Drosophila melanogaster

Diptera Drosophilidae
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Drosophila is a species of Drosophila of Diptera Drosophilidae, the first animals sent to space [12] [16] Red compound eye. The female is 2.5 mm long, and the male is smaller. Males have dark hind limbs, which can be distinguished from females. Male and female identification method: female drosophila is large with sharp ends. Back: 5 rings, no black spots. Ventral surface: 7 ventral segments. The first pair of foot tarsal base asexual comb. Male drosophila is small with blunt end. Back side: 7 rings, extending to the end with black spots. Ventral surface: 5 ventral segments. The first pair of tarsomes have black mane like combs at the base. [13]
Drosophila is widely found in temperate and tropical climate regions of the world, and its main food is rotten fruit, so it can be seen in human habitats such as orchards, vegetable markets and other areas. Most species feed on decaying fruits or plants, while a few only use fungi and feed on tree sap or pollen. [14 ] It can reproduce quickly. It can reproduce once every ten days at 25 ℃, and one female fruit fly can reproduce hundreds of flies in one generation. [13]
Drosophila has a short life cycle, easy feeding, fast reproduction, few chromosomes, many mutations, and small individuals. It is a good genetic experimental material. The study of Drosophila plays a key role in the development of genetics and evolutionary developmental biology, and also promotes the development of many basic and applied disciplines such as neurobiology and cell biology. Scientists not only confirmed Mendel's law of inheritance with the fruit fly, but also discovered the sex linked inheritance of the white eye mutation in the fruit fly. In the field of modern developmental biology. The genetic genetics of Drosophila melanogaster takes the lead. [15 ]
Chinese name
Drosophila melanogaster
Latin name
Animal kingdom
Manghornia [1]
Distribution area
Global temperate zone and Tropical climate area

morphological character

The male has black spots on the abdomen, and the forelimbs have sexual combs, while the female does not
Drosophila is a small fly with a body length of 1.5-4 mm. Most of the insects are yellowish brown, and some are black. There is a pair of large and mostly bright red compound eyes on the head. There are three pairs of marginal setae on the inside of the two compound eyes. The middle of the back head between the compound eyes rises slightly, forming a monocular triangle area. There is a pair of monocular setae on the front and bottom of the three monocles. [2]
In the middle of the back head (the upper back of the monocular triangle), there is a pair of bristles on the back head, and the two hairs are opposite. There is also a pair of inner top bristles and a pair of outer top bristles on both sides. The third segment of antennae is oval or round, and the antennae are pinnately branched, which are located at the front and bottom of the two complex limits. Some male drosophila flies often have rows of manes on the tarsal section of their forefoot, called sex combs.
The head has many bristles, 3 antennae are oval or round, the antennae are feathery, sometimes comb like, and the compound eyes are bright red. The fin Sc is very short, R one It is also short, and the edge of the front vein is often notched. The larva body has 11 segments, each segment has 1 ring of tiny hooked spines. [3]
Difference between male and female Drosophila melanogaster
Male female identification skills
Size: Females are usually larger than males.
Form: The abdomen of female body is slightly pointed, relatively wide and thick, and oval; The abdomen of the male is blunt and round, relatively narrow and columnar.
Stripes: there are 5 stripes with similar width on the back of the female abdomen; There are only three on the abdomen and back of the male body, the two on the upper part are narrow, and the last one is wide and extends to the abdomen and back, showing an obvious black spot.
Sex comb: There are 5 subsegments in Drosophila pectoralis foot tarsomes. There is a comb like black mane structure at the base of the first sub segment of the first pair of pectoral foot tarsomes of male flies, which is called sex comb. This structure can be clearly seen when it is magnified about 100 times. Female flies have no sexual comb. Sex comb is a reliable symbol for distinguishing male and female. It is also a simple and reliable method to distinguish male and female by observing the structure of external genitalia at the end of abdominal ventral surface. The external genitalia of male flies are dark, while that of female flies is light. [4]

Growth and development

Life history of Drosophila melanogaster
A complete life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster can be divided into four distinct stages, namely egg → larva → pupa → adult. The egg is about 0.5mm long, white, with a filament protruding from the front and back, which can attach to the food or bottle wall without sinking into the food. The eggs incubate for 22-24 hours to become larvae, and the larvae molt twice to become the third instar larvae, about 4-5mm; The naked eye can see that the head is slightly pointed at one end, and there is a black hooked mouthpiece on it. The larvae live for about 4 days and pupate. At first, they are light yellow and soft, and then gradually harden into dark brown. At this time, they are about to emerge; Adult Drosophila melanogaster can mate 8 hours after eclosion and lay eggs 2 days later. Adult Drosophila melanogaster generally survives for 37 days at 25 ℃. [5]


