
[zhī zǐ]
Rubiaceae, Gardenia
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Gardenia jasminoides, scientific name: Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis, It is a shrub of Rubiaceae and Gardenia, which is native to Asia, and introduced into Africa and Oceania.
Twigs are often short hairy, cylindrical and gray; The leaves are oblong lanceolate and obovate oblong; The flower is fragrant, and the single flower is born on the top of the branch; Fruit ovoid, subglobose or elliptic, yellow or orange red; Seeds numerous, nearly round and slightly angular; Flowering from March to July, fruiting from May to February of the next year [1] In Compendium of Materia Medica, gardenia is called "Zhizi". "Zhizi" is the same as "Zhizi". Its fruit is like a bronze wine vessel "Zhizi" in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, so the ancients used to call it "Zhizi" [5]
Born in the bushes or forests in the wilderness, hills, valleys, hillsides, and streams at an altitude of 10-1500 meters; Suitable for growing in loose, fertile, well drained, light viscous acid soil [1] The propagation methods include seed propagation and cutting propagation [6]
Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides has the functions of purging fire and removing annoyance, clearing away heat and dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying, and can cure the red pain of eyes, the big heat of chest, heart, small intestine, and the heat in stomach《 Other records of famous doctors 》And《 New edition of this herb 》Recorded in [7-8] Gardenia can be used to make tea and drink, and can be mixed with flour and oil to make cakes [9] Gardenia in the south is a beautiful ornamental plant with beautiful spring buds and fragrant summer flowers Things. [10] Gardenia jasminoides is the most widely used yellow dye before the Qin and Han Dynasties. Its fruit contains saffron acid that can dye yellow cloth. Han Guan Yi 》It is recorded that "Gardenia and Qian were produced from the dyeing garden for dyeing royal clothes." It indicates that the highest grade gardenia was used for dyeing clothes at that time [11]
Chinese name
Latin name
Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis [1]
Wild gardenia [1] Gardenia jasminoides [1] Gardenia [1] Lobular Gardenia [1] Gardenia jasminoides [1]
Rosa [1]
Distribution area
Asia, Africa, Oceania [14]

History of botany


Origin of name

Gardenia [13]
In Li Shizhen《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》In China, gardenia is called "Zhizi". "Zhizi" is the same as "Zhizi". Its fruit is like the bronze wine vessel "Zhizi" in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, so the ancients used to call it "Zhizi" [5]

Varietal textual research

This product was first published in《 This Sutra 》, listed as medium grade. "Bie Lu" says, "When you grow in Nanyang Valley, you will harvest in September and dry out. The "Materia Medica Manual" says: "Today, there are trees in the south and in the prefectures of Xishu. The trees are seven or eight feet high, the leaves are as thick and hard as Li, and the leaves are as hard as Ailanthus. In February and March, there are white flowers, and the flowers are all six out, very fragrant, which is commonly said to be Zhan Suiya in the Western Regions. In summer and autumn, they are as strong as chebula, green and ripe as yellow, and deep red in Chinese... There are also two or three kinds of them, and they are used as medicine by mountain gardenia, which is called Yuetao in the recipe. The skin is thin and round. It is better to carve a room with seven or nine edges. " The Compendium says: "The bougainvillea is as thick as a rabbit's ear, dark green, and vigorous in spring and autumn. It blooms in summer, as big as a wine cup, with white petals and yellow stamens, and then becomes strong, thin skinned and bearded. It is collected after frost."《 Textual Research on Plant Names and Facts 》It is also recorded. To sum up the above morphological characteristics and the characteristics that can be dyed yellow, refer again《 The Classic of Materia Medica 》Jiangling Gardenia, Jianzhou Gardenia and other pictures show that the original plant of ancient Gardenia is consistent with today's medicinal commodity Gardenia. [12]

Species variation

This species is widely distributed and grows in different environments, resulting in some changes in its habits, leaf shape and size, and fruit shape and size. The variation can be divided into two types: one is usually called "Gardenia jasminoides", the fruit is ovoid or nearly spherical, small; The other kind is usually called "water gardenia". The fruit is oval or oblong and larger. It is said that the former is suitable for medicine, while the latter is suitable for dyes. Some scholars also classified it into several varieties or forms according to the variation of its leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. [12]

morphological character

Gardenia, a shrub of Gardenia of Rubiaceae, 0.3-3 meters high; Twigs are often short hairy, cylindrical and gray. The leaves are opposite, or three whorled, leathery, rarely papery, with various shapes, usually oblong lanceolate, obovate oblong, obovate or elliptic, 3-25cm long and 1.5-8cm wide, the top is gradually pointed, suddenly long gradually pointed or short pointed and blunt, the base is wedge-shaped or short pointed, both sides are often hairless, the top is bright green, and the bottom is dark; Lateral vein 8-15 pairs, convex at the bottom, flat at the top; petiole 0.2-1 cm long; Stipule Membrane.
The flowers are fragrant, usually single on the top of branches, Pedicel 3-5 mm long; Calyx tube obconical or ovoid, 8-25mm long, with longitudinal ribs, Calyx eaves Tubular, swollen, 5-8-lobed at the top, usually 6-lobed, lobes lanceolate or linear lanceolate, 10-30 mm long, 1-4 mm wide, growing when bearing, persistent; Corolla White or milky yellow, tall saucer shaped, sparsely pubescent at the throat, narrow cylindrical crown tube, 3-5 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, 5-8-lobed at the top, usually 6-lobed, lobes widely spread, obovate or obovate oblong, 1.5-4 cm long, 0.6-2.8 cm wide; Filaments very short, anthers linear, 1.5-2.2 cm long, protruding; Style thick, about 4.5 cm long, stigma fusiform, protruding, 1-1.5 cm long, 3-7 mm wide, ovary diameter about 3 mm, yellow, smooth.
The fruit is ovoid, subglobose, elliptic or oblong, yellow or orange red, 1.5-7 cm long, 1.2-2 cm in diameter, 5-9 winged longitudinal ribs, and the top persistent sepal is 4 cm long and 6 mm wide; The seeds are mostly flat, nearly round and slightly angular, about 3.5 mm long and 3 mm wide. florescence March July, Fruiting period May to February of the next year. [1]
 Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia - original plant Fruits of Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia

