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Bailiang abutment

[bǎi liáng tái]
Architecture of Han Dynasty in China
Bailiang Terrace is an ancient Chinese architecture. It belongs to the platform name of Han Dynasty. Former site In today's Shaanxi Province Chang'an County In the old city of Chang'an in the northwest. Also refers to palace [1] Address: Xi'an, Shaanxi Weiyang District Han Chang'an City Jianzhang Palace North, near Bailiang Village.
Chinese name
Bailiang abutment
geographical position
Chang'an County, Shaanxi Province
Establishment time
During the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty
Historic sites
bǎi liáng tái

Name Source

Dongbailiang Village and Xibailiang Village are called“ Bailiang Village ”, according to《 Chang'an County Annals 》It was said that during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, people mistook Jianzhang Palace Shenmingtai Site The earth tamping platform is regarded as Han Weiyang Palace The original site of "Bailiangtai" was falsely called "Bailiangtai Village", hence its name. So where is the Bailiang Platform?

Historical records

Three supplementary yellow pictures 》It is recorded in Volume 5: "Bailiang Platform, which started in the spring of the second year of Emperor Wu's Yuanding, is located in the north tower of Chang'an City."《 Chang'an Annals 》Quoted from Temple Records: "Bailiang Terrace, built by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, is located in the north tower and west of the road." Historical Records· Filial and martial history 》Later Bailiang Copper pillar is the successor of cactus. " The History of the Han Dynasty 》Yes“ Weiyang Palace Bailiang Platform ". Therefore, experts speculate that Bailiang Terrace may be south of Zhichengmen Street Weiyang Palace Near the Tianlu Pavilion, because the north of Weiyang Palace Sima Men Right here. But now here are full of houses, and there are no traces of earthen terraces left.
One view is that the Bailiang abutment is located in the Weiyang Palace West, and the ruins still exist. Yuan dynasty Li Haowen On《 Chang'an Annals ·In the Map of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty, the location of Bailiang abutment is marked in Weiyang Palace To the west, between Zhangcheng Gate and Zhicheng Gate. the Qing dynasty Wang Senwen In the Preface to the Painting of the Capital City of Han and Tang Dynasties, it is said that "the two hills in the north of the hall are immediately a fabulous sculpted creature Shiqu There is a hill in the north and a hill in the west, which is the historic site of Bailiang. " Liu Yunyong speculated in his book Chang'an in the Western Han Dynasty that "there is a rammed earth pile about seven meters high in the east of Lujiakou Village, which may be the original site of Bailiang Terrace." In Li Zhihui's book Han Fu and Chang'an, there is a similar saying: "There is a rammed earth pile about seven meters high in the east of Lujiakou Village in the northwest suburb of Xi'an today, which coincides with the location of Bailiang Terrace recorded in literature Wang Senwen Judgment: 'The old site of Bailiang is also there right now.' " I have visited Lujiakou Village several times, and the villagers unanimously said that there has never been a mound of rammed earth in the east of the village, but there is only a tamping platform 100 meters north of the village at the border with Zhouhewan Village. I suspect that the "east of the village" should be the "north of the village".

historical background

The rammed earth platform, located in the north of Lujiakou Village and the south of Zhouhewan Village, collapsed seriously due to the age, wind and rain erosion, and human destruction. Local villagers said that in the past, the Getazi covered an area two or three times larger than today's, and there were floodplains around it, so people could go up to the top of the platform along the slope. Nowadays, the slope has been completely cut off, and it is difficult to climb the cliffs on all sides, which is like an island. Mark on the stone tablet under the abutment“ Weiyang Palace Tamping the platform "can not convey more information. The villagers told me that the archaeologists found the ramming platform to the west Weiyang Palace The Western Palace Wall is only 30 meters away from the Western City Wall. After two thousand years of wind and rain erosion, the rammed layer of the earth platform is still clear. What is more amazing and unimaginable is that a hole shaped like a column hole appears on the northwest corner of Taiwan, which can not help but remind people of the 105th chapter of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, when Emperor Wei Ming sent people to remove copper columns from Bailiang Terrace plate for collecting dewdrops used by emperors to pray to the gods That thrilling Historical Romance ... Is the standing ramming platform built by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, with cedar as its beam, famous《 Bai Liangtai Poems 》And become the most famous“ Cypress beam ”What about the famous Bailiang Terrace? Who can ask through the ages? The high platform is silent. And《 Historical Records · Leveling Book 》The records on make me believe that many Fangs are right. Bailiang Terrace is here, and only here.


