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Liu Xinhua

Former Vice President of Ludong University
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Liu Xinhua, male, from Yantai City, Shandong Province, born in August 1954, a member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from Yantai Normal College, an economics graduate student, professor, master's supervisor, and a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions in Shandong Province.
He was a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Ludong University. [1]
Chinese name
Liu Xinhua
date of birth
August 1954
University one is graduated from
Yantai Teachers College
Native place
Yantai City, Shandong Province
Political outlook
CPC member



Successive posts Yantai Municipal People's Government Under Secretary General and Chief of Staff; Yantai Normal University Vice President; ludong university Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President, Director of the Bohai Rim Development Research Center of Ludong University, Vice Chairman of Yantai Municipal Social Federation China Official Document Writing Research Association Vice President. [1]

Main works

Overview of Yantai Industry ---- Editor in Chief, Shandong People's Publishing House
New Compilation of Enterprise Management Cases - General Compilation, Shandong People's Publishing House
"The Way of Cutting" - co authored by China Economic Publishing House
Yantai City, one of the top 50 cities with comprehensive strength in China --- Editor in chief, published by China City Press
Brilliance - Ten Years of Yantai's Opening up - Editor in Chief, Shandong People's Publishing House
Innovation and Development, co authored by Economic Daily Press
The national soft science research project "Research on Bohai Strait Cross sea Passage" undertaken by the organization won the Selected Works Award of Shandong Excellent Project of Spiritual Civilization Construction in 1994, the second prize of Shandong Science and Technology Progress Award in 1995, and the first prize of the tenth provincial outstanding achievements in social science;
The initial results of the research on the national soft science project "Innovation and Regional Economic Development" have been published in the Economic Reform and Development, Research and Suggestions, Economic Outlook around the Bohai Sea, Economic Daily, Shandong Economic Strategy Research and other newspapers.
In recent years and recently, the research focusing on innovation and innovation and regional economic development has been published in national and provincial newspapers and periodicals, including:
Strategic Thinking on Promoting Innovation (Economic Reform and Development, 1997, Issue 12)
More than 30 articles, including "Grasping the Key to System Innovation and Mechanism Innovation" (Economic Daily, 7th Edition, November 17, 1997).
An Outline of Practical Official Document Writing, co authored by Shandong People's Publishing House, won the first prize of national academic research on official documents from 1992 to 1994
Working Norms of Yantai Municipal Government Office - Compiled by China Personnel Publishing House
Theory and Practice of Social Service Commitment in Yantai, chief editor, Xinhua Publishing House