Growth environment

Growth environment
Gardenia jasminoides mainly grows in subtropical biological communities, [14] Born in the bushes or forests in the wilderness, hills, valleys, hillsides, and streams at an altitude of 10-1500 meters. [1]

Distribution range



Asia: China (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hainan, Taiwan, Shaanxi, Gansu) [1] Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam [14]

Lead-in place

Asia: North Korea
Africa: Comoros
Oceania: United States( Guam Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands ), France( French Polynesia [14]

Growth habit

It likes warm and humid climate, is drought resistant, and avoids ponding. Suitable for loose, fertile, well drained, light sticky Acid soil in [1] The seedling stage needs shade, and the shade degree grows well at 30%, but when entering the fruiting stage, people prefer sufficient light. [12]

Reproductive methods

Reproduction methods include Seed reproduction and cuttage propagation [6]
Seed reproduction
The sowing time is divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing, and spring sowing is preferred. From early February to late February (from the beginning of spring to rain). Select plump, dark red fruits, dig out the seeds, rub them in water, fish out the sinking seeds, and dry them; Immediately mix it with fine soil or plant ash, drill it into the furrow, cover it with fine soil, and then cover it with straw; After germination, remove the straw and weed frequently. If the seedlings are too dense, they should be evenly distributed in succession, and the plant spacing should be 10-13cm. Seedlings can be planted after 1-2 years of cultivation, with a height of more than 30 cm.
cuttage propagation
The cutting period is from late September to late October in autumn, and from mid to late February in spring. Cut the branches that have been growing for 2-3 years, and cut the cuttings that have grown 17-20cm in length. Slightly tilt when inserting, leaving one section above the ground. It can be transplanted in about one year.
Planting shall be carried out between March and March, and holes with a diameter of 50cm and a depth of 30cm shall be made according to the plant spacing of 1.2-2m, and 10kg compost shall be mixed with fine soil as base fertilizer. One seedling is planted in each hole.
Water insertion method
Water insertion method
Although there are many ways to breed gardenias, the most convenient and fast way is floating water insertion. First, find a foam board, drill holes upwards, cut off the half ripe branches of gardenias in the current year, insert them into the holes of the foam board, and then put the foam board into a bucket filled with water. Place the bucket in an environment that can not only shade the ears of the floating board, but also allow sunlight to shine on the bucket, If the water temperature is controlled between 18 ℃ and 25 ℃, gardenia can grow more than 3cm roots in a week. The survival rate of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis was 100%.

cultivation techniques


Field management

Weeding and watering shall be carried out frequently during the seedling stage to keep the seedbed moist. It is better to apply fertilizer with light human excrement and urine. After planting, weed, loosen soil, fertilize once respectively in early spring and summer, and properly back up soil.
Gardenia is made of acid soil Indicative plant Therefore, the slightly acidic environment of soil is the key to determine the growth of gardenia. The culture soil is composed of 70% slightly acidic sandy soil laterite and 30% humus. It is advisable to control the soil pH between 4.0 and 6.5.
Gardenia - original plant
The optimum growth temperature of Gardenia jasminoides is 16 ℃ - 18 ℃. Low temperature and direct sunlight are extremely harmful to its growth, so it is advisable to place Gardenia jasminoides Ellis under the open forest or shade shed with good ventilation, high air humidity and light transmission in summer. In winter, let it sleep in an environment with sunshine and temperature not lower than 0 ℃. If the temperature is too high, it will affect flowering in the next year.
water content
Gardenia likes humid air, and watering should be increased appropriately during the growth period. Usually, the pot soil can be watered once it turns white. In hot and dry summer, spray the leaves 2-3 times a day to increase air humidity and help plants cool down. However, after the buds appear, watering should not be too much to avoid falling buds. It is better to water in winter on the dry side to prevent water from rotting roots.
Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides is a fertilizer loving plant. In order to meet the demand for fertilizer during its growth period and maintain the slightly acidic environment of the soil ferrous sulfate Stir in the fertilizer solution for fermentation. After April in the peak growth season, topdressing can be carried out every half month (it is better to add more water when applying fertilizer to prevent burning flowers). This can not only meet the demand of gardenia for fertilizer, but also maintain soil environment It is in a relatively balanced slightly acidic environment to prevent the occurrence of yellowing disease, and at the same time, it avoids the damage to gardenia caused by sudden supplementation of ferrous sulfate and local excessive acid.
soil preparation
For seedling cultivation land, first plough about 33cm deep, remove gravel and grass roots, and then build a border, which is 17cm high and 1.3m wide. Crush the soil, rake it flat, and apply 2000kg base fertilizer per mu. Then, according to the row spacing of 27cm, dig a 7cm wide and 3cm deep horizontal ditch for sowing.

