Jns Jakob Berzelius

Swedish chemist and earl
zero Useful+1
synonym Bezilias (Bezilias) Generally refers to Yongs Jacob Bezelius
Jns Jakob Berzelius Swedish Jöns Jakob Berzelius From August 20, 1779 to August 7, 1848) Bezilias Bezilius or Bai Zeli Sweden chemist , Earl, Modern Chemistry The founder of the naming system. [1]
Chinese name
Jns Jakob Berzelius
date of birth
August 20, 1779
Date of death
August 7, 1848
University one is graduated from
Uppsala University
Key achievements
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences academician
Royal Society academician
Academy of France academician
Founder of modern chemical naming system

brief introduction

Jns Jakob Berzelius
Yongs Jacob Bezelius (1779-1848), Symbols of chemical elements The initiator of quantum chemistry. He has made important contributions to the development of chemistry, accepted and developed Dalton Of Atomism With oxygen as the standard Atomic weight It was the first time to adopt modern element symbols and publish the atomic scale of known elements at that time; Several elements, such as silicon, thorium and selenium, were discovered and prepared for the first time; First, use the concept of "organic chemistry"; Yes“ Electrochemical dualism ”The proposer of; The phenomenon of "isomerism" was found and the concept of "catalysis" was first proposed. His outstanding achievements made him a famous chemical authority in the 19th century.


