
[shù yè]
Photosynthetic part of tree
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Leaves are carried out by trees photosynthesis Part of. leaf It can have different shapes, sizes, colors and textures. Leaves can be clustered or scattered everywhere. The edges of the leaves can be smooth or serrated. A complete leaf includes the following three parts: the leaf is flat, Cross growth , which is conducive to receiving more sunlight; petiole - Support the leaf and connect the leaf with the stem; Stipules - protect young leaves. (Some plants have no stipules, and some plants have stipules that fall off very early.).
Chinese name
shù yè
blade , petiole Stipule
Oval, sector, etc
English translation
Tree leaf
Part of speech


The veins of different thickness on the leaf are called leaf veins. There are two types of leaf veins:
Reticulate vein - Leaf veins interlace to form a network. majority Dicotyledon The leaf chrysanthemum has reticulate veins.
Parallel vein - Leaf veins are not staggered and are generally parallel. majority Monocotyledon Yeju has parallel veins.


According to the number of leaves on the petiole, leaves can be divided into two types:
simple leaf - There is only one blade on each petiole.
Compound leaf - There are many leaflets on each petiole.

Leaf morphology

It is oval in shape, the widest in the middle, and round in tip and base, such as camphor tree Rubber tree sweet-scented osmanthus tea plant , black jujube Primrose Leaves of.
It is shaped like a heart, with a wide round and slightly concave base and a gradually pointed tip, such as Sweet potato Morning Glory Bauhinia , hemp leaves. If the heart is inverted, it is called obcordate , such as creeping oxalis The lobule of.
Palmate form
The leaves are divided into three or five parts, forming deep notches, full shaped like palms, such as cotton Castor bean Grape Maple Chinese parasol Leaves of.
Shaped like expanded Folding fan , the top is wide and round, and gradually narrows toward the base, such as the leaves of ginkgo biloba.
The leaves form an equilateral square, such as a diamond Chinese tallow tree Leaves of.
Also called spear peak shape, Leaf base It is wide, with a sharp tip, and its length is about 3-4 times the width. For example, if the leaves of peach, willow, and bamboo are lanceolate, they are called inverted Needle shape , such as Berberis Leaves of.
In the form of Chicken egg The lower part is round and wide, and the upper part is slightly narrow, such as the leaves of mulberry, sunflower, etc. If it is oval inverted, it is called inverted oval, such as yulan The leaflets of peanuts.
It is shaped like a disk, and its length and width are nearly equal, such as, garden nasturtium Leaves of.
Needle shape
The blade is as slender as a needle, such as Chinese pine Masson pine white bark pine , cactus leaves.
scalelike shape
It is shaped like a scale, like the leaves of Platycladus orientalis.
Spoon shape
It is shaped like a spoon, with a round tip and tapering toward the base, such as cabbage Plantain Leaves.
basal Wide and flat, the three sides are nearly equal, such as buckwheat Leaves of.

Functions of leaves



Photosynthetic process
Leaves are carried out by plants photosynthesis The main organ that produces nutrients. By absorption carbon dioxide , release oxygen (release place: air hole), provide food, cover Windshield Rain. Photosynthesis of leaves is through chloroplast To complete.


Leaves are carried out by plants Respiration The main place of.

Application of leaves



  1. one
    Mulberry leaves : Patient conjunctiva Or windward lacrimation, fresh mulberry leaves 10-20 tablets, rinse with boiling water, wash eyes after cooling, three times a day, and take effect several days. Mulberry leaves 10-15g, boiled in water, can cure sore throat. 12 grams of mulberry leaves, grams of almonds, two pears, decoction, one dose a day, to treat dry heat and cough.
  2. two
    Peach leaves : Smash fresh peach leaves for external application to treat tinea pedis. Mash fresh peach leaves, stew them and apply them to the affected part to cure Lymphadenitis
  3. three
    Persimmon Leaves: 3g persimmon leaves, a little peanut coat, crushed, served with warm water, curable Thrombocytopenic purpura
  4. four
    Droop Willow leaf : Pick 5-10 pieces of fresh willow leaves, a piece of rock sugar, and brew with boiling water. When drinking tea regularly, it can control hypertension without side effects, but avoid spicy and greasy food.
  5. five
    Nerium oleander Leaf: women's trichomoniasis, use 5-10 pieces of oleander leaves, decoct water to fumigate and wash the pubic part, three times a day, with remarkable effect.
  6. six
    Fig leaf : 5 pieces of fig leaves. After frying, soak your feet for 15 minutes each time, twice a day. It can cure children's vomiting and diarrhea caused by unclean diet for several days.
  7. seven
    Tea Tea contains a lot of nutrients. People who often drink tea will look moist and beautiful. Adding two tablespoons of black tea and brown sugar each to water tea contains a lot of nutrients. People who often drink tea will look moist and beautiful. Boil two tablespoons each of red tea and brown sugar in water, add flour, mix well and apply to the face. After 15 minutes, wipe the face with a wet towel. Apply it once a day to moisturize and whiten your face after one month.
  8. eight
    Wormwood, calamus, wild chrysanthemum, hemp willow leaves, eucalyptus leaves, nine section maple, live hemp, wild mint, mulberry leaves can all be used as medicine.

