Du Pengcheng

[dù péng chéng]
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Du Pengcheng (1921-1991), a native of Hancheng, Shaanxi, formerly known as Du Hongxi, used to use a pseudonym Sima Jun , Modern writer CPC party member university graduated. author novel Defend Yan'an 》、 novelette In a day of peace 》, short story His works include Young Friends, Sketches, Selected Novels of Du Pengcheng, etc. Du Pengcheng's novels are mostly major themes, describing the spiritual outlook of the characters from the severe struggle and test. "Defending Yan'an" is exactly a masterpiece created by him. The novella "In a Day of Peace" has been written for 50 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China Industrial theme Excellent works in creation.
On September 23, 2019, Du Pengcheng's novel Defending Yan'an was selected“ Collection of 70 Novels in 70 Years of New China ”。 [1]
Chinese name
Du Hongxi, Du Pengcheng
Sima Jun
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
May 5, 1921 (Xinyou year)
Date of death
October 26, 1991
University one is graduated from
Yan'an University
Writer novelist
one's native heath
Hancheng, Shaanxi
Representative works
Protecting Yan'an In a Peaceful Day, etc


Du Pengcheng, from Hancheng, Shaanxi Province, was born on March 28 of the lunar calendar in 1921. His father died at the age of three. His family was poor. He went to private schools and Christian schools when he was young, and later became an apprentice in a shop in Hancheng County. From 1934 to 1936, Du Pengcheng was recommended to go to a rural school 20 or 30 miles away from his home to study part-time. These three years are an important turning point in his life.
Du Pengcheng (middle)
When the Anti Japanese War broke out in 1937, 16-year-old Du Pengcheng joined the peripheral organizations of the Communist Party“ Pioneers of the Chinese National Liberation ”He was a student of Yan'an Anti Japanese University and Lu Xun Normal School. In the early summer of 1938, with the introduction of the Communist Party teacher, Du Pengcheng embarked on the road to Yan'an, which opened a new page in the history of his personal life. After rectification Mass production movement Later, he was assigned to work in the factory and served in the Northwest Field Army Xinhua News Agency's military correspondent , Edited by the Northwest Field Corps Field Branch of Xinhua News Agency. Du Pengcheng's life experience in the countryside, factory and army before liberation provided him with rich life experience and material for his later creation, and laid a solid ideological foundation and writing foundation.
Successive posts since 1949 Xinhua News Agency Xinjiang Branch President, vice chairman of Shaanxi Writers Association, vice chairman of Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles, professional writer, joined in 1955 Chinese Writers Association , the second, third and fourth directors of the Chinese Writers Association, and the fourth member of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 1982, Du Pengcheng was elected as the representative of the 12th CPC National Congress, and he was also a member of the second and third CPPCC National Committee.
On the afternoon of October 26, 1991, outstanding Communist military leader The biography team went to the hospital to find out about the situation. When Wen Bin was talking with him, Du Pengcheng had a heart attack and died at the Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital at the age of 70. [15]
He has published works since the fortieth generation, and has made remarkable achievements in long, medium and short stories. The novel "Defending Yan'an", published in 1954, is his representative work. It is China's first outstanding epic novel that describes the liberation war in a large scale. [2]

