
[biāo shí]
Chinese vocabulary
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Logo (pronounced bi  osh í or bi  ozh ì) is a Chinese word with the same meaning“ sign ”。 It was first seen in Ji Kang's Theory of Sound without Sorrow and Joy, Wei of the Three Kingdoms Period.
A mark or thing that originally indicates a characteristic; Good extension means to indicate a certain features [1]
Chinese name
biāoshí [1]
Phonetic transcription
ㄅㄧㄠ ㄕˊ
Identification of signs; Identification mark
On Sound without Sorrow and Music


① Identification of signs.
② A mark used for identification. [1]


Three Kingdoms · Wei· Ji Kang Theory of sound without sorrow and music 》"The words of the husband are not natural certainty. There are different customs in five directions. Colleagues have different names. One of them is interesting to give a name to mark the ear." One book is called "Knowledge".
Song Dynasty· Guo Xuan Watch the car 》Volume I: "If you taste a dream and enter the nether world, officials will lead you to one place. If you are an official, Two sides All of them are big houses, full of money and marked by officials. When asked, he said: 'This salary is also.' "
Song Dynasty· Meng Yuanlao "Dream of Tokyo · Driving Lucky to the Water Palace to View the Tin Feast for the Bid": "The red flag is inserted in the water in advance to mark Geographical distribution Far and near. "
The Regulations of the Yuan Dynasty - Criminal Department IV Miscellaneous Regulations: Bitch One has never bitten, so it has never been marked.

example sentence

② Trademark~| Document issuing authority ~。 [1]

Vocabulary source

Originally, the logo only read "bi  o zh ì" without the sound of "bi  osh í", but the contemporary people mistakenly read it as "bi  o sh í", and later corrected it. [2] unabridged dictionary 》Inside note: "Identification, namely 'sign'". Under the item of "logo", there is a quotation from Shuijingzhu Wenshui: "Sixty miles west of Yingxian County, there is Jizar Tomb. The tomb is round and its height can be hidden. There is a stone inscription in front of it. It was erected by a high order at the end of the Han Dynasty. There is no description, just a logo".
In ancient China, "signs" have been mentioned in the literature for a long time. According to the statement in Shuijingzhu Wenshui, ancient stone tablets play the role of signs. In Wenxuan Sun Chuo's "Ode to Tour Tiantai Mountain", he was good at noting: "When building a sign, we should build something to show our knowledge." In ancient China, signs and logos were identical, and signs were signs.
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