
Capital of North Rhine Westphalia, Germany
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synonym Dusseldorf (German city) generally refers to Dusseldorf
Dusseldorf (German: D ü sseldorf, English: Dusseldorf) has a population of 570000 and is located in Rhine Bank. Dusse is close to the world famous Ruhrgebiet Is the most densely populated and economically developed region in Europe North Rhine Westphalia The capital of is German advertising, clothing, Exhibition industry And an important city in the communications industry, Europe Logistics Centre city.
There are historic sites from the 13th to the 18th century, art colleges and famous Pottery Museum Etc. Dusseldorf was also a famous German poet in the 19th century Heinrich Heine Birthplace of.
December 26, 2019, ranked 2019 Global Top 500 Cities No. 163 on the list. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
The largest village in Europe
Administrative Region Category
Germany Federal State capital
geographical position
West Germany
217 km²
Government residence
Marktplatz 40213 Düsseldorf
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
population size
581858 (2012)
Famous scenic spot
Bentra Palace, King's Road
train station
Dusseldorf Railway Terminal [2] (German: D ü sseldorf Hauptbahnhof)
License plate code
138 m
Population density
2681 people/km2

City Profile

Dusseldorf, Germany North Rhine Westphalia The seat of government. With an area of 217 square kilometers and an urban population of about 570000, it is the ninth largest city in Germany and one of the important commercial cities in western Germany. Dorf is“ village ”Therefore, some people jokingly call Dusseldorf“ The largest village in Europe ”。 [7]

Historical evolution

North Rhine Westphalia
Dusseldorf has a history of more than 700 years. At that time, it was only a small village on the Dussel River. When the Roman Empire was consolidating its position throughout Europe, some Germanic ethnic groups settled in the marshes on the east bank of the Rhine River. In the seventh and eighth centuries, it flowed into the Dussel River Rhine There are already tribes living on farming and fishing in places like. [7]
The earliest written records of Dusseldorf can be traced back to 1135. In 1186, Dusseldorf was incorporated into Berg's jurisdiction (Berg is the medieval times The times are North Rhine Westphalia A territory of). In 1280, Berger's administration was moved here. Later, Dusseldorf was granted city status on August 14, 1288.
But for a long time, it was just an unknown town. In 1380, Dusseldorf became the duke's capital. The duke built a castle here and then expanded the castle into an official residence. A fire in the 19th century left the castle with only one palace tower. The ancient pagoda, whose lower part is cylindrical and upper part is octagonal, became the symbol of Dusseldorf. From 1679 to 1716, John William, Elector of Farz, was on the throne. This period was the heyday of Dusseldorf's art. He built an opera house and an art gallery for the city. Painters, musicians, builders and scholars gathered in the palace. Under his advocacy, Dusseldorf became a big art center. Successors moved their capital to Heidelberg, and Dusseldorf gradually disappeared. Later, Duke Carl built a hunting palace in the south of the city from 1756 to 1768, that is, Ben Art Palace.
When Napoleon hit the Rhine River in the 19th century, he designated Dusseldorf as the Grand Duchy of Berg and his brother-in-law Marshal Muraf as the king. Napoleon also made a tour here. He ordered the city walls to be demolished and replaced with parks and avenues, making the city look much better. After the first Dusseldorf Elkrat railway in western Germany was opened to traffic in 1838, the steel industry was established and it began to become a big city with 100000 people. [7]
stay the Second World War At that time, Dusseldorf was almost Allies The army bombed the ground day and night, but it was rebuilt actively after the war. Dusseldorf became North Rhine Westphalia The capital of.

geographical environment

Location of Dusseldorf
Dusseldorf North Ruhr Industrial Zone , southeast Cologne , the inner city and most urban areas are located in Rhine The east bank of the river is only 13 kilometers away from the west part of the river, which is near the northwest of Germany Netherlands It is an important industrial city with developed economy and thriving culture.
Dusseldorf is composed of inner city, second ring road and outer city. The inner city is composed of the old city and the new city. It is the location of government agencies and some important cultural and scientific institutions; The second ring road is mainly composed of residential areas, parks, rest houses and some factories and enterprises; The outermost parts are large factories, worker residential areas and satellite towns. [7]

