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Poplar track

Di people in Lueyang call themselves Grand General, Liangzhou Mu and Xiping Gong
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Yang Gui (? - 400), Eastern Jin Dynasty lueyang (Governing Gansu today Tianshui Northeast) Di leader. originally be Aftercooling Rear General. Jin Long'an In the first year (397), Zhang Jie and Song Sheng, who were called Liang people, were promoted as the leader of the alliance. They called themselves the Great General, Liangzhou Mu, and Xiping Gong. When they attacked, they were not good Nanliang Baldness, black loneliness cry for help. Enter Liangdu the next year Guzang (Governing Gansu today Wu Wei ), defeated and surrendered to Nanliang. It was also defeated by Liang Hung, the leader of the Qiang nationality, who went west to Linghai and occupied the residence of Yifu Xianbei. For three years, the bald man ordered his soldiers to rescue Northern Cool Murder of King Wuwei of Nanliang in four years Bald hair and sharp deer , plotted to vent and was killed. [1 ]
Full Name
Poplar track
Eastern Jin Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Di nationality
one's native heath
Lueyang (governing the northeast of Tianshui, Gansu)
Date of death
400 years

brief introduction

Yang Gui (?~~~400 years), born in Lueyang.

Character activities

In August 397, Liangzhou Zhang Jie, Song Sheng and others gathered 3000 Rong and Han people to revolt in Xiutu City. Together with Guo Xuan, they elected Yang Gui, the general of Hou Lianghou, as the leader of the alliance. Yang Gui is a Di person from Lueyang. General Cheng Zhao dissuades Yang Gui and says, "It's not the best policy for you to abandon the dragon head and follow the snake tail." Yang Gui does not accept his advice and calls himself the Great General, Liangzhou Mu and Xiping Gong.
In February 398 AD, Yang Gui appointed his Sima Guowei as the Prime Minister of Xiping, and led 20000 infantry and cavalry troops to the north to reinforce Guo Xuan. Baldness, black loneliness He sent his brother, General Tufa Tan, to lead 10000 cavalry to help Yang Gui. Yang Gui's troops arrived in Guzang and camped in the north of the city.
In May 398, Aftercooling Taiyuan Duke Lu Zuan Lead troops to attack Yang Gui, Guo Xuan He rushed to rescue Lv Zao, who returned after failing.
In June 398 AD, Yang Gui, relying on a large number of soldiers, planned to cooperate with Aftercooling king Lvguang wage a life-and-death struggle, Guo Xuan Every time, he used the will of God as an excuse to stop him. Aftercooling Changshan Gonglvhong Town Guard Zhangye Duan Ye dispatch Juqu Man Cheng He and Wang De attacked him, Lvguang Also sent Taiyuan Duke Lu Zuan Lead troops to meet Lv Hong. Yang Gui said, "Lv Hong has 10000 elite troops Lvguang With the combination of troops, Gu Zang's strength will become stronger and stronger, and it will be difficult to win. " So he and Bald hair and sharp deer Block together Lu Zuan Lu Zuan To engage them and defeat them. Yang Gui defected after escaping Wang Qiji Guo is paranoid, impatient and cruel by nature. He is not supported and attached by the majority of scholars and people. When he heard that Yang Gui had failed to escape, he surrendered to the Western Qin Dynasty, the country's leader Begging for surrender and returning Appoint him General Jianzhong Free riding and regular attendants
In September 398, Yang Gui stationed at Lianchuan More than 10000 residents of the Han nationality and other nationalities have been recruited. Leader of Tianhu Tribe Wang Qiji He said to Yang Gui, "The bald family has high intelligence and strong troops, and is the master of our king Qiji in the past. We'd better submit to him." So Yang Gui sent envoys to King Xiping Baldness, black loneliness Ask for surrender. Yang Gui was soon defeated by Liang Hung, the leader of the Qiang tribe. He fled west to the sea, attacked the Xianbei tribe in Yifu, and occupied that area. Baldness, black loneliness Said to the ministers: "Yang Gui Wang Qiji They have surrendered to me. If you don't hurry to rescue them and let them be defeated by the Qiang people, I'm really ashamed. " Hun Tun, the general of Pingxi, said, "Liang Hung has no foresight and strategy. He can be caught only by fighting a battle." Liang Hung attacked Xiping. Tian Xuanming, a Xiping man, seized the imperial guard Guo Xing and took his place to resist Liang Hung. He sent his son Baldness, black loneliness Go there as a hostage. Baldness, black loneliness They planned to go to rescue, but most of the ministers hesitated because they were afraid that Liang Hung's troops were strong. Zuo Sima Zhao Zhen said, "Yang Gui has just been defeated. The Lu family of the Liang State was in its heyday. In the area north of Hongchi, we have no hope of winning. We may still win the five counties south of Hongchi Ridge. If the king has no ambition to expand his territory, I Zhao Zhen dare not say anything. If we want to govern the world, we should not give up this opportunity. Once the Qiang people occupy Xiping, both Han and Yi people will be shocked, which is not a good thing for us. " Baldness, black loneliness He said happily, "I also intend to make some achievements at this time. How can I sit here and defend the poor mountain valley?" So he said to the ministers, "If Liang Hung gets Xiping, occupies the mountains and rivers there, we can't control him again. Although Liang Hung is brave and fierce, his troops have different orders, and it is easy to defeat them." So he marched into attack Liang Hung, Beat him badly. Liang Hunger Defeated Longzhi Fort to garrison. Baldness, black loneliness Continue to attack and conquer Longzhi In the castle, Liang Hung escaped to irrigate the river alone. In this campaign, Baldness, black loneliness Capture and kill tens of thousands of enemy troops. He appointed Tian Xuanming as the Inner Historian of Xiping. Tian Yao, the governor of Ledu, Zhang, the governor of Huanghe, and Wang Zhi, the governor of Shuihe surrendered to the county. Since then, tens of thousands of Qiang and Hu tribes in the south of Hongchi Ridge have all belonged to Baldness, black loneliness
In November 398, Yang Gui Wang Qiji Led thousands of households and voluntarily attached to the King of Xiping Baldness, black loneliness
In May of 399 AD, Prince Hou Liang Lu Shao Taiyuan Duke Lu Zuan Lead the army to crusade against Beiliang, and Wang Duan Yexiang of Beiliang Nanliang Wu Wei king Baldness, black loneliness Ask for help, sent by bald and black Cavalry General Bald hair and sharp deer , go to rescue with Yang Gui. Duan Ye Prepare for the battle, Juqu Mengxun Persuaded him and said, "Yang Gui, relying on the power of Xianbei people, has ambitions to take advantage of my mobility, Lu Shao Lu Zuan This time, we dare to lead the army to go deep, and have already killed the army. We can't resist it. Now if we don't go to war, we will be as safe as Mount Tai. If we go to war, we will be exhausted. " Duan Ye Follow his advice and hold still. Lu Shao Lu Zuan We had to take the army back.
In May 400, Yang Gui, Tian Xuanming and others conspired to kill Nanliang Wu Wei king Bald hair and sharp deer , was executed by a bald deer.