Jeremy Brett

British film actors, TV drama actors, stage actors
zero Useful+1
synonym Jeremy Brett (Jeremy Brett) Generally refers to Jeremy Brett
Jeremy Brett (November 3, 1933 - September 12, 1995), also translated as Jeremy Brett, born in England Warwickshire Berkshire, graduated from Eton College , the Central Academy of Speech and Drama, British film actors, TV drama actors, and stage actors.
He has played many roles in his 40 years of acting career Classic works The most famous character is the detective of the Gnada TV version Sherlock Holmes
True name
Jeremy Brett
Foreign name
Jeremy Brett
Peter Jeremy William Huggins
one's native heath
Berkshire, Warwickshire
date of birth
November 3, 1933
Date of death
September 12, 1995
University one is graduated from
Eton College Central School of Speech and Drama
186 cm [2]

Early experience

Jeremy Brett was born in a wealthy and conservative country gentleman's family, and grew up in the manor in Berkswell, a small town in the south of England. His original name was Peter Jeremy William Huggins. My father is an outstanding fighter World War II A retired colonel. Jeremy Brett grew up in the post World War II business depression and economic depression. But his parents still worked hard to create a good educational environment Influenced by his parents, Jeremy Brett liked it since childhood Archery , horseback riding, love music, piano is his favorite. He and his father and brothers are London A family of archery with a history of hundreds of years club Members of. When he grew up, his parents sent him to the famous cradle of nobility Eton College Through education, Eton Public School cultivated Jeremy Brett's elegant temperament. After graduating from Eton Public School, he entered the Central School of Speech and Drama to study drama. Jeremy Brett said, "When I was 8 years old, I knew that I would be an actor in the future, and others said the same."
Jeremy Brett's conservative father wanted his son to follow his father's lead in the army, but he got it when he was 16 myocarditis His sequelae made him out of the military. Jeremy Brett likes it Equestrian , want to be a career Jockey , but he is too tall to be engaged in this industry. His father was not optimistic about the "unreliable" career of actor, and he was not allowed to use his family name on the stage. Jeremy had to use the trademark on his coat to make his surname, and began his stage career in the name of Jeremy Brett.

