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Delegate to the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Ke Bonian (1904-1985), formerly known as Li Chunfan, was born in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province. China's famous translator and diplomat. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1924. In 1929, he was engaged in the work of the Party's hidden front in Shanghai Chinese Union of Social Scientists Members of the Party and Youth League. He went to Yan'an in 1937. In 1938, he served as the director of the Western Revolutionary History Office of the Central Marxist Leninist Institute and the director of the International Studies Office of the Yan'an Central Research Institute. In 1944, he served as the senior liaison officer of the Foreign Affairs Group of the Central Military Commission. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, follow Ye Jianying He participated in the work of the Implementation Department of the Beiping Military Mediation Office, served as the director of the Translation Department, the director of the Information Department, and later the director of the Research Department of the Central Foreign Affairs Group. After the founding of New China, he served as the first Director General of the Department of the United States and Australia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and concurrently served as the Vice President of the Chinese People's Political and Legal Society. In 1955, he served as China's ambassador to Romania. In 1962, he served as China's ambassador to Denmark. In 1973, he served as Vice President of the Chinese People's Diplomatic Association and Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations. In 1977, he was elected as a delegate to the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In 1981, he served as the chairman of the Editorial Committee of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Relations and History, and a member of the Jury Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. In 1982, he served as a consultant of China Translators Association. He died in Beijing in 1985. [1]
Chinese name
Ma Liying Li Ying Fuying
date of birth
Date of death
one's native heath
Guangdong Chao'an City

Character's Life


Early experience

Ke Bonian, formerly known as Li Chunfan, is a famous translator of Marxist works, a Red Society scientist and an expert on international issues in China, as well as the first batch of diplomats of the People's Republic of China. Ke Bonian began to choose Marxism when he was a student. In an extremely difficult environment, he firmly believed, studied hard, and worked steadfastly, making important contributions to the popularization and sinicization of Marxism. [2]
Ke Bonian was born in Liucha Lane, Haiyang County, Guangdong Province (today's Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City), a revolutionary family with many heroes, cousin Li Chuntao He is the eldest son of this big family. He has a great influence on Ke Bonian. When Cober was in his teens, he often borrowed books from Li Chuntao, and some translated novels embodying utopian socialist ideas became his enlightening reading materials for the emergence of socialist ideals. [2] When he was a teenager, Ke Bainian studied in Shantou Yushi Middle School, an American missionary school. He studied hard and got excellent grades. He was particularly interested in English. He read many original English novels and had a high level of English. [1] 1919 the May 4th Movement It broke out. Ke Bonian, who was studying at a middle school in Shantou, actively participated in the student movement, and then, with the help of Li Chuntao, transferred to Shanghai Hujiang University In 1923, he was admitted to the sociology department of Hujiang University. [2]