Jns Jakob Berzelius
On August 20, 1779, it was about 161 kilometers southwest of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden Lin Xueping A little boy was born into the family of a primary school principal in the village of. His name is Jones Jacobs Bezerius. When he was 4 years old, the principal's father died of illness, and his mother married a priest with him and his 2-year-old sister. Two years later, Bezerius' mother also died. Fortunately, the stepfather, who has five children, treats brother and sister as if they were their own children, and cultivates and educates them. The priest was not rich, but soon he still managed to raise a considerable amount of money and hired a knowledgeable tutor for seven children. While the tutor educates the children, the pastor also pays great attention to meeting the children's thirst for knowledge and often leads them to outings for educational purposes. There are all kinds of plants along the river. In the clear water, fish are swimming and bubbling, and shrimps and crabs are bumping around among the pebbles. The scenery by the river is different all the year round. For children, traveling along the river is undoubtedly a very attractive game. Bezelius preferred this kind of travel, especially his stepfather often gave him advice and help in observing things. Gradually, he began to fall in love with nature with all his heart. Sometimes he would lie on the soft grass beside the river and look up at the white clouds in the sky. It seemed that he was already a part of nature.
In 1793, 14-year-old Bezerius entered Lin Xueping Middle School. For those complicated social science courses, he did not study very hard; However, he showed great interest in natural science courses, often collecting specimens of various plants and animals, and also liked to hunt. Under the guidance of a new natural history teacher who had just returned from an academic trip to the West Indies, Betzelius began to conduct a more systematic study of the animals and plants in Linchepin. During the whole middle school period, he left the impression on teachers that he was a young man with good talent, broad ambitions but a quick temper.
After graduating from middle school, Bezerius hoped to continue his studies, and his stepfather agreed to his request. In September 1796, at the age of 17, Bezelius came to Uppsala, an ancient university town in Sweden. Then he passed the entrance examination and became Uppsala University Students. As his stepfather was unable to provide him with more funds, his life was quite difficult. In order to improve his living conditions, Bezerius went to work as a tutor for others. Although his income was quite low, this self reliant life cultivated his strong will and character of loving labor. In order to teach the children of immigrants from different countries, Bezerius began to learn French, German and English by himself. It was precisely because of such self-learning experience that these language knowledge played a very important role in his later research of various academic works in multi languages.
In the autumn of 1798, college student Bezerius won a scholarship, so that he had enough time to study what he liked instead of running around for a living. Soon, he passed the examination of medical philosophy, his major. Until then, Bezerius had not shown much interest in chemistry, his career in the future.
It was an exam that finally prompted Bezerius to put his energy into chemistry. In an examination of various subjects in the third year of college, his chemistry score ranked last in the class. If he had not achieved good results in other subjects, he would probably have been expelled. From then on, Bezerius, who did not want to be left behind, began to learn chemistry on his own initiative. At this time, the young man began to study the textbook of German chemist Gitanier Basic Principles of Antiphlogiston Chemistry This is a textbook that is easy to understand. Bezelius later recalled that after studying this book, he became more and more interested in chemistry, and his mind was full of all kinds of chemical experiment and Chemical knowledge
At that time, Lavoisier The theory of oxygen is going deep into the chemical theory and starting to replace the outdated phlogiston theory. There is a heated debate between phlogiston theory and advocates of Lavoisier's theory. The phlogiston theory still dominates the Swedish scientific community. The teachers of Bezelius believe in the old ideas, while their student accepted Lavoisier's theory. Bezelius prepared a large amount of oxygen in the laboratory and often conducted experiments on burning various substances in oxygen in front of his classmates. For these students, this is the first experiment to make them know Lavoisier's oxygen theory. In constant experiments, Bezelius became more interested in chemistry. At Uppsala University at that time, chemistry did not receive much attention, and few college students wanted to devote themselves to this discipline. But at this time, Bezerius had deeply fallen in love with chemistry and began to work hard to solve the problems that appeared when he studied some chemical phenomena. In the summer vacation of 1799, he spent time in a glass shop, where he learned the skills of welding glass and making glassware from an Italian. This skill, which is extremely important for laboratory work, will always amaze his students in the future. In the winter of that year, he worked as an assistant for a doctor in the origin of Medevi mineral water. In the winter of 1800, Bezelius made a chemical analysis of Medevi mineral water, which was the subject of his dissertation.
At this time, in terms of electricity, the Italians Volts The invention can produce continuous current Voltaic battery Soon, Bezerius, who was good at accepting new things, also made a voltaic battery and used it to study the physiological and medical effects of current. With this device, he successfully restored the flexibility of a sick hand of a disabled person. The experience of these experiments became the basis of his doctoral thesis. In May 1802, Bezelius conducted an open defense of his doctoral dissertation at Uppsala University, thus completing everything necessary to obtain a medical doctor's degree. In the same year, the Royal Swedish Medical Association appointed Bezelius, who had just turned 23, as a lecturer in medicine and pharmacy at Stockholm Medical College. From then on, he began his teaching career.
In 1807, at the age of 28, Bezelius was appointed professor of chemistry and pharmacy. At that time, there were only three professors in the medical department of the medical school he taught, so each professor had to teach several courses. Bezelius taught medicine, botany and pharmacy, and soon afterwards he taught chemistry. At the beginning, his pharmacy class was very popular with students, but few people came to listen to his chemistry class. This is because chemistry professors at that time only paid attention to oral presentation when giving lectures, and usually did not carry out any demonstrations and experiments. This kind of chemistry teaching method is traditional in many universities. It is difficult not only for teaching but also for students to understand such an abstract chemistry lesson by making oral comments on the properties and composition of various substances without conducting intuitive experiments on chemical reactions. Therefore, it is conceivable that chemistry is not popular.
Bezerius tried to change this situation. He greatly increased the number of experiments in his lectures, and introduced intuitive chemical experiments into classroom teaching. Soon, his chemistry classroom was gradually crowded with students coming to listen. His chemistry teaching method was also quickly adopted by many other universities. While carrying out intense teaching activities, Bezelius also actively engaged in scientific research activities. In 1802, he carried out electrochemical research. In February 1803, he summarized the research results into a paper, which included all the basic principles of electrochemical theory proposed by Bezelius later. In the same year, Bezelius and his native chemist Hersingel jointly discovered the new chemical element cerium in the process of studying the decomposition of compounds, and also accurately measured the properties of this new substance. In this way, the previously unknown 24-year-old Jacob Bezerius became famous in the chemical industry.