Potted plant

Potted plant
Potting soil: 40% garden soil, 15% coarse sand, 30% Barnyard manure 15% humus soil is suitable. Gardenia seedlings should be watered to keep the soil moist and applied frequently Putrefaction Thin fertilizer. To water with rain or fermented Rice washing water It's good. In the growth period, if 0.2% ferrous sulfate water is poured once every 10-15 days or Vitriol fertilizer water (The two can be used alternately), which can prevent the soil from becoming alkaline, and at the same time, it can supplement the soil with iron to prevent gardenia leaves from yellowing. In summer, Gardenia jasminoides should spray water on the leaves every morning and evening to increase the air humidity and promote the luster of the leaves. [2]
For potted gardenias, only water clear water after flowering in August, and control the amount of water. Move into the room before the cold dew in October and put it in the sunny place. Watering shall be strictly controlled in winter, but the leaf surface can be sprayed with clean water. From May to July every year, when the growth of Gardenia jasminoides is about to stop, the plants are pruned to remove the top branches, so as to promote the sprouting of branches, and make the plants beautiful and flowering in the future. Gardenia is mostly propagated by cutting and layering methods, and can also be propagated by branching and sowing methods, but rarely by using.
Cutting can be divided into spring cutting and autumn cutting. Spring planting is carried out in the middle and late February; The autumn planting is carried out from late September to late October. Shoot 2-3 year branches of cuttings, cut them into 10-12 cm segments, leave two leaves on the top, cut half of each, and then insert them obliquely into the cutting bed, leaving only one segment on the soil surface. Pay attention to shade and maintain certain humidity. Generally, they can take root in one month, and transplant after one year. In the south, there are also others that breed by means of water cutting, that is, the cuttings are inserted on a disc woven with reed stalks and allowed to float on the water surface, so that their lower parts can take root in the water and then be transplanted for cultivation.
The layering can be carried out before and after Qingming Festival in April or during the plum rain season. Select the annual strong branches from the three-year parent plant, pull them to the ground, and cut the buried parts of the branches. If the cut parts can be dipped with 200ppm powdered acetic acid, and then covered with soil for compaction, it is easier to take root. Generally, one month after taking root, it can be separated from the parent plant and transplanted with soil in the next spring. [2]

Disease and insect control

The main diseases of Gardenia jasminoides are Cercospora leaf spot Anthrax Coal fouling disease Root rot Etiolation disease Indoor, the disease may occur all year round, and in serious cases, the plant leaves, drops fruit or dies. In the initial stage or occurrence stage of the disease, application of carbendazim, carbendazim, etc. can effectively control the disease.
Etiolation disease
Gardenia is often prone to yellowing Etiolation disease Yellow disease is caused by many reasons, so different measures should be taken to prevent and control it. Yellowing disease caused by fertilizer deficiency: This disease starts from the old leaves at the lower part of the plant and gradually spreads to new leaves.
Potassium deficiency: old leaves change from green to brown. [3]
Phosphorus deficiency: the old leaves are purple or dark red. For the above situations, it can be forced to apply decomposed human excrement or urine or cake fertilizer Yellow disease caused by iron deficiency: This yellow disease is manifested in new leaves. At the beginning, the leaves are pale yellow or white, and the veins are still green. In severe cases, the veins are also yellow or white, and eventually the leaves will wither and die. In this case, 0.2% - 0.5% ferrous sulfate aqueous solution can be sprayed for prevention and control. [3]
Yellowing disease caused by magnesium deficiency: This kind of yellowing disease gradually develops from old leaves to new leaves, and the leaf veins are still green. In severe cases, the leaves fall off and die. In this case, 0.7% - 0.8% boron magnesium fertilizer can be sprayed for control. Excessive watering, freezing, etc. will also cause yellow leaves, so special attention should be paid in the maintenance process. Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides ides. For scale insects, bamboo sticks can be used to scrape them off, or No. 20 petroleum emulsion can be used to spray 200 times water for control. For soot disease, it can be scrubbed with clean water or sprayed with carbendazim 1000 times. [3]
Nitrogen deficiency: simple yellow leaves, small and crisp new leaves. [3]
Generally, there are two kinds, one is bran medium, the other is cotton blowing medium. Soot disease is caused by bacteria breeding in the excreta of scale insects. These two kinds of scale insects are stinging pests. There is a layer of wax on the back surface of the insect, which can not be penetrated by ordinary drugs, and can be used Imidacloprid Class or its improver. Once a week, it usually takes 2-3 times to kill completely. Soot disease is a black mold infection. Spraying any medicine will not fall off automatically, and must be scrubbed to solve it.

Key values


Ancient dyes

Gardenia jasminoides is the most widely used yellow dye before the Qin and Han Dynasties. The fruit of Gardenia jasminoides contains ketone substances such as genistein, and crocin. The substance used to dye yellow is crocin. According to Han Guan Yi, "Gardenia and Qian came out of the garden to dye imperial clothes." It means that the most advanced clothes were dyed with gardenias at that time. [11] In ancient times, acidity was used to control the yellowness of gardenia. If you wanted to get dark yellow, you increased the amount of vinegar used in dyeing. The gardenia extract can directly dye the fabric into bright yellow, and the process is simple. The yellow color of dyed fabrics unearthed in Han Mawangdui is obtained by dyeing gardenia. However, gardenia yellow dye has poor sun resistance, so yellow dye has been partially replaced by locust flower since the Song Dynasty.
Because of its importance, Tai Shigong recorded in the Records of the Historian: Biographies of Merchandise Colonies that "Gardenia, Qian, ginger and chives in thousands of acres; all of them are associated with thousands of marquises.".
Dyeing method: fresh gardenia fruit, crush and soak in water for 3 hours, filter, and then take the dye solution. Dry gardenia fruit, soak in hot water overnight, peel or crush the fruit after soaking, add fire to boil, boil for 30 minutes, turn off the fire, filter and take the first dye solution; The dye solution can be repeatedly decocted for 3~4 times.

