Seicho Matsumoto

Japanese mystery novel writer
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Matsumoto is clean( まつもと せいちょう,Seicho Matsumoto , December 21, 1909 - August 4, 1992), Japanese mystery novel writer.
Matsumoto Kiyoko was born on December 21, 1909, into a merchant family in Kokura, Kitakyushu. He started his creative career in 1950, and his representative works are《 Point and line 》《 There are holes in the partition 》《 Zero focus 》《 Japan's Black Fog 》《 The price of women 》"Villain"《 Sander 》The Painter Who Murders His Lover, etc Akutagawa Ryunosuke Award and other awards. On August 4, 1992, Matsumoto made a clean sheet liver cancer He died at the age of 82.
Matsumoto Kiyoshi pioneered "sociological reasoning", and Edogawa Rampo Seishi Yokomizo And "three peaks of Japanese reasoning literature". Torino Keiwu, Miyamoto Meixue, Cai Jun and other suspense reasoning novelists were deeply influenced by him.
Chinese name
Seicho Matsumoto
Foreign name
まつもと せいちょう、Seicho Matsumoto
Ethnic groups
Daiwa family
date of birth
December 21, 1909
Date of death
August 4, 1992
Mystery writer
one's native heath
Kitakyushu, Japan
Representative works
Point and Line Partitions with Eyes Focus of Zero Black Fog in Japan

Character experience

Seicho Matsumoto
Matsumoto Kiyoko was born on December 21, 1909 Kitakyushu Kokura A peddler family. He was forced to drop out of school to make a living from the age of 13 because of his poor family and was absent from school when he was young. He successively worked as a street vendor, an apprentice in an electrical company, and an apprentice in a printing factory. He entered at the age of 28 Asahi Newspaper Company The western agency in Xiaocang worked as a piece clerk, and later worked in the advertising department as a designer. [1]
In 1943, he enlisted in the army and was driven to Korea to serve as a health soldier. After the war, he was sent back to China and reinstated in the newspaper office. In the early postwar Japanese economic depression, he had to travel between Kansai and Kyushu to wholesale brooms in order to support a family of seven.
In 1950, Asahi Weekly held an essay contest for "Millions of Novels". Matsumoto Kiyosuke, 41, won the third prize and a prize of 100000 yen for his debut work Xixiang Banknotes (Xixiang Banknotes).
Seicho Matsumoto
In 1952, Matsumoto Qingzhang wrote the Biography of a "Xiaocang Diary" and posted it to the magazine "Mita Literature", which was appreciated by the famous writer Takaro Kiki and won the 28th“ Akutagawa Award ”。 From then on, he jumped to the literary world and began his career as a professional writer. In the same year, the committee member of Kyushu Prefecture of Japan Propaganda Arts Association set up a small warehouse office of the association in his own residence. [2]
In 1953, Matsumoto Kiyoshi was transferred to the Asahi Shimbun Tokyo News Agency to work as a single person. [3]
In July 1954, Matsumoto Kiyohei received his family members from Kokura to Tokyo.
In 1955, Matsumoto Ching chang became one of the writers of mystery novels with his book Ambush.
In 1956, Matsumoto Kiyohei resigned from the Asahi News Agency and became a member of the Japanese Literature and Art Association. From 1956, Matsumoto Qingzhang, on the one hand, has been engaged in the creation of historical novels, writing "Xiulai Walking", "Conspiracy General", "Zuo Du Liu Ren Xing"; On the other hand, he continued to create mystery novels, such as "Field", "Kill", "Accomplice", "Yan" and other works.
Since February 1957, Matsumoto Kiyoshi has started serializing "Point and Line" in the monthly edition of "Travel", which has caused great repercussions. [4]
Seicho Matsumoto
In 1959, Matsumoto Kiyoshi suffered from neuralgia due to excessive writing. From then on, the oral manuscript was written down by the reporter Fukuoka Takashi, and then polished by Matsumoto on the copied manuscript. This method has been implemented for about nine years. [3]
In 1960, Matsumoto Qingzhang wrote "Japan's Black Fog", officially entering the field of realistic novels that exposed the root causes of modern Japan. Since then, "black fog" has become a popular word.
In 1961, Matsumoto Kiyoshi built a new house in Shanggaojing, Shanbing District, and served as a member of the selection committee of the Naoki Award in the same year.
In 1963, Matsumoto Kiyoshiko was elected as the chairman of the board of directors of Japanese mystery novels, and was praised as "the era of Ching Chang of mystery novels".
In 1967, Matsumoto Qingzhang was elected director of the Association of Literary and Artists.
In 1977, Matsumoto Kiyoshi left the Japanese Association of Reasoning Writers.
In 1978, Matsumoto Kiyoko was awarded the 29th Broadcasting Culture Award by the Japan Broadcasting Association for his contributions to the improvement of broadcasting culture. In October, Fotaro Nomura, the film director, and others jointly founded the Fog Studio to produce films and television films. Matsumoto is the representative director.
In 1979, Matsumoto resigned as a member of the selection committee of Naoki Award. [3]
In August 1992, Matsumoto Qingzhang died of liver cancer at the age of 82. [5]

