Liu Rushi's Biography

Chen Yinque's Biography
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The Biography of Liu Rushi is a biography created by Chen Yinque. It was first published in August 1980.
Liu Rushi, described in Liu Rushi's Farewell Biography, married a famous prostitute at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty Qian Qianyi Liu Rushi was sold to officials when he was young, and later fell into a brothel. He is not only beautiful, but also good at poetry and music. He is good at writing and painting. He is dissolute and dissolute. He is ambitious and vulgar. He dares to pursue happiness in life. He is also clear about the national justice and far better than the corrupt officials. She is a rare woman in Chinese history. The book shows the panorama of Jiangnan literati groups in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, as well as the social style and features of Jiangnan in which they live. This has important historical value and practical significance for understanding contemporary Jiangnan culture and the ideological and cultural situation of contemporary literati. [6]
Liu Rushi's Biography
Creation era
1950s and 1960s
literary genre
Number of words
eight hundred and twenty-three thousand

content validity

Liu Rushi Bie Zhuan has more than 800000 words and is divided into five chapters. The first chapter "Origin" introduces the reasons for writing this book, the second chapter examines Liu Rushi's original name, family background and incidental problems, the third chapter examines Liu Rushi's communication with Chen Zilong and other issues, the fourth chapter examines Liu Rushi's communication with Qian Qianyi and related issues, and the fifth chapter examines how their couple engaged in the "Restoration Movement" and the difficulty of the Qian family. [1]

Catalogue of works

Catalogue of works
Chapter I
Chapter II
The conjecture of Hedong Jun's original surname and name and its incidental problems
Chapter III
The relationship between Hedong King and the former prime minister of Wujiang and the filial piety of the clouds
Hedong Junjiading Tour
Chapter IV
Mr. Hedong's visit to Banyetang and the relationship between them
Chapter V
Restoring eyesight movement
Qian Family Difficult [5]

Creation background

From the mid 1950s, Chen Yinque began to research the marriage relationship between Liu Rushi and Chen Zilong and Qian Qianyi, and completed the writing of Liu Rushi's Farewell Biography in the mid 1960s. In his later years, Chen Yinque was blind. Even though he could rely on assistants to collect and sort out the materials, Chen Yinque could only complete the writing of ideas, arguments and treatises orally. [1]


Liu Rushi, a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, whose surname is Yang, was originally called "Yunjuan", also known as "beauty". At one time, the name was "Yang Chao", the word was "Chaoxia", the name was "Yin Wen", and the names were "Yang Ai" and "Yang Yinglian". Later, the surname of Yang was Liu, which took "Yin" as its name, "Rushi" as its word, and "Meiwu" as its word. It used to take "Liushi" as its name, and "Liuyin" as its name. ① Born in the 46th year of Wanli (1618), she was the first servant girl of Xu Buddha. The Buddhist queen was Zhou Daodeng's concubine. Zhou Daodeng, a native of Wujiang, is the so-called "Former Prime Minister of Wujiang" in the third chapter. In 1631 (the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign) or the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, when he was in the 14th and 15th year of his reign, he was slandered by a group of concubines of the Zhou family and (forced) left the Zhou family and went into exile. In the fifth year of Chongzhen, I met Chen Zilong in Suzhou. Chen Zilong, a native of Huating, is the so-called "filial piety and honesty in the clouds" in the third chapter. He is a "prodigy". ② After leaving the Zhou family, I had a relationship with Li Cunwe and a sincere love with Song Yuanwen. However, due to the opposition of Song's mother, the relationship between Yuanwen and Rushi ended. Li and Song are both from Huating. Li Cunwe was a scholar in the 16th year of Chongzhen's reign in the Ming Dynasty. He once laid down people for the middle school calligraphy, worked hard in writing, excelled in calligraphy, and committed suicide in the southern capital of the Ming Dynasty. He was a hero. Song Yuanwen was a scholar in the fourth year of Emperor Shunzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty. He was an official to the Zuo Deputy Capital, and died in the sixth year of Emperor Kangxi's reign at the age of 50. Liu learned his calligraphy mainly from Li. ③ After ending the relationship with Song Yuanwen, Liu had a close relationship with Chen Zilong from the autumn of the sixth year of Chongzhen (1633) to the winter of the seventh year of Chongzhen. In the eighth year of Chongzhen's reign (the first summer after spring), the two lived together briefly. Due to incompatibility with Chen's wife, Zhang ended the cohabitation relationship with Chen. In the autumn of the same year, he left Songjiang and moved to Guijiayuan, Shengze Town. ④ He visited Qian Qianyi in the winter of the 13th year of Chongzhen's reign, and married him in the summer of the 14th year. After he married Qian, he helped Qian escape from prison due to Huang Yuqi's case and engaged in activities against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty. In the third year of Kangxi's reign (1664), Qian died. Liu killed himself and died for Qian because of the persecution of the Qian family. He was 47 years old. [3]

Appreciation of works


Idea of works

The Biography of Liu Rushi can be said to be a paean to "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world". The author, centering on the earth shaking historical facts, unfolds a huge historical picture through Liu Rushi's unique experience, so that readers can see how various intellectuals choose their own destination in front of the harsh fate in this turbulent era. The author praises or disparages the scholars around Liu Rushi based on his attitude towards the fate of the country, thus playing the role of "belittling snobbery and respecting integrity". Liu Rushi's core temperament is her spirit of freedom, which the author repeatedly emphasizes in the whole book. "Chivalry, talent and backbone are all in one with Liu Rushi", and "the combination of strange women's aspirations and the hearts of adherents" make the book an epic of women's history.
The author attempts to call for the remolding of the national soul and the scholar's soul with Liu Rushi's Biography. The scholar bureaucrats who are generous and generous and take the world as their own duty, the independent and free personality of self-respect and self love, the beautiful and deep emotional and spiritual world, and the erudite and knowledgeable literary grace, "you can be worthy of being a gentleman of Hedong alone". This is the profound implication that the title of the book Liu Rushi Biezhuan actually points to the Confucian scholars. The author's cultural imagination of Liu Rushi, the king of Hedong, is the cultural imagination of Chinese culture in the 20th century. [2]

Content characteristics

Liu Rushi Biezhuan is an unprecedented new text combining historical writing and literary writing. It has two functions: historical research and cultural imagination. It can not only learn the academic character of the contemporary master of Chinese culture, but also understand his spiritual world. [2]

About the author

Chen Yinque (1890-1969), originally from Xiushui, Jiangxi, was born in Changsha. His father Chen Sanli was a poet in the late Qing Dynasty; Chen Hengke, the elder brother, was a calligrapher and painter in the early Republic of China, and Chen Yinke inherited his family studies. He studied phonological exegesis from the age of 8. In the spring of 1902 (the 28th year of Guangxu's reign), 13 year old Chen Yinke accompanied his brother to Japan, studied at the Hoya Hongwen College High School in Tokyo, and later at Berlin University in Germany, Zurich University in Switzerland, the Social and Economic Department of Paris Higher Political School in France, Harvard University in the United States, He has specialized in comparative linguistics and Buddhism for more than 10 years. In the 1940s, Chen Yinque went to England for an operation due to eye disease, but the operation failed. In 1962, he broke his right leg bone and was bedridden for a long time, blind and physically disabled. His main works include Bai Lotian's Thought and Behavior and the Relationship between Buddhism and Taoism, On the Classification of Yuan Bai's Poetry, On the Reason for Regeneration, and in his later years, he reorganized and compiled Han Liu Tang Collection and Jin Ming Guan Cong Draft (preliminary edition and second edition), both of which have been published. [4]