HU Berlin

World Academic Center before the Second World War
zero Useful+1
HU Berlin (Humboldt University ä t zu Berlin), founded in 1810, formerly the University of Berlin, located in the German capital Berlin , is a public comprehensive class Research University the Second World War The former highest German institution and world academic center. Humboldt University is famous at home and abroad institutions of higher education Is also one of the most influential universities in Europe, German elite universities Members. Humboldt University is the first university in the world scientific research The new university integrated with teaching is known as the "mother of modern universities".
The predecessor of Humboldt University in Berlin, the University of Berlin, has produced 57 students Nobel Prize prize winner. Einstein Plonk Hegel Max von Laue Born Helmholtz hertz Harper Schrodinger weber Green schopenhauer Schelling Heine Wegener A large number of academic masters have studied and taught in the school. 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner Emmanuelle Charpentier Professor Department Department of Biology Distinguished professor. [1]
Humboldt University humanities The field has a top reputation and strong scientific research strength neuroscience Philosophy Sociology Mathematics, physics, and life sciences are all well known in the world, and all disciplines are in the forefront of the world. The law school of Humboldt University is one of the best law schools.
Chinese name
HU Berlin
Foreign name
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (German)
Humboldt University of Berlin (English)
Humboldt University, Berlin University
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
Comprehensive universities
School characteristics
German elite universities
Current leaders
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Sabine Kunst President
School setting
Department of Theology, Department of Philosophy, Department of Law, Department of Mathematics and Natural Science
School motto
Philosophers should change the world, not just think about it
Berlin, Germany
major awards
Nobel Prize, Humboldt Prize

History of school running

Humboldt University in Berlin is based on the research of the founder Humboldt Teaching integration ”Was founded in 1810 New universities He also hoped that Humboldt University in Berlin could become Mutter aller modernen University ä ten
according to Humboldt Modern universities should be "Universitas literarum" Teaching and research are carried out in the university at the same time, and academic freedom is available. The university takes knowledge and academic as the ultimate goal, rather than the cultivation of practical talents.
University of Berlin
Humboldt believes that universities have dual tasks, one is the exploration of science, the other is the cultivation of personality and morality. The science he said refers to pure science, namely philosophy. And accomplishment is the quality that a person should have as a social person, and it is personality Comprehensive development It has nothing to do with specialized abilities and skills.
According to the requirements of pure science Organizational principles There are two: loneliness and freedom. Loneliness means not for politics and economy social benefit We should keep a distance from it and emphasize the democracy of the university in management and academic. In Humboldt's view, freedom and loneliness are interrelated and interdependent, and there is no freedom without loneliness (independence). All external organizations of universities are based on these two points.
Before that, both European and American universities were still following Monastery The tradition of education to train teachers Public officials Or the nobility, less emphasis on research. Since then, Humboldt's ideas have been transferred to Europe and the United States, and become the object of many universities to emulate.
In July 2019, selected German elite universities name list. [2]

academic research

Berlin University, the predecessor of Humboldt University in Berlin, was founded in October 1810. This state funded, coeducational institution of higher learning was the then Prussian Minister of Education, a famous German scholar, and an educational reformer Wilhelm von Humboldt It was founded. At the beginning of its establishment, there were 4 Traditional College , respectively: law, medicine, philosophy and theology. The school has 52 teachers and 256 students Hegel , Law School Savigny , Classical linguist Auguste ·Burke, Hu Feilan of the Medical College and Teer, an agronomist, symbolized the spirit of the schools of Humboldt University at that time.
HU Berlin
In the mid-19th century University reform Under the influence of the tide, Humboldt University in Berlin has made great progress in the study of the previously dominant content, learning process And research conditions, and made great progress.
Berlin University World War Previously, it could be said that it was the world's academic center. Many well-known scholars and politicians have left their footprints here, and 29 Nobel laureates in chemistry, medicine, physics, literature and other fields have been born, with amazing achievements.
first Nobel Prize in Chemistry The winner came from Humboldt University in Berlin, the then Berlin University. He won the prize in 1901 Netherlands professor Jacobian ·Henrisius Van Hoff As a result of research chemical kinetics Law Nobel Prize
Including physicists Einstein Plonk , philosopher Fichte , Xie Lin Hegel schopenhauer , theologian Schleimacher, jurist Savigny All have taught here.
At the same time, Marx, the founder of the Communist Party theory Engels Have studied at the University of Berlin. Other students who have studied here include European parliament chairman Schumann Philosopher Feuerbach, famous poet Heine , Prime Minister of Iron and Blood Bismarck Kurt· Tuhorski Etc.

