

Campus recruitment usually starts in the middle of September, mainly in September November and March April of the next year. Although the state's policy on recruiting graduates Start time There are certain requirements, but they are not mandatory. After the last academic year of graduates in early September, more and more Employer Are entering the campus more and more early, through Campus Talk In the form of early involvement in campus recruitment activities. October is the busiest season for campus recruitment, and the climax will last until the end of November. Before and after the Spring Festival, the off-season of campus recruitment is ushered in. After the Spring Festival, a small climax will reappear in March and April, mainly competing for Civil service examination and graduate student examination A group of failed graduates.
The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China issued a relevant notice in 1999, stipulating that "the activities of employers to recruit graduates from colleges and universities should be arranged after November 20 every year Rest Day And holidays ". Since after January of the next year, many students will face Graduate Entrance Examination May and June are also the time for graduates to finish their papers and defend their theses. Therefore, for enterprises, recruitment activities on campus are generally carried out from the end of November to December, and in March and April after the Spring Festival. In order to avoid collisions, more and more enterprises have chosen the "curve to save the country" method“ Lecture ”, "introduction" and other forms of "sneak into" the school, and promote its campus recruitment activities as soon as possible to seize the opportunity to obtain outstanding talents.
Because the time for campus recruitment is relatively concentrated and has been mentioned again and again, the employer must formulate a medium - and long-term Human resources planning In order to avoid the loss of recruitment opportunities due to "digging wells", or the inability to arrange graduates who have been recruited in advance due to "sudden changes at the end of life". A family Multinational enterprises More than 30 new graduates recruited by Shenzhen subsidiary of notice ”, was fired on the spot. The reason given by the company at that time was that "due to the recent strategic business adjustment, some of the original reserve positions no longer exist". Although both employers and employees have reconciled after multi party coordination, the corporate image has been greatly damaged and is called "fake recruitment" in the industry.

Wide range

Due to the expansion of college enrollment and many other reasons, University graduates employment pressure Big has become an indisputable fact. In order to find an ideal job, graduates generally adopt the strategy of "comprehensively casting nets and focusing on training". Enterprises also expand their recruitment scope year by year. In the golden autumn season, students began to rush between the company presentations, and some even traveled thousands of miles across provinces to participate in job fairs. Resumes poured in from all over the country through the Internet, full of enterprise recruitment mailboxes.
If an enterprise wants to succeed in campus recruitment, it must have a full position on the comprehensive strength of its industry, region and enterprise, select and target several schools and majors across the country, so as to make the recruitment more targeted, and thus ensure that the basic quality , reduce unnecessary Resource waste

Object limitations

Compared with social personnel, fresh graduates have their own shortcomings: first, they lack work experience, and it is difficult for enterprises to determine whether they have the basic qualities required by a certain position only by their professional direction and professional achievements. Secondly, they lack clear position positioning and planning. According to the survey, 50% of college students are confused about their future development after graduation and have no goals. Ivory tower ”It is difficult to stimulate students' awareness of their own personality characteristics Occupational orientation Interpersonal communication The comprehensive understanding of the mode and other aspects has led many candidates not to know what type of work they are competent for or suitable for, let alone long-term planning for future career development. Third, contemporary college students are basically Only child , often exists conscientiousness Not strong, weak tolerance, Team awareness Poor and many other problems.
These characteristics make it necessary for enterprises to develop special campuses Recruitment strategy and written examination The interview method is also important for enterprises Promotion Mechanism and Training system Higher requirements are put forward.