Drosophila melanogaster
Adults often lay eggs around rotten plants and fruits. Larvae breed in decaying fruits or other decaying plant substances.
Drosophila flies often grow and breed in decaying fruits, so they can be seen with a little attention in the areas where people live, such as decaying fruits and vegetables, garbage dumps, brewery workshops, and some kitchens, trains, ships and even airplanes.
In nature, such as juice flowing from flowers, decaying grass, orchards, vegetable fields, shade trees, decayed bark, decayed trees, fallen leaves and fleshy fungi (such as fungus Mushroom ), you may see the appearance of fruit flies.

Acquisition method

Generally, rotten fruit is used as bait, and the amount of bait accounts for 1/3 to 1/2 of the container. The containers can be empty cans, enamel cups, paper cups, jars and small plastic tubes. If the fruit is inconvenient, you can also use fresh yeast dough. If you use ripe sweet potatoes, add some yeast powder and stir them, when they become sour during fermentation, you can also lure some fruit flies.
Baits can be placed in grass, under trees, among flowers and near ponds. In order to avoid the invasion of ants and bees or the injection of rainwater, the trap can also be hung on the branches. It is better to cover the trap with a large cover to avoid drying and scratching by butterflies and bees. The lid must be supported with a small stick, etc., so that the taste in the container can overflow and the fruit flies can enter. Drosophila can be lured the next day after the food is fermented. If the weather is hot and dry, it is necessary to add some water properly to prevent the bait from drying out and losing efficacy. An appropriate amount of bait can be used continuously for about 5 days. Fly eggs, larvae and pupae of all ages can also be collected from the bait.
When you see a place where fruit flies may live, gently sweep back and forth with a net. Because they fly slowly, they fly when touched, so they don't have to fly as fast as dragonflies and butterflies. You can also use the insect catching net to gently buckle on the trap, lift the net with one hand, and touch the trap with the other hand, so that the fruit fly will automatically fly to the top of the net, and then put it into the poison bottle to kill; Or put it into a container with anesthetic to choose the type needed after anesthesia or death; You can also use a transparent plastic film bag to buckle it on the trap, so that the drosophila flies to the top of the bag, and then use trematode tubes to select insect species in it.
The best time to collect is in the early morning and dusk in summer. Autumn can be later, because the activity of fruit flies is slower at this time.

Representative species

Drosophila melanogaster
Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila melanogaster )Widely used in genetic research, belonging to Drosophilidae Drosophila , is a representative species of Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila melanogaster It is a diptera insect with a short life cycle, easy feeding, fast reproduction, few chromosomes, many mutations and small individuals. It is a good genetic experimental material and is commonly used Model organism [5]
The adults of Drosophila melanogaster are Licking mouthpiece They mainly eat licking juice juice, and have a strong tendency to fermented juice and sweet and sour juice. The feeding observation results show that the adults can survive for 25-40 days, and can survive within the temperature range of 8-33 ℃. The best temperature is about 25 ℃. When the temperature is higher than 33 ℃, the adult flies of Drosophila will die in succession. When the temperature is lower than 8 ℃, the adult flies of Drosophila will not move in the field, and will mostly gather in the fruit shells (such as grapes) and rotten fruit holes after the larvae feed. Drosophila adults are weak in flying ability, and mostly live in the shade and weak light. Most of the time, they live in the wet land with weeds. [6]