Performing experience

In 1954, he first Manchester The Library Theatre officially performed in 1956 London Play in Old Vic's stage play《 Troilus Troilus and Cressida. In the same year, he appeared in Broadway And on《 richard ii 》Play Duke of Aumerle in. He played many classic roles on the stage, including early in Old Vic and later in Royal National Theatre (Royal National Theatre) Shakespeare The character in the work.
In the same year, he made his first appearance on television and played a role in a film for the first time in 1955.
As soon as Jeremy Breitfe started his career, he got《 War and Peace 》Middle acting Audrey Hepburn The opportunity of screen brother. A few years later, she played opposite Audrey Hepburn again《 a quiet and modest maiden 》Jeremy Brett, who plays Freddie, an aristocratic young man who pursues Hepburn in, is hard-working and dedicated, and has been highly praised by critics for a long time. Broadway in New York also opened its doors to him. In his early years, Jeremy Brett also appeared in Vogue magazine(《 VOGUE 》)'s cover, heart disease sequela And a small defect on the tongue ("R" pronunciation is wrong) Performing arts The stumbling block on the road limited his further development. Nevertheless, thanks to his hard work and intelligence, Jeremy Brett still has a place in the highly competitive London drama world, and is quite famous in the circle. In 1961, Jeremy Brett acted Hamlet , which was well received. At that time, he was just 5 years old. After watching the performance, his father smiled and said, "Now you can change your name back." Jeremy Brett frequently appeared on British TV screens in the early 1960s. He acted in many series, especially the one adapted in 1966《 The Three Musketeers: One for All! 》Middle acting Dardanian (D'Artagnan). He also played a few classic comedy roles, such as《 rival in love 》(The Rivals). In 1973, Jeremy Brett Shakespeare Masterpieces《 Merchant of Venice 》Played Bassanio in Lawrence Olivier (Laurence Olivier) Shylock (Shylock), Joan Plowright plays Portia. (Jeremy Brett, Oliver and Perraught have been Royal Grand Theater Play the same role.) Jeremy Brett therefore joked that as an actor, he was rarely allowed into the 20th century, let alone the current.
Classic Sherlock Holmes
Although Jeremy Brett has played many different roles in his 40 years of acting career, the most memorable thing is that he played Sherlock Holmes This was shot by Granada Television from 1984 to 1994. John Hawksworth( John Hawkesworth )And other writers Arthur Conan Doyle A jazz novel.
Jeremy Brett in life is a cheerful, optimistic, loyal and easy-going person. He likes to make friends, values friendship, and is more like wahson doctor. So the producers at Granada asked him to play Sherlock Holmes Many people, including himself, think it is very inappropriate. What's more, Holmes has been adapted too many times, and there are many actors. Among them, American film star Basil Rathbone has played 12 complete Sherlock Holmes films in 1940s, which is a relatively recognized actor of Holmes Douglas Wilmer And Robert Stephens were also praised. It is a huge challenge for anyone to challenge the classics and reshape Holmes. In the early 1980s, the British economy was depressed, and the film and television industry was even bleak. It was difficult for actors to get a role. However, Jeremy Brett refused the producer's hospitality Canada After filming, the producer waited for a year and a half until Jeremy Brett came back from Canada. The producer told him that "if you don't promise me again, I may not be interested in filming Sherlock Holmes", so Jeremy Brett finally took the role of Sherlock Holmes.
Earl Dracula
Even though Jeremy Brett is rumored to be afraid of being dubbed the same role all the time, he has played in 41 episodes of Granada TV series. After accepting this challenging role, Jeremy Brett rarely played other roles. He is widely regarded as the Sherlock Holmes of that era, just like Basil Rathbone in the 1940s. Interestingly, Jeremy Brett in 1980 Los Angeles In the public stage play The Crucifer of Blood, Dr. Watson was played, and Holmes was played Charlton Heston (Charlton Heston)。 Jeremy Brett is one of the only three actors who once played the roles of Holmes and Dr. Watson, and the other two are Reginald Owen and Patrick Macnee.
After Jeremy Brett played Sherlock Holmes, a critic commented: "I didn't realize that Jeremy Brett was such a good actor until I saw his excellent performance in Sherlock Holmes. His acting skills are so good that he can skillfully handle so many different roles (referring to the different appearances of Sherlock Holmes in disguise). When I saw Holmes, I realized that his talent was so underestimated and that this role was so different from the type of performance he had ever performed. I could hardly believe that it was Jeremy Brett. "
Sherlock Holmes, played by Jeremy Brett, corrects the past Sherlock Holmes for the first time Hunting clothes , Headwear Deer hunting cap According to Jeremy Brett and Granada's team team research , on Victorian era A gentleman can't wear this in the city Headgear Walking around. So in Granada's Sherlock Holmes series, Sherlock Holmes usually wears a high hat, a black suit and a walking stick. He only wears a hunting suit and a deer hunting hat when he goes out to the countryside.
Jeremy and David version Watson
For Holmes, Jeremy Brett's famous saying is "Do The Doyle" Arthur Conan Doyle Sir), during the performance, Jeremy Brett always studied with the original novel, and kept communicating with Conan Doyle's daughter. Sherlock Holmes described by Conan Doyle is a descendant of the squire, who has received a good education Artistic temperament , chivalrous and A gentleman's manner Both... Jeremy Brett's family and educational background As well as his long-term acting experience, Sherlock Holmes is very suitable for this role. For the first time since Sherlock Holmes' novels came out Victorian Period The appearance of the gentleman image of Conan Doyle broke the usual practice of running around in hunting clothes on the screen, which was Conan Doyle's original intention.
For the first time on the screen, Jeremy Brett fully demonstrated that "when Holmes falls on the ground and holds magnifier The image of "like a hound" during inspection: slender body, sharp eyes, hale and alert appearance: aquiline nose , firm chin, plus elegant body language , making him play Sherlock Holmes, the "hound".
Jeremy Brett showed Holmes' elegant and calm gentlemanly demeanor, and explored the warmth of human nature in the depth of Holmes' personality. In addition, Holmes' harsh and acerbic performance was just right, and the small shortcomings of his talent and arrogance gave a calm and sharp detective charming Personality charm Red Hair Club 》Sherlock Holmes jumped from the sofa and became a recognized classic among fans. His combination of wisdom, calmness, elegance and arrogance, despite his contempt for women's IQ, respected and protected women, sympathized with the kind-hearted weak, and occasionally showed his appreciation of friendship and family ties, which conquered the hearts of many female viewers.
Jeremy Brett's success is, of course, inseparable from the joint efforts of Granada TV's excellent production groups. British theatre Cultural details A profound tradition of excellence in art. The Granada version of Sherlock Holmes series strives to be faithful to the original work without losing the right humor. It reproduces the British style of the Victorian era. Every actor's performance is vivid and wonderful, and is an artistic masterpiece that cannot be missed. Other main actors, David Burke ,Edward Hardwicke, Rosalie Williams Eric Porter They are also called the best Dr. Watson, the best Mrs. Hudson, the best Mauriati Professor. Sherlock Holmes is Granada TV( Granada Television )The most successful production has been repeated in the past 20 years Europe and America It is broadcast in non prime time in other countries and is still popular. It has been translated into many languages and spread in many countries around the world. Since 1987 CCTV It was broadcast in non prime time in the evening.
Sherlock Holmes' success has brought great honor to Jeremy Brett and his fans all over the world. Fans from all over the world have come to London to watch his stage performances and lined up to ask for his signature. Jeremy Brett takes every fan seriously, but for his own achievements, He just said modestly and calmly, "I'm glad to be recognized by the audience through Sherlock Holmes, not just a beautiful old face". "At that time, the performing arts industry was very depressed, and it was not easy to get the opportunity to perform, not to mention Sherlock Holmes, who was so popular, thanks to Sir Conan Doyle's works for giving me the opportunity. I am very grateful."
Jeremy Brett, who is famous, has not forgotten his own social responsibility Granada plays faithfully reproduce the original novel Sherlock Holmes Regular intravenous injection of 7% cocaine In a sense, this is an indispensable detail of Holmes' character. But when Jeremy Brett learned that many teenagers were obsessed with Sherlock Holmes, in order to avoid their bad influence, he proposed that the cast should be changed《 Devil's foot 》In one episode, Sherlock Holmes takes the Syringe Buried in the sand. Countless audiences shed tears.