Give consideration to brand

Due to the wide audience of campus recruitment, a successful campus recruitment activity means that it can not only recruit excellent talents, but also establish a good corporate image in the minds of many junior students, so as to lay a foundation for future talent competition. A considerable number of companies engaged in campus recruitment put their brand's campus communication on the same level as campus recruitment strategic role Its strategies and means are often carefully integrated, and systematic campus communication and Recruitment plan
Corporate brand Mainly including Employer brand and Product brand Two aspects: campus recruitment, as a way to display the corporate image, is equivalent to a business card of the enterprise. Through standardized recruitment process design, humanistic care for job seekers in the recruitment process personal charisma The sense of responsibility and vitality of employee representatives can make students feel corporate culture Talent concept , management level and so on, so as to establish a good employer brand image and attract talents widely. Compared with the deliberate public relations publicity, this is cheaper, and gives people a more cordial and natural feeling. Some companies even show their product brands on campus, turning candidates into consumers or customers of the company. such as Nestle At the job fair, students will be invited to taste their own brand of coffee.

Online recruitment

The network has become an indispensable tool in college students' study and life. Online recruitment Because of its wide spread, convenient and fast query information content Large, low cost and popular among college students. In all aspects of campus recruitment, enterprises release campus recruitment plans Recruitment Position At the beginning of information, the whole recruitment process can be carried out through the network, from students filling in application forms or delivering resumes online, to preliminary screening of resumes, to enterprises notifying students of the time of written examinations and interviews, and to determining employment intentions.
In order to better benefit from online campus recruitment, enterprises can, on the one hand BBS And the enterprise's own website recruitment information On the other hand, you can also use professional recruitment websites. For example, almost all graduates will log in China Talent Network So as to conduct campus recruitment, and even Campus Talk The organization and implementation, resume acceptance, screening, interview notice and other links of the "" are outsourced to these professional websites to expand publicity efforts, improve recruitment efficiency and reduce recruitment costs.
In general, campus recruitment is increasingly favored by enterprise employers for its advantages of concentration, speed, efficiency, and strong pertinence, and it is the preferred channel for recruiting young talents.

School recruitment requirements

Campus recruitment
Based on the characteristics of campus recruitment, campus recruitment puts forward these requirements for recruitment work: simple and easy to implement, and quickly form evaluation results: that is, to be able to examine the candidates Capability level , and be able to understand the future Occupational orientation
It can meet the requirements of remote evaluation and large-scale implementation of Personnel evaluation Needs.
In order to meet the demand of campus recruitment for recruitment work, many enterprises begin to use it on a large scale in recruitment Talent evaluation tool The talent evaluation tool is simple, fast, objective and comprehensive. In particular, the popular remote talent evaluation tool can realize remote evaluation, which is more convenient for enterprise recruitment. Therefore, talent evaluation tools based on the Internet or LAN are increasingly becoming indispensable tools for enterprise recruitment.

School recruitment form

Campus recruitment
This paper has recognized the characteristics of campus recruitment and analyzed the misconceptions of campus recruitment. If enterprises want to make a difference in campus recruitment, they also need to understand the forms of campus recruitment. In fact, campus recruitment is not limited to the campus once a year Job fairs In order to attract outstanding student talents, various forms of campus recruitment have been widely sought Employer Developed and summarized in the following forms:

Special recruitment

At the peak of campus recruitment every year, local governments and colleges and universities will organize some large-scale special job fairs. Enterprises from all over the country will "set up booths" at designated times and venues to provide face-to-face communication opportunities for students who come to deliver resumes, and conduct selection tests in a timely manner. This method is generally suitable for those with clear recruitment targets and few recruiters Small and medium-sized enterprises Compared with the publicity tour on campus, it can greatly save the recruitment cost and time. However, because the students who apply for jobs come from many majors in many colleges and universities, their schools and majors are not targeted, and due to geographical restrictions, the number of qualified resumes collected is not necessarily satisfactory, so for enterprises with a large demand for recruitment, The final recruitment effect may not be ideal.