Personal life

Matsumoto's father, Feng Taro, was the eldest son of the Tanaka family in Yado Village, Hino Prefecture, Tortorio Prefecture (now Yado, Rinan cho), who adopted Matsumoto Miji as the adopted son in Mizi cho, Nibo Prefecture, the same county (now Mizi City). His father, Feng Tailang, was down and out for half of his life. He wandered from middle to lower class to make a living. He has pulled rickshaws, sold sweet potato red bean cakes, marbles, soda water, bean skin sushi, opened a snack bar, and helped customers set shoes in clothing stores. Poor couples mourn for everything, while his wife, Agu, is always busy cleaning up for her husband who is in trouble. As an only child, Qingzhang grew up in a narrow room in a mean lane where "in winter, cold wind pours in through the cracks of the wooden wall, and powder snow floats slowly on the quilt covering his head". The only thing that could really accompany him was his grandmother who worked all day long, but eventually became blind. Matsumoto left home when he was seventeen or eight years old and worked in Hiroshima, where he met and married Okada Gu, a textile worker from a farmer's family in Zhihe Village, Himao Prefecture, Hiroshima County (now East Hiroshima City). Later, he had three sons and one daughter, the eldest son Yangyi, the second son Zhaohe, the third son Longqing, and the eldest daughter Qingzi. [6]

Main works

Work category
Creation time
Xixiang Banknotes (or Xixiang Banknotes)
Biography of a "Xiaocang Diary"
"Tweet and Chant"
Minister's Love
Point and line
Novel Emperor Silver Event
Modern Bureaucracy
Salt in the Desert
Matsumoto Quiet Talk
Elephants and Ants
Japan Reconstruction Act
Persepolis to the Age of Flying Birds
Reference above [4-5] [7]