For disinfection

Eucalyptus leaves Disinfectant
Japan Okayama University Professor Bintian Boxi and researcher Fu Liangde found through experiments that, eucalyptus Cultured cells of leaves can effectively eliminate harmful chemicals material Bisphenol A Toxicity of.
Bisphenol A is a compound commonly used in plastics and Paint manufacturing On the other hand, this substance may reduce the number of animals' sperm, so it is listed in Japan“ Environmental hormone ”--Disturbance endocrine system List of functional chemicals.
According to Professor Hamada told the media, they processed Granular The cultured cells of eucalyptus leaves were put into BPA solution with a concentration of 1 PPM (one millionth). Three days later, the toxicity of BPA disappeared and became harmless.
According to the cooperative research with two scientists Ecological technology Akita Qingxiong, the manager of the company, introduced that this function of eucalyptus leaves can be realized through transgenic technology It has been further strengthened, and the company is committed to further developing and improving this technology, finally reaching the practical stage, and manufacturing practical Environmental protection products

Health care

We found that the leaves of Chinese prickly ash and persimmon have the effect of lowering blood pressure.
Approved by a comprehensive research institute in Japan Animal experiment Found, Chinese prickly ash Laurel And persimmon leaves have the effect of dilating blood vessels, but so far no specific substances have been found to play this role.
It is reported that this scientific research institution 130 kinds of vegetables were used for experiments. It was found that Chinese prickly ash, laurel, persimmon leaves, okra, tea, etc. had the effect of dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure, which was more effective than common vasodilators Papaverine Slightly lower. The experimental results also show that these plants can expand blood vessels and reduce blood pressure indirectly, that is, first of all endothelial cells And then produced by endothelial cells nitric oxide send smooth muscle Relax to reduce blood pressure. It is reported that the future plan of this research institute is to further search for specific substances to play this role in reducing blood pressure in these plants.

Agricultural use

The leaves of some trees can be used as pesticides. For example, Ginkgo leaf Benzene oxalate It can be treated by mashing, dipping and spraying aphid Pieris rapae Moth , insect cicada, etc pest It can be effectively prevented and controlled by applying dried and ground ginkgo leaves into the soil Grub Geotiger Golden needle worm Etc. peach Trees Platycladus orientalis Elm The leaves of No harm The advantages of natural enemies of pests and no environmental pollution.


leaf The prospect of making drinks is also good. Wild jujube Leaf tea processed from leaves can promote diuresis Cholic acid Synthesis and anti-inflammatory effect. Hawthorn Leaves can be made into hawthorn ketone Fruit juice beverage Besides, persimmon leaf , Liu leaf Platycladus orientalis leaves bamboo leaf It can be used as a substitute for tea.

The magic of raising pigs


Feed pigs

It is well known that leaves are rich in Vegetable protein And pigs Growth and development The variety required Nutrient elements It's for pigs Good fodder However, leaves fed to pigs can not only promote growth but also be used as medicine Swine disease For example, the fresh willow leaves are bitter, cold and non-toxic, while the tender leaves are bitter, cold and non-toxic, with the functions of clearing heat and rashes, diuresis and detoxification; Peach leaves It has diuretic effect; Mulberry leaves have Clearing away heat and promoting fluid production Cool Blood and Brighten Eyes The efficacy of; Pine leaves, also known as Pine needle have Warming Meridians and Activating Blood Circulation Expelling wind and dampness It can cure rheumatism Pain; Iron leaves can clear away heat, stop bleeding and dissipate blood stasis; Hawthorn leaf It can reduce blood cholesterol , bacteriostasis, etc; Chinese parasol leaves are clear Liver fire The function of lowering blood pressure; Loquat leaf It can clear the lung and stomach, and lower qi reduce phlegm Ficus leaf It can promote blood circulation, dissipate blood stasis, diminish swelling and pain, clear heat and remove dampness; Lycium barbarum leaves It has the effect of clearing away heat and thirst, tonifying deficiency and benefiting essence; Chinese parasol leaves can Dispel wind and dehumidify Platycladus orientalis leaves have Cooling blood to stop bleeding , expectorant and antitussive, used to treat various internal and external bleeding, such as hematemesis hemoptysis , traumatic hemorrhage and chronic bronchitis; Persimmon leaves can lower blood pressure, Clearing away heat and stopping bleeding