Love anecdote

Du Pengcheng
In the summer of 1985, a delegation of Shaanxi writers and artists went to "China Agricultural Science City" Wugong County Du Pengcheng was invited to collect wind in Yangling Town (today's Yangling Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Area) Northwest Agricultural University Thousands of college students made an impromptu speech: "36 years ago, Yangling Town was liberated Northwest Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army His military representative came to take over your school and entered Xinjiang all the way from here... "In fact, he still kept a secret from the bottom of his heart, that is, his wife Zhang Wenbin (pseudonym Wenbin) also read books here.
An opera led to a "war romance". [2] In May 1949, our Northwest Field Army, under the command of Peng, promoted the liberation of martial arts to the west. The army arts and crafts troupe immediately performed and publicized in the Northwest Agricultural College. Zhang Wenbin, a 16-year-old female student from the High School Affiliated to the Agricultural College, sat happily in front of the stage to watch the yangko and dance in the liberated area for the first time. In particular, the five act grand opera Children of the Working People, created by Du Pengcheng, a reporter accompanying the army of Xinhua News Agency, was performed for more than four hours. Zhang Wenbin was so excited to see it that she suddenly ignited her passion for revolution: she signed up to join the army with a large number of students as soon as the play was over. From then on, she remembered a person's name: Du Pengcheng!
When Wen Bin first arrived in the army, she was assigned to the Arts and Crafts Troupe because of her good figure, height and female personality. Soon after, she was transferred to the Political Department of the Fourth Division of the Second Army. She didn't know that Du Pengcheng, the writer she admired, had been following the heroic army led by General Wang Zhen to northern Shaanxi since the liberation war, and wrote many influential war reports and more than 2 million words of war diaries. To her surprise, Du Pengcheng's organizational relationship was in the Political Department of the Fourth Division! A sweet longing begins to brew in Wen Bin's heart
In June 1949, the famous Fumei Campaign It's on. One afternoon, the army took a short rest in Gongjiapu on the bank of the Wei River. Wenbin and his female comrade in arms, Xiaoma, were sitting on the kang head of the fellow townsman sewing and reading. Suddenly, a young officer shouted the name of the pony and rushed in. When Wen Bin heard that the pony was called "reporter Du", he took a subconscious look at this moderately built and very capable young man and was very excited: he is the famous Du Pengcheng! She wanted to see what someone looked like, but the girl's reserve and shyness made her pretend not to care and continue to read. Suddenly, Du Pengcheng found a book on the windowsill, and if he got there, he could easily get it. Wenbin looked at it and hurried to grab it, but the book still fell into Du Pengcheng's hands. He said, "Oh!" There was a composition in the book! Wenbin's heart suddenly mentioned that his childish exercise fell into the hands of a famous reporter, and people still don't know how to laugh! Because of shyness and nervousness, the girl's face was flushed and her head was buried lower.
Unexpectedly, Du Pengcheng appreciated the composition after reading it. He was so excited that he danced like a poet. He stared at Wen Bin with fiery eyes and said repeatedly, "Good young man, talented!" After saying that, he threw his cap, took off his cloth shoes, and sat on the kang with bare feet opposite Wen Bin. He talked to her about writing excitedly. Gradually, Du Pengcheng's enthusiasm infected a girl's confused heart, and she began to look up with a red face to observe the enthusiastic soldier: thin face but bright eyes, poetic words, heartfelt laughter, and even slovenly clothes, all filled with a different style! For the first time, a girl's sixteen year old flower season was surrounded and submerged by a mature man's lightning torrent
From the afternoon to the evening that day, the little soldier kept thinking about reporter Du's whereabouts: she heard that he was going to eat at the division headquarters, so she "ate" for a long time but never saw reporter Du. Is he gone? She shed tears inexplicably; With a guilty conscience, she couldn't help asking the commander, "Reporter Du didn't leave, he was talking to fellow villagers at the entrance of the village!" Her tears flowed down again happily... Even she couldn't understand how she could shed tears twice a day for a man she had just met? It was late at night, and the marching and fighting were so tiring that everyone fell asleep as soon as they lay down, but one girl stayed up all night: she was pregnant, and she fell in love with someone!
In the hot June of this year, their engagement report was approved by the army! Looking back on the years when the passion was burning, Wen Bin said happily, "Later, Lao Du joked with me and liked to tell me that the marriage of thousands of miles was in line, and my play was probably the head of the red line!" [3-6]


Chairman Mao receives Du Pengcheng
Du Pengcheng has made remarkable achievements in long, medium and short stories. Du Pengcheng's novels are mostly major themes, describing the spiritual outlook of the characters from the severe struggle and test. His outstanding achievements in literary creation won wide respect Zhongnanhai suffer Mao Zedong The President's cordial reception. [4]

