Lyndon Baines Johnson

36th President of the United States
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Lyndon Baines Johnson (August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973), born in the United States Texas U.S.A Politician, 36th President.
Johnson graduated in 1930 Texas Southwest Normal University; 1935-1937 National Youth Administration Texas Director of Public Affairs; In 1937, he was elected as a member of the House of Representatives , and served as a member of the Navy Committee of the House of Representatives; Served in the Navy from 1941 to 1942; Senate since 1953 the Democratic Party of the United States Majority leader; Succession in November 1963 USA president
After Johnson succeeded, he proposed legislation on human rights, tax reduction, anti-poverty and resource protection; Proposed to establish“ Great Society ”Plan for. [1]
Chinese name
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Foreign name
Lyndon Baines Johnson
date of birth
August 27, 1908
Date of death
January 22, 1973
University one is graduated from
Texas Southwest Normal University
Key achievements
36th President of the United States
Silver Star in 1942
Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1980
one's native heath
Gillespie County, Texas, USA

Character's Life


Early experience

On August 27, 1908, Johnson Texas He was born in a barren mountain village in the southwest. At the age of 5, Johnson moved to Johnson City with his parents; Johnson had a hard life when he was a child. In order to earn some pocket money, Johnson once worked as an apprentice in the local newspaper printing factory, a shoeshine boy in the barber shop, and sold fur.
In 1924, after graduating from high school, Johnson did not want to go to college. He drove a second-hand car with five friends Ford Motor In more than two years, he has worked as a dishwasher, apple picker and elevator repairman. In 1926, Johnson returned home. [2]
In 1927, under the persuasion of his family and friends, Johnson began to study at Southwest Normal College in Texas. In order to complete his studies, Johnson successively worked as a garbage collector, assistant administrator, and finally became the assistant secretary of the president.
In 1930, after graduating from college, Johnson Houston A middle school teaches public speeches. The school debate group led by him has achieved relatively good results in the statewide evaluation.

Getting involved in politics

In 1931, when Klaiberg of Texas was running for Congress, Johnson had supported him in the election and lobbied for him. When Kleberg became a member of Congress, Johnson became his secretary.
In 1935, Johnson actively supported Franklin Delano Roosevelt Of“ new policy ”Therefore, President Roosevelt attached great importance to it. With the recommendation of his father's good friend, Democratic Congressman Ray Bourne, he was appointed by President Roosevelt as the Director of the Texas Branch of the National Youth Agency. During Johnson's tenure, about 30000 young people were placed for employment and study. [3]
In 1937, James Buchanan, a member of the House of Representatives of the Tenth Electoral District of Texas, died, leaving a vacant seat. Johnson held high the banner of supporting Roosevelt's "New Deal" and was elected to the House of Representatives; In May, Johnson officially became a member of the House of Representatives. [3]

Service Navy

In 1941, Maurice Shepard, a Democratic senator in Congress, died, leaving a vacancy. With Roosevelt's support, Johnson announced that he would participate in the by election for that seat in the Senate. In the election, Johnson lost to Daniel O'Daniel, a conservative Democrat who opposed Roosevelt's "New Deal".
In December 1941, Pacific War Johnson volunteered to serve. He joined the navy in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean and was involved in many risks. [3]

cut a striking figure

In 1942, under the order of President Roosevelt, Johnson, who had served in the military for seven months, returned to the House of Representatives. During this period, he served as the chairman of the Special Investigation Group of the House Naval Committee. the Second World War Later, he advocated maintaining the strength of the armed forces, vigorously developing military production and improving military equipment. In terms of foreign policy, he supported Truman Anti Communist Containment policy
In 1948, Johnson ran for the Senate; In November, he was elected to the Senate.
In January 1949, Johnson was inaugurated as a senator.
In 1951, he became the deputy leader of the Senate Democratic Party.
In 1953, he became the leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate. Johnson's support during his tenure republican party president Eisenhower The government called on the Democratic Party to cooperate with people and the government to avoid attacks on the government, so that many important bills, including the national defense and civil rights bills, were passed. [3]

Assume the presidency

On July 13, 1960, the Democratic Party Los Angeles Johnson lost the National Congress to the Senate by 409 votes to 806 John Kennedy
In January 1961, Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President of the United States, and Johnson as Vice President. Within 35 months of serving as Vice President, Johnson was deeply relied on and put in important position by President Kennedy. [3]
On November 22, 1963, Johnson accompanied President Kennedy to Texas Dallas visit; On the 23rd, President Kennedy was shot while passing downtown Dallas by car; Johnson stopped at Dallas Airport after Kennedy died Air Force One On the presidential plane, Ms. Hughes, a female judge of the District Court, was sworn in as the 36th President.
In August 1964, Johnson was nominated as the presidential candidate at the Democratic National Congress; In November, he defeated the Republican presidential candidate and conservative senator Barry Goldwater
In January 1965, Johnson was sworn in as President. [3]