Engaged in translation

During this period, he used his spare time to translate English short stories, earn contributions and maintain his studies. A great deal of translation practice has made Ke Bonian's translation level continuously improved, and it is from this time that he began his translation career. Ke Bonian used his foreign language advantages to try to translate American socialist works, and gradually turned to translating Marxist works. In addition, in order to better read and translate foreign books, he also taught himself Russian and German. In 1923, Ke Bainian was expelled from Hujiang University for participating in the progressive student movement and promoting Marxism. stay writing reformer and Zhang Tailei With the help of, he transferred to Shanghai University, which has a strong revolutionary atmosphere. Transfer to Shanghai University is a major turning point in Ke Bonian's life. Shanghai University is a new revolutionary school jointly founded by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. In fact, it is led and presided over by the Chinese Communists, and employs a large number of progressive theorists and educators. Shanghai University actively publicized Marxism, attracted many patriotic young people, trained many revolutionary cadres, and once became the center of the Shanghai revolution. Qu Qiubai once hoped to build it into a "new cultural movement center in the south". After entering Shanghai University, Ke Bonian met many early famous figures of the Communist Party of China, such as Qu Qiubai Cai Hesen Yun Daiying Xiao Chunv , Zhang Tailei, etc., with their help and guidance, Ke Bonian's level of English and Russian has made rapid progress, his understanding of Marxist theory has become more profound, his belief in Marxism has become more firm, and his revolutionary enthusiasm has become higher. In 1924, Ke Bainian joined the Communist Party of China. Ke Bonian's learning experience in the church school enabled him to have a good foreign language level and translation ability, to read and translate progressive books, and laid a solid foundation for his final choice of Marxism; Ke Bonian's learning experience in Shanghai University, especially his contacts and exchanges with the early leaders of the Communist Party of China, made him finally choose Marxism, establish his belief in Marxism, and become an early member of the Communist Party of China. [1]
From the May 4th Movement in 1919 to the "April 12th" counter revolutionary coup in 1927, Cobain began to write What is Socialism, and gradually developed to translate Marxist classics. During this period, his translated works of Marxism became the enlightenment reading materials for many Communists and important textbooks for learning Marxist theory, which promoted the spread of Marxism in China. In 1922, in order to better distinguish between Marxism and non Marxism, Ke Bonian, who studied in Hujiang University, published What is Socialism, pointing out that "to study socialism, we must first have a concept of what socialism is, and then we will not be confused". In 1923, Ke Bainian published Why Should I Be a Socialist again, believing that "socialism is the most effective and fundamental way to solve various modern social problems", which is also the reason why he chose socialism. At that time, facing the problem of where China was going, Chinese intellectuals were divided into revolutionaries and reformers. Under this historical background, Ke Bonian translated the first chapter of Kozuki's Social Revolution. The book distinguishes between social reform and social revolution, pointing out that the difference between the two is whether the emerging class holds power. Ke Bonian translated Ke Zuji's thoughts on social revolution into China, which provided a theoretical basis for Marxists at that time to formulate a correct revolutionary program. The national revolutionary movement based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party created a favorable environment for the further spread of Marxism. Ke Bonian seized the historical opportunity to translate the original works of Marxism from the relevant works of socialism, and from the original methods of extract, translation, abridgement, etc. to full translation, and began to translate the classic works of Marxism completely. Ke Bonian translated Lenin In the first to sixth sections of On Imperialism, he said in the preface of his translation that the purpose of translating the book was to prove "the possibility and inevitability of the socialist social system", and pointed out that "the plunder of China by foreign countries is the inevitable result of capitalist development". "On Imperialism" triggered the domestic debate on "imperialism", cleared up the Chinese people's vague understanding of imperialism, and provided theoretical support for the Communist Party's anti imperialist policy. In 1924, Ke Bonian translated Engels "Utopian and Scientific Socialism", which is an introduction to scientific socialism, describes the development of socialism from utopia to science, and plays a guiding role for Chinese people to understand the theoretical system of Marxism. In 1925, Copernicus translated Marx's Critique of the Gotha Program This book serves as a warning to the young Communist Party of China and is of great significance in guiding the Communist Party of China to understand the essence of Kuomintang Communist cooperation and the goals, strategies and methods of proletarian revolution during the period of the National Revolution. Ke Bonian once said, "The Critique of the Gotha Program is probably the most popular book among the works of Marx and Engels that I translated." This version was recognized as the best version at that time, and became an early reading book for many Communists to study the works of Marx and Lenin. After the failure of Kuomintang Communist cooperation in 1927, Cobain fled to Thailand in 1929 and returned to Shanghai. [1]