Main works

Collected Works of Du Pengcheng
Camp (drama) 1950, Northwest Xinhua Bookstore.
Attack on Grain Station at Night (short story) 1955, Popular Reading Press.
Great Desert (short story) 1955, People's Literature Press.
In a Peaceful Day (novella) 1958, Dongfeng Literature and Art Publishing House.
The Collection of Sketch (Collection of Prose) 1960, Writers Publishing House
Young Friends (Collection of Short Stories) 1962, China Youth Press
Ordinary Women (Collection of Short Stories), 1963, Dongfeng Literature and Art Publishing House.
Brilliant Mileage (Collection of Middle and Short Stories), 1977, People's Literature Press.
I and Literature (Literary Theory) 1984, Shanxi People's Publishing House
Selected Features of Du Pengcheng's Prose, 1984, Shaanxi People's Publishing House
Defending Yan'an (Youth Edition), 1986, Sichuan Children's Publishing House.
Collection of Works of Du Pengcheng, 1993, Shaanxi People's Publishing House.


The novel "Defending Yan'an", published in 1954, is the first outstanding novel in China that describes the liberation war on a large scale and positively, and successfully portrays the moving image of Comrade Peng Dehuai. "Defending Yan'an" is exactly a masterpiece created by him. The novel reflects the famous operation for safeguarding Yan'an The author participated as a hero company of the main column of the PLA Qinghua Bian Panlong Town Yulin Shajiadian Based on the heroic deeds of Zhou Dayong, the main figure, and focusing on the bloody struggle between the PLA and the Kuomintang troops in the northwest battlefield, the People's War is depicted in a historical picture. Company commander Zhou Dayong and regiment political commissar Li Cheng It is a vivid character image created in thick ink. Soldiers such as Wang Hu, Sun Quanhou, Ning Quanshan, Wei Yi, the chief of the regiment staff, and Zhang Pei, the battalion instructor, all wrote vividly. Although he did not pay much attention to Peng Dehuai, he harmoniously unified the different characteristics of his commander and ordinary soldiers, the leader and the people. The novel has an epic pattern, ingenious design, and magnificent spirit, showing the characteristics of the combination of fiery poetry and brilliant philosophy. This novel is the first representative work of new China's full-length military novels. Compared with the war novels since the New Literature Movement, it has made many new breakthroughs.


In the historical period of socialist revolution and construction, Du Pengcheng, in connection with his war experience, further thought about how the Party and the people continued to move forward and how to carry out this new construction and struggle. Then he wrote novellas In a Peaceful Day and The Footsteps of History.
The novella "In a Peaceful Day" is an outstanding work of industrial theme creation in the fifty years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Through a cross section of the railway construction site, the novel depicts the new severe test that people who have been baptized by war have experienced in the peace building cause. Standing in the forefront of the times, with abundant revolutionary enthusiasm, the author proposed a thought-provoking life topic: how should people live in the new historical period? Only those who are brave enough to keep pace with history can keep pace with the progress of history.
"In a Peaceful Day" was once included in the high school Chinese textbook. [7]

short story

Du Pengcheng's short story works include Night at the Construction Site, Walking Lingguan Gorge at Night, First Day, Yan'an People, Young Friends, Ordinary Women, Sketches, Selected Novels of Du Pengcheng, etc.
These works delineate the valuable character of socialist builders, shape a group of outstanding leaders, intellectuals and workers, and reveal some problems that have just emerged in life. [8-9] The beneficial exploration of the novel in reflecting the contradictions among the people has attracted extensive attention and discussion in the literary and art circles.
Walking Lingguan Gorge at Night was once included in Chinese textbooks. [7]