Old age life

On January 20, 1969, Johnson returned to his ranch in Texas at the end of his term of office and lived a peaceful and comfortable life in seclusion. During this period, he wrote a memoir entitled "Favorable position: a profile of the presidency from 1963 to 1969".
On January 22, 1973, Johnson was at his ranch in Texas acute myocardial infarction He died at the age of 65. [3]

Measures for politics


political phase

In January 1964, the 24th Amendment to the Constitution was approved, making it illegal to deprive anyone of the right to vote through poll tax; In July, Johnson signed a Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination in public places and employment. African Americans can now legally live in all hotels and eat in all restaurants. [4]

Social aspects

  • Implementation of social programs
Johnson found a book written by the British political thinker Graham Wallace, entitled The Great Society. He thought the title was very innovative, so he used it as a policy slogan.
On May 22, 1964, Johnson University of Michigan The "Great Society" plan was formally put forward in a speech of.
In January 1965, Johnson put forward a series of speeches and special reports to enrich and specify the contents of this plan. This huge social plan covers all aspects, mainly including:
(1) In view of the pollution of the city and the growing population, urban planning, construction and beautification should be carried out to create a beautiful environment.
(2) We will fight against poverty, increase employment opportunities, social insurance and relief, and help "families with low incomes who cannot meet basic needs".
(3) Since education is the main factor leading to the "great society", it is necessary to build new school buildings for primary and secondary schools, expand the ranks of teachers, increase teachers' salaries, and pay attention to expanding and strengthening higher education and funding adult education.
(4) On the construction and beautification of rural areas, develop depressed areas and build expressways: desalinate seawater by cheap methods for irrigation and other purposes; Pay attention to solving rural problems, and plan rural towns, villages and farms.
For this reason, he signed a series of bills. It is said that only in the first two years of his term of office, more legislation has been submitted to Congress for approval than any president in any Congress in this century. After Johnson's re-election, he increased the allocation for the "Great Society" program, such as health, education, and development in depressed areas, from 8.1 billion dollars in 1965 to 11.4 billion dollars in 1966.
Therefore, during the Johnson administration, more poor people received social relief, and the unemployment rate also declined. [3]

Ethnic aspects

In 1965, Johnson and the Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act, which established a new immigration policy and abandoned the quota that was favorable to Nordic people. Immigration was based on equality for all ethnic groups; Asians, Latinos and Africans soon swarmed into the United States, bringing their religious diet, music and ideas. [4]

military phase

Truman and Eisenhower During the government period, the United States decided to intervene in Vietnam. After Johnson came to power, the war escalated gradually.
After the 10th Honolulu Conference, Johnson approved North Vietnam Plan to carry out the attack.
On August 6, 1964, the United States Senate and House of Representatives held a secret hearing on the resolution proposed by Johnson, and drafted a resolution; On the 7th, the House of Representatives passed the resolution by 400 votes to 0, and the Senate passed the resolution by 81 votes to 2. The resolution authorized Johnson to take all necessary measures, including the use of US armed forces, in the war of aggression against Vietnam. Since then, the United States has expanded the war from the south of Vietnam to the north.
On April 19, 1965, the United States held the 11th Honolulu Conference, and decided to focus on the military attack on the people's armed forces of South Vietnam while continuing to bomb northern Vietnam, so as to stabilize the US puppet position in South Vietnam. The meeting also decided to put the South Vietnam The aid from the puppet government increased from 270 million yuan to 330 million yuan, expanding the South Vietnamese army from 550000 to 710000 people.
In February 1966, the United States and the puppet states jointly held the 13th Honolulu Conference; February 6, William C. Westmoreland At the meeting, the "five point military strategy" of the United States was put forward, and the United States was determined to strengthen "fighting in the south", intensify "bombing in the north", and fundamentally reverse the situation. Johnson approved the proposal.
On October 26, 1966, Johnson was visiting the Philippines capital Manila During the period of the city, I went to the US base in South Vietnam Jinlan Bay Cheer up the US military. This made him the first incumbent president to visit South Vietnam.
Johnson's series of practices accelerated the steps of the Vietnam War and rapidly expanded the scale of the war. By the peak of the Vietnam War in 1968, the number of US troops invading Vietnam had reached 531000, and the war of aggression against Vietnam had been upgraded to a "local war" in which US troops were the main force.
In November 1967, Johnson felt that the war of aggression against Vietnam could no longer be sustained and expressed his willingness to negotiate peace with the Vietnamese; In April 1968, the two countries agreed to contact; In May of the same year, the meeting began in Paris. On November 1, Johnson ordered the bombing to stop Democratic Republic of Vietnam
At the end of 1962, on behalf of National bourgeoisie Revolutionaries with interests Juan Boseh election President of the Dominican Republic Later, under the impetus of the people's anti American struggle, a new constitution was promulgated, and some improvement measures were formulated and implemented.
In September 1963, the United States planned a coup by right-wing soldiers, overthrowing the Bosh government and abolishing the new Constitution.
In April 1965, Johnson, on the pretext of "protecting the security of American expatriates and property", prevented another Cuba from appearing, openly sent more than 30000 troops and 380 aircraft to intervene and suppress the uprising; Adopted by the United States Organization of American States A provisional government was established.
In June 1966, Johnson supported the pro American Joaquín Balaguer Served as President of Dominica. [3]