Campus Publicity

campus Lecture It is a special lecture organized by the enterprise for the target university at the beginning of campus recruitment, which conveys the basic profile of the company and introduces it through the personal experience of the enterprise's senior management, the person in charge of human resources and the alumni of the school who work in the company corporate culture management idea , Publish Vacancy , recruitment conditions and recruitment processes, and guide students to fully understand the enterprise through emotional appeal and interaction. Before the propaganda meeting, the enterprise image and its products are generally publicized by publishing information on the school website, posting posters on campus and other forms to achieve certain marketing purposes. Some enterprises with strong strength even chose to travel around the country to preach. The whole campus recruitment lasted for several months, with footprints all over the major cities of the country. This kind of campus recruitment cost is certainly high, but because the school and specialty are positioned accurately, the recruitment effect is the most ideal, and the publicity of the corporate image during the whole tour is also considerable. Compared with other types of companies, network companies pay more attention to campus recruitment, and many well-known network companies will hold several sessions in various universities Campus Talk , such as: Duoyi Network tencent Netease Etc.

Internship recruitment

As a prelude to campus recruitment, the internship plan generally provides some internship positions for initially selected college students before new graduates formally apply for jobs, especially during the summer vacation before graduation. Those interns with excellent performance will be taken as the next step Formal employment Of candidates. The internship plan has at least three advantages. First, it can avoid the peak of talent competition for campus recruitment, and bring some outstanding graduates into the talent pool in advance Talent Competition Take the lead in. Secondly, through internships, enterprises can know in advance the personality characteristics, personality, values and ability performance of new graduates in actual work, which is conducive to making accurate employment decisions; For students, they can also fully understand the enterprise through internship, experience whether they like the industry in person, and make more objective and rational plans for the future career direction. Third, through a period of internship, these interns have a better understanding of the enterprise and work. Once they are formally employed, they will be able to start soon after work.
It should be said that the internship program is win-win for enterprises and graduates. Many enterprises at home and abroad are implementing it. include IBM Blue Road Internship Program, Guangdong Mobile "Leading 100" summer internship program.

management training

There are a large number of students with great leadership potential in colleges and universities. They seek elite talents from top colleges and universities through strict selection and systematic training curriculum design And targeted practical training, regularly arrange internships and training for students in school, and finally select the best ones to enter the company“ Management Trainee ”The system is very popular abroad.
World Top 500 enterprise , such as China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau GE HSBC Unilever Wait“ management training The "student" system is used to train future management talents Strategic measures To implement. South Fuji industry Co., Ltd Launched globalization Management training program( GMC )It is aimed at finding and cultivating middle and senior management talents of foreign enterprises with an international vision, so as to break through the bottleneck of "talent localization" encountered by foreign enterprises in their investment in China. Recruitment has "good basic quality Students who can take the initiative to learn, change and grow will participate in free training. GMC management trainees will have a chance to Obtained from the member group of the company Senior managers Position. Again, Bayer And Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Sign Senior Talent reserve Program agreement, sponsor two MBA Students have completed Peking University and France College of Economics and Business Double degree Courses, and customized detailed domestic and foreign courses for two students training plan , in advance Bayer Group And business operation, laying a good foundation for long-term development in the Group in the future.

Development Club

In order to keep in touch with colleges and universities all year round, some companies have established clubs on campus and organized some activities irregularly. During the event, the middle and senior management of the company and alumni School organization Special lecture To promote mutual communication with students through activities such as outings and dinners organized within the club. Help junior students to better understand the enterprise and establish it on campus Employer brand To prepare for future campus recruitment. such as Deloitte The company has launched a series of programs for accounting, financial management and legal profession "Deloitte Club", P&G company In various Well known universities "P&G Student Career Development Club", etc.

Expand summer camp

Some enterprises are not suitable for a large number of students to practice in enterprises due to geographical restrictions, but they hope to attract excellent students University graduates Summer camp or visit plan is a good choice. adopt Organizational objectives College students and students of specific majors visit the city where the enterprise is located, and enter into activities such as enterprise and employee discussion to display Corporate brand And deliver the corporate culture. Some enterprises also require students to write reports after returning to school to help them carry out publicity in the school and promote future campus recruitment activities. Enterprises that have done well in this regard include Samsung China China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group as well as Tarim Oil companies, etc.