Periodical books

Jns Jakob Berzelius
From 1806 to 1818, Bezelius and Hersingel edited and published the journal Series of Physics, Chemistry and Mineralogy. This journal has increasingly deepened its influence in the physics and chemistry circles. Bezelius also often publishes his various research results in this journal. In 1806, Bezerius wrote the textbook of physiological chemistry by himself. In that year, he introduced the concept of "organic chemistry" into teaching for the first time. In 1808, he began to write Chemistry Textbook, which was a textbook learned by several generations of chemists in many countries in the future, and made great contributions to the development of science. From 1807, he also carried out basic research on determining the composition of various salts, acids, oxides and other substances in the following six years.
In 1808, Bezerius was elected as Academician of Swedish Academy of Sciences In 1810, he was elected president of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. The overworked Bezerius did not attach too much importance to the honor of this kind, and he still carried out his scientific research and teaching work down-to-earth.
As a scientific worker, Bezerius pays much attention to the latest scientific research progress in the world. He actively keeps in touch with foreign scientists, which further expands the breadth and depth of his scientific views. Even in the early days of scientific activities, he had established correspondence with many famous scholars, such as Bertole in France, David in Britain, etc. In the summer of 1812, Bezelius Royal Society president David At the invitation of, he visited the Royal Society of England. Through David's introduction, he also met many outstanding representatives of the Society. In the next five months, Bezerius and David carried out common chemical research, reached many consensus, and corrected each other's wrong views, further deepening the academic relationship between him and David. In the spring of 1818, Bezerius became ill due to fatigue. Doctors and friends suggested that he could temporarily stop chemical research and travel to foreign countries for recuperation. He followed his advice and made a long trip abroad, visiting Britain, France, Switzerland and Germany. During his trip, he also met many university students in Europe. He stayed in Paris, France for 10 months, and exchanged research topics with French scholars, from which Bezerius got many very useful inspirations. In October 1820, he returned to Stockholm and began new scientific research.
At this time, Bezerius had become a world famous scholar. His research scope is extremely wide, and almost no major chemical problem has not participated in the research.
In order to better summarize the development of science at that time, he began to publish the Annual Report of Progress in Physics and Chemistry in 1821. Until his death, 27 issues of the annual reports were published, which were the most authoritative abstract journals in chemistry, physics and mineralogy in the first half of the 19th century.
When starting to publish the annual report, Bezerius also set himself the lofty goal of widely publicizing scientific achievements. He believed that his efforts would certainly promote the development of production and help to improve the welfare of the people. In the first issue of the annual report, he wrote in the name of the Academy of Sciences: "With the continued publication of these scientific papers or reports, the country's intelligentsia may achieve its ultimate goal - that is, to further understand the progress of human knowledge, to pay more attention to the research of practical science, so that their research results can be more widely applied to ordinary skills and processes that are beneficial to workers, which will certainly promote The prosperity of production and the improvement of living standards of workers. "
The second task Bezerius proposed to himself is to unite the strength of scientists from all countries through this abstract journal to promote the development of scientific cause. He pointed out that the publication of the annual report is not only conducive to summarizing the work that has been done, but also can study a new topic.
The Annual Report has published 27 issues in total, each of which is a thick one, with the largest issue reaching 800 pages of text. When editing the Annual Report, Bezelius not only excerpted numerous scientific works, but also tried to select the most important works for scientific development. He once said this paragraph: "The fruit picked from the science garden, just like the harvest of farmers, is often the common product of work, luck and favorable opportunities. What is related to the former is just collecting facts in daily life, so science always moves forward slowly. Science sometimes takes greater steps than usual. In most cases, this step is the result of making good use of opportunities, and sometimes it is the result of excellent research by rare talents. Like the electromagnetic effect discovered by Aiersjiete; The thermoelectric phenomenon studied by Gibek; Electromagnetic rotation discovered by Faraday; Mickelite found the isomorphism of objects; De Brunier found that platinum has the property of causing gasification at room temperature until ignition... All these are extremely rare and huge steps taken by science. "

