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Pine forest

Korean cities
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Pine Forest, formerly known as "Jian'erpu". North Korea Industrial cities in central and western China.
Chinese name
Pine forest
And Erpu
North Korea midwest
50000 km²
stay Pyongyang southwest, Datong River Downstream left bank, distance from estuary 50 km. The population is about 50000. It was originally a fishing village on the river bank. The nearby river is wide and deep. After the opening of Beijing Yibin Railway, it developed rapidly. 1914 Japan Ruler Build Jian'erpu Iron Making Plant by using the rich coal and iron resources nearby. Later, it was completely destroyed in the war. Today, the Huanghai Iron and Steel Plant has been rebuilt into a brand-new modern equipment, producing iron, steel, steel and by-products such as sulfuric acid and ammonia. One of the two major steel bases in northern North Korea. Suburban agriculture is developed. It has a university of technology.
Pine forest