From 1929 when he returned to Shanghai to 1937 when he went north to Yan'an, Ke Bainian turned to work on the hidden front. As more and more people translated Marxist works, he rarely translated the original works of Marx and Lenin, instead focusing on writing and translating social science works. As the CPC Central Committee moved to Shanghai, exiled Communists returned to Shanghai one after another to participate in the cultural struggle, and a research upsurge in the field of social science arose. In 1929, Copernicus dietzgen His two philosophical works were translated into Dialectical Logic and Dialectical Materialism. These two works discussed the basic viewpoints of dialectical materialism, answered the basic questions of philosophy, and revealed the limitations of metaphysical materialism. Ke Bonian's translation of Di Cigen's works has opened up a new field for China to study Marxist philosophy. In the same year, in view of the lack of systematic understanding of Marxist state theory within the Party, on the basis of earlier translation, Ke Bonian translated and published Lenin's State and Revolution The full translation, and called it "the most important work on political issues". By translating this book, he introduced the Marxist theory of state to China. In 1930 and 1933, Ke Bonian and Wu Nianci( Du Guoxiang )Wang Shenming co edited the Dictionary of New Terms and the Dictionary of Economics, which are two practical reference books and are very helpful for learning Marxism. In 1933, Ke Bainian also wrote the Outline of Social Issues and How to Study Emerging Social Sciences. Using Marxist historical materialism, the Outline of Social Issues criticizes the view that social problems are regarded as life problems and psychological problems, reveals that the essence of social problems is social economic system problems, and believes that the fundamental method to solve social problems is to change social systems. Ke Bonian hopes that "make sure that this book can be used as an introduction book for middle school students to study social problems", which can help them "further study the problems contained in the topic of social problems in detail". How to Study Emerging Social Sciences is a social science research work that introduces self-study methods. It meets the needs of spreading Marxism and emerging social science research, applies Marxist dialectics to new social science research through easy to understand language, and introduces Marxist methodology. In 1936, Ke Bainian compiled Essentials of World Social Science Masterpieces, which briefly introduced Plato Aristotle Kant The works of, and extracts the essence of, are a good guide to this world famous social science book. [1]
During the period from 1937 to 1943 when he went north to Yan'an to engage in foreign affairs, on the basis of the planned and organized translation and publication of Marxist works by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ke Bonian concentrated on the cause of translation and translated a large number of Marxist works with many experienced Marxist theorists and translators, It has contributed to the spread of Marxism. The Yan'an period was not only the heyday of the translation and publication of Marx Lenin's works, but also the golden age of Ke Bonian's translation career. In 1937, Ke Bainian came to Yan'an and was assigned to undertake translation work at the Institute of Marxism Leninism. In 1939, Copernicus co translated Engels' German Revolution and Counterrevolution. Because this version is faithful to the original work and the quality of the translation is high, it has the highest number of reprints among the five Chinese versions. In 1940, Ke Bainian translated Marx's Napoleonic Coup III, which clarified the Marxist theory of the state and proposed that the proletarian revolution must destroy the old state machine. In 1942, under the unified organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, according to the requirements of the Compilation Department of the Marxist Leninist Institute, Cobernian completely translated and published Marx's French Class Struggle for the second time. Class Struggle in France is one of the most important classical works of Marx, and it is a model for Marx to study social and historical events by using class struggle viewpoint and class analysis method. As for Napoleon's Third Coup and French Class Struggle, Ke Bonian believed that "Marx used his historical materialism to analyze the major events of his time in these two books. If we want to learn Marx's theory and how he applied it, we must carefully study these two books". During the Yan'an period, according to the revolutionary situation and the needs of the task, Ke Bonian not only translated the original works of Marx and Lenin, but also participated in the translation of a number of topics and anthologies. [1]
From 1943, when he began to work in foreign affairs until his death, he mainly moved to the diplomatic field of China. Although he no longer focused on translation work, he was still engaged in translation work and made outstanding contributions as long as the country needed. In 1943, Copernicus was appointed to receive the military observer group sent by the US government. From then on, Copernicus began his diplomatic career in foreign affairs. In 1947, with more and more contacts with the United States, the Party Central Committee urgently needed a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the United States. In order for the Party Central Committee to understand the United States as soon as possible, Cobernian began to collect materials and compile an American Handbook. In 1949, the American Handbook, edited by Ke Bainian, was published. It includes 14 chapters on geography, history, economy, military affairs, political parties, and diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and five appendices, including a brief explanation of American political terms and a chronology of other major events in American history. It introduces the specific situation of the United States in detail and is a good reference book on American issues, Later, it became an important teaching material for the training of new diplomats in New China. In 1971, Mao Zedong See in the press India's War with China I think this book is very valuable Zhou Enlai After discussion, it was decided to translate and publish the complete translation of the book. Zhou Enlai personally deployed, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a special translation team, which was jointly translated by six comrades, including Ke Bonian, and published by Sanlian Bookstore that year. Maxwell is the author of India's War with China. When the Sino Indian border conflict occurred in 1962, he was the special correspondent of the Times in Delhi. Maxwell carefully collected the internal information of the Indian government, objectively analyzed the background of the Sino Indian border conflict, and pointed out that the Sino Indian border conflict was the result of India's "forward policy", for which India was responsible. The Indian War against China is a highly reliable book, and its publication has caused great repercussions. [1]

