Jack Kilby

Dezhou Instrument Engineer
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Jack Kilby (November 8, 1923 June 20, 2005) Integrated circuit One of the two inventors of. In 1947, Kilby obtained University of Illinois Of Electronic Engineering Bachelor's degree, obtained in 1950 University of Wisconsin Electronic Engineering master academic degree. In 1958, the world's first integrated circuit was successfully developed. In 2000, the invention of Kirby integrated circuit was awarded The nobel prize in physics [1]
This is a 42 year late Nobel Prize in Physics. This award, because the longer the time between winning the award, the more prominent his achievements will be. So far, it is comprehensively transforming human personal computers, mobile phones, etc 3C products , all from his invention.
Chinese name
Jack Kilby
Foreign name
Jack Kilby
date of birth
November 8, 1923
Date of death
June 20, 2005
University one is graduated from
University of Illinois (Bachelor)
Dezhou Instrument Engineer
Key achievements
Invention of integrated circuit
Nobel Physics IEEE Medal of Honor

Character experience

1947-1958 Central laboratory Wisconsin Milwaukee;
1958~1970 Texas Instruments, Texas, Dalas
He left Texas Instruments in November 1970, but continued to work as a part-time consultant for it;
1978-1984 Texas A&M University Jack Kilby, a distinguished professor of electrical engineering, wrote down his successful idea of the first integrated circuit in this notebook.
Jack Kilby invented the world's first integrated circuit in 1958. Jack Kilby's first integrated circuit only contains a single transistor And other components. jack Kilby A 300mm wafer is being studied. Jack Kilby is in the laboratory of Kilby Research Center. The integrated circuit invented by Jack Kilby has become an essential part of almost every electronic product today, from mobile phones to Modem , and then to the online game terminal, this small chip has changed the world.


Jack Kilby
In 2000, Jack S. Kilby, 77, won the Nobel Prize in Physics. This award has been 42 years since his invention, but it is long enough to fully show the far-reaching impact - if there is no Kirby, there will be no semiconductor industry today, let alone the digital life you have long been accustomed to. On September 12, 1958, Dezhou Instrument Engineer Kilby Invent the first integration Circuit IC This device reveals the information of the twentieth century revolution At the same time, the information age is coming.
Before Kilby, Transistor Replace bulky and unstable Vacuum tube However, with the continuous expansion of the circuit system, the components become larger and larger, but they encounter new bottle necks. In particular, the cost of producing a transistor is as high as ten dollars. How to reduce the volume of components and reduce costs has become a big problem in application.
At that time Texas Instruments Kirby, who focuses on circuit miniaturization research, used the two weeks when most of his colleagues had a holiday and were not disturbed to think about problems. Just one month after Bell Labs celebrated the tenth anniversary of the invention of the transistor, Kirby Lingguang emerged and wrote a five page critical experiment log in the office.
Kilby's new concept is to use a single piece of silicon to make a complete circuit, so that the circuit can be reduced to a minimum. At that time, the industry doubted whether this idea was feasible, "I brought entertainment effects to many technical forums," Kilby It is described in his article "The Birth of IC".
however, Texas Instruments Always support Kilby. It has been proved that since the first chip of Kilby, the semiconductor manufacturing technology has been constantly updated. By the time Intel introduced the Pentium microprocessor, there had been up to three million transistors integrated on the chip. Ten dollars can now buy 20 million transistors.
Famous in semiconductor industry“ Moore's law ”- The number of transistors on integrated circuits has doubled every 18 months, lasting for 35 years. So far, we have been working hard. This powerful power has made all kinds of electronic products explosively light, thin, short and versatile. 3C products such as personal computers and mobile phones are comprehensively transforming human life.
The output value of the global semiconductor industry has reached 140 billion US dollars, and it will grow at a double-digit rate in the next three years. Kilby Its invention is still fermenting.
Kilby accepted the late award《 World Magazine 》During the exclusive interview, he briefly explained his observations on the current situation and future of the semiconductor industry. Kilby was not born in the academic palace, but Texas Instruments It has won the highest academic honor, and has also made a new interpretation of the functions that Texas Instruments can play for enterprises.