Draft contest

As a form of campus recruitment that has emerged quietly in recent years, "talent contest", Development trend But it is unstoppable. Enterprises organize some Vocational skills Or a business competition, which simulates the operation of actual business projects and attracts a large number of students to sign up for participation, so that the best talents can stand out in the competition. In addition to receiving generous prizes, the winners have more opportunities to win internships or formal employment opportunities. Such campus competitions include Microsoft company Of“ Recommended employment Star Competition " Baidu Corporate“ Baidu Star Programming Competition ”、 Google "China Programming Challenge", "SMS Creativity Competition" launched by Philips, among which the most famous is Loreal The "online business strategy contest"“ Campus market Planning Competition and Industrial Competition.
In addition to the above listed forms of campus recruitment, many enterprises have also set up enterprise scholarships in colleges and universities, and some enterprises have cooperated closely with colleges and universities to carry out "customized" talent training plans in advance in schools, which will be opened according to the needs of enterprises Professional counterparts Students will also have a certain amount of time to practice in the enterprise. Hisense Group China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group has had relatively mature experience in this field.
Campus recruitment is just like a rising sun, which is in the ascendant. Whether enterprises should conduct campus recruitment or not, and what form of campus recruitment should be adopted, are closely related to the industry, enterprise type, development stage, post setting requirements and corporate culture they are engaged in. Only when they have a clear and clear positioning, can enterprises seize the opportunity in the talent competition of campus recruitment.

School recruitment preparation

Publicity before propaganda
Good publicity is more than half of the success of school recruitment! After the time and place of the presentation are determined, the regular Publicity means Posters are posted on campus (including other schools nearby); Contact the employment office of the school and publish recruitment information on the school website; Post on the school BBS and arrange people to post every day; Publish information on professional websites; Banners and large ink-jet backgrounds can be hung near the lecture room and at the scene. In consideration of keeping pace with the times, it can also be opened for recruitment micro-blog Make campus recruitment web pages, set up independent mailboxes to collect resumes, etc.
There are several details that need special attention. First, it is better to recruit one or two campus ambassadors in the school to assist in the above work. They can make posters, top posts, etc job content More practical, especially the BBS of some schools is only open to students of the school; Second, publicity should be certain Lead time At the same time, considering that the posters may be covered or torn, the second and third round of repeated posting shall be arranged; If you go to more than one city, you'd better arrange an interface person in each city. The tasks of the contact person include inspecting the lecture site and interview site in advance, confirming with the school whether it is possible to hang banners and inkjet backgrounds, whether there is electronic education equipment, and whether it is necessary to borrow cars for the working group, print materials, etc Resource coordination Matters.
Courseware and material preparation