Conversion diplomacy

With the development of the revolution and construction of new China, Ke Bonian has continuously contributed his wisdom and strength. In the early days of the founding of the Party, the guidance of Marxist theory was urgently needed. He translated a large number of Marxist works as text support; Before and after the founding of New China, there was an urgent need for competent and experienced diplomats. He took an active part in foreign affairs and played an important role in the diplomatic front. [1]
From 1943 when he began to work in foreign affairs to the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ke Bonian mainly focused on foreign affairs research, and also served as the reception of foreign guests. At the same time, he also undertook a large number of foreign affairs research tasks. He translated English newspapers and periodicals for the reference of the central leadership. At the end of the Anti Japanese War, the Central Committee set up the Foreign Affairs Group of the Central Military Commission in order to receive the military observation group sent by the US government. Ke Bonian became a member of the group and participated in the reception work of the military observation group because of his excellent political literacy and excellent foreign language skills. With the joint efforts of Comrades Ke Bonian and others, the US military observer group learned about the true Communist Party of China, and some representatives delivered an objective and fair evaluation of the Communist Party of China to the world. This reception activity has greatly enhanced the positive image of the Communist Party of China in the world and expanded its influence overseas. After moving to the foreign affairs front, Ke Bonian also did a lot of foreign affairs research work. At that time, the Party Central Committee urgently needed to know about the situation of various countries. Ke Bonian collected foreign newspapers and books through various channels, invested a lot of time and energy in reading, excerpting and translating these materials, and provided the situation of various countries to the Party Central Committee for reference, so that the Party Central Committee could keep abreast of the developments of various countries in a timely manner. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Foreign Affairs Group of the Central Military Commission was upgraded to the Foreign Affairs Group of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Ye Jianying as the leader. Ke Bonian successively served as the director of the translation department, the director of the information department, and the director of the research department, and continued to engage in foreign affairs research. During the War of Liberation, the leadership of the Central Committee paid close attention to the situation of the United States and its policy towards China. Ke Bonian put forward many constructive suggestions about the United States to the Party Central Committee, which played a role of reference for the Party Central Committee to accurately judge the international situation and make correct decisions. [1]
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ke Bainian began to engage in diplomatic work in an all-round way, and also did diplomatic research, which played an extremely important role in opening the diplomatic situation for New China in the world. After the founding of New China, Ke Bonian was appointed the first Director General of the Department of the United States and Australia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and continued to engage in foreign affairs related to the United States and Australia. In 1951, during the Korean armistice negotiations, the front-line commander of the negotiating delegation Li Kenong When he fell ill, the Party Central Committee immediately decided to send Wu Xiuquan Ke Bonian went to North Korea to assist in work. Under the auspices of Li Kenong, Wu Xiuquan and Ke Bonian launched a marathon negotiation with the US side. In the process of negotiations, Cobernian exposed the imperialist crimes of the United States, clarified the great significance of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and actively sought the support of international public opinion. The Korean War was interminable, and the Sino US negotiations were intermittent. In 1953, the two sides finally Korean Armistice Agreement Signed on. In 1954, Ke Bonian, as one of the advisers of the Chinese delegation, accompanied Zhou Enlai to attend Geneva conference The Geneva Conference achieved peace in Indochina, ensured relative stability in the southern border area of China, significantly improved Sino British relations, and built a bridge between China and the United States. In 1955, Ke Bonian was officially appointed as the Chinese ambassador to Romania. In the same year, he participated in the Sino US ambassadorial talks and promoted the signing of the agreement on the return of civilians between the two countries. This agreement is of great significance and far-reaching impact to New China. It is through this agreement that many scientists can return home. From 1955 to the end of 1965, more than 130 scientists returned to China from the United States, including the "two bombs and one satellite" heroes Qian Xuesen Etc. In 1959, Ke Bonian was appointed Executive Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1962, Ke Bainian was appointed Chinese Ambassador to Denmark. In 1973, Ke Bonian became Vice President of the Chinese People's Foreign Affairs Association and Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations. In 1977, Ke Bonian attended the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as a party representative. In 1981, Ke Bonian was appointed Chairman of the Editorial Committee of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Relations and History, and a member of the Jury Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. In 1982, Ke Bainian was employed as a consultant of the Chinese Translators Association. [1]

Character evaluation

Mao Zedong spoke highly of Ke Bonian's translation work. During the Yan'an period, he once said, "In translation work, we should consult Ke Bonian more." [2]
All his life, Ke Bonian took the revolutionary ideal as the direction of struggle, adhered to the integration of theory with practice, insisted on the combination of translation and research, and insisted on analyzing the reality and development path of Chinese society from the standpoint of Marxism, which has important implications for further promoting the development of Marxism in China in the new era. His firm belief in Marxism, his solid style and practical character reflected in the translation and introduction of Marxist Leninist classics, research and publicity of Marxism, are worthy of serious study, inheritance and development. [2]

Commemoration for future generations

In 1985, Ke Bonian, a red translator and famous diplomat, died in Beijing. In memory of him, the English language China Daily published an article entitled Ke, Diplomat and Revolutionist, Died for a Long Time, which introduced his life. No matter what kind of work he is doing at any stage of his life, whether in good times or bad, Ke Bonian always sticks to Marxism and is an outstanding Communist with 61 years of party age. [1]