Publishing books

  • Author name Du Pengcheng
    Work time 1993-6
    Collection of Works of Du Pengcheng is a book published by Shaanxi People's Publishing House in 1993. The author is Du Pengcheng
  • Author name Du Pengcheng
    Work time 1982-3
    The Battle of Yan'an is a comic strip about revolutionary battle stories, published by Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House.
  • Author name Du Pengcheng
    In a Peaceful Day is a novella written by Du Pengcheng and published by Dongfeng Literature and Art Publishing House.
  • Author name Du Pengcheng
    Work time 2005-1-1
    Defending Yan'an is a novel written by modern writer Du Pengcheng, which was published in 1954. Defending Yan'an is the first large-scale positive description of the liberation war in the history of contemporary Chinese literature. The novel takes a company of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to participate in the Qinghua Bian, Panlong Town, Yulin, Shajiadian and other battles as the main line, artistically reappears the historical picture of the Yan'an defense war in 1947, shapes the heroic images of the commanders and fighters at all levels of the PLA, and reveals the revolutionary heroes
  • I and Literature
    Author name Du Pengcheng
    Work time 1984-4

Defend Yan'an



Defend Yan'an
At the beginning of 1947, Du Pengcheng was transferred to the "Mass Literature and Art" agency in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region, and half a year later, he went to the front line, went deep into the sixth company of the second independent fourth brigade of the second column of the Northwest Field Army under the command of Wang Zhen, and became a war correspondent with the army.
At that time, the elite Kuomintang troops commanded by Hu Zongnan, more than 200000 people, with the cooperation of dozens of aircraft, claimed to attack Yan'an within three days, while the northwest field army, with more than 20000 people with very poor equipment, circled and fought with the enemy forces in northern Shaanxi, and launched a desperate fight to defend Yan'an. The situation was extremely dangerous. Only a few months after Du Pengcheng arrived in the army, the second column of the Northwest Field Army was reduced by more than half, and the sixth company he was in was drastically reduced from more than 90 people to more than 10 people.
These touching heroic deeds inspired Du Pengcheng. He tearfully wrote down the unforgettable battle scenes in his diary. Sometimes he wrote on his knees the baggage that contained the diary. Sometimes he wrote on the cooking platform of fellow villagers after camping. Even in the battlefield filled with smoke and bullets, he kept writing correctly.
Once, Yang Xiushan, the political commissar of the brigade, found that the "weapon" written by Du Pengcheng was actually a thing that tied the tip of a pen to a branch and needed to be constantly dipped in ink. He said to him with concern: "The pen is as important to you as the barrel of a gun." So he immediately approved a note to the Supply Department, instructing Du Pengcheng to allocate a good pen. Soon, a "Golden Star" pen arrived in the League. When the political commissar of the League handed the pen to Du Pengcheng, he solemnly wrote a sentence on his notebook: "A pen is worth a strong brigade."
On the march, Du Pengcheng met Peng Dehuai more than once and heard many battle stories about the "General Peng" at a gathering of the masses and troops. These stories, which were widely spread in the army, fascinated Du Pengcheng, a journalist with the army, who wanted to get close to this mythical figure.
