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Fruit fly

Educational film
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Fruit Fly is a science and education film edited and directed by Yang Songhao [1]
Chinese name
Fruit fly
Yang Songhao
Yang Songhao
Jiang Chenghui, Hong Xiaoyong
documentary [2]
Production area
Chinese Mainland
Mandarin Chinese
Fruit Fly, made by Shangkeying in 1994. The film introduces the species, living habits, ecological changes of fruit flies and the process of harming fruits, the economic losses caused, and the achievements of Chinese scientists in exploring and studying the living habits and control methods of fruit flies.
This film won the "Huabiao Award" of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television for 1994 excellent scientific and educational film; Won the Best Scientific and Educational Film Award of the 15th Chinese Film "Golden Rooster Award". [1]