Medicinal value

Gardenia [13]
Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides has the functions of purging fire and removing annoyance, clearing heat and removing dampness, cooling blood and detoxification, and can treat hot eyes, red pain, large chest, heart, small intestine, and stomach heat, which are recorded in the Records of Famous Doctors and the New Edition of Materia Medica [7-8]
Functional indications
Clearing heat, purging fire, cooling blood. Treatment of febrile diseases, restlessness, jaundice, gonorrhea, thirst, red eyes, sore throat, hematemesis, bleeding, dysentery, blood in urine, toxic sores, sprain, swelling and pain
Gardenia from《 The Classic of Materia Medica 》: Gardenia is now found in the south and in the prefectures of Xishu.
Practical compound
After the treatment of typhoid fever, sweating, vomiting, and falling down, I can't sleep because of my weakness. I am sorry: fourteen gardenias (cut), and four fragrant soybeans (wrapped in cotton). Take four liters of water for Samadhi, boil gardenia first and get two and a half liters, and take one and a half liters of fermented soybeans, remove the dregs, and divide them into two servings. Wenjin should take it once, and those who have to vomit should take it later. (Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Gardenia and Black Bean Soup) [4]
cure Typhoid fever Those recovered after serious illness: three pieces of fructus aurantii (roasted), fourteen pieces of fructus gardeniae (dissected), and one liter of black bean (wrapped in cotton). For the top three flavors, use seven liters of clear slurry water and four liters of empty boiled water. For the inner orange and gardenia, boil two liters. For the lower lobster sauce, boil for five or six times. Remove the dregs and take it at a warm temperature. It will make you feel slightly sweaty. If there are sleepers, there are five or six pieces of rhubarb inside. (《 Typhoid theory 》Zhishi, Gardenia, Black Bean Soup) [4]
Treatment of typhoid, body yellowness and fever: fifteen gardenias (dissected), one or two licorices (roasted), and two or two phellodendrons. Add three flavors, four liters of water, boil one and a half liters of gardenia, remove the dross, and take it at different temperatures. (Treatise on Febrile Diseases, gardenia and cypress soup) [4]
Treatment of damp heat jaundice: four dollars for mountain gardenia, one or two for chicken bone grass and one or two for field base yellow. Fried in water, three times a day. (Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine) [4]
Cure urine and blood, fresh gardenia, Crystal sugar One or two. Fried clothes. (East Fujian Materia Medica) [4]
Treatment of urinary obstruction: 27 gardenia kernels, a little salt, and one garlic. Smash, paste umbilicus on paper flower, or smear on scrotum, and it will pass for a long time. (《 Puji Fang 》) [4]
Treatment of acute gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea: three dollars for mountain gardenia, five dollars for Panzhunan five flavors (purple skin) root, and two dollars for green wood fragrance. Stir fry with medicine, add Honey Five yuan. Fried in water, serve twice. (Selected Materials of Unilateral Verification Survey) [4]
Gardenia - original plant
It can cure mouth sores, sore throat, and can't eat: four liang of large green, one or two pieces of gardenia, one or two pieces of phellodendron, and half a jin of white honey. Cut it up, use three liters of water, fry one liter, remove the dross, and add honey to a boil or two, and contain it. (Pu Ji Fang Gardenia Decoction)
Cure red eyes: take seven gardenias, drill them through, put them into the ashes and simmer them until they are ripe, use one liter and a half of water to fry them until they are eight in one, remove the dross, put the end of rhubarb into the three coin dagger, mix them well, spin and warm after eating. (General Record of Saint Ji Gardenia Soup) [4]
To cure stomachache, seven or nine jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides. (《 Dan Xi Compiling Essentials 》) [4]
Treatment of epistaxis in nose: burn the gardenia and blow it. (Simple Fang Lun) [4]
Zhifei Fengbi Red Wine: Laoshan Gardenia is the end, and yellow wax is equally soluble. The bullet is big. Chew hollow tea and wine. Avoid alcohol and broiled culture. (The Parties) [4]
Treatment of red and white dysentery and blood dysentery: 47 pieces of gardenia seed. File, with a liter and a half of slurry, and fry until it's five in one, remove the dross. Take two warm pills before hollow food. (General Record of Saint Ji, Gardenia Seed Soup) [4]
cure Hot water swelling : 25 grams of gardenia, 7 grams of woody fragrance, Atractylodes macrocephala 12 g. Fine cut, pan fried. (Danxi Mental Skill) [4]
Cure women's children swelling and dampness: stir fried gardenia in one. For the end, drink rice and swallow it, or take pills. (Danxi Mental Skill) [4]
Treatment of broken wounds, swelling and pain: the gardenia and white face are tamped together and painted. (Brief Prescription of Near Lake Collection) [4]
Fire control Erysipelas : Gardenia, mix with water and apply it. (Mei Shiji's Prescriptions) [4]
Cure fire sores: gardenia kernel ash, sesame oil and seal, but thick is better. (Qian Jin Fang) [4]
Cure sore, swelling and pain: mountain gardenia, dandelion and silver flower cost four yuan each. Fried in water, three times a day. In addition, take some raw honeysuckle vine, mash it and apply it to the affected part. (《 Guangxi Chinese herbal medicine 》)
Gardenia - original plant
Burn treatment: gardenia powder and Chicken Ziqing Sweep it. (The First Aid). [4]
Long term treatment, internal and external ecthyma: Gardenia jasminoides (Burn it to ash and grind it into fine powder), frankincense (grind it separately) and a little light powder. It is the end of further research and stored in porcelain. When using each, first wash the sore with scallion white and pepper decoction. After a little rest, warm the slurry again and wash again. Wait until the bad water is gone, boil the white water for a hundred times, and then wash again when it is warm. But the sores, pus, blood and water were exhausted, and they were wiped dry with powder and silk. Then apply it. If it is dry, use sesame oil; if it is wet, mix it with dry. But the sore mouth is full and soft, and silk is used to protect it. It is not applicable to those who do not make purulent. If there is swelling, softness and pus, wash and apply according to the previous method. (Puji Fang Wonderful Gardenia Powder) [4]
To cure chancre: one gardenia, remove Rang, put in alum powder, close the mouth with batter, the burning nature is the end, wash and dry mix. (Miraculous Prescription Gardenia Powder) [4]
Gardenoside Geniposide is stable, unchanged in 37 ℃ pH1.8 gastric juice, but can be metabolized into Genipin in intestinal lysate. Gardenoside is unstable to acid and heat, and can be converted into deacetylasperosidic acid methyl ester (DAM) and scan side methyl ester (SSM) in gastric juice.
pharmacological action
Effect on liver function
