crown of a tree

[shù guān]
The part above the tree trunk
zero Useful+1
from Root neck To the first main branch (no Main branch The first branch) is called the trunk. The part above the trunk is called the crown. In terms of tree structure, the crown is mainly composed of backbone branches and auxiliary branches.
Chinese name
crown of a tree
Foreign name
Crown of a tree
tree The part above the tree trunk with aggregated branches and leaves
Why is it named
Because its shape is like a hat
Provide activity space under trees and create oxygen
shù guān

Basic concepts

Pronunciation: shù guān
Definition: The part above the tree with its branches and leaves, due to its shape crown , so it is called tree crown.

morphological character

The permanent branch of the crown skeleton is called backbone Branches include central trunk, main branch and lateral branch.
1. Central stem. The permanent big branch at the center of the crown extending vertically from the trunk is called the central trunk, which used to be called the central leading trunk or the central leading trunk; The central trunk of closely planted trees is smaller, similar to a large main branch, and in the central position, so some people call it the central main branch. The central trunk of the trunk shape is made upright and upward to bend and extend through trimming measures.
2. Main branch. The permanent big branch directly growing on the central trunk is called the main branch.
3. Lateral oblique branches. The permanent big branch on the main branch is called the lateral branch. [1]
stay Backbone branch and Subsidiary branch There are many branches on it, which can be divided into Vegetative branch And fruiting branches. The vegetative branches bear leaf buds, sprout new shoots, and constantly expand the crown to form fruiting branches or fruits Clade group [1]
Main trunk, trunk branch, auxiliary branch Vegetative branch , fruiting branches, which together form the tree structure.

Distribution range

The upper part of the tree.

Key values

The earth is inseparable tree , forest. Of course, the crown made of numerous branches and dense leaves is life The symbol of.
What's more, the trees are beautiful in the forest and the wind will destroy them. The huge tree crown always silently confronts the wind, frost, rain and snow, absorbs the dust and dirt, exposes the fresh air, crystal dew, and nourishes all kinds of life in the world. The tree crown is the lung of the earth, the messenger of the season. There is no autumn leaf that does not fall, and there is no spring bud that does not sprout. The tree crown is also the eternal changing star of life and thought.

Growth influencing factors

crown of a tree
Apical dominance, bud inhibition, hormone , wind and other external forces, manual pruning, growth environment Soil acidity and alkalinity Temperature difference between day and night.

Formation reason

Hormones wind Equal external force and labor trim

Crown control technology of fruit trees


Root limiting and crown controlling

The expansion of tree crown can be controlled by restricting the growth of root system Diseases and pests And continuous cropping obstacles are of great significance.
1. Container root restriction: use ordinary large flowerpot Plastic woven bag Seedlings are planted in containers such as wooden boxes (barrels) with fertile substrate and good air permeability. The container and fruit trees can be buried in the soil for cultivation. In peach, apricot, plum Cherry and Grape Most of them are used in the field, and the effect of crown control and flower promotion is obvious.
2. Ridge cultivation: suitable for fruit trees in protected land and high groundwater area cultivate When building the garden, mix the topsoil, middle soil and fully decomposed organic fertilizer (about 30% of the total volume), pile up the ridge, the height of the ridge is 40~50cm, the width is 5O~80cm, and the fruit trees are planted on the ridge. After ridging, the soil transparency increases, which is conducive to improving the soil temperature. The water, fertilizer, air and heat conditions where the roots are located are stable and appropriate. A large number of fine roots occur. The vertical distribution of roots is larger than the horizontal distribution, and the total growth volume decreases, which limits the root system The function of growth promotes the dwarfing and compactness of aboveground parts.
3. Cushion cultivation: suitable for protected cultivation. Under planting hole Tiles or other spacers (non-woven fabric, agricultural film) are padded at the bottom or side to limit the vertical and horizontal expansion of root system and control the growth of aerial parts.
4. Root pruning: long-term utilization during flowering and shoot boom Physics (Cutting vertical roots and thick roots manually or mechanically) and chemical (copper agent) methods or measures such as fertilizing and cutting roots after fruit picking in protected cultivation to prune roots and weaken trees Nutrition Growth. [2]

Chemical crown control

Utilization of plants Growth retardants (paclobutrazol, chlormequat, etc.) sprayed into leaves or soil to reduce the vegetative growth of fruit trees, promote reproductive growth, and achieve the goal of crown control. The most commonly used is paclobutrazol. [2]

Trim the crown control

The growth of tree crown is controlled by means of dwarfing closely planted trees and open center shaped trees, reducing the height of tree crown, combining with winter retraction, branch opening, summer branch pulling, top twisting and pinching, branch taking, girdling and other measures. [2]

Water limiting crown

By human drought Stress, that is, no watering before reaching the wilting point, greatly reduces the body growth and achieves the goal of crown control. Water limit and crown control can be adopted for postharvest and vigorous young trees under protected cultivation, which is suitable for stone fruit trees with strong drought resistance and no waterlogging. [2]

Control crown with fruit

Use various measures to promote flowers and fruits to make fruit trees earlier result , Li reproductive growth Control of vegetative growth; More fruits should be added to the fruiting trees and branches, so as to control the trees with fruits. The crown control technology of fruit trees is Organic entirety In practical application, multiple measures should be taken to achieve the goal of crown control; In the process of crown control, we should follow the principle of gradual progress and stop where we can, so as to achieve vegetative growth and reproductive growth balance Do not go to extremes to avoid unnecessary losses. [2]
crown of a tree