Jackson Pollock

American painter
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Jackson Pollock, an American, Abstract expressionism Painting masters are also recognized as U.S.A Modern Painting cast off European Standards , established in the international art world Leadership The first meritorious person of. School in 1929 New York Art Students Union , learning from Benton. Turning around in 1943 Abstract art In 1947, he began to use the "drop painting method" to spread the huge canvas on the ground, and splashed the paint on the canvas with boxes, sticks or brushes with holes drilled. His creation is not planned in advance, and there is no fixed position for painting. He likes to walk around the canvas at will, and draw a complicated, indistinguishable and disorderly line net with repeated unconscious actions, known as“ Action painting ”。 This pictorial composition design has no center, and the structure cannot be identified. It has distinctive abstract expressionism characteristics. His main works include Autumn Charm: No. 30, Lavender Fog: No. 1, Cathedral, Blue Pole: No. 11, etc. Jackson died on August 11, 1956 at the age of 44.
Chinese name
Jackson Pollock
Foreign name
Paul Jackson Pollock
date of birth
January 28, 1912
one's native heath
Cody, Wyoming, USA
Date of death
August 11, 1956
Place of death
Springs, NY, USA
Representative works
Autumn Charm, Cathedral, Blue Pole
Creation characteristics
Drip painting
peggy guggenheim


Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock, born on January 28, 1912, USA Indiana Gary ) is an influential American artist and Abstract expressionism (abstract expressionism) The main force of sports. Its name is also translated as Jackson Pollock , won the honor for its huge "color dropping" painting (such as "No. 1", 1948). He interprets the subject matter of his works as the action of painting itself. His creation did not start with a sketch, but just completed the work by a series of improvisational actions. He dipped a stick or pen into a container, usually Enamel And aluminum paint, and then drop or throw the color onto the canvas nailed to the ground, and paint from all directions with intuition and experience. These patterns composed of interlaced pigments left on the canvas have exciting vitality, recording his direct Physical movement So the audience can share the experience of creating these color traces.

Character experience

Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock was born Wyoming , later moved to New York in 1929 Thomas Hart Benton (Thomas Hart Benton). He transferred from symbolic art and developed a painting technique of spraying and dropping paint on canvas. He was one of the founders of American abstract painting in the 20th century. His works are regarded as World War II Post New American Painting The symbol of.
From 1938 to 1942, he worked for the Federal Art Project; From the 1950s to the 1960s, he received Central Intelligence Agency Support.
Pollock Creation process Different from others, he first nailed the canvas to the floor or wall, and then randomly sprinkled paint on the canvas, allowing it to drip on the canvas, creating a crisscross effect of abstract lines. Pollock sometimes uses stones, sand Nails Rub the canvas with pigment mixed with broken glass. He abandoned the painting tools commonly used by painters. When painting, he completely got rid of the traditional mode of being constrained by the wrist, elbow and shoulder, and acted impromptu and casually. This method is called Action painting or Abstract expressionism