In the autumn of 1948, such an opportunity came. In a cave in Huanglong Mountain, President Peng convened all the front line reporters to talk for three or four hours. Peng Dehuai talked about the great significance of the Yan'an defense war and the responsibilities of journalists, as well as his own: "I have nothing to say. If I have one strong point, it is not to forget my roots." At that time, Du Pengcheng was very excited when he heard the words that sounded like a bell. In the interview, President Peng was simple, modest and amiable. He said that he was willing to be a "broom" for the people to use. He felt that he was ashamed to eat more wild vegetables than the masses and soldiers! Du Pengcheng deeply felt that General Peng was loyal and always took the people and soldiers to heart. "Worry about the world first, and joy after the world" was his true portrayal. "All of this, in my heart, generated not abstract ideas, but exciting huge images. The great Chinese revolution has created many brilliant giants - I describe the image of General Peng Dehuai with a strong sense of respect from the majority of commanders and fighters. He comes from the real life of struggle and also from the hearts of the majority of commanders and fighters. "
In 1949, when he began to conceive a full-length work, he could not help but have a strong impulse to appeal the great People's Liberation War, the Northwest Battlefield, to writing and to show the future generations. He said, "Can I live without speaking out the things that have accumulated in my heart? ... I may not be able to write works worthy of this great era, but I must convey the unforgettable spirit of the loyal and simple people's soldiers who are willing to face death, so that contemporaries and latecomers will always remember them and regard them as their role models. This is not only the need for creation, but also the need for my turbulent thoughts and feelings. "
At the end of 1949, when Du Pengcheng arrived at Kashgar City, Xinjiang, he started to write "Defending Yan'an". He sorted out the battlefield diary, carefully recalled the northwest battlefield, and conceived his novel. He read the novels describing war, such as War and Peace, Iron Current, Day and Night, and thought that these works were well written, especially for the small troops. He felt that according to his own experience and what he saw, he should write a long story with a large vision, a wide range, and the command of the large corps. In Xinjiang, he wrote 1 million words of reportage literature, packed two sacks, and returned to the mainland on a donkey. A businessman said, "Have you made a fortune in Xinjiang? Are you carrying money?" An aunt said, "Can you carry two sacks of grain back to my mother?" Du Pengcheng shook his head and said, "No, no, it's two sacks of manuscripts!" [10]
Du Pengcheng repeated four times when he wrote the outline, during which he went to several groups of the original Dusi Brigade interviewed with the army for in-depth investigation. Wang Enmao, the Political Commissar of the Second Army, the Political Commissar of Kashgar Military Region and the First Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjiang District, gave Du Pengcheng great support and care after learning the situation, Encouraged him to say, "No matter how difficult it may be, we should also write a book of great historical significance that protects the Party Central Committee, Chairman Mao, Yan'an, and the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region, so that it can comfort the dead, encourage the living, and educate the latter." [5]