Discover Elements

Jns Jakob Berzelius
In 187, Stockholms universitet Our medical department needs a lecturer who can teach chemistry. He applies to be admitted immediately. Only then did Bezellius know that the new element he found unintentionally was a very important academic achievement. In 1808, he wrote a chemistry textbook for students, changed it again and again, and it was published 15 years later. The book was later translated into French German English is widely used in European and American universities.
In 2018, Bezelius analyzed blood and found that hemoglobin He also analyzed various foods and found that spinach contains a large amount of iron, so he suggested that eating more spinach can improve physical strength and promote blood production. This research result was laughed at by many people at that time: spinach is green and blood is red. How can green food make up for red? Bezelius did not dispute anything. He continued to study the chemical reactions of physiological metabolism. He didn't know that he had started an important subject Physiochemistry In 1805, he wrote: The function of human brain is the greatest mystery of the great nature. Many chemical actions are involved in it. As long as there is a problem with one chemical action, people will go crazy; Whenever I unlock a small chemical reaction in my brain, it is a big step for me to know God.
Soon, Bezelius proposed that lactic acid, not acetic acid, caused muscle soreness. He also found that lactic acid has an optical difference between left-handed and right-handed. This molecule has the same molecular formula, but has different arrangement structures. He called it Isomer (isomerism)。 In 1817, he analyzed a new element in the underground residue of the lead smelting furnace. He named it Selenium. The word originally means the moon, because selenium is separated from slag, just as the moon is separated from the earth. Later, he found a new element from the black granite produced on Lefeng Island in southern Norway, and named it Thorium.
In 1818, Bezelius put forward his most famous research achievement, Atomic Weight Determination. When he studied the oxides of various elements, he found that each element has a certain weight and proportion to form various substances. He determined the atomic weight of 45 known elements based on the weight of 16 grams of oxygen atoms per mole. In 1826, he wrote down the symbols of various atoms in Latin and released the atomic weight scale, which was the earliest atomic weight determination and its periodic table. Why do chemical elements use Latin? Bezelius believes that everyday words will change their meanings over time, and non spoken Latin can leave their original meanings.

Old age life

Jns Jakob Berzelius
Bezelius devoted his whole life to science. He was 56 years old when he first married. His wife, Elisabeth Poppius, was only 24 years old at that time. She was a daughter of Swedish State Minister Poppius. Bezelius was granted the baron title before marriage. When they got married, they held a luxurious wedding. Government officials, scientists, celebrities and his students all came to congratulate them. After marriage, Bezelius continued to immerse himself in scientific research. While giving lectures in the university, he stayed in the laboratory to work and took time to write Annual Review In 1836, he was still alive Yearbook of Physics and Chemistry A paper published in the journal first proposed the concepts of "catalysis" and "catalyst" used in chemical reactions; He was the first person to put forward the term "allotropy" in 1841. Even though Bezellius' achievements in chemistry have become famous internationally, he is still very poor financially. He has lived in a basement for a long time. The room is small enough, and sometimes some students come to discuss their lessons with him. At night, they sleep in the living room when it is too late. Bezelius snores loudly when he sleeps, but these students are used to it. Elisabeth Poppius, Bezelius' wife, was the daughter of his church pastor. When the bride returned from her honeymoon, she found that her husband's house was almost a beggar's house. More than 20 students slept in every corner. Unclear dishes and clothes were piled high. A couple had to clean up together.
The couple later had no children, so they raised their students as children. Many of these students have become outstanding chemists in the future, such as Wohler, the first one to synthesize urea, and those who discovered the new element lithium in iron ores arfwedson (Arfwedson), the discovery of new element vanadium Shaverston (Sefstrom), discovery of new element lanthanum Meng Shanle (Mosander), discovery of new elements holmium and thulium Nilson (Nilsson), etc.
Bezelius wrote: In my eyes, students are more important than any achievements. As for me, I just need to wake up and see the ceiling above my head and the floor below my feet.
In his later years, Bezelius Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences My last speech said: I am full of gratitude to God, and I feel I am the happiest man. He died on August 7, 1848. Due to long-term intense work and frequent contact Toxic Chemicals, Bezelius' health suffered great damage and overwork became a disease. On August 7, 1848 Stockholm He died at the age of 69. The Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Swedish government held a grand funeral for him.