Character honor

particular year
Award Name
Silver Star
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Source: [3]

Personal life


family background

Johnson is England A descendant of immigrants, Johnson's father was Samuel Eli Johnson, nicknamed Sam, a local farmer who had taught and served as a state legislator; Her mother, Rebecca Baines, was the daughter of a state councillor, who received higher education and later taught locally; He had three men and two women, and Johnson was the eldest son.
Many members of the Johnson family have been involved in political activities. His grandfather served as a Texas legislator for many years and was very influential there. Johnson City was named after him; His father also served as a Texas senator for many years, and was a good friend of Congressman Sam Raburn; Under the influence of his family, Johnson became interested in debate and campus politics when he was at school. [3]

family life

Lyndon Johnson and his wife
In September 1934, Johnson arrived Austin During the visit, I met Miss Claudia Taylor (named Claudia Taylor Johnson after marriage); After Johnson returned to Washington, he made love to her with a series of telegrams, telephones and letters, and announced his marriage two months later; She had two daughters, and the eldest was named Linda Bird Johnson Rob The second daughter is Lucy Baines Johnson Nugent Tepin.
Johnson's early political activities depended on his wife's support. She not only supported her husband economically, but also actively participated in his political activities; When Johnson served in the military, his work in the headquarters of the 10th Congressman in Washington was maintained by his wife alone. [3]

Character evaluation


Positive comments

Johnson Inauguration Ceremony
In the eyes of most Americans, Johnson can be called a typical Texan: tall and burly, with a loud voice, an irritable disposition, friendly, informal, very casual, and at the same time aggressive, rude, brave and aggressive. In addition to the above characteristics, he also has an amazing memory, alert and sharp mind, humor and talent. Johnson is so energetic that he can almost make people sleepy Calvin Coolidge In his grave will also move up. He usually walks in a trot, which is called "Johnson trot".
Johnson has amazing energy. During the 1964 election campaign, he once made no less than 22 speeches a day. Johnson said: "Idleness is more likely to make people exhausted than hard work."
Johnson not only worked day and night on his own, but also urged his staff to work as hard as he did. He can't see others procrastinating and can't tolerate ineffective labor; Johnson was a strict foreman. When his subordinates failed to meet his work requirements, he became furious; Johnson in White House Johnson loved to listen to carols. Even if there was a need for mild criticism, he was uncomfortable.
Despite Johnson's penchant for high handedness, he was not arbitrary in exercising his presidential authority. Johnson is the father of the American people. Although he likes giving orders, he is also very casual and approachable. (Review of American Presidents) [3]

Negative comments

Mean and cunning, competitive, petty and arrogant. Johnson's attempt to achieve personal ambition at the expense of taxpayers has now posed a threat to the country. (Comment by Robert Sheryl, a liberal journalist)
Lyndon Johnson
He is eager for power, ruthless, stubborn, hypocritical and cunning, greedy and even "morally corrupt". During his tenure in the Senate, he urinated in public, reprimanded and belittled his subordinates, wantonly used racial appellations, repeatedly cheated in the election, and raised a staggering amount of cash donations. As for how many campaign donations fell into Johnson's pocket, we can't guess, but it was his insider trading in Washington that made him a millionaire when he finally quit politics. (Commentary by Robert Carroll, an authoritative biographer)
Johnson is not only hypocritical, but also opportunistic. He is from Andrew Jackson The most rude person in American politics since then, almost all of his descriptions will use the word "vulgar" to describe his rude behavior and dirty words.
Johnson's Cemetery
Johnson has a greedy desire for political achievements and an uncontrollable thirst for honor and praise. Theodore White, a political journalist, wrote: "Johnson's pursuit of power is like salmon spawning upstream, which is a primitive instinct."
Johnson is proficient in political trickery such as persuasion, pressure and bargaining. Barry Goldwater described two legendary ways of "treatment": one is "half Johnson style", with one arm around your shoulder; The other is the "all Johnson style", which is just a few inches away from you. With both hands on your shoulders, he can almost always succeed.
Johnson seemed to have no political principles in mind. For most of his congressional career, he was a typical southern conservative Democrat. (Review of The Story of the President from Wilson to Obama) [5]

Commemoration for future generations


Presidential coins

The Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Commemorative Coin is the 36th one in the Presidential Commemorative Coin Series. The size and front of the coin are the same as the first one. On the back is the head and name of Lyndon Baines Johnson, and below the coin is the words of the 36th President (1963-1969); The other is a commemorative medal, which is 64mm in diameter and weighs up to 132g. It is made of brass: the front is the side head of Johnson, and the back is the map of the United States and the eagle emblem. [6]

Warship naming

On April 27, 2019, the stealth warship "Lyndon Johnson" named after Johnson was in the United States Maine The launching ceremony was held in Port Bath, and the bottle throwing ceremony was presided over by Lynda and Lucy, Johnson's two daughters.