Creation characteristics



Matsumoto's early works can be summarized into two categories: first, historical novels, such as Xixiang Banknote, Xiaoshicopied, Warring States Stratagem and other works have high artistic standards. The second is to portray the characters in adversity. Centering on their life path and failure fate, they express their noble and painful spiritual changes, and write the true side of real life. Representative works include Biography of a "Xiaocang Diary", Chrysanthemum Pillow, etc. Matsumoto writes about historical events and historical figures on the surface, but with the sharp sense of contemporary pulse, it reflects the real topics of Japan in the early post-war period. Matsumoto Kiyoko showed a strong interest in modern Japanese history in his later period, and his aesthetic vision was quite broad, galloping between literature and history. [7]
Reasoning novels are a tool of being lax and honest. He can write so many wonderful reasoning novels because he does not rely on ingenuity. His reasoning is to explore the motive of crime, and to lay out the motive of crime is to highlight social justice. What the "Qingzhang Revolution" really eliminated was the "surface significance" of Japanese culture and the habitual "neglect of repression" of Japanese society. Through a series of novels, Matsumoto Kiyoshi does not allow the Japanese to continue to pile up unpleasant memories, embarrassing situations, and painful responsibilities into the dark corners of the collective subconscious. The "Qingzhang Revolution" calls on the Japanese to lead a "whole life". Don't sneak into the middle of a grand sounding voice and cry at the same time. The crimes in Matsumoto's novels almost all come from people's inconsistency, hypocrisy and confusion. It is Matsumoto's biggest and most terrible crime to try to shirk the responsibility and pretend to be a noble personality that he does not actually have. [8]
Another characteristic of Matsumoto's work is that there is no exaggeration of violence and pornography, so that readers can calmly enjoy the fun of logical reasoning. If the plaintive words he uttered in his early works were just a general voice of the times and the whole society, then in the later period, he had a clearer understanding of the times and found the target of attack. He made the mystery novel jump out of the frame of solving cases by detectives, and took the history during the American occupation of Japan as the narrative subject for the first time. This is a real ideological leap and creative challenge for Matsumoto. From the perspective of novel theme and content, his later works can be divided into three categories, all of which focus on the unknown details of the surging history: The Black Fog of Japan sweeps away the dust of history, keeps track of what the United States did during the occupation of Japan, exposes the original appearance of the complicated and influential historical events, and gives the latest interpretation of the long-term popular views, "Points and Lines", "The Wall Has an Eye" and other works adhere to the realistic creation rules and the truth of details, revealing the chronic disease of the times; The Japanese Bureaucracy and others vividly described the details of the officialdom ecology of the 12 ministries and commissions of the central government of Japan, accurately grasped the contradiction and unity of official humanity and officialdom, and presented a panorama of contemporary Japanese political life.
Matsumoto's realistic reportage, Japan's Black Fog, digs and restores the complicated facts of the early American occupation of Japan. The Enigma of the "Imperial Bank Event" tells that in January 1948, a middle-aged man in the Imperial Bank branch in Tokyo, claimed that at the order of the US General Command, 16 employees of the bank were given flu prevention medicine, 12 of whom died mysteriously. The death forms of the characters in the book just become a secret window for Matsumoto to understand and explore the historical truth. Using logical analysis and reasoning, he pieced together the historical fragments that he could grasp, jumped out of the complicated and even contradictory materials, and formed his own novel and original opinion: the Japanese germ troops in northeast China before World War II continued to engage in the research of germ weapons under the surrender of the US military. The "Imperial Bank Event" is to use the liquid medicine prepared by this bacterium to do human experiments. Matsumoto Kiyoshio did not use any fictional content in "Japan's Black Fog", but quoted official literature to comprehensively analyze the cause and effect of each event. In the postscript of the book, the author talks about his original intention of creation: "I did not have an anti American view at the beginning of writing, nor did I use the ruler of 'the plot of the occupying forces' to measure everything at the beginning. I only came to such a conclusion after investigating the context of each event." This monologue was when the United States military occupied Japan, Matsumoto's clear state of mind provides a new perspective of understanding. [7]