Change the world

"Jack Kilby is one of the few people who have changed the world with their wisdom and achievements in their professional fields." -- Dezhou Instrument Co., Ltd On June 20, Jack Kilby, an American engineer, died at his home in Dallas, Texas at the age of 81 after a hard fight with cancer. He used to work Texas Instruments Chairman of the Board of Directors Tom Engibs I think the work of several people has changed the whole world and our way of life Henry Ford thomas edison Wright Brothers And Jack Kilby. If there is an invention that not only revolutionized our industry, but also changed the world we live in, it is the integrated circuit invented by Jack. " September 12, 1958, Texas, USA Dallas In the laboratory of Texas Instruments, engineer Jack Kilby successfully realized the idea of integrating electronic devices on a piece of semiconductor material. This day is regarded as the birth day of integrated circuits, and this small chip has opened a new era in the history of electronic technology. As a member of the crowd, you may not feel how important that remote autumn day is. So, please look at the computer in front of you. It is small, simple, and quietly waiting to serve you at any time. However, at the beginning of the computer's birth, it was a giant that could only exist in the laboratory. If electronic technology ends Electronic tube We can't have the E life now. All the electronic tube techniques he learned were invalid: in 1948, Bell Laboratories Of William Shockley (William Shockley) and two colleague Invented transistor , it can replace Vacuum tube enlarge Electronic signal And make electronic equipment portable and efficient. Shockley Therefore, he was honored as the "father of transistors" and won the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. This is a major innovation in electronic technology. Jack Kilby was 24 years old at that time, and he had just received a certificate from the University of Illinois Electronic Engineering baccalaureate. In his autobiography, he said, "In college, most of my courses are about electricity, but because of my childhood interest in electronic technology, I also took some courses in electronic tube technology. I graduated in 1947, just as Bell Laboratories announced the invention of transistor The year before, that means my Electronic tube All technical courses will be cancelled. " However, the problem has not been completely solved, and the electronic equipment assembled with transistors is still too cumbersome. Obviously, personal ownership of computers is still a distant dream. Technology is always driven by dreams. In 1952, G. W. A. Damer of the British Radar Research Institute first proposed the idea of integrated circuit: triode Crystal diode And other components are all made on a semiconductor chip. Although we can't see from Jack Kilby's autobiography whether this idea has an impact on him, we can also feel that the concept of microelectronics technology is about to emerge from the minds of engineers.
The first integrated circuit in the world was born in 1947, University of Illinois With a strong interest in electronic technology, Jack Kilby, a graduate Wisconsin Milwaukee got a job making components for radios, televisions and hearing aids for an electronics supplier. In his spare time, he University of Wisconsin upper Electronic Engineering Master class night classes. Of course, the dual pressure of work and class Kilby It can be regarded as a challenge, but he said: "This can be done, and it is really worth working hard." After obtaining a master's degree, Kilby and his wife moved to Texas Dallas , worked for Texas Instruments, because it was the only company that allowed him to spend almost all his time on the research of miniaturization of electronic devices, and provided him with a lot of time and good experimental conditions. Kilby is a gentle, quiet person. With a height of 6 feet 6 inches, he is called a "gentle giant" by his assistants and friends. It is this giant who is not good at expressing that has conceived a giant like idea. At that time, Texas Instruments had a tradition that employees could enjoy a two-week long vacation in the hot August. But I'm new here Kilby But it was not a long holiday, so I had to study alone in a deserted workshop. During this period, he gradually formed a genius idea: resistors and capacitors (passive components) can be used with transistor (Active devices) made of the same materials. In addition, since all components can be made of the same material, these components can be made locally on the same material, and then connected to each other to form a complete circuit. He chose semiconductor silicon.
"I sat at the table and stayed a little later than usual," he recalled in an interview in 1980 a design chart When the supervisor comes back, I will show him these design drawings. At that time, although some people were slightly skeptical, they basically understood the importance of this design. " So we went back to the scene at the beginning of the article. On that day, the director of the company came to the laboratory and connected the test line with the giant. The experiment was successful. Texas Instruments soon announced that they had invented the integrated circuit, Kilby A patent was applied for this purpose. Created the Silicon Age: At that time, he may not have really realized the value of this invention. After obtaining Nobel Prize Later, he said, "I know that the integrated circuit I invented is very important for the electronics industry, but I never thought that its application would be as extensive as today." The integrated circuit replaced the transistor , paving the way for the development of various functions of electronic products, and greatly reducing the cost, the third generation of electronic devices from the stage. Its birth made the emergence of microprocessors possible, and also made computers become daily tools accessible to ordinary people. The application of integrated technology has led to more convenient and fast electronic products, such as the common handheld Electronic calculator , which is a new invention of Kilby after the integrated circuit. Silicon is still the main material of our electronic devices. So in 2000, 42 years after the advent of integrated circuits, people finally realized the value of him and his invention, and he was awarded The nobel prize in physics The Nobel Prize Jury once said this Kilby "Laid the foundation for modern information technology". In 1959, Fairchild Semiconductor Robert Royce applied for more complex silicon integrated circuits and immediately put them into the commercial field. But Kilby first applied for a patent, so Royce is considered to be an integrated circuit co-inventor Royce passed away in 1990, narrowly missing the Nobel Prize. Jack Kilby is quite modest. He has owned more than 60 patents in his life, but in his award-winning speech, he said: "My work may have introduced a new perspective on circuit components and created a new field. Since then, most of my achievements have not been directly related to my work."