SD rats were divided into 4 groups; Group A was the control group; Group B was normal animals, and 2g crude drug extract was administered by gavage; Group C was caused by ligation of common bile duct hyperbilirubinemia Animal; Group D was hyperbilirubinemia animal, and 2g gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides extract was administered by gavage. The liver Y protein, Z protein, BSP clearance, bilirubin and related enzymes were measured. [4]
The experimental results show that:
Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides extract has no effect on the activity of alkaline phosphatase in animal serum and liver homogenate, and ligation of common bile duct causes alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity It has nearly doubled. However, gardenia extract had no effect on the increased enzyme activity. [4]
The effect of Gardenia jasminoides extract on LDH activity in serum and liver of rats was minimal, and the fluctuation of enzyme activity in the four groups was within normal range. [4]
Gardenia jasminoides extract has no effect on serum GOT of normal animals. After ligation of the common bile duct, serum GOT increased 7 times, and Gardenia jasminoides extract could significantly reduce the elevated enzyme by 40%. The GOT in the liver was relatively stable, and there was no significant change in the four groups. [4]
Gardenia jasminoides extract has no effect on the enzyme activity of normal animals, but can restore the increased enzyme activity of animals with common bile duct ligation to normal. It can be considered that Gardenia jasminoides extract does not increase the activity of UDP GT. [4]
The determination of UDP-GDH in the liver showed that ligation of the common bile duct could reduce the enzyme activity, and Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides extract could increase the enzyme activity in normal animals, as well as increase the reduced enzyme activity. [4]
Gardenia jasminoides extract can increase the amount of Y protein and Z protein in normal animals, but can not increase the amount of Y protein and Z protein decreased by ligation of common bile duct. It shows that the anti bilirubinemia effect of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis has little relationship with Y protein and Z protein. [4]
After the animals were given BSP (2g/100g body weight) intravenously, the clearance rate of BSP in blood and bile was measured. It was found that the time to reach the peak value was correspondingly prolonged, indicating that the process of BSP excretion from the liver was blocked. [4]
Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides Ellis can reduce serum bilirubin content, but has nothing to do with glucuronyltransferase. Therefore, it can be considered that Gardenia jasminoides extract has no toxic effect on liver cells. Gardenia jasminoides extract can reduce the level of serum bilirubin in animals, but its mechanism of yellowing is more complex. It does not increase the activity of UDP GT, nor does it increase the Y protein and its protein in the liver, nor does it increase the amount of bile absorption like Artemisia capillaris. [4]
Protective effect of liver
ICR rats were given gardenia extract in advance (24 or 48 hours ago) to prevent Fulminant hepatitis [4]
When the experimental rats were given 50mg/kg of a-naphthalene isothiocyanate, the serum bilirubin and serum Alkaline phosphatase The serum bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase of rats poisoned by α - naphthyl isothiocyanate decreased if the crude extract of Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jas. The gardenoside extracted from Gardenia jasminoides has the same effect. [4]
Effect on liver: Crocin 50 mg/kg was given to rats by gavage for 8 days, which had no effect on liver function, but could cause acute liver discoloration. If high dose 100mg/kg is taken for 2 weeks, liver damage and melanosis can be caused, but low dose 10mg/kg does not produce the above situation for 40 days, and the above liver damage and melanosis are completely reversible. Therefore, even if a very high dose of saffron has little toxicity to the liver of rats, it is impossible to reach such a high dose when people take it, so saffron is used as Food colorants It is very safe. [4]
Effect on bile secretion
Experiments on rats and rabbits proved that Gardenia jasminoides Ellis has cholagogic effect. Its ethanol extract, geniposide and crocin can increase the secretion of bile. Oral administration, intravenous injection or intraduodenal administration of 25 mg/kg gardenoside in rats caused an increase in bile secretion, with the duodenal administration being the most significant, almost equivalent to the potency of sodium dehydrocholate. [4]
Influence on gastric juice secretion and gastrointestinal motility
Duodenal administration of 25 mg/kg gardenoside can reduce the secretion of gastric juice, decrease the total acidity and increase the pH value in rats with pylorus ligation, which is equivalent to 1/5-1/10 of atropine sulfate. Intravenous injection of geniposide and genipin at doses of 100mg/kg and 25mg/kg respectively can inhibit spontaneous gastric peristalsis and pilocarpine induced gastric contraction in rats, but the effect is short. Low concentration (1: 25000) of gardenia alcohol extract can stimulate small intestine movement of rats and rabbits, while high concentration (1: 1000) can inhibit it. Mice and guinea pig The isolated ileum test showed that gardenoside had weak anti acetylcholine and anti histamine effects. [4]
Promoting pancreatic secretion
Yang Zhizhen et al. studied the effect of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and its different extracts on the flow of bile and pancreas and the activity of pancreatic enzyme in rats with bile pancreatic cannula. The results showed that Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and its several extracts had obvious effects of promoting pancreas, promoting gallbladder and reducing pancreatic enzyme. Geniposide has the most significant effect on reducing pancreatic amylase, and its enzymolysis product geniposide has the strongest effect on increasing pancreatic bile flow, with a short duration. Pei Dekai's research believes that gardenia promotes pancreas The secretory effect may be directly related to maintaining the structure and function of pancreatic cell membrane, thus demonstrating the efficacy basis of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis in treating pancreatitis at the cellular level. Preliminary observation also found that Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides. [4]
Effect on central nervous system
The intraperitoneal injection of Gardenia jasminoides alcohol extract (the fruit of Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides. However, for example, the mice in the medication group were given 35 g/kg of gardenia alcohol percolation solution by gavage, and then 50 mg/kg of cyclohexene barbital sodium was injected intravenously at 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours, respectively, and the disappearance time of righting reflex was recorded. The results showed that only the gardenia group administered at 2 hours could significantly prolong the sleep time of cyclohexene barbital sodium (P<0.05). But gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides has no antagonism to amphetamine induced activity. The body temperature of mice injected with 5.69g/kg ethanol extract of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis by intraperitoneal injection decreased by 3 ℃ on average, and that of rats injected with 200mg/kg by intraperitoneal injection lasted for more than 7 hours. [4]