Species value

scientific research
Drosophila melanogaster (Drosophila melanogaster is the most widely studied) is one of the most important model organisms in biological research. At the beginning of the 20th century, Morgan selected Drosophila melanogaster as the research object, established the genetic chromosome theory through simple hybridization and sub representative counting methods, laid the foundation of classical genetics and pioneered the use of Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. As a model organism for studying human diseases, Drosophila is not only similar to mammals in basic biology, physiology and nervous system functions, but also has its unique advantages as a model organism. Because of its clear genetic background and simple experimental operation Developmental biology , biochemistry, molecular biology and other fields have occupied an irreplaceable position. In the whole evolutionary process of genetic development, Drosophila and genetics are integrated, developed and advanced. In the process of continuous application to various genetic experiments, it has also greatly enriched and updated the concept and content of genetics life sciences Its development has made indelible contributions. With Drosophila melanogaster whole genome sequencing The completion of the work embryonic development , gene expression regulation, disease pathogenesis and other aspects of research are playing a greater role.
Drosophila melanogaster with red and white eyes
Over the past century, people have accumulated a wealth of data on Drosophila melanogaster at all levels of life science research, and have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of its genetic background. The young body of the fruit fly reflects the world of science. It contains a surprising amount of scientific information. While all branches of life science continue to develop. In the study of Drosophila melanogaster, we found the junction, and they blended with each other. The characteristics of Drosophila, such as simple nervous system, precise information system and complex behavior, provide an ideal animal model for studying the relationship between gene, nerve (brain) and behavior. In the forbidden area of ethics and morality, experimental research that cannot be carried out on human body may be completed by using model animals such as fruit flies. In addition, research on post genome of Drosophila melanogaster central nervous system The research on activity regularity and cell aging mechanism is in the ascendant.
With the maturity of modern molecular biology technology, the research of Drosophila melanogaster has been far more than the level of white eye mutation and linkage exchange law. Scientists are more concerned about how to make the research of Drosophila melanogaster better serve human beings. It is hoped that the research on drosophila will reveal the mystery of human life. As a classic model organism, drosophila will play a greater role in future life science research. [7]

Prevention and control technology

Drosophila melanogaster
According to the occurrence and damage of Drosophila melanogaster and local cultivation conditions, one or several effective methods are selected to control the pest.

Agricultural control

1. Planting reasonably. It is suggested to plant early maturing varieties to avoid the occurrence and damage period of fruit flies; The maturity period of varieties in the same planting area shall be kept consistent, and the early, middle and late maturing varieties shall not be mixed, so as to reduce the transfer of pests.
2. Clean the countryside. Timely remove dead branches and weeds around the orchard and fruit bank; Remove rotten fruits at maturity; After the beginning of winter, the whole garden shall be shallowly turned, with a depth of 5cm-10cm.
3. Cover the bird screen. Before fruit ripening, the orchard shall be covered with bird proof net.
4. Timely harvest. After the fruits are ripe, they should be collected in time, and the fallen fruits, cracked fruits, diseased and pest fruits and other defective fruits should be removed from the garden and buried.

Physical control

4-6 cup type sweet and sour liquid traps shall be set up per mu, with an interval of 10-12m between the two. The amount of sweet and sour lure should be 3cm-5cm deep in the trap. When in use, a plastic rain cover (such as a plastic bowl) can be added above the trap; If closed plastic bottles or other closed traps are used, holes can be drilled on the bottle wall, with a diameter of 4mm-5mm; The outer wall of the trap and the rain cover can also be sprayed with adhesive to improve the trapping effect; You can also collect the fallen fruits in the orchard and put them into the sweet and sour wine liquid. The amount of fallen fruits should be covered by the liquid surface to increase the trapping effect.

Biological control

The control method for drosophila larvae and pupae is mainly to use Natural enemy And pathogenic microorganisms.
1. Natural enemy insects. Fully protect and utilize the natural enemy insects in cherry orchard, control them during the fruit coloring period, and actively introduce the parasitic natural enemy insect Leptocera pilosa, with the release amount of 1.5 million to 2.25 million per hectare; Predatory natural enemy insects Orius sauteri And the release amount is 90000-150000/ha. The release time is from late May to early June. It should be released twice in a row with an interval of 10-12 days.
2. Pathogenic microorganisms. Control at germination, flowering and fruit coloring stages, once each. Proper spraying Metarhizium anisopliae Beauveria bassiana Insect pathogenic fungi such as Paecilomyces fumosoroseus can be sprayed evenly on fruit trees and orchard ground. 10 billion spores can be sprayed/g metarhizium anisopliae 4000 times liquid of wettable powder, the application rate is 150g/ha; Or spray 2000 times of 10 billion spores/g Metarhizium anisopliae wettable powder, and the application rate is 300g/ha. [8]

Scientific research achievements

On February 20, 1947, the fruit fly boarded the critical space by V-2 rocket, then returned and survived. become The first animals sent into space. [16]
In 2023, an international team led by Johns Hopkins University in the United States and Cambridge University in the United Kingdom first described every neural connection in the brain of drosophila larvae [9]
In March 2023, an international scientific research team published a paper in the American journal Science, saying that they had drawn a complete connectome of the brain of drosophila larvae, that is, a circuit diagram containing all neurons and their connections. This is the first complete "brain atlas" of insects, which will become an important tool for neuroscience research and may provide a reference for the development of artificial intelligence. [10]
In June 2023, Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, Stanford University and other institutions published the first cell senescence atlas (AFCA) of Drosophila in Science, which describes the senescence process of 163 different cell types in Drosophila in detail. [11]