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Lin Qisheng

Astronomical photographer from Taiwan, China
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Lin Qisheng is a famous astronomer photographer in Taiwan. In July 2007, we found Lulin Comet and one Near Earth Asteroids
Chinese name
Lin Qisheng
Taichung Astronomical Society director
Director of Taichung Astronomical Society, Director of Tainan Astronomical Society, Fengjia University The instructor of the Astronomical Society of Evergreen University and Jiaotong University, serving as the full-time assistant of the Lulinshan Observatory of the Astronomical Institute of National Central University.
Since the first astronomical photos were published in magazines in March 1987, more than 400 photos, more than 10 astronomical articles and more than 8000 astronomical photos have been published in more than 10 magazines in Taiwan, the United States, Australia, mainland China, Japan, the United Kingdom, Macao and Hong Kong.