First of all, the propaganda process needs a carefully crafted PPT, which should include the main messages that the enterprise wants to convey Information point , such as the basic information of the enterprise, the needs of this recruitment, the recruitment process, etc. The on-site performance of the speakers is very important, but it should be carried out under a framework, so as to avoid the information distortion caused by the omission of important information points and voice transmission, especially in the case of multiple locations.
Next is a wonderful Enterprise promotional video It is better for enterprises with conditions to make a promotional video for campus recruitment. It can be played to the students who come first before the formal start of the lecture, or it can be designed as the first link of the formal start of the lecture. Its content and PPT complement each other, and important information can be different Expressive technique Repetition, so that the students present can deepen their impression.
The third is the materials needed for on-site layout and early publicity, such as posters (posted outdoors), foldouts (distributed on site) Roll Screen (On site display), banners (outdoor publicity), background painting (venue layout) employee's card (worn by staff), etc. Usually in enterprises, HR The department can report to the market department (or Publicity Department )The marketing department (or publicity department) is responsible for making the demand.
Finally, the written interview questions.
As for how to make promotional films and materials, it is recommended that they be handed over to professional companies. HR department and marketing (publicity) department should strengthen information communication to ensure that the recruitment intention is consistent with the selection of existing materials of the enterprise.
The necessary courseware for a complete lecture includes:《 Company Profile 》, Recruitment Brochure, Campus Recruitment Implementation Manual, Q&A (Standard Version), Curriculum Vitae Deletion Criteria, Structured Interview Question Bank, Structured Interview Scoring Rules, Pen Test Question (Subjective Part) Scoring Principles, Unleaded Group Discussion (Group) Question Bank, and Unleaded Group Discussion Scoring Rules. Among them, the internal control standards for material selection are generally reflected in the Criteria for Curriculum Vitae Deletion and Selection and the Rules for Structured Interview Scoring.
Due to the differences in recruitment direction and recruitment mode of each enterprise, the design of its publicity means, publicity and testing links must also be very different. What we are saying here is probably a slip of the tongue. We mainly emphasize consistency: consistency of recruitment demand and recruitment link design, staff caliber and Judgment criteria Consistency of.
The largest Risk point It means "the door is deserted". Therefore, on the eve of the briefing, the resumes delivered online should be sorted out and some of them should be notified Enterprise demand Students came to attend the lecture. If not many resumes are received, it is recommended to skip screening resumes and notify all students who have delivered resumes. At the same time, good hands should be prepared to go to the teaching building, canteen and other places where people are concentrated one hour before the start of the lecture Single page To increase the popularity of the site.
Reviewing the previous work - when determining the venue for the lecture with the school, we must correctly measure the influence of the enterprise, the recruitment period, the number of unemployed people in the school and other factors, and we should not blindly pursue the style of the classroom. I would rather choose a classroom full of 150 people with 100 people than 200 people with 300 people. The aura has a great impact on the interview and signing process in the later stage.
The second major risk point of the lecture is the temporary adjustment of the lecture room, including Time adjustment And location adjustment. The key to solving this problem is flexibility. There is no fixed solution.