Cure swine disease

There are many proven prescriptions for curing pig disease with leaves. Here are some examples
  • Treatment of sow infertility : Fang 1. If the sow is too fat, 1500 grams of peach leaves can be used for frying, and it can be fed twice. Formula 2: 160~190g fresh peach leaves, 2500~5000g mashed plus distiller's grains, mixed with feed for 1~2 times. Applicable to infertility caused by improper feeding.
  • Treatment of sow mastitis : 250g of willow leaves and 250g of Baiqian (fresh), 100g of clematis, fried, and led by yellow rice wine.
  • Cure swine stomatitis : A proper amount of fresh mulberry tree juice (cut the mulberry bark and exude the tree juice) is applied to the affected part several times a day. After smearing the juice, sprinkle some finely ground ash on the bottom of the pot for better effect.
  • Treatment of pig scabies : 500g fresh peach leaves shall be mashed and mixed with 250g kerosene to evenly smear the affected part once or twice a day for 2-3 consecutive days. It usually takes 2-3 days to take effect.
  • Treating pig body lice : Square 1, mash fresh peach leaves and wipe pigs several times. Square 2, fry thick juice in three portions of poplar bark and peach bark, add one portion of kerosene, and rub the affected part.
  • Treatment of pig urinary disease : 40g willow leaves, 75g purslane, 75g loofah, a total of appropriate amount of decoction, once orally. Treat urinary tract inflammation.
  • Treating cystitis of pigs : 65g weeping willow leaf, 20g sunflower stem core, 60g plantain and 60g flat storage, 250ml decoction, once for big pigs. Cure astringent and turbid urine and unsmooth dripping.
  • Treating porcine nephritis : 15g mulberry leaves and 15g almonds, Chrysanthemum 20 g, Radix Isatidis 35g, a total of fine powder, mixed with a proper amount of boiled water, boiled once orally. Treatment of acute nephritis: mild edema, cough and fever in the early stage of urine astringency.
  • Treating swine eczema : A proper amount of fresh grain leaves, mashed and coated. Treatment of pig abscess: 2 fresh weeping willow leaves, 1 garlic pumpkin stem (baked and studied) and 3 garlic are mashed together. Apply cooked lard cream to the affected part, leave drainage holes, change dressing 1~2 times a day, use a proper amount of Chinese prickly ash before application, and decoct juice to clean the pus, so as to treat the abscess that has ulcerated and has not converged for a long time.
  • Treating Cellulitis in Pigs : Square 1. Wash the affected part with appropriate amount of decoction of willow leaves, cocklebur leaves and scallions, then use 2 portions of cottonseed kernels, 3 portions of beehives (baked with research powder), and 1 portion of dried alum. Mash and mix them well. Apply appropriate amount of hot lard to the affected part, and bandage with gauze. Cure the affected part 1 to 2 times a day. For cellulitis. Square 2, fresh peach leaves purslane Appropriate amount, Dung beetle (Baked fine powder) appropriate amount, mash together, and apply it to the affected part to treat cellulitis, swelling, pain, hardness and heat.
  • Treatment of pig joint sprain : 120g fresh pine needles or lateral cypress leaves, 3~5 small frogs mashed with 65ml liquor, stewed in a sand pot, coated with the affected part, once a day for 5 days.
  • Cure pig hoof leaf inflammation : willow leaves, locust leaves, pine leaves, cypress leaves, and vinegar in the decoction. At the initial stage, cold bath is used for the affected hooves, and at the later stage, warm bath is used for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a day.
  • Sow does not have estrus : 150g fresh toon leaves, 100g fresh peach leaves, 150g green onions, 250g fresh leeks, mashed and mixed, once a day for three days.
  • Treating swine pneumonia : 40g fresh willow leaves, 100g celery, 10g ephedra, take the juice and feed it after frying.
  • Treating pig diarrhea : Take 10 pieces of fresh fig leaves, soak them in a pig food tank for 1 day, and feed them. [1]

Color change



Because anthocyanin More acidic leaves will turn red. There are "maple leaves Sapium sebiferum leaves Persimmon leaf ”Etc.


Because chlorophyll Destroyed, only xanthophyll Most of them are like this ginkgo leaf , poplar leaves, Chinese parasol leaves, etc.

Leaf allegory


Flowering and defoliating

The luxuriant branches and leaves imply the prosperity of descendants. Chinese people like to have many children and grandchildren. Wear Emerald leaves It means that the blood and spirit can be inherited forever.

Overnight fame

If the leaves are connected with Maemi Ingeniously combined, "Ye" is homonymous with "Night" and "Ming" is homonymous with "Name", which means success in a short time and brings hope and motivation to people. Similarly, leaves are combined with monkeys and bats. "Monkey" is homonymous with "Hou", which means "one night being granted Hou"; "Bat" is homonymous with "blessing", which means "a happy night".

Great achievements

In Chinese characters, "Ye" is homonymous to "Ye", which describes a successful career. In addition, "industry" is the same as "leaf" and "live and work in peace and contentment", which describes the happiness of the family and the peace of the country and the people. "Great achievements" and "living and working in peace and contentment" are good omens and moral, which are very good for business, family and life.