research field

Jns Jakob Berzelius
① Developing Atomism In order to establish the atomic theory, Yongs Jacob Bezelius believed that accuracy Measure the atomic weight of as many elements as possible. In 1814, he published an atomic scale containing 41 elements, which increased to 45 elements in 1818 and 50 elements in 1826. The latter table is actually the same as the current value (except alkali metal And silver are twice the modern values). he find Several new elements: cerium (1803), selenium (1817) thorium (1828). He also proposed a new symbol system of elements, which has been used up to now.
② On electrochemistry In 1814, Yongs Jacob Bezelius proposed Electrochemical dualism : Compounds are composed of two components with different electrical properties (positive and negative charges), which initiated the exploration of the relationship between atoms in molecules. It has been successful in studying the properties of metals and nonmetals, and explaining the properties and preparation process of inorganic compounds.
③ In organic chemistry, Yongs Jacob Bezellius first proposed the name of "organic chemistry" in 1806. He found out Racemic tartaric acid , and because it has the same chemical composition as tartaric acid, but has different physical properties, it recognized the isomerism phenomenon and named it. In 1835, he discovered Catalysis , and name it.
④ In analytical chemistry, Yongs Jacob Bezelius initiated gravimetric analysis. Youngs Jacob Bezelius was the first to separate silicon (1810), tantalum (1824), and zirconium (1824); Studied in detail tellurium Compounds (1834) and rare metals( vanadium molybdenum , tungsten, etc.). He greatly improved the analytical method (using Rubber tube water bath , dryer Bottle washing filter paper Blowpipe analysis )And combustion analysis methods (1814).

Element symbol

Jns Jakob Berzelius
Bezelius has the greatest influence in the field of chemistry. He first advocated Element symbol To represent various chemical elements. He proposed that Latin name Represents an element. If the first letter is the same, use the first two letters to distinguish them. For example, Na and Ne, Ca and Cd, Au and Al, etc. This is always Used till now The symbol system of chemical elements. His element symbol system was published in 1813 by Thomson Philosophical Yearbook On. A year later, in the same journal, he wrote another article on chemical formula Writing rules of. He numbered the number of atoms in the upper right corner of the element symbol. For example, CO2, SO2, H2O, etc. Bezelius' representation of element symbols and chemical formulas is much simpler and clearer than Dalton's previous representation of small circles scientific community Accepted.


Jns Jakob Berzelius
Bezelius is also an outstanding chemist who pioneered the field of organic chemistry. In 1814, Bezelius passed the precise Experimental confirmation , organics also comply with Law of definite composition This started the in-depth study of organic matter. He first quoted the concept of "organic chemistry". But due to the scientific conditions at that time limit The object of organic chemistry research can only be from natural animal and plant organisms extract That is, organic matter can only be produced from organic matter. This gives people an illusion that organic substances are all "living things" or "living things", and can only be formed under the action of a non-material "vitality", rather than being synthesized chemically in the laboratory. Obviously, this "vitality theory" and Bezelius' electrochemical dualism have constrained the development of organic chemistry. But in 1828 Weiler After the artificial synthesis of urea, Bezelius suffered greatly inspire He thought he had found Silver fulminate and Silver cyanate , which are two substances with the same composition but different properties. At that time, it was mistakenly recognized that they were caused by experimental errors. After Weiler, he found that tartaric acid and grape acid were similar, so he thought it was necessary to propose a new concept. He said, "I suggest that substances with the same composition but different properties be called 'isomeric' substances.". The discovery and theoretical clarification of isomerism is an important step in the development of the theory of material composition and structure. It started the research of molecular structure and promoted the development of organic chemistry.