During the reign of Emperor Wu, due to the effective implementation of such measures as the salt and iron official camp and "sui min qian", the court "used the money to spare". Shanglin Garden The stored and confiscated property has been piled up, so we "widened" the forest garden. Before the "expansion" Shanglin Garden It may be limited to the Weinan part of the old Qin Palace, which was built later Jianzhang Palace place Overlying pressure From Chang'an City of Han Dynasty Weiyang Palace lately. Historical Records · Leveling Book 》: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Yuan Ding In the second year, "It was the right time for the Yue to fight with the Han Dynasty by boat, which was an overhaul Kunming Lake , set out to view the environment. The governance building is more than ten zhang high, and the flag is very strong. The Emperor felt that it was the Bailiang Platform, which was ten zhang high. The repair of the palace is beautiful. " As the symbol and witness of the large-scale construction of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty, Bailiang Terrace is of great significance and far-reaching influence.
Only when the Bailiang Terrace is "arranged" near the west wall can it be best viewed Shanglin Garden Of the grasses are tall and the nightingales are in the air , Rabbit Running dog It is the most suitable for climbing to overlook the spectacular scene on the Kunming Lake in the southwest of Chang'an City. If the high platform is built in the "North Tower", people's vision will be blocked by the front hall located on the Longshou Mountain, losing the original intention of "the Son of Heaven feels that it is the Bailiang Platform". What's more, is there any suspicion of "repeated construction" when the platform is rebuilt in the Beique? at that time Weiyang Palace The southwest is a vast area of water -—— Cangchi So that the platform can no longer be built southward. It seems that it is necessary to strengthen the scenery of Shanglin without leaving the palace A panoramic view , this position be richly endowed by nature
Eleven years later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty the absolute beginning Historical Records in the first year (104 BC)· Filial and martial history 》In November, Bailiang Disaster. ", "In November, Weiyang Palace Bailiang typhoon disaster. First, the strong wind hit the house. " (《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》)The palace on the Bailiang Terrace is in a sudden fire ashes to ashes Only the high platform stands alone. This fire burned the magnificent buildings on the Bailiang Platform, but it made a grand and magnificent system -—— Jianzhang Palace The birth in the sky is overwhelming. The Bailiangtai fire gave Emperor Wu the chance to show his great honor, and made a dream hidden in his heart for a long time come out ahead of time. The value of "sacrifice" of Bailiang Platform!

Bai Liang's Poems

Tang Zhongzong's October Birthday Inner Hall Feast Cypress beam Joint sentence
Touch up Hongye Send talents( Li Xian )
You live in the right place and shame the salt plum blossom. (Li Qiao)
When he comes to strategize( Zong Chuke )
Penglai is full of professional titles. (Liu Xian)
Liang Si Mu is honored to thank Zhong Pei, (Cui Shi)
rites and music Anvil tube The effect is minimal. (Zheng Yin)
Chen Shizhen traveled to Qingjiugai( Zhao Yanzhao )
Xincheng Consultant Shitian Cup. (Li Shi)
Bailiang Platform for Offering Youen and Longevity (Su Ting)
Huang Jieqing and Jian Fengkang. ( Used by Lu Zang )
The Quarry Servant Honors the King, (Li Yi)
Right Yesi's words are not good. (Ma Huaisu)
Zongbo Rank ceremony Heaven and earth open, (Xue Ji)
It's hard to continue to listen to the emperor's songs. ( song zhiwen )
The humble minister held the sun and turned cold and grey( Lu Jingchu )
A distant shame Ban Zuo I am ashamed to accompany you. (Shangguan's concubine)