
[guǒ pí]
Fruit shell or skin
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The peel refers to the shell or skin of the fruit. The peel in daily life generally refers to Exocarp The peel is made of Ovary wall Of Tissue differentiation The developed fruit part. Mature pericarp can generally be divided into exocarp Mesocarp Endocarp Three floors. The peel has many wonderful uses in life, such as eating, beauty stew soup , medicine, etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name
peel; rind: pericarp; skin of fruit; seed capsule
Endocarp, mesocarp and exocarp
The peel varies greatly with different fruit types
Edible cosmetology , soup, medicine, etc

Basic Introduction

Composition of pericarp
Peel refers to Plant fruit The skin of the fruit is divided into three layers: endocarp, mesocarp and exocarp. In ordinary life, the pericarp generally refers to the exocarp.
The pericarp consists of Ovary wall The part of the fruit formed by the differentiation and development of the tissue. The mature pericarp can generally be divided into three layers: exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp. However, due to different fruit types, the three layers of pericarp vary greatly.
The exocarp is usually not hypertrophic and consists of 1~2 layers of cells. Its structural characteristics are similar to those of the epidermis cuticle And pores. Exocarp Parenchyma cell Polyhedral chloroplast , when mature, into Chromophore , resulting in different colors of fruits.
The mesocarp is mostly Parenchyma Composition, but with great changes, some are rich in pulp or fleshy, such as Sarcocarp The edible part of the peach and apricot in the middle is the mesocarp; In some mesocarp vascular bundle More, distributed in a network, such as Citrus Fruit ripening After that, it is orange juice.
The endocarp is in the innermost layer, some of which are hardened, and composed of multiple layers Stone cell Composition, such as the hard stone in a peach; Some endocarp walls produce many saclike juicy Glandular hair And become an edible part, such as the endocarp of a citrus.

Life application


Banana peel

Banana peel
Banana peel It contains cannacanin, which can cure the skin caused by fungal and bacterial infections Pruritus The banana peel also has the effects of relieving thirst, moistening the lungs and intestines, unblocking the blood vessels, and enhancing the essence. Mash the banana peel and add Ginger juice It can diminish inflammation and relieve pain; Rubbing hands and feet with banana skin can prevent Chap chilblains , can also be treated hypertension , Prevention and control cerebral haemorrhage Syndrome; Drying and grinding banana skin into powder is a good beauty product to protect skin. In addition, repeatedly wipe the leather shoes with banana skin to remove the stains on the vamp, and then put Shoe polish , which can make your feet shine.

Orange peel

Wash and steam orange peel Syrup For drinking, it can smooth qi, clear lung, remove dampness, and stop coughing reduce phlegm Function of. In addition, orange peel contains Alkaline substance , dipped with some salt, the ceramic enamel Clean the stains on aluminum and iron cookware and tableware. Orange peel contains more aromatic substances. Put a little in the refrigerator to remove the odor. Home-made organism organic fertilizers Put some orange peel in it to prevent the flower fat liquid from smelling.

apple skin

use apple skin Decoct soup Or make tea, which can be cured Hyperacidity of stomach Phlegmon Dry it and grind it into powder, Fasting Take it (2-3 times a day) Yes Chronic diarrhea And neurogenic colitis , hypertension and other diseases have a certain effect. In addition, mash the fresh apple peel into mud, dip it in the cloth strip and wipe the bathtub basin pedestal pan And other places can make it as bright as before.

Pomelo peel

Pomelo peel
Pomelo peel It can be used for bathing, beauty and mosquito prevention. The skin of pomelo is rich in essential oil. After being boiled into soup, it is added to the bath water, which not only has beauty effect, but also can prevent mosquito Because mosquitoes don't like the taste of grapefruit. Pomelo peel can be used as refrigerator Deodorant , peel it off Pomelo peel Put it in the corner of the refrigerator, the fragrance of pomelo peel can effectively eliminate the odor in the refrigerator.

Pear peel

It can clear the heart and moisten the lungs, reduce fire and produce fluid. cure Heat and thirst cough , hematemesis, Hair dorsum malignant furuncle
【 Indications 】 ①《 Herbal medicine of southern Yunnan 》: "Apply the furuncle on the back." ②《 Rejuvenation of Materia Medica 》:" Clear the heart and lower the fire Nourishing the kidney Tonifying yin Promoting fluid production and quenching thirst , get rid of annoyance and dampness. "③ Luchuan Materia Medica": "Treatment of Sha Accumulation Heat stroke "  ④《 Records of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine 》: "It can clear the heat, stop tiredness and thirst, generate laws, and converge dysentery And cough Sweating "
[Channel tropism] Sweet, astringent, cool and non-toxic; Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine: "The nature is cool, Delicious It is astringent and non-toxic. " Entering the lung, heart, kidney Large intestine channel
Usage and dosage 】Take orally: decoction, 3-5 yuan (1-2 liang fresh). External use: tamping.
[Character] The peel is irregular or curled into strips, Outer surface Light yellow, with fine spots, Internal surface Yellow white. Slight gas and sweet taste

Lemon peel

1. The smell of sweat on the body: the scent of lemon is most suitable for women, especially before going out in the summer morning, sprinkling a little natural perfume made of lemon will make you energetic all day. Just put Lemon peel Slightly cut it off and rub its fragrance on the wrist and behind the ear bus Sweat will not make people feel sweaty.
2. Make the skin moist and smooth: Soak the lemon peel in the bath water, not only can make the water smell fragrant, but also the oil and nutrients contained in the lemon peel can moisturize the skin. If you often wipe the rough skin of your hands, feet or other parts with lemon peel, you can gradually make the skin tender and smooth.
3. Make up: If you want to keep your morning makeup unchanged for a day, you can use a piece of lemon peel to wipe your face before starting to make up.
4. Eliminate the fishy smell on the kitchen utensils: the fishy smell on the kitchen knife can be wiped off with lemon peel. There is fishy smell in the pot. You can put some lemon peel in the pot Boiling After a while, the fishy smell will disappear completely.