Effect on cardiovascular system
Gardenia - original plant planting
Gardenia jasminoides decoction and ethanol extract are effective for anesthetized or non anesthetized cats rabbit Rat , whether orally, intraperitoneally or intravenously, the antihypertensive effect has a mean effect on the pressor effect of adrenaline and the pressor reflex of blocking carotid blood flow. It also did not enhance the antihypertensive effect of acetylcholine. Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine had no effect on the antihypertensive effect of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. Its antihypertensive effect is not caused by the release of histamine. Intravenous injection of procaine also did not change the effect of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis on blood pressure, indicating that its effect on blood pressure had nothing to do with afferent nerve fibers. It has no blocking effect on the ganglia. When vagus nerves on both sides were cut off, the antihypertensive effect of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis was significantly weakened or completely disappeared, and atropine could also cancel its antihypertensive effect. Therefore, it is believed that the antihypertensive effect of Gardenia jasminoides is located in the central area, and the antihypertensive effect of Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jas. It was also reported that Gardenia jasminoides Ellis had little effect on peripheral resistance. The isolated rat heart perfusion experiment showed that Gardenia jasminoides Ellis extract could reduce myocardial contractility. The decrease of blood pressure caused by intravenous injection of 500 mg/kg gardenia extract in anesthetized dogs and rats was due to the decrease of cardiac systolic volume and cardiac output. Imsafflower acid (hydrolysate of crocin) 0.01mg/kg can reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis in cholesterol fed rabbits. When rats were injected with large dose of methanol extract of Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides. However, intravenous injection of 30 mg/kg gardenoside in anesthetized rabbits had no significant effect on blood pressure, heart rate and electroencephalogram. The hot water extract of Gardenia jasminoides fruit can stimulate the proliferation of bovine aortic endothelial cells in vitro, so as to repair the vascular intima. [4]
Gardenia decoction Diphtheria , Staphylococcus aureus Typhoid bacillus It has inhibitory effect on many skin fungi to varying degrees. [4]
Purgative effect
Methyl deacetylfolioside has cathartic effect, and the half effective dose of the mice is 0.53g/kg. After taking it for 6 hours, diarrhea begins. Hyisogeniposide also has catharsis effect. The half effective dose of oral administration in mice is 1.2g/kg, and the effect starts 3 hours after taking it. The half effective dose of gardenoside for catharsis is 300mg/kg, and it takes effect 3 hours after taking the medicine. The half effective dose of gardenoside acid for catharsis is more than 800mg/kg. [4]
Analgesic effect
Geniposide and its hydrolysate genipin inhibited writhing induced by acetic acid intraperitoneal injection in mice. [4]
Anti inflammation and treatment of soft tissue injury
Gardenia jasminoides Ellis was refluxed with ethanol and concentrated to viscous paste (G1) under 40 ℃; The drug residue after ethanol reflux extraction is percolated with water, and the percolating liquid is evaporated in a water bath (G2); Dissolve G1 in methanol and mix with diatomite, elute with different organic solvents, and recover the solvents respectively Petroleum ether Part (G3), chloroform Part (G4), ethyl acetate part (G5), methanol part (G6).
Then take gardenoside (C-A), Hydrocortisone ointment (H-U), hydrocortisone injection (H-I), and traumatic analgesic ointment (H-E) were used as controls. To observe the effect of different parts of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis on the animal model of soft tissue injury Therapeutic effect And anti-inflammatory effects. The results are as follows:
Therapeutic effect of each separated part of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis on soft tissue injury model:
Gardenia - original plant shape
Experimental treatment of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis on the mouse soft tissue injury model: The mice were made of a specially made soft tissue percussion device, and then were coated with medicine once a day for four consecutive times, and killed five days later. According to the appearance, the mice were divided into five groups for scoring, and at the same time, the mice were observed by tissue sections, which were divided into four grades for scoring. G2. G3. G4 in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis has no therapeutic effect on soft tissue injury in mice, but G5 and G6 have better therapeutic effects. After 4 times of dressing, it was basically cured from the appearance, without bleeding and blood stasis. Histological observation showed that only mild muscle fiber swelling and a small amount of punctate bleeding focus were seen, while Trauma Pain killing Ointment had no obvious therapeutic effect on soft tissue injury.
The experimental treatment of G5. G6 on rabbit soft tissue injury is similar to that of 1. The experiment showed that G5. G6 also had obvious therapeutic effect on rabbit soft tissue injury. After 1 hour of application, the rabbits returned to normal activities, and the bleeding and blood stasis foci were significantly improved. After 4 days of application, there was no obvious bleeding and blood stasis on the surface. After 5 days, the animals were killed. Histological observation showed that muscle fibers were slightly swollen, and some tissues were dotted with bleeding and blood stasis. The experiment further proved that Trauma Pain killing Ointment had no obvious effect on bleeding and blood stasis tissue damage. [4]
The 50% lethal dose of gardenial alcohol percolation concentrate (300%) was 17.1g/kg and 107.48/kg respectively after intraperitoneal injection and intragastric administration. Geniposide and water extract of Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides have very low acute toxicity to mice. The median lethal dose of the water extract by intraperitoneal injection was 5g/kg. The median lethal dose of Genipin for oral administration, intraperitoneal injection and intravenous injection in mice was 237.190 and 153 mg/kg, respectively, after 72 hours of observation after a single administration. The median lethal dose of ethanol extract of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis was 107.4 g/kg by gavage and 27.45 g/kg by intraperitoneal injection. The ethanol extract of Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasminoides jasmino. The marrow micronucleus test, Ames test and testicular chromosome aberration test of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis showed that Gardenia jasminoides Ellis had no mutagenic and teratogenic effects. [4]