Seicho Matsumoto
Matsumoto got rid of the constraint of simply investigating cases, and used critical realism to sort out first-hand official confidential case files obtained from different ways in a rigorous and logical way, eliminating the false and retaining the true, showing a valuable transcendence that no Japanese mystery writers can match. His works strive to give readers a positive life enlightenment, which is a backwash and correction of the past mystery novels, and has the power to correct the deviation and remedy the shortcomings. The description of crime in the work does not stay in the plot of personal gratitude and resentment, sexual disputes or killing people for money, but focuses on exposing bureaucratic politicians who kill people out of political intrigue, which reflects a simple and serious aesthetic pursuit and broadens the performance field of reasoning novels. In his 59 year literary career, he has led a new trend of reading and writing, left many classic works, successfully changed the path of the previously highly criticized detective novels, and demonstrated the high-end quality and artistic skills that literary writers should have.
Matsumoto Qingzhang believes that mystery novels use reasoning to dispel doubts one by one, and pay more attention to the process of solving criminal cases than the results. With the help of plot suspense, progress naturally blends into the imagination of readers. At the same time, he also emphasized the analysis of the motives of the crime, not only the inner analysis of the perpetrators, but also the in-depth exploration of the social causes of crime. Matsumoto squarely faces the reality, deeply investigates the social causes of crime, deliberately changes in the conception, characters, artistic conception and other aspects, and speeds up the transformation of reasoning novel writing. The Point and Line, which is called by critics as one of the world's top ten mystery novels, can best reflect Matsumoto's creative skills. In Point and Line, the director of a central department and the manager of the mechanical equipment company, Chenlang Anda, were involved in an insider trading scandal. The Anda couple tricked the acting section chief, Xianyi Sasayama, and Ashi, the waitress of the Xiaoxue Restaurant, who knew about it, into deep mountains in Kyushu Island. They poisoned the two men and women who had no love relationship with orange juice mixed with potassium cyanide, and then moved them to a place where they carefully buried the foreshadowing. At first, the police regarded this false phenomenon as a clue to solve the case, but the reefs were hidden in places that were not easy to detect. As the profiteer couple gradually surfaced, the negative speculation was eliminated, and they realized that a disaster was imminent, they were poisoned and died. Readers could only know at the end of the book.
Matsumoto's clear writing style is deeply influenced by his favorite domestic and foreign writers. Among Japanese writers, he highly praised modern literary masters such as Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Moriowai and Kikuchi Kuan. Japanese literary critics believe that he has a critical attitude towards the unique "private novel" of Japanese literature and the writers and their works in the late period of the Japanese naturalistic literary movement, and is sensitive to thinking about social problems and artistic aesthetics. Perhaps it is precisely this that makes his works show a very different feature from the "private novel", which lacks a profound discussion of society and life. [7]

Award record

Award time Award Name Award results
one thousand nine hundred and ninety Asahi Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and seventy Kikuchi Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six Yoshikawa Yingzhi Literature Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine Literature and Art Spring and Autumn Readers Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six Japanese Inference Writers Association Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three Akutagawa Ryunosuke Award Award
Reference above [9]

Character influence

There has been a saying of "Qing Zhang Revolution" in Japanese literature. The "Qingzhang Revolution" first refers to Matsumoto Qingzhang's thorough transformation of Japanese mystery novels, which turned the original pompous, popular and highly playful genre into vigorous and serious. The "Qing Zhang Revolution" established the orthodox position of the "social school" in the field of mystery novels for decades, and foreshadowed the development space of many genres of mystery novels later. However, the influence of the Qing Zhang Revolution was not limited to the scope of mystery novels, or even the literary field. The deeper meaning was reflected in the development of a new "post-war mentality", a bold exploration of Japan's new concept of justice. Matsumoto Qingzhang broke the situation that the Japanese literary world was dominated by traditional prejudice and despised popular literature, and created the golden age of mystery novels. His writing experience has profound enlightenment significance for the development and prosperity of Japanese mystery novels. [7-8]

Character evaluation

"Matsumoto Kiyosuke has been the top selling writer in Japan for more than 20 years, but 'best-selling' does not necessarily mean 'popular'. Matsumoto Kiyosuke has never been the 'most popular' writer in Japan, because it is too real, and Japanese people generally do not want to surprise people to see Japan and understand Japan through Matsumoto's pen. "Matsumoto's clearness restored my confidence in literature's involvement in society and social reform."—— writer Yang Zhao [10-11]
"Just like you can see the moon and the sun when you look up, in the world of mystery novels, you can see the works of Matsumoto Ching chang. Matsumoto Ching chang's influence on me is far beyond my imagination."—— Japanese writer Miyabe Miyuki [11]
"Matsumoto Ching chang is the writer who has the deepest influence on my creative career."—— Japanese writer Keiwu Dongye [11]
"Matsumoto Kiyoko is the father of the sociological mystery novels."—— Japanese writer Natsuhiko Kyogoku [11]