be born

Since he started writing in 1950, Du Pengcheng has often stayed up all night and spent more than 150 days and nights with dim small kerosene lamps, and finally completed a first draft of a long reportage with millions of words.
"Writing, writing, how many times have I encountered difficulties that are difficult to overcome, and then I constantly regret and complain that I have overestimated myself. But I remembered the past of the Chinese people's suffering, the dead and living comrades in arms, stroked the relics of the martyrs, drew strength from them, and summoned courage... The pen rubbed the fingers into a hard cocoon, the eyes were covered with blood, I ate a cold steamed bun when hungry, and put a wet towel on my tired head. When writing about those exciting scenes, the pen could not keep up with the hand, the hand could not keep up with the heart, the blood hit the chest, and the tears fell on the paper... "Du Pengcheng recalled the scene of hard work at that time. Even on the day when the draft was finished, he fell asleep and woke up from his sleep two days and two nights later. Because he hadn't eaten anything for several days, he was extremely hungry, so he took several journalists to the street to eat mutton buns. His appetite and the way he wolfed down surprised his colleagues, Later, a reporter told Du Pengcheng's wife, Zhang Wenbin, "You old Du are terrible. You have eaten so many steamed buns at once. You are simply drinking oil."
In the past four years, this work has undergone nine revisions, from the original reportage of millions of words to a novel of 600000 words, then compressed to 170000 words, and finally turned into 300000 words. The manuscript paper that has been altered by Du Pengcheng before and after can pull a cart. Du Pengcheng carefully took care of the manuscript that gathered his painstaking efforts
At the beginning, the Department of Culture of the General Political Department of the PLA was responsible for the first draft, final draft, review and publication of this book. In the spring of 1953, the Department of Culture of the General Political Department managed to seconded Du Pengcheng from the Xinjiang branch of Xinhua News Agency to Beijing for a year, and concentrated on revising it repeatedly, and determined to reflect March to July 1947 in a small way operation for safeguarding Yan'an He also sent the manuscript to Defense Minister Peng Dehuai for comments. At the end of that year, the manuscript was completely finalized and listed as one of the "PLA Literature and Art Series". The first and second issues of "PLA Literature and Art" in 1954 selected and distributed two chapters of "Panlong Town" and "Shajiadian" respectively, which were handed over by the Ministry of Culture of the General Administration People's Literature Press Du Pengcheng cared about his manuscript like a child, hoping that it would be valued. So he sent a printed manuscript to Feng Xuefeng, the president and chief editor of the People's Literature Publishing House, who he had never met before, and wrote a letter. Feng sent two letters back, asking him to talk at his home. Du Pengcheng knew that Feng Xuefeng was not only an old revolutionary who had participated in the 25000 mile long march, Moreover, he is also a famous literary theorist with a high position in the literary world.
When he learned that Du Pengcheng was only 32 years old, Feng Xuefeng sighed: "He is still a young man. However, it is not easy to write such works at such an age, especially the article depicting the image of General Peng Dehuai. I may not be able to write it if I want to write it." Feng generally evaluated this work, He said: "This is an epic, although it is not as glorious as Iron Flow, Water Margin and War and Peace in art, it can be said that this is the first draft of an epic, which can be constantly revised in the future... You naturally have the ability to make it compete with classical masterpieces." They talked about three o'clock in the morning that night. The next day Feng Xuefeng called Du Pengcheng again and asked him to talk again. He said that he had recommended to the editorial department of People's Literature and hoped that they would publish some chapters of the book first. He also said that he had discussed with several responsible comrades of the People's Literature Publishing House and hoped that the author would make some changes in some places in two weeks and submit them to the publishing house around January 10, 1954, Then he accelerated the printing and tried to meet the readers in March, which made Du Pengcheng "set off a huge emotional wave in his heart".
On June 1, 1954, People's Literature Press The novel "Defending Yan'an" was officially published, with the first edition of nearly one million copies, which caused a strong response after its publication. There was a gratifying scene of buying and reading. Some critics said that the author was enthusiastic. High style, depicting a group of full and vivid figures of PLA officers and fighters, showing Mao Zedong Zhu De outstanding Communist military leader Feng Xuefeng, a famous literary theorist who worked hard for this novel, wrote a 20000 word long article, On the Location and Importance of (Defending Yan'an), which was published that year《 Literary newspaper 》On the 14th and 15th issues, the article pointed out: "I think there is no doubt about the great achievements of this book. It describes a really moving picture of the people's revolutionary war and successfully writes a page in the vivid history of how the people defeated the enemy. For such a work, its inspiring power can fully explain the essence, spirit and achievements of the work... The foundation of its heroic epic has been determined. " He also said that "the author wrote such a revolutionary war in the spirit of fighting, so his works have an inspiring force." Mr. Mao Dun, the Minister of Culture, also commented that "the characters in his works seem to be cut out with a giant axe, rough and magnificent; he put the characters on the tip of the contradiction, forming a tense and warm atmosphere, and his writing is quite straight." [6] [11]