Recruitment process

Preliminary contact preparation stage of recruitment
Campus Recruitment Flow Chart
A lot of pre work needs to be done in the early stage of contact preparation. The employment directors of various colleges and universities have been properly contacted, and the general recruitment time and place have been arranged through consultation, and even the more appropriate hotels have been consulted. To pave the way for smooth recruitment. The preparation of recruitment materials also needs to be sufficient, and relevant materials should be reasonably arranged for personnel to carry them.
Precautions at this stage:
1、 Select School We should learn more about the students' Employment Intention And the status of postgraduate entrance examination. At the same time, we also pay attention to the recruitment website of the school to understand the competition of the school recruitment faced by enterprises in the school.
2. Make corresponding Publicity poster And brochures (e.g Junior college Use, one kind Undergraduate institutions With).
3. Participation required On site recruitment The enterprise should contact the employment director of the school 5-7 days before arriving at each school. On the one hand, introduce yourself to the other party and confirm the time and place of registration and recruitment again; on the other hand, ask the other party to help focus on the promotion of your enterprise in these 5-7 days to help improve Publicity effect At the same time, confirm the students' Employment Agreement Whether it has been issued.
4. Photos and descriptions of some college students in the internship training stage of the enterprise in previous years can be properly included in the publicity materials to improve students' interest in joining and trust in the enterprise. At the same time, it also answers the students' curiosity and doubts about the internship training period to a certain extent.
It is normal to arrive at the location of the next school one day in advance to report for work. After the first time to stay in a convenient hotel, the routine work to be done is as follows:
1. Contact the teacher in charge of employment in this school immediately, tell him which company, how many people, and which hotel he is staying in, and ask him to know.
2. It is a special recruitment school that invites the other party to update the enterprise's recruitment information (For example, top the recruitment information on the school's employment website, and then inform the students of the required majors of the job fair information again)
3. On the day of arrival, go to the school to make preparations for recruitment the next day. Contact the teacher to arrange someone to take it to the classroom meeting place; Prepare recruitment banners and posters for hanging and posting in the eye-catching position of the classroom venue; The professional needs and positions that need to be recruited in the school will be issued with self made small announcements, which will be posted in the student dormitory, canteen and other eye-catching locations, indicating the time and place of the job fair; Inform the employment teachers or students who assist in the recruitment arrangement, and ask them to help arrange the interview and written examination places in advance, copy the examination papers, prepare the seal of the school party of the employment agreement and other cooperation work.
Recruitment promotion stage
The presenter should be very familiar with the enterprise, express fluently and use rich words. In my opinion, the following points should be noted:
1. At the entrance and preparation stage before the lecture, students should be given brochures and played Enterprise promotional video And circulation Enterprise internal journal At the same time, you can learn about the professional information of the students.
2. Speak confidently and naturally. Be familiar with PPT materials and videos. In the course of the speech, the enterprise should be able to be extended. (For example, in the introduction of the company, the rapid development of the enterprise and the synchronous expansion of the growth space of employees should be highlighted; in the introduction of products, the strong market competitiveness and broad development should be described; in the introduction of college students' treatment, the company's insurance purchase, salary development, personal growth space and life should be described in detail Working conditions So as to reduce the waste of time in follow-up questions; The arrangement of college students' registration training practice should be illustrated with vivid words and emphasize the gains they can get, so as to enhance students' interest.)
3. Students' questions should be answered immediately after the lecture. You must be fully prepared for all kinds of questions. As you are answering to the public, you should pay special attention to euphemism and skills, and answer fluently and naturally, always with a smile. To improve and develop students' interest and confidence in enterprises.
4. After the presentation and question answering, do not leave the meeting directly, but enter the interview stage or written examination stage immediately. (Generally speaking, it is better to have an interview) so as to maximize the results of recruitment when students are most interested.
5. During the lecture, if possible, the employment teachers of the school can be invited to attend the lecture together, and teachers can be invited to comment in advance after the lecture, which can effectively enhance the recognition and trust of students.
6. At the end of the presentation, the students should be informed of the process of the recruitment: the arrangement of interview and written examination, the place and time of signing the contract, and remind them to prepare the individual employment agreement in advance (especially the seal and personal information should be filled in first).
Interview and written examination stage
The selection and arrangement of interview and written examination generally depends on several factors: 1. Whether the time arrangement is sufficient; 2. The number of candidates and professional conditions after the lecture; 3. The job requirements allocated in the school; 4 Competitive environment Under normal circumstances, interview is necessary, and written examination is optional. When determining the employment of students, the interview should be the main situation, supplemented by the written examination. (For some positions, attention should be paid to the answers to relevant questions in the written examination, such as English for foreign trade)
The interview should be efficient and targeted, because there are often many candidates, so pay attention to balance during the interview. The following judgment information is required for normal interview:
