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polar region

[jí qū]
The area adjacent to the geographical pole has no recognized clear boundary
The area adjacent to the geographical pole has no recognized clear boundary.
Chinese name
polar region
Foreign name
polar regions

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In any region of the world, the climate change in the polar region is expected to be the largest. Elevated temperatures have been observed in major continental areas. The increase in precipitation and the alarming retreat of the ice shelf are already emerging signals, although it is not clear whether these developments are attributable to climate change.
The Arctic is extremely vulnerable to climate change and is expected to have significant natural, ecological and economic impacts soon. It is necessary to consider mitigating the harmful effects of thawing in its developed areas (for example, severe damage to buildings and transportation facilities) (Vy alov et al. 19 98). However, the retreat of the Arctic sea ice may open a sea passage for ecological tourism, which may have affected trade and local society.

Polar environment

It is cold and snowy. There are only two seasons in a year, winter and summer. There are polar days and nights, which are the common characteristics of the South and the Arctic. At the North Pole, all directions are due south; At the South Pole, all directions are due north. In the high latitude area, the direction changes rapidly with the movement of the surveyor, and the azimuth line of the object can no longer be considered as a constant line, but a large arc between two points. The meridian and time zone converge at the poles, and the meridian is excessively bent, so that the meridian and latitude can not be used as the benchmark for navigation, and the local time has lost its original meaning.
At the poles, the sun comes and goes once a year. After sunrise, the sun slowly rises in a spiral shape, reaching its maximum height (23.27 ') three months later, and then its height gradually decreases, with sunset three months later. The moon rises once a month and provides polar illumination at full moon. Stars rise and fall once per star cycle. In the polar region, 24 hours a day is no longer measured by the alternation of day and night.
When the water surface is not completely covered by ice, fog often appears in the polar region. Low cloud curtains often appear in the polar region. The sunlight is reflected and diffused many times between the snow surface and the cloud curtain, and the sky often turns milky white, and the contrast disappears, so that the ground and horizon cannot be identified.


Most Antarctic ice may thicken due to increased precipitation. The melting of ice in western Antarctica and Greenland will contribute to sea level rise. The increase of water and runoff due to melting will lead to the increase of fresh water flowing into the Arctic Ocean. Summer precipitation will increase, but evaporation and Transpiration It will also increase. If the snow melts earlier, the soil moisture will be very low by the end of summer (echcl et al. 1997). Changes in hydrology, possible increases in water collection rates, and melting of ice. It may lead to the spread of pollutants in a wider range due to accidents. The changes in the hydrology of ice sheets and lakes may make them become larger sources of pollutants as a medium of rivers.
Climate change may lead to changes in the main biological formations in the Arctic. Some species may be threatened (e.g. seals, polar bears) (Tynan and DeMastcr 1997), where other species will reproduce( Caribou , fish) (Junn and Skogland 1997). Climate change may eventually increase the total productivity of natural systems in the polar region (Henry and Molau 1997). Due to the increase of plant evaporation and transpiration, the bog land may dry up. In the tundra area, transpiration will increase because mainly non transpiration bryophytes are replaced by more and more vascular plants (Rouse et al. 1997). In forest areas, the species composition may change, complete forest types may disappear, and new species collections may be established. The melting of the ice layer will expose more bare land and change the terrestrial life. Warming may make Extinction of species However, other heat tolerant species will reproduce better. Changes in ocean circulation associated with global warming may affect the distribution and migration routes of commercially important fish (Vilhjalms son 1997). Warm water will also increase the fish birth rate. The retreat of the ice cover has facilitated the entry of fisheries. The thinning of the ice sheet should increase the solar radiation reaching the deep water, thus enhancing the photosynthetic productivity of oxygen and reducing the death of fish in winter. However, the extension of the ice free season should lead to an increase in the thickness of the mixing layer, a decrease in the concentration of oxygen, and an increase in the biological pressure on cold water (Rouse et al. 1997). Climate warming may change management methods. The existence of deep snow with ice makes animals unable to get food.
Historically, local species have shown resilience and ability to survive when resource availability changes, but their combined impact on climate change and globalization may not be ready (Peterson and Johnson 1995). Climate change will destroy indigenous people and their traditional way of life, such as hunting and seasonal snowfall. The thawing of icy permafrost has caused coastal erosion and retreat, which has threatened society, hereditary land, oil and natural gas facilities (Wolfe et al. 1998).
Climate change may also increase the cost of extracting oil and natural gas, so new technologies need to be designed to withstand this change. [1]