Personal life

Young Jeremy Brett
On July 4, 1985, Jeremy Brett just finished《 Last case 》The filming of Sherlock Holmes' "death" was a major change in his life. His wife Joan Wilson Sullivan Suffer from cancer Death chemotherapy Has suffered great pain. Jeremy Brett, who was deeply in love with Joan and his wife, was defeated by grief. Later, Jeremy Brett recalled: "We had the love that was only once in our life... We were very close." After this great pain, Jeremy Brett still insisted on completing all performances. Although he was discharged from hospital with the care of his family and friends, he was manic depression However, the effect of the drug made his body fat. Jeremy Brett, who was in the last few years of his life, was seriously deformed, and his health was very poor. But the audience could no longer accept that someone else would play Holmes. He still insisted on playing in the future Sherlock Holmes dramas because of his illness. In the eyes of the audience, Jeremy Brett, who is old, is just an expression of Holmes' aging.
In August 1985, Jeremy Brett returned to England to continue filming《 Sherlock Holmes returns 》。 I want to use my busy work to drive away the pain in my heart. But pain needs to be faced rather than evaded and denied. Unresolved sadness and anger are constantly eroding Jeremy Brett. Shortly after finishing the first episode of Return, he collapsed and was found to have suffered manic depression (Bipolar Disorder)。 The typical symptom of this disease is that the patient seems to be affected by an emotion beyond his control, alternating with abnormal depression and excitement. Jeremy Brett's early symptoms can still be controlled, but under the great pressure of life, these symptoms become more and more serious, and finally broke Jeremy Brett's mental defense line. In the following years, Jeremy Brett has been fighting with the disease. Sometimes he wins, sometimes he loses.
Jeremy Brett spoke frankly about his illness to the media, hoping to dispel people's fear and misunderstanding of this disease. Jeremy Brett is here BBC A moving and short speech made by the radio program on behalf of the manic depression society described his symptoms and urged patients to seek treatment and help. He told people that he overcame serious mental illness and achieved a full and successful life. Until his death, the Jeremy Brett Foundation was still collecting money for the study of the disease.
In the episode of "Dying Detective", the frail Holmes seems to be a true portrayal of Jeremy Brett himself. One year later, Jeremy Brett died in his sleep.
For those who love Jeremy Brett, his death is Sherlock Holmes' death. Holmes described by Conan "retired from the Jianghu" at the age of 62, while Jeremy Brett died at the age of 62. More coincidentally, it is called the best Mauriati Sherlock Holmes' nemesis Eric Porter , died in the same year, only four months earlier than Jeremy Brett.
The BBC's news about Jeremy Brett's death, Dr. Watson《 Last case 》The sentence in the opening: "With a deep feeling, I wrote down these last words and wrote down my friends Sherlock Holmes " His funeral was addressed by Edward Hardwicke, a longtime friend and screen partner, "Dr. Watson". The violinist played "Lessing Bach Falls" (the theme song of "The Last Case"), which is the best memory of Jeremy Brett.