content validity

"Defending Yan'an" is the first outstanding long story in contemporary literature history that describes the liberation war in a large scale, and is known as "heroic epic". First of all, it stands at the height of the times and history, and reflects the famous operation for safeguarding Yan'an , depicting a true and magnificent historical picture of the People's War.
The work revolves around the bloody battle between our regular troops and the enemy thousands of times larger in the northwest battlefield, with a company of our main column participating in Qinghua Bian, Panlong Town Yulin , Shajiadian and other campaigns as the main line, artistically summarized the historical process of our army's transition from strategic defense to strategic counterattack. The scenes of the people's war described in the works are grand in scale and complicated in ideas. From the major decisions of senior generals to the fighting life of grass-roots companies, the organization and conduct of large and small battles, as well as the struggles of the people and guerrillas in the base areas, they are all true Positive description. The work does not conceal the grim struggle situation at that time, and does not shy away from the unprecedented cruelty and intensity of the war under the situation of a strong enemy and a weak one. Every battle has countless heroic soldiers who have sacrificed heroically, "one piece of land and one piece of blood". Victory has paid a great price.
The work also profoundly reveals the fundamental reasons for the victory of the war: the correct analysis and wise decision of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao on the whole war situation, the correct deployment and command of Commander Peng Dehuai, and the bloody battle of our military officers and men from senior commanders to ordinary soldiers to protect the CPC Central Committee Revolutionary heroism , all of which are fully and wonderfully depicted in the works; The support of the people of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region and the whole country to the war has also been shown to a certain extent. The work is always full of fiery fighting passion, which makes people feel that the people's war has the great power of invincibility and invincibility. Secondly, he portrayed a number of plump and vivid characters with high tone and vigorous writing.

Main image

The hero Zhou Dayong is a heroic image created by the author. Through a series of battles and detailed descriptions, the work highlights the characteristics of his heroic character: infinite loyalty and great dedication to the party, leaders, and people. Hearing that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had withdrawn from Yan'an, he saw that the masses in northern Shaanxi had fallen into a pool of blood, and "his heart was tortured by bitter pain and anger". His strong love and hatred and high class consciousness became the powerful power for him to work hard for the people and create earth shaking heroic achievements. In battle, he always asks for the most dangerous and arduous task. In the breakout battle on the Great Wall, he was seriously injured and trapped in a small cave with the sick and wounded and exhausted soldiers. Faced with a desperate situation, he thought about how to "fight nervously for the cause of his own class" and finally lead the soldiers out of danger. As Li Cheng, the Commissar of the Communist Youth League, said, Zhou Dayong is a man "full of sweat and loyalty". Zhou Dayong's high revolutionary heroism spirit, steel will, brave, witty, calm and flexible fighting style are vividly depicted in his works. Qinghua Bian Battle , he rushed to the front and completely ignored his personal life and death; Panlong town attack, he is smart and brave, outstanding in the task of luring and attacking the enemy; Especially on the Great Wall, the company fell into the siege of the enemy and lost contact with the main force. With unparalleled fortitude, bravery, resourcefulness and composure, he commanded the soldiers to rush left and right among the enemy. Zhou Dayong was a people's hero who grew up in the intense battle and severe test, under the education of the Party, and his works paid much attention to the formation process of Zhou Dayong's heroic character, This makes the image of the hero fuller and more authentic.

style of art

Defending Yan'an has its own distinctive artistic style: the high combination of surging passion, strong poetic flavor and profound philosophy; Portray the artistic image of heroes in a harsh typical environment; Magnificent, bold and straightforward style; The language is clear and clear, simple and vivid, which not only has a strong flavor of life and mass style, but also is full of passion. However, as far as the requirements of "epic" works to reflect the panorama of an era are concerned, the social life reflected in "Defending Yan'an" is not broad enough, the portrayal of the enemy is thin, the exploration of the inner world of heroes is not rich and colorful enough, and the rhythm is slightly monotonous. These shortcomings of the work have certain cognitive and theoretical limitations of the times. However, this is just a white jade flaw. "Defending Yan'an" reached the highest level in the creation of novels in the early 1950s, and is worthy of being a treasure in the treasure house of contemporary literature in China.
In December 1978, with the rehabilitation of Peng Dehuai's unjust case, the book was republished for the fourth time in 1979 and translated into various foreign languages. Du Pengcheng placed Feng Xuefeng's 20000 word long article "On (Defending Yan'an)" at the front of the novel to express his deep memory of this literary elder. The reputation of "Defending Yan'an" has soared all the way: "for the first time in the history of modern literature, Peng Dehuai successfully portrayed his artistic image", "the first masterpiece eulogizing the people's liberation war in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China", and "the milestone of our country's novel describing modern war". [12-13]