1. Family situation: household registration, family members, family work, etc. (Students' growth environment, character formation, independence, character status, etc. can be understood)
2. Transcript: Specialized courses And the scores of supplementary courses. (Attention should be paid to different course scores for different job demands. The quality of scores is important, but not absolute)
3. School and social practice. (Understand the students' Initiative , personality, independence and personality ability)
4. Interests and hobbies. (For students applying for sales, please pay attention to the details of this section)
5. Job position and intended area (this is one of the basic benchmarks for employment, source and demand units and positions with comprehensive consideration of indicators)
6. Other quality testing problems. (If yes work efficiency Views, personal Career The potential stability Psychological endurance Compressibility Etc.)
7. Understand the information of enterprises or positions that students are concerned about. (Answers to individuals during the interview are better than those proposed in public when signing the contract)
8. After the interview, each student should mark the impression score of the interview on his or her resume (which can be A+, A -, B, C, etc.) as the final selection for employment Reference Standards
After the interview, the qualified students will be selected according to the job demand and impression, and will be notified to take the written examination. (Generally, the place and time of the written examination of the next day will be notified in the evening of the interview, and can be selected when there are enough candidates Proposed employment 1.5 to 2 times the number of people will be screened in the second round of written examination)
Generally, the interview score is the main point of employment. Under the condition of the same interview impression score, the candidates with excellent written examination are selected for employment. The written examination needs to be correct Question and answer Please pay attention to the answer of. (in order to understand students' actual views on the enterprise and their personal understanding of the position)
Notification of employment and Signing stage
Through comprehensive screening of interview and written examination, the recruited colleagues jointly confirm the employment list and immediately notify the students by phone to sign the contract. Pay attention to the following points during this process:
1. The notice shall be given in proper, polite and formal language.
2. If some students still have questions to ask after receiving the notice, they should also answer them politely and patiently to enhance their confidence.
3. If any student is unable to arrive in time to sign the contract due to temporary affairs, he/she should inform the address of the hotel or the next station where he/she can come to sign the contract, and set the time.
4. For those students who are not admitted but still have a strong desire to come to the company, pay attention to reviewing the written interview materials again, and at the same time, see whether there is still a vacancy in the position before deciding whether to give them a chance.
Matters needing attention in signing a contract
1. Whether the student's employment agreement has been sealed (the school's seal is more important than the hospital's seal)
2. Whether the contents of the employment agreement are completed. (Attention below contact information , personal intention column, remarks column, etc., students are required to fill in more alternative contact information)
3. If there are many contractors, the recruiter cannot fill in one by one in time Enterprise information , students can be instructed to fill in by themselves. Pay attention to the normalization of filling.
4. Yes Liquidated damages Please note that the explanation is an employment guarantee for both parties, which is a clause that every enterprise needs to sign a contract, so that students do not have too much ideological burden.
5. If the recruitment quota of the school is not full, it should be timely adjusted to the next few schools to supplement recruitment or contact colleagues from other groups to recruit on behalf.
6. After signing the contract, each student who has signed the contract shall be given a business card, and students are required to notify the company in time if they change their phone number in the near future to ensure that the contact will not be interrupted. At the same time, it can be informed in advance that the normal internship notice is years ago, and the time of registration is subject to the notice. The general location is the larger base of the enterprise or the branch with better hardware conditions.
Data retention and continuous communication
After signing the contract, each school should immediately enter the student information into the summary table. Attention should be paid to the following points when retaining data and entering information:
1. The resumes of non employable students shall be destroyed in time. (Burn it if you can, tear it up completely if you can, do not discard the resume at will, and be responsible for the student's personal information)
2. Students' interview resumes, written examination papers and employment agreements should be bound completely. Sealed and kept by the school. The information of students who have good intentions but have not signed a contract should be kept, and can be signed at any time during the whole recruitment process.
3. When the information of employed students is sent to the electronic file, be sure to clearly enter the contact information, intended area and intended position, and review them several times. Especially the contact information, it is better to enter the standby phone number or E-mail
4. For students to be signed or agreements to be mailed, the notes must be noted when entering information for follow-up.
After the recruitment of each school is completed, the recruitment teams must communicate with each other in a timely manner. The following points should be noted:
(1) The recruitment status and task completion of the day, and the lack of positions requiring assistance, etc. are clearly expressed.
(2) In case of any doubt or difficulty, it is suggested that the staff should solve it to avoid affecting the follow-up recruitment effect.
(3) Whether it's internal email, SMS QQ group Voice group, pay attention to check, report and communicate once a day to ensure unity Coordination
(4) If there is any problem with the internal mailbox, it should be solved by the technician in a timely manner.
Close out after recruitment
We should express our gratitude to the teachers and volunteer students who helped us, express our appreciation for our work, and express our expectation for the next cooperation. At the same time, pay attention to the follow-up of students who have not completed the contract.


