Standard normal distribution

Mathematical and physical terms
zero Useful+1
Standard normal distribution (English: standard normal distribution, German: Standard normal distribution) is a very important distribution in mathematics, physics, engineering and other fields probability Distribution statistics It has great influence in many aspects. expected value μ=0, That is, the symmetry axis of the curve image is the Y axis, standard deviation σ=1 Normal distribution , marked as N (0, 1).
Chinese name
Standard normal distribution
Foreign name
standard normal distribution
U distribution
Mathematical physics, etc
standard deviation


Normal distribution
The standard normal distribution is also called U distribution , is 0 Mean , take 1 as standard deviation The normal distribution of is N (0,1).
Standard normal distribution curve lower Area distribution rule Yes: the area under the curve is 0.9500 in the range of -1.96~+1.96, and 0.9900 in the range of -2.58~+2.58. The statisticians also developed a statistical table( freedom by With the help of this table, the area under the curve within the range of some special u1 and u2 values can be estimated.
Attached Table Standard Normal Distribution Table
Normally distributed probability density function The curve is bell shaped, so people often call it Bell curve What we usually say Standard normal distribution Is a positional parameter Mean 0, scale parameter: standard deviation Is the normal distribution of 1 (see the green curve in Figure 1).
Figure 1 Standard Normal Distribution


Symmetry of density function with respect to mean value
Average value, its statistical mode and median (medium) The same value.
The area of 68.268949% under the function curve is about the average standard deviation Within the range.
95.449974% of the area is within two standard deviations of the average.
99.730020% of the area is within three standard deviations of the average.
99.993666% of the area is within four standard deviations of the average.
Curvilinear Inflection point (inflection point) is the position one standard deviation from the average.

standard deviation

standard deviation
The dark blue area is the range of values less than one standard deviation from the average value. stay Normal distribution In, the ratio of this range is all values 68% , according to the normal distribution, the ratio within the two standard deviations is 95% The ratio within the three standard deviations is 99%
In practical application, it is often considered that a group of data with approximate Normal distribution The probability distribution of. If its assumption is correct, then approximately 68.3% The value distribution is within 1 standard deviation from the average value, about 95.4% The values are distributed within 2 standard deviations from the mean, and about 99.7% The values are distributed within 3 standard deviations from the mean. Is called“ 68-95-99.7 rule ”Or“ Rule of thumb [1]