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47 Tucanae

Globular star clusters in the constellation Rhododendron
47 Tucanae ( NGC 104 )Is a Rhododendron Of Globular cluster , Distance earth About 13000 Light year With a diameter of 120 light-years [1] Because the brightness reaches 4.1 which can be seen by the naked eye [2] , so it was marked as Franstide nomenclature Naming. Rhododendron 47 was discovered in 1751 Nicolas Louis de Lacaille It was found that because of its south position, European observers had not seen this full moon sized star cluster before. It is the second brightest globular cluster in the whole day (the brightest is Centaur omega ), and there are very bright and dense cores. Through telescope observation, we can see about 10000 fixed star 22 known Millisecond pulsar There are at least 21 of them Blue straggler Near the core. Many stars gather in a small and dense central core, which may contain a Intermediate-mass black hole Rhododendron 47 has also been Patrick Mower Included in Codwell Deep Space Astrometer Medium, named C106
Chinese name
47 Tucanae
Foreign name
47 Tucanae
ξ Tuc, NGC 104, GCl 1, Mel 1 [2]
7.00×10^5 M☉
~120 ly [1]
Apparent magnitude
+4.09 [2]
Right ascension
Distance from ground
13,000±1,100 ly
Apparent diameter
Amount of metal
[Fe/H]= -0.78 dex [3]

Observation history

It was recorded as a star cluster by Nicola Louis Lacai from 1751 to 1752. Nikola Louis Lakay originally thought it was the core of a bright comet [4] Lakay then listed it as "Lakay 1", which was the first celestial body listed in his deep space catalog. Its designated number "47" was specified in General Description and Verification of the Stars and Indexes compiled by John Elite Bode and published in Berlin in 1801.

Celestial characteristics

Rhododendron 47 is the second brightest in the sky Globular cluster (Next to Omega Centauri), it has a bright and dense core, and its position in the sky is close to Magellanic nebula It is Galaxy One of the medium and large mass globular clusters, which contains millions of stars. Under ideal observation conditions, its size in the sky is roughly the same as that of the full moon.
Multiple star clusters in the corner of 47 Rhododendron
Azalea 47 contains at least two Stellar cluster , the ages of these stars and their Amount of metal Are different [5] The dense core of the cluster contains many stars with strange properties [6] , including at least 21 Blue straggler These are of high scientific research value. The massive stars in the cluster are located at the center of the cluster, and the lower mass stars are located near the edge of the cluster, with orderly hierarchical division [7]
There are hundreds of star clusters X-ray source , including some newly formed neutron star But astronomers can observe that [8] Rhododendron 47 has the second largest of all known star clusters Pulsar group [9] , astronomers have found that several main stars are Millisecond pulsar Most of these millisecond pulsars have one White dwarf Companion stars, and constantly accrete material from their companion stars [10] Chandra X-ray Observatory X-ray emitted by many millisecond pulsars has been detected from the Rhododendron 47 [11] Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope It was also detected from the millisecond pulsar cluster of the cluster Gamma ray [12]

Central black hole

The evidence for the existence of a black hole at the center of Rhododendron 47 is insufficient. according to Hubble Space Telescope According to the analysis of a series of observed relevant data, no black hole at the center of any star cluster may exist more than 1500 times Solar mass [13] However, astronomers announced in February 2017 that a black hole with a mass of about 2200 times that of the sun might exist in the center of the constellation Rhododendron 47. Researchers detected the signal of a suspected black hole from the distribution and movement of pulsars in the cluster [14] However, these cannot be reliable evidence for the existence of black holes [15]