personal representative

Birds Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock was born in the United States Wyoming Cody, died New York Springs. He is New York Leaders of Action Painting School and Abstractionism The representative painter of.
In his early years New York Municipal art students Union College Benefit from time to time Benton In the 1930s, he participated in the art planning work of the federal government. After World War II, he has become a symbol of new American painting.
After 1947, Pollock carried out the experiment of painting with a large amount of dripping. His dripping is an uncontrolled intuitive action, rich in form Contour line Stress and rhythmic changes. Each part of the canvas bears the same weight. He creates a uniform surface without climax, forcing his eyes to constantly search and scan in his tangled net and maze like path of clumps of pigment, and to keep going back and forth. His unique style has the characteristics of freedom, ignoring the objective and delimiting the space.
No. 31 Jackson Pollock
Pollock created the world-famous "Dihua", his Dihua became a typical expression of unrestrained American character Abstract expressionism The classic works of. A person who has seen Pollock recalled: "Entering Pollock's studio is like entering another world. The artist fully displays his thoughts and abundant feelings in his studio. On one side of the studio is a paint pot with a big hearing, and the wall table is full of color drops. On the other side are his works of great scale. Pollock often sits in front of him and contemplates for hours. His face is hard and his eyebrows are often frowned. Obviously, every piece of Pollock's works is not easy to draw. When he painted, he indulged in frightening actions. " Critics call his paintings "action painting". In this way, what the painter presents to us on the canvas is not a picture, but the action process on the canvas. The picture becomes the place where the painter acts, and the canvas becomes the record of the painter's actions.
The significance of action painting created by Pollock is:
1、 Changed tradition Easel painting The concept of painting is no longer an aesthetic design, but a carrier to undertake the movement of people dominated by their hearts; Painting is no longer an expression of emotion through image or form, but it has become a painter's emotional catharsis Direct record
2、 It has changed the space of painting. In action painting, the foreground and background no longer exist. The traditional composition relationship has disappeared spatial relationship It no longer exists. It is a picture participated by a painter.
3、 The picture has no theme, no center, no primary and secondary, and is boundless. The painting is only a part of this boundless whole, which can be divided at will.
The fundamental meaning of Pollock's paintings is to get rid of all constraints and pursue Extreme freedom And openness, which has promoted human boldness Creative consciousness Development of.
Pollock The most glorious moment It began in 1950. In that year alone, he created two works, "The Rhythm of Autumn" and "No. 32, 1950". However, Pollock did not pretend to be a winner. The spirit of anti traditional creation inspired him, but Self sealing His personality, together with his dissatisfaction with society and culture, pushed him into the abyss of pain again and again. He was down and out all his life and spent all his time drinking.
In 1956, in a traffic accident Pollock, 44, finished his short life.

Social evaluation

Pollock's painting method "was praised as the most eye-catching new invention in painting space after Picasso and Braque's analytical cubism painting in 1911."( Robert Hughes Comment) [1]
Every piece of Pollock's work is not easy to draw... When he painted, he indulged in scary fanaticism. (Goodnow comments) [1]
Abstract expressionist artists such as Pollock opened a new artistic form , free from the influence of European traditions, and formed a pure American art. Greenberg Comment)
Pollock Abstract expressionism Works, relatively speaking, are difficult for the public to understand at the moment. Both artistic concepts and creative forms need a relatively long cognitive process. It is obviously unrealistic to rush to make everyone accept them in a short time. Wang Jinyu Comment) [2]

Work market

On November 3, 2006, an oil painting titled No.51948, created by the same method, sold for 140 million dollars, making it the most expensive painting in human history. [6]

cinematographic works

Pollock's story has been made into a film Pollock in 2001 Ed Harris Ed Harris starred and got two seats Academy Awards

Retrospective exhibition

On November 22, 2015 local time in New York, American artist Jackson Pollock Retrospective exhibition (Jackson Pollock: A Collection Survey, 1934 – 1954) Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA). Nearly 50 pieces collected by MoMA Classic works For the purpose of exhibition and research, the author traces back the creation process and style evolution from the 1930s to the death of the painter in 1956. This exhibition not only combs the works and characteristics of Pollock at all stages of his creative career in detail, but also further shows the audience the artist's extensive involvement in materials and technology. It is reported that this exhibition will last until March 13, 2016. [5]