Climatic conditions

Germany is located at the intersection of oceanic and continental climate, and in the middle of 47-55 degrees north latitude High latitude Range, so the four seasons change obviously. The average temperature changes greatly from minus 6 degrees in mid winter to 26 degrees in late July in midsummer, but it is generally comfortable. The most suitable travel season is from May to early October, Sunshine time It is also relatively long, plus Daylight saving time In the evening, the sunset is almost always after 9 o'clock, which is quite conducive to the use of time for tourists.

economic development

International exhibition of economic industry
Germany Dusseldorf International Garment Fair
Dusseldorf is a world-class exhibition city, and Frankfurt Hanover Paris Cologne Milan Munich Barcelona Berlin Bologna Basel Nuremberg 12 international exhibitions first-tier cities [3] Dusseldorf International craft The exhibition is one of the largest exhibitions of boats in the world, and also the largest boat exhibition in Europe. [4] Dusseldorf International Hospital and Medical equipment The exhibition, German Medical Exhibition and European Biomedical Conference were successfully held in Dusseldorf. [5]
Dusseldorf is the fashion capital of Germany and also a world-famous fashion city. Large fashion exhibitions and trade fairs are held every year. Dusseldorf is also a famous exhibition city, which holds international large-scale exhibitions of various industries every four seasons. The traditional exhibition site has 11 exhibition halls, with an exhibition area of more than 100000 square meters.
Dusseldorf is an important center of German advertising, clothing and communication industries. There are about 1000 advertising companies in the city, including three German advertising companies based in Dusseldorf (BBDO Group Deutschland, Grey Group Deutschland and Publicis Group Deutschland). Communication industry is a rapidly developing industry in Dusseldorf.
industrial development
Dusseldorf has Ruhrgebiet "Office desk", located in Germany Ruhr The center of Ruhr Heavy Industry Zone, where industrial enterprises such as steel, steel pipe, steel, machinery, chemical industry and glass enjoy world reputation. Mannesmann, a large German company Mannesmann , Veba, Henkel Henkel, Germany The headquarters is located here. The industry is dominated by steel, coal, chemicals, automobiles, motors, glass, precision instruments, textiles, paper making, etc., and it is the center of the national clothing industry.
Dusseldorf's work in chemistry and Medicine Areas, especially life sciences And biotechnology Unique advantages Enterprise giants and top research institutions in these fields gather in this city with first-class infrastructure. Well known enterprises in global chemistry and life sciences, such as Bayer , Henkel Johnson monsanto And 3M Medical, as well as Germany's leading biotechnology companies, have chosen Dusse and its surrounding areas as office locations.
China's communication product giant Huawei It's the German Dusseldorf location advantage , and put your own Western Europe The head office was moved here from England. in addition ZTE Is also located here. [6]


Dusseldorf International Airport D ü sseldorf International (DUS) Frankfurt and Munich Later, Germany's third largest airport has an average annual passenger volume of about 1.6 million. The airport is 8 kilometers away from the urban area. In addition, Airport Weeze, 80 kilometers north of Dusseldorf, is a European airport Budget airline , such as Ryanair , the airport used. There are subway and tram Services.

Aviation system

D ü sseldorf Lohausen Airport, 11km north of the city, is an international and domestic airport with frequent international flights Singapore , Hong Kong, Beijing and other places have direct flights, and it is also very convenient to transfer from here to all parts of Germany. The lower level of the airport is the German National Railway Station. Every 20 minutes, there is a direct train to the central railway station in the urban area, which can be reached in 15 minutes.

railway system

Dusseldorf is not as obvious as Cologne at the crossroads, but it only takes 25 minutes from here to Cologne Central Railway Station Cologne The transfer is quite convenient, so it can also be called as extending in all directions.

Highway system

The situation of roads is similar to that of railways. They are all connected to the complex road network near Cologne Cologne The two hubs of the regional highway network.