Different enterprises have different views on campus recruitment. Although campus recruitment has many advantages, not every enterprise is suitable for campus recruitment. Blind enthusiasm or categorical rejection of campus recruitment are not cool enough. There are many misunderstandings about campus recruitment or problems in enterprise management. The specific misunderstandings are as follows:

Lack of experience

Campus recruitment
Many enterprises have such a misconception that college students without work experience are not enough to undertake the post work, which is not easy to use. But how to define "difficult to use"? Imagine that both employees A and B are skilled in their own positions, but if they are transferred, they may not do anything. So the key to the "good use" of college students depends on where and how enterprises put them. image IBM HP Microsoft Such enterprises have a good effect on campus recruitment because they can fully grasp and make use of the characteristics of college students and are good at setting posts suitable for them. If the enterprise Value chain As the basis for setting the levels and categories of internal jobs Job evaluation To determine the knowledge and skills needed to be competent for this position, to determine the positions suitable for new college students, and to put the right people in the right positions, it will naturally be "easy to use". For example, some primary sales work and offices Clerk Some auxiliary jobs in work and research and development are more suitable for newly graduated college students. On the one hand, they can start at the grass-roots level and gradually exercise their abilities. On the other hand, they can save some money Labor cost

Easy to betray

Some enterprises choose to be recruited on campus“ insulator ”Because they think that graduates Liquidity Gao, afraid of becoming a "training base" for employees and wasting Training costs However, in the face of "betrayal" again and again, enterprises may try to think calmly from a different point of view: Fresh graduates How many reasons are there for the frequent flow of enterprises because they are impetuous and ambitious, and how many reasons are there because the enterprise's own management is not standardized, the growth space is not large enough, and the enterprise atmosphere is not human. In fact, fresh graduates are not in any enterprise Loss rate They are very high, such as P&G , GE, Microsoft and other well-known companies have complete internal Promotion Mechanism Talent development Mechanism, etc. They recruit a large number of Freshmen , even the whole recruitment is mainly to recruit new students, and most of these new students are relieved of their jobs and gradually grow into the pillars of the enterprise.
In contemporary times labour market In China, if the enterprise does not have a good talent growth environment, not only new graduates, but also a large number of people with years of work experience will inevitably lose. Therefore, in the face of "betrayal", enterprises should find reasons on their own, and design more competitive promotion and development mechanisms and Compensation and benefits System, strive to build a people-oriented Organizational atmosphere , solve from the source Brain drain Question.

Other issues

Many small and medium-sized enterprises believe that "campus recruitment is the business of large enterprises, we want experienced talents, who can start work immediately without training, and can make achievements soon rationality But when the enterprise enters a period of rapid growth and stability Development stage Later, the demand for employees shifted from experienced talents to talents who pursue innovation, learning and change, Fresh graduates Because of its "extremely strong Plasticity ”And the "pioneering spirit" coincides with the "common growth" that the enterprise hopes. At this time, campus recruitment can introduce "fresh blood", maintain the vitality of the organization, and at the same time, expand the popularity of the enterprise and increase the development opportunities of the enterprise.
Of course, because the training mechanism of SMEs is often not perfect Compensation and benefits Not competitive Brand awareness It is difficult to know because it is not high enough Famous enterprises Therefore, in campus recruitment, in addition to emphasizing the good development prospects of enterprises and the huge growth space of employees Differentiation advantages In addition, more efforts should be made in the form and timing of recruitment to avoid "collision" with large enterprises.
Because campus recruitment activities have recruitment and Enterprise brand marketing Therefore, some enterprises take advantage of the opportunity of "killing two birds with one stone" and spend a lot of money and energy to publicize their enterprises, so that students can feel that enterprises are just advertising in the name of recruitment, which is a "show".
To this end, Ministry of Personnel It is also clearly stipulated that enterprises are strictly prohibited from "recruiting without hiring". Therefore, how to give consideration to both recruitment and marketing in recruitment and control the "degree" is another key to do a good job in campus recruitment. Otherwise, I am afraid that enterprises will be branded as "super cheats" and do the opposite.

Related reports

In order to promote the employment of 2022 college graduates, the Ministry of Education will launch on November 20“ Campus Recruitment Month for 2022 College Graduates ”A series of activities. The "Campus Recruitment Month", with the theme of "serving the people, doing practical things, enhancing cohesion and promoting employment", will continue to launch a series of special job fairs, supply and demand docking conferences, employment education theme education and other three series of activities nationwide within a month, to promote the 2022 college graduates to more fully and high-quality employment. [1]