Nobel Prize


Winner list

Nobel Prize winner on the official website of Humboldt University in Berlin [17]
Statistics by year
particular year
prize winner
Nobel Prize Category
one thousand nine hundred and one
Jacobus Henricus van’t Hoff
Chemistry Award
Emil von Behring
Medical Award
one thousand nine hundred and two
Emil Fischer
Chemistry Award
Theodor Mommsen
Literature Award
one thousand nine hundred and five
Adolf von Baeyer
Chemistry Award
Robert Koch
Medical Award
one thousand nine hundred and seven
Eduard Buchner
Chemistry Award
one thousand nine hundred and eight
Paul Ehrlich
Medical Award
one thousand nine hundred and ten
Albrecht Kossel
Medical Award
one thousand nine hundred and eleven
Wilhelm Wien
one thousand nine hundred and fourteen
Max von Laue
one thousand nine hundred and fifteen
Richard Willstätter
Chemistry Award
one thousand nine hundred and eighteen
Fritz Haber
Chemistry Award
Max Planck
one thousand nine hundred and twenty
Walther Nernst
Chemistry Award
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one
Albert Einstein
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five
Gustav Hertz
James Franck
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one
Otto Warburg
Medical Award
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two
Werner Heisenberg
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three
Erwin Schrödinger
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five
Hans Spemann
Medical Award
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six
Peter Debye
Chemistry Award
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine
Adolf Butenandt
Chemistry Award
one thousand nine hundred and forty-four
Otto Hahn
Chemistry Award
one thousand nine hundred and fifty
Otto Diels
Chemistry Award
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four
Walter Bothe
Max Born
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six
Medical Award

Introduction of some winners

one Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (1852 – 1911), chemist, 1901 Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner [17]
two Theodor Mommsen (1817 – 1903), historian, 1902 The Nobel Prize in Literature winner [17]
three Hermann Emil Fischer (1852 – 1919), founder of modern biochemistry, winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize in Chemistry [17]
four Rob Koho (1843 – 1910), physician, 1905 Nobel Prize in Medicine winner [17]
five Paul Ehrlich (1854 – 1915), physicist, winner of the 1908 Nobel Prize in Medicine [17]
six Albrecht Kossel (1853 – 1927), physician, winner of the 1910 Nobel Prize in Medicine [17]
seven Wilhelm Wien (1864 – 1928), physicist, 1911 The nobel prize in physics winner [17]
eight Max von Laue (1879 – 1960), physicist, winner of the 1914 Nobel Prize in Physics [17]
nine Richard Wilstedt (1872 – 1942), chemist, Nobel Prize winner in 1915 [17]
ten Fritz Haber (18681934), chemist, winner of the 1918 Nobel Prize in Chemistry [17]
eleven Max Planck (1858 – 1947), physicist, winner of the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics [17]
twelve Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), physicist, winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics [17]
thirteen James Frank (1882 – 1964), physicist, winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize in Physics [17]
fourteen hertz (1887 – 1975), physicist, winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize in Physics [17]
fifteen Werner Heisenberg (1901 – 1976), physicist, 1932 Nobel Prize winner [17]
sixteen Erwin Schrodinger (1887 – 1961), physicist, winner of the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics [17]
seventeen Hans Spemann (1869 – 1941), biologist, 1935 Nobel Prize in Biology [17]
eighteen Otto Hahn (1879 – 1968), chemist, winner of the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry [17]
nineteen Max Born (1882 – 1970), physicist, 1954 Nobel Prize winner [17]
twenty Werner Forssmann (1904 – 1979), physician, winner of the 1956 Nobel Prize in Medicine [17]
twenty-one Huasili Leontief (1905 – 1999), Economist, 1973 nobel prize in economics winner [17]

Well known alumni

Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767 – 1835), politician, linguist and university founder
Alexander von Humboldt (1769 – 1859), geographer
Von Neumann , the father of the computer
Savigny (1779 – 1861), jurist
Joseph Kohler (1849 – 1919), jurist
friedrich schelling (1775 – 1854), founder of philosophy
Georg William Friedrich· Hegel (1770 – 1831), philosopher
Fichte (1762 – 1814), Master of Philosophy
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860), philosopher
Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898), the first German Prime Minister
Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland (1762 – 1836), founder of microbiology
Wilhelm Grimm (1786 – 1859), linguist and literary critic, author of Grimm's fairy tales
Sir William Reginald Halliday(1886–1966), King's College London President (1928 – 1952)
Alfred Wegener (1880 – 1930), geologist and meteorologist, proposed Continental drift theory
Heinrich Heine (1797 – 1856), writer and poet
Karl Marx (1818 – 1883), philosopher and sociologist
Azmi Bishara (1956 –), politician
Michelle Bachelet (1951 –), President of Chile
Carl Weierstrass (1815 – 1897), mathematician
max weber (1864 – 1920), sociologist, philosopher, political economist
Ulrich Von Veramowitz Murendov (1848 – 1931), linguist
Max· Steiner (1806 – 1856), philosopher
Leopold von Ranke (1795 – 1886), historian
Robert Remak (1815 – 1865), cell biologist
Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833 – 1905), geographer
Karl Libknesi (1871 – 1919), socialist politician and revolutionist
Herbert Marcuse (1898 – 1979), philosopher
Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895), journalist and philosopher
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach (1804 – 1872), philosopher
Jacob Grimm (1785 – 1863), linguist and literary critic
Ernst Mayr (1904 – 2005), biologist
Lize Maitner (1878 – 1968), physicist, winner of the 1966 Fermi Prize
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdi (1809 – 1847), composer
Little (1779 – 1859), geographer
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768 – 1834), philosopher
Kurt Tuhovsky (1890 – 1935), writer and journalist
Rudolf Virchow (1821 – 1902), doctor and political scientist
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906 – 1945), theologian
Ernst Cassirer (1874 – 1945), philosopher
Adelbert von Chamisso (1781 – 1838), natural scientist and writer
Wilhelm Dilthey (1833 – 1911), philosopher
Bernhard Schlink (1944 –), author, Der Vorleser (reader)
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821 – 1894), doctor and physicist
Heinrich Hertz (1857 – 1894), physicist
Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907 – 1972) philosopher and theologian
Max Huber (1874 – 1960), international lawyer and diplomat
Arnold von Lasaulx (1839 – 1886), mineralogist
Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902 – 1994), philosopher and theologian
Georg Simmel (1858 – 1918), philosopher and sociologist
W·E·B· Du Bois (1868 – 1963), African American activist
Wilhelm Heinrich Westphal (1882 – 1978), physicist
Werner Sombart (1863 – 1941), philosopher, sociologist and economist
Joseph B. Soloveitchik (1903 – 1993), philosopher and theologian
Jurek Becker (1937 – 1997), writer