Ornamental value

Gardenia as a potted plant is called "water horizontal branch". Gardenia in the south is a beautiful ornamental plant with beautiful green spring buds, clean and fragrant summer flowers, large, beautiful and fragrant flowers, which are widely planted in gardens for viewing. [1]

Edible value

Gardenia jasminoides can be used to make tea drinks. It is a high-quality natural food pigment. It has no side effects of synthetic pigments, strong coloring power, bright color, light resistance, heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance, no odor and other characteristics. It can be widely used in the coloring of cakes, candy, beverages and other foods [1]

chemical composition

The fruit contains iridoids: gardenoside, geniposide, genipin-1-gentiobioside, shanzhiside, gardo side, scandoside methyl ester, geniposidic acid, Deacetyl asperosidic acid, methyl deacetyl asperosidate, 10 acetylgeniposide, 6 ″ - p-coumaroyl geniposide gentiobioside. Acid ingredients: chlorogenic acid, 3,4-di-O-caffeoyl quinic acid, 3-O-caffeoyl-4-O-sinapoyl quinic acid, 3,5-di-O-caffeoyl-4-O-sinapoyl quinic acid, 3,5-di-O-caffeoyl-4-O - (3-hydroxy-3 methyl) glutaryl quinic acid [3,5-di-O-caffeoyl-4-O - (3-hydroxy-3-methyl) Glutaroyl quinic acid], 3,4-dicaffeovl-5 - (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl) quinic acid, cro cetin, crocin, ursolic acid, crocin glucoside, etc. It also contains flavonoids: rutin, D-mannitol, β - sitosterol, choline, nonacosane, xanthophyll, etc.
The peel and seeds also contain gardenoside, daugeroside, daugeroside acid, and daugeroside gentianoside.
The flower contains triterpenoids: gardenia acid A and B, and gardenia acid leaves contain geniposide, dauricide, gardenal, methyl dihydrojasmonate, benzylene acetate, linalool, etc.
The rhizome contains D-mannitol, oleanolic acid, and stigmasterol [4]

Plant culture

Flower language: "Joy" is like a vibrant summer filled with unknown hopes and joy.
oxlip : You have a heart of thanksgiving and treat others sincerely. As long as others are a little kind to you, you will thank them with your heart. This is because you have a pure heart and do not understand the evil of human heart. Your sincerity makes you always happy, and forgiveness makes you happy.
Flower proverbs Sometimes you have to show your likes and dislikes.
It was also explained that the flower language of gardenia was "eternal love and agreement". Beautiful sustenance. The main idea is that this flower begins to bud in winter and will not bloom until the late summer solstice. The longer the budding period, the longer the fragrance; Gardenia jasminoides Its leaves are also green in the wind, frost, snow and rain. As a result, although it seems to blossom inadvertently, it has also experienced long-term efforts and persistence. Perhaps the growth habit of gardenia is more consistent with this flower language. It is not only the love, but also the beautiful, tough and mellow life essence under the plain, lasting, warm and refined appearance.
Gardenia [Tang Dynasty] Du Fu's gardenia is more than other trees, and there is not much sincerity in the world. It is useful for body color and is compatible with qi damage. Red is based on wind and frost, while green is based on rain and dew. If you are moved mercilessly, the most important thing is to reflect the river waves.
Chanting Gardenia with Linghu [Tang Dynasty] Liu Yuxi has spent all his time in Shu, and the peaches are now in blossom. The color is doubtful, the tree is leaning on, and the fragrance is like a jade coming from Beijing. And reward the same heart, that sorrow leaves hasten. If a beauty is to be chanted, why wait for the cold plum blossom.
Gardenia [Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli was just a short time ago, and the flowers will snow for years. Solitary beauty, beautiful outside, faint fragrance, hot summer and cold. There is a bottle with a flower on it, and the nose ends when there is no wind. How old the valley is, just to endow the mountain alum. [1]

Main varieties

Gardenia - original plant
Gardenia has a strong fragrance, which has always been loved by the people. However, the gardenia has a flat shape and a monotonous shape. Although its fragrance is commendable, it cannot be used in the hall. Therefore, in ancient times, flower farmers had already cultivated many double petal cultivars through hard work and targeted cultivation.
Due to the targeted cultivation of flower growers, gardenias have been divided into "medicinal gardenias" and "flower appreciation gardenias", that is, the original single petal wild gardenias are used as "medicinal gardenias", and their fruits are usually used as medicine; However, the artificially cultivated double petal gardenia, as a "flower appreciating gardenia", can only be used as a flower appreciating gardenia. This kind of gardenia generally does not bear fruit, and its fruit that bears fruit is not used for medicine.