particular year
one thousand nine hundred and twelve
0 years old
On January 28, Jackson Pollock, the fifth son of the Pollock family, was born in Cody, Wyoming
On November 28, the family moved to San Diego, California
one thousand nine hundred and thirteen
1 year old
In August, the family moved to Arizona Phoenix His father bought a farm
one thousand nine hundred and seventeen
5 years old
The farm was auctioned, and the family moved to Chico, California, and soon moved to Jamesville
one thousand nine hundred and eighteen
6 years old
In January, the family moved to Chico, California
one thousand nine hundred and twenty
8 years old
In January, the family moved to Janisville, California.
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two
10 years old
The family moved to Orland, California. The eldest son Charles left home《 Los Angeles Times 》He works and studies art at Otis Art Institute. He often sends some magazines to his brothers
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three
11 years old
In the autumn, the family moved back to Phoenix, Arizona
In September, I entered primary school
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four
12 years old
In the spring, the family moved back to Chigo, California, and finally settled in Riverside, Los Angeles
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six
14 years old
Charles enrolled in the course of Thomas Hart Benton at the Art Students League of New York
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven
15 years old
In summer, I worked with my fourth brother Sanford to measure the Grand Canyon
In September, he entered the Riverside High School
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight
In March, he was expelled from high school
In the summer, the family moved to Los Angeles
In autumn, I entered the Manual Arts High School. Influenced by the art teacher Frederick, I introduced some "theosophy" and dropped out of school once in the semester
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine
In summer, I worked together with my father in surveying and building, and learned to smoke and drink
In autumn, I learned to draw human bodies and make clay figurines in Handicraft High School; He was expelled from school soon and liked the works of Mexican painter Diego Rivera very much
one thousand nine hundred and thirty
18 years old
In spring, I returned to the Handicraft High School, but I was not a full-time student
In June, I saw Prometheus, a Mexican painter Jos è Clemente Orozco, at Pomona College
In autumn, we will go to New York with Charles and Frank
On September 29, he enrolled in the course of Benton of the New York Art Students Union, briefly studied sculpture and stone carving outside the school, and acted as an action model in Benton's murals
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one
In February, we received subsidies to continue our courses in Benton
In June, I hitchhiked back to Los Angeles with my classmates from New York
In summer, I work in the forest farm in summer
Fall, back to New York
In October, registered for Benton's mural class and received subsidies
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two
20 years old
In summer, I went sketching with two classmates from New York to Los Angeles; See the mural of another Mexican painter David Alfaro Siqueiros
In the autumn, I returned to New York, registered in Benton's mural class, and took the position of class management. The tuition was free
In December, he became a member of the New York Art Students Union and practiced slate printing
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three
21 years old
In January, he registered for John Sloan's body painting course and learned sculpture outside the school
In February, registered the sculpture class of Robert Lavrent
On March 6, his father LeRoy Pollock died
From spring to summer, learn sculpture outside school
In autumn, every Monday night, attend Benton's family concert until the spring of 1935
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four
Participate in friends' mural work to increase practical experience
In summer, I drove back to Los Angeles with my eldest brother Charles; Return to New York and go to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Ferry to Martha's Vineyard to visit Benton's summer villa; Sanford, the fourth brother, also came to New York, where they lived together and worked as a cleaner in primary school
In December, she helped Mrs. Benton Rita sell artworks and paint paint on ceramic bowls by hand
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five
23 years old
In February, participated in the group painting exhibition of Brooklyn Museum; Accept federal relief and clean up sculptures and monuments in the urban area
In August, the federal government's art program [3] Sign the contract. Sanford and Pollock are both employed
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six
24 years old
Working in the easel group
In spring, I participated in the "work seminar" of Sigalos; Use new techniques and materials, including spray guns, paint sprayers, mixed pigments and enamel paint
In autumn, rent a house in the suburbs of New Jersey to paint scenes
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven
25 years old
Started psychotherapy for alcoholism
After April, Charles moved to Detroit to work
In December, I visited Benton in Kansas City, Missouri
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight
26 years old
In January, I returned to New York, passed by Detroit, and visited Charles
In June, the federal work was dismissed because of the long absenteeism
From June to September, I was admitted to New York Hospital for special psychological treatment
On September 23, I returned to the easel group to work
one thousand nine hundred and forty-three
31 years old
Peggy Guggenheim, an American female collector, commissioned Jackson Pollock to create the mural for her villa lobby in Manhattan. This work is also Pollock's first large-scale work. [4]