Electrochemical dualism

About Chemistry Affinity The research of the Electrochemical dualism Of theory , Bezelius in his early years Electrolytic process Have made a careful investigation, especially Electrolytic cell The charges at the two poles are opposite, and the attraction between charges and exclude He was deeply impressed and determined to analyze the composition of compounds and the mechanism of chemical reactions with the above viewpoints of electricity. After more Experimental investigation Later, in 1811, from the perspective of electricity, he proposed a more reasonable theory of chemical affinity, namely his electrochemical dualism. According to the duality in electricity and the fact that salt can be decomposed into base and acid by current, he linked the concept of acid and base with the polarity of electricity, and believed that base is formed by metal oxides, which Positive electricity : non-metallic oxide band negative electricity It can form acid. There is also gravity between the two oxides, and the interaction results in the formation of salt. for example calcium oxide With positive electricity, carbon dioxide with negative electricity, formed when the two interact calcium carbonate Then he extended this polarity to elements. He imagined that each atom has positive and negative charges. Oxygen is the most negative element, potassium is the most positive element, and other elements are between the two according to their negative (or positive) properties. The interaction between elements is due to their bands Opposite charge Mutual attraction. For example, oxygen, the most negatively charged element, is attracted by other elements and combines with them. However, the oxides thus formed are not neutral, and they are also charged. Because unequal charges cannot be completely neutralized. Therefore, as previously mentioned, metal oxides are charged with positive electricity, while non-metallic oxides are charged with negative electricity. According to the assumption of Bezelius, matter is always charged, even after combination, it is still charged, and the affinity of matter interaction is electric attractive force The understanding that electricity is the nature of material particles is much more profound than David's understanding that only stays on the surface. Bezellius unifies the chemical and electrical properties of substances in the same material attribute, recognizes the chemical changes of substances through the electrical changes of substances, and organically links the two changes, which is an important ideological development of understanding chemical substances and chemical processes.
Electrochemical dualism basically conforms to electrolytic Actual process The concept of affinity for salt binding and acid-base neutralization is satisfactorily explained. This theory Simple and clear It can explain many chemical phenomena, and chemists can easily understand it. Therefore, this theory soon became a popular theory that won the approval of most chemists. Later, with the development of organic chemistry, especially in the research of substitution reaction, the electrochemical dualism gradually revealed its own defects, which was criticized by people and replaced by new ones theory

Determination of atomic weight

Bezelius was the most famous Analytical chemist one of. When measuring atomic weight, he put many new Analytical method , new reagents and new Instrument and equipment The introduction of analytical chemistry has improved the accuracy of quantitative analysis unprecedentedly. He has conducted detailed research on various analysis operations and improvement For example, he once pointed out that the filtering speed is the fastest when the cone angle of the funnel is 60 degrees, and filter paper Not higher than funnel Otherwise, the solvent will evaporate quickly at the edge of the filter paper, making the precipitation difficult to clean. Bezelius has done long-term systematic research on mineralogy. He found that most of the minerals were "siliceous" (silica) when he made a quantitative full analysis of the minerals. Silica and other metal oxides combine to form compounds, which are mineral Main components Bezelius named the mineral containing this compound "silicate". Various silicic acids are classified according to their composition, and this classification has been used so far. In 1814, he published a paper on the new pure chemical classification of minerals, which attracted great attention of the academic community and was immediately translated into English and German At the same time, he also found some new elements in mineral research. For example, cerium was discovered in 1803; Selenium was discovered in 1817; Thorium was discovered in 1828. In addition, silicon, francium, tantalum, germanium, etc. were also found.

Personal achievements

By Bezelius Chemistry Course (2 volumes, 1808-1812) and the Theory of Chemical Action and Chemical Proportion of Electricity (1814). Bezelius was also a chemistry educator. He attaches great importance to the cultivation of chemical talents. He wrote three volumes of chemistry textbooks, which were translated into French and German shortly after the first edition in 1816. Before Bezelius died, the book was printed in Sweden for five times. It is the most complete, systematic and popular chemistry textbook. For more than 30 years, thousands of young chemists have read the book. Bezelius attracted scientists with his extensive knowledge and insight to correctly evaluate experimental data. He is always changing the old method, create New methods, and No concealment All his achievements have been written into textbooks, paving the way for young scholars to advance. Weiler A large number of chemists have learned from Bezelius, who was one of the internationally recognized chemical authorities at that time.

Main works

1、 Chemistry Course
2、 Physiological Chemistry
3、 Annual Review
4、 Theory of Chemical Action and Chemical Proportion of Electricity