Gardenia augusta Merr. in Interpr. Herb. Amboin.: 485 (1917), nom. superfl.
Gardenia florida L. in Sp. Pl., ed. 2.: 305 (1762), nom. superfl.
Genipa florida (L.) Baill. in Hist. Pl. 7: 307, 379 (1880) [14]


Jasminum capense Mill. in Gard. Dict., ed. 8.: n.° 7 (1768)
Gardenia angustifolia G.Lodd. in Bot. Cab. 6: t. 512 (1821)
Gardenia angustifolia var. kosyunensis (Sasaki) Masam. in Short Fl. Formosa: 202 (1936)
Gardenia augusta var. grandiflora (Lour.) Sasaki in List Pl. Formosa: 380 (1928)
Gardenia augusta var. kosyunensis Sasaki in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 18: 217 (1928)
Gardenia augusta var. longisepala Masam. in J. Soc. Trop. Agric. 4: 195 (1932)
Gardenia augusta var. ovalifolia (Sims) Sasaki in List Pl. Formosa: 380 (1928)
Gardenia augusta f. shanpinensis F.C.Ho in Trop. Pl. Taiwan 3: 289, 355 (1982), no type indicated.
Gardenia florida var. fortuneana Lindl. in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 32: t. 43 (1846)
Gardenia florida var. grandiflora (Lour.) Franch. & Sav. in Enum. Pl. Jap. 1: 208 (1875)
Gardenia florida var. maruba (Siebold ex Blume) Matsum. in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 15: 4 (1901)
Gardenia florida f. oblanceolata Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan: 387 (1922)
Gardenia florida var. ovalifolia Sims in Bot. Mag. 53: t. 2627 (1826)
Gardenia florida var. plena Voigt in Hort. Suburb. Calcutt.: 378 (1845)
Gardenia florida var. radicans (Thunb.) Matsum. in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 15: 4 (1901)
Gardenia florida f. simpliciflora Makino in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 26: 395 (1912)
Gardenia florida f. thunbergii Makino in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 26: 395 (1912), not validly publ.
Gardenia florida variegata Carrière in Rev. Hort. (Paris) 41: 370 (1869)
Gardenia grandiflora Lour. in Fl. Cochinch.: 147 (1790)
Gardenia grandiflora Siebold ex Zucc. in Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. 2: 55 (1846), nom. illeg.
Gardenia jasminoides f. albomarginata H.Hara in Enum. Spermatophytarum Japon. 2: 14 (1952)
Gardenia jasminoides f. albovariegata H.Hara in Enum. Spermatophytarum Japon. 2: 16 (1952)
Gardenia jasminoides f. aureovariegata Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan, rev. ed.: 520 (1927)
Gardenia jasminoides var. fortuneana (Lindl.) H.Hara in Enum. Spermatophytarum Japon. 2: 15 (1952)
Gardenia jasminoides var. grandiflora (Lour.) Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan, rev. ed.: 518 (1927)
Gardenia jasminoides f. grandiflora (Lour.) Makino in Ill. Fl. Nippon, ed. rev.: 117 (1949)
Gardenia jasminoides var. kosyunensis (Sasaki) Masam. in Short Fl. Formosa 18: 217 (1928)
Gardenia jasminoides f. kueishanensis F.C.Ho in Trop. Pl. Taiwan 3: 294, 355 (1982), no type indicated.
Gardenia jasminoides f. longicarpa Z.M.Xie & M.Okada in J. Jap. Bot. 65: 123 (1990)
Gardenia jasminoides var. longisepala (Masam.) Metcalf in Lingnan Sci. J. 12(4): 594 (1933)
Gardenia jasminoides f. maruba (Siebold ex Blume) Nakai ex Ishii in Engei Dai-jiten 2: 690 (1950)
Gardenia jasminoides var. maruba (Siebold ex Blume) Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan, rev. ed.: 520 (1927)
Gardenia jasminoides f. oblanceolata (Nakai) Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan, rev. ed.: 520 (1927)
Gardenia jasminoides f. ovalifolia (Sims) H.Hara in Enum. Spermatophytarum Japon. 2: 15 (1952)
Gardenia jasminoides var. ovalifolia (Sims) Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan, rev. ed.: 520 (1927)
Gardenia jasminoides var. plena (Voigt) M.R.Almeida in Fl. Maharashtra 3A: 15 (2001)
Gardenia jasminoides var. radicans (Thunb.) Makino in Ill. Fl. Nippon: 118 (1940)
Gardenia jasminoides f. simpliciflora (Makino) Makino in Ill. Fl. Nippon: 118 (1940)
Gardenia jasminoides var. variegata (Carrière) Makino in S.Ishii, Engei Dai-jiten 2: 690 (1950)
Gardenia jasminoides f. variegata (Carrière) Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan, rev. ed.: 519 (1927)
Gardenia longisepala (Masam.) Masam. in Mem. Fac. Sci. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 11(Bot., 4): 417 (1934)
Gardenia maruba Siebold ex Blume in Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind.: 1015 (1826)
Gardenia pictorum Hassk. in Flora 28: 234 (1845)
Gardenia radicans Thunb. in Gardenia: 11 (1780)
Gardenia radicans var. simpliciflora (Makino) Nakai in T.Nakai & G.Koidzumi, Trees Shrubs Japan: 390 (1922)
Gardenia radicans variegata Carrière in Rev. Hort. (Paris) 13: 31 (1864)
Gardenia schlechteri H.Lév. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 146 (1911), nom. illeg.
Genipa grandiflora (Lour.) Baill. in Hist. Pl. 7: 374 (1880)
Genipa radicans (Thunb.) Baill. in Hist. Pl. 7: 379 (1880)
Mussaenda chinensis Lour. in Fl. Cochinch.: 152 (1790)
Warneria augusta L. in Amoen. Acad. 4: 136, 138 (1759), genus not validly publ. [14]