Personal evaluation

Du Pengcheng
writer Rotel In Du Pengcheng: The Burning Fire, he spoke highly of Du Pengcheng's life:
"Of all the human misfortunes, the most unbearable thing to witness is the grief caused by death, especially for a person you know and respect."
"I don't want to see Du Pengcheng without breath. I hope he will always be a burning fire in my memory, a philosopher who examines the world with a stern look, and a magnificent narrative poet."
"Lao Du's value cannot be reflected in some ceremony. The huge content he has formed in half a century needs a detailed interpretation of a generation and even the future history."
"Among the writers of his time, Du Pengcheng is one of the few brave men who dare to step into the" no man's land "and set up their own banner on the literary wasteland. He is the Spartacus of our industry. All this was first reflected in his epic "Defending Yan'an". This book has made him famous and brought him endless disasters. And isn't the disaster that belongs to the giant another kind of medal? "
"Du Pengcheng was born in a poor peasant family. He almost walked into the storm of life and war with his bare hands. Soon, he had two weapons, a gun and a pen. The gun fought against the hostile forces, and the pen fought against himself. For him, the latter kind of war was more difficult We can see how ruthlessly he fought with himself. Later, the book first glorified him, and then let him live in humiliation. The theme of the great book Taiping Years, which was never completed in time, made us fully aware that the writer had entered the great realm of thought and art, but he died before the completion of this grand project. As he said at the end, this is a 'tragedy'. "
"During more than 20 years of living together, his people nature and his great self torture labor spirit have strongly influenced me. I have thought about him in silence and studied him in silence."
"Du Pengcheng is far away from us, but his busy workers will always appear in front of us. For such a person who has worked hard all his life, we now really say to him from our heart's sincerity: Rest in peace!" [14]

Research Review

The first systematic study of Du Pengcheng's literary works was Feng Xuefeng's 20000 word long article On the Status and Importance of (Defending Yan'an), which was published in the 14th and 15th issues of Literature and Art Daily in 1954. Indeed, as Feng Xuefeng said, Du Pengcheng's works have brought new elements to literary creation. With the publication of "Defending Yan'an", the study of Du Pengcheng began to increase. Here are a few examples (excluding references), which follow the time:
Yao Hong. Writing and reading are all for fighting—— Du Pengcheng: "In a day of peace", People's Literature, 1958. 1
Chen Jian, Chen Guifang, Wang Zhongxin, etc. On the creation of characters in Du Pengcheng's short stories, Journal of Hangzhou University, 1959. 6
In the Days of Peace, a question of great educational significance was raised, reading, 1960.1
Fan Boqun. The Image of Young Intellectuals in Du Pengcheng's Novels, Shanghai Literature, 1963. 3
Chen Shu, Yu Shuiqing. Comrade Du Pengcheng on the creation of Safeguarding Yan'an, Journal of Fujian Normal University( Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), July, 1979
Chen Shu. Du Pengcheng's Life and Creation, Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), October 1979
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Xiao Yu. Mourning Du Pengcheng. Studying Du Pengcheng. Learning from Du Pengcheng. Shaanxi Writers Association held an academic seminar on Du Pengcheng's creation. Novel Review, 1992. 3
Tian Xinji. Review on the Study of Du Pengcheng in the Past 40 Years, Tangdu Academic Journal, January 1996
Li Hanxiong. Magnificent, bold, lofty and grand - Du Pengcheng, Defending Yan'an, Language World, August 2001
Yang Changwen. Du Pengcheng in My Heart, Chinese Soul, January 2002
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Guo Chuwei Symphony between history and life -- A brief review of Du Pengcheng's War Diary, Journal of Yili Education College ,2006.4.
Chen Jili, correspondence between me and Du Pengcheng, Spring and Autumn Annals of Literature and History, April 2009
Du Shangru, Liang Linsen. Du Pengcheng and Defending Yan'an, New West, September 2010
Chen Jili. I never forget Du Pengcheng, Century, November 2010