School running conditions


international co-operation

Strategic cooperation universities (strategic partners) [11]
Strategic cooperation universities (2024)
colleges and universities
List of International Cooperation Universities of Humboldt University in Berlin


The Humboldt University of Berlin in the early days of its establishment had four classic schools: the School of Law, the School of Medicine, the School of Philosophy, and the Theological School.
HU Berlin
Since then, driven by the teaching research of many famous scholars, the school has developed many new disciplines and specialties, and quickly developed into a top university with a global reputation. Humboldt University in Berlin has 11 Professional College And various central research institutes, whose medical department is the largest in Europe. The discipline covers all fields of humanities, society, anthropology, agriculture, medicine, natural science, etc Basic discipline And the only subject in Germany- Social Science. There are 224 specialties, 19 of which have science Master's degree 59 majors have Master of Arts majors. In addition, it includes 12 language translation majors, 4 of which are Eastern Europe Language.
law school
Humboldt University Germany And International Architecture Law Department Environmental Law Research Center, Department of Continental Law, Constitutional College
Academy of Life Sciences
Plant planting Landscape Art livestock learn
The First Academy of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Biology, Chemistry, Physics
The Second Academy of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Geography information science Mathematics, Psychology, Medicine (Charlotte medical college
First Philosophy College
Philosophy, History, Europe ethnology information science and library science
The Second School of Philosophy
German literature, German linguistics, Roman linguistics, British and American literature Slovak literature , Paleolinguistics
The Third Philosophy College
Sociology, Culture and Art, Asian and African Literature
The Fourth Philosophy College
Kinematics, rehabilitation science and technology
School of Economics
Finance Management and Operation Marketing, Market Operation, Statistics Economic History economic information


The faculty of Humboldt University in Berlin is very strong, including physicist Albert Einstein Max Planck Helmholtz Schrodinger hertz Wayne, the father of biochemistry Fischer Feng, one of the greatest mathematicians in the 20th century· Neumann , chemist Bayer , philosopher Fichte , Xie Lin Hegel Marx, Schopenhauer geographer Richthofen Little , theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher Jurist Savigny, Franz von Liszt historian Lanke has taught here.
Main Library

World ranking

Times Higher Education World University Ranking
particular year
Times Higher Education World University Ranking
two thousand and sixteen
two thousand and seventeen
two thousand and nineteen
two thousand and twenty
seventy-four [4]
two thousand and twenty-one
eighty [13]
two thousand and twenty-two
seventy-four [14]
two thousand and twenty-three
eighty-six [12]
two thousand and twenty-four
eighty-seven [15]
Thames Higher Education World University Reputation Ranking :
QS World University Ranking
particular year
QS World University Ranking
one hundred and twenty [6]
one hundred and seventeen [5]
one hundred and twenty-eight [7]
U. S. News World University Ranking
particular year
U. S. News World University Ranking
two thousand and seventeen
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand and nineteen
ninety [3]
two thousand and twenty
sixty-one [16]
  • Professional ranking
13. Philosophy
38. Psychology
49. Neuroscience
49. Immunology
50. Humanities and arts
54. Physics
56. Mathematics
65. Biology and Biochemistry
74. Clinical medicine
104. Pharmacology and toxicology
113. Animal and Plant Sciences
116. Molecular Biology and Genetics
119. Microbiology
131. Chemistry
135. Ecology

Campus environment

Berlin Humboldt University is located in the center of Berlin Unter den Linden Located in Palais des Prinzen Heinrich King Of Prussia Friedrich II (Friedrich II) A palace built for his brother Prince Henry.
Unification of Germany and Germany Later, Humboldt University in Adlershof, southeast of Berlin Sci-Tech Park A new campus was built. After 1998, the natural science department of the university moved to the district one after another.