Film participation

Release time Play title Play a role director Co actor
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six Phoenix Dance in the World of Fame - - -
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five Black Love - - -
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three Suspicion in Ancient Town - - -
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight A thousand surprises and ten thousand risks - - -
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five A story that shouldn't happen - - -

Participate in TV play

Sherlock Holmes one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five
to star
TV play
Sherlock Holmes The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984-1985) [3]
Sherlock Holmes The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1986-1988)
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (1991-1993)
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1994)
Seagull Island (1981)
10 Downing Street Number 10 Bloodline (William Pitt The Younger) (1983)
Moll Flanders(1996)
Phoenix Dance in the World of Fame 》 Moll Flanders(1996)
Black Love 》 Mad Dogs and Englishmen(1995)
The Medusa Touch(1978)
Nicholas and Alexandra(1971)
Act of Reprisal(1964)
a quiet and modest maiden 》 My Fair Lady(1964)
Girl in the Headlines(1963)
The Very Edge(1963)
The Wild and the Willing(1962)
War and Peace 》 War and Peace(1956)
Svengali 》(1954) [1]

Character evaluation

In Jeremy Brett's 40 years of stage career, he has always been known by the media as“ Byron He did play Byron on the stage, but he didn't like this title very much. Indeed, such an evaluation conceals his ability as a professional dramatic actor. In fact, Jeremy Brett himself is a dedicated and good actor, Shakespeare He has acted in almost all the classic dramas of Hamlet , to rough and brutal Macbeth , the old and weak King Lear... Jeremy Brett has a very deep foundation.
Because of his appearance and temperament, he is always invited to perform beautiful classical roles, and he is a true "aristocratic professional". He has acted twice Nightingale His father (said to be the second richest man at that time Queen Victoria Of the nobility), once acting British history Wiiliam Pitt (The Younger), the youngest prime minister in Shanghai, has played Robert Browning three times and has been invited to play two times 007 (But they all missed 007 for physical reasons)《 Butterfly Dream 》Has ever acted in. In the mid-1970s, Jeremy Brett was middle-aged for many years Artistic accomplishment His temperament has been sublimated by the accumulation of Extraordinary charm , he frequently performs luxurious and charming roles, although many of them are insignificant small roles, they have attracted wide attention. So that Granada TV station is preparing to shoot Sherlock Holmes Jeremy Brett was the first person who came to mind during the series.
Jeremy Brett loved stage performance all his life and created various Artistic image Sherlock Holmes, who can be seen today, is only a role in his long acting career, and the brilliance and charm he has given to this character has made us fall in love. Although I have no chance to see his performance again, a large number of photos, articles and newspaper clipping See Jeremy Brett's smile appear in every corner of the world, and see people's sincere respect and love for him.

People Memorial

In 2007, at the request of global fans, London Of Clapham Common Clapham Common has a special commemorative tree for Jeremy Bray. Jeremy Brett's residence was near Craven Park when he was alive. He often patronized here and liked the plants and trees here. At 2:30 p.m. on March 30, 2007, Jeremy Brett's former friends, some people in the theater and many movie fans held a small tree planting ceremony. Granada Sherlock Holmes David Burke and Edward Hardwicke, the two actors of Watson in the series, attended the ceremony. Jeremy Memorial Tree is a Aesculus chinensis (Horse Chestnut) seedling
Today, Jeremy Brett's fans around the world still miss him in different ways. His friends before his death wrote many books about Jeremy Brett (including "Bending The Willow", "The Man Who Became Sherlock Holmes", "Dancing In The Moonlight", etc.), and the income from selling the books was donated to Jeremy Bretkin for help cancer and depression Patient, this is also Jeremy Brett's wish.