Urban system

The national railway, subway, urban trams and buses are interwoven into a very convenient and unobstructed network, which is the most commonly used tool for citizens and tourists. These vehicles use a common ticket. Within 40 minutes after the ticket is sold, passengers can change to another vehicle on the route in the same direction without having to buy another ticket. For the convenience of tourists, another one day ticket and four round trip tickets are sold, depending on the needs of each person. Taxi Although there are a large number of street tour buses, they usually wait at the taxi stand or call the taxi center by phone before arriving at the designated place to pick up passengers.

cultural education

Heinrich Heine
The artistic and cultural atmosphere has been the tradition of Dusseldorf since ancient times. Historic sites from the 13th to 18th centuries, art colleges, famous ceramic museums, universities, etc. are preserved in the city. Heinrich Heine was born here in 1797. Famous universities include Heinrich Heine University, Clara Schumann Conservatory of Music, Robert Schumann Conservatory of Music, Dusseldorf Academy of Arts, Dusseldorf Institute of Technology, etc. Dusseldorf's Opera House, Drama Theater and Comedy Theater are very famous in Germany. The colorful cultural life makes artists, designers, advertising and fashion designers take Dusseldorf as their hometown, and they have turned Dusseldorf into an art center. [7]
Heinrich Heine University, also known as Dusseldorf University, is located in the south of the urban area. It is a national university in Dusseldorf, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. Founded in 1966, it developed from a medical college and gradually became a comprehensive university with disciplines such as medicine, law, philosophy, mathematics, natural science and economics. In 1988, Dusseldorf University was named after Heinrich Heine, a German poet, writer and political thinker. [7]
Heinrich Heine University ä t D ü sseldorf Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf ): It is located in the south of the urban area, and is one of Dusseldorf, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany national university
Robert Schumann Musicschule
Dusseldorf Academy of Arts (Kunstakademie D ü sseldorf), famous alumni include Joseph Beuys, Paul Klee and Nara Meiji Etc.
Fachhochschule D ü sseldorf

Festival Tradition

Dusseldorf, November 11 - Fools also drink at the carnival in Dusseldorf. From that day until the spring of the next year, the metropolis along the Rhine became a world of fools. More than 300 jokes, dances, masquerade parties and parades dominated life along the Rhine during this period. The climax is the Monday makeup parade of the carnival in February and March.
In July, when the Saint Sabbath Shooting Association held the Shooting Festival and Hometown Festival, nearly five million people came to visit the largest amusement park on the Rhine River at Oberkasseler's Rhine Lawn. Every June/July, the Jazz Festival is held in Dusseldorf. At that time, there are about 250000 guests from home and abroad, more than 400 musicians from more than 20 countries, and more than 90 concerts in 36 different places. Whether it's blues jazz, or Rock music Sir Dixie, Sir Salsa, or Latin Jazz Opera jazz, open-air jazz; Whether it's mainstream music or rap, whether it's traditional or global: in short, everyone can find the music they like.
The Dusseldorf Boat Exposition International Boat Exhibition is held in the Dusseldorf Exhibition Center (D ü sseldorfer Messegel ä nde). Large yachts have always been the symbol and charm of the BootD ü sseldorf International Boat Fair. Even if few people can afford the luxury cabin of a beautiful cruise ship, visitors can hardly resist its temptation.

Tourism and entertainment

Dusseldorf is a famous cultural and artistic city in Germany, and its opera house and drama theater are famous in Germany. Famous German poet Heine (1797-1856) was born here. There is Heine Museum in the city. The 20th Century Art Collection (K20 Kunstsammlung) in Grabbeplatz is for appreciation Kerry (Klee)、 Picasso (Picasso)、 Ernst (Ernst), Beuys and other classical modern The preferred location for master art.
The 21st Century Art Collection (K21 Kunstsammlung) in the St ä ndehaus shows the art of the 21st century and the art of the museum kunstpalast Contemporary Art Classical Modernism and Ancient Art. Stiftung Schlossund Park Benrath not only has Rococo It is a late style overall art work, and it is also a European Horticultural Museum (Museumf ü rEurope ä ische Gartenkunst).
20th Century and 21st Century Art Collections The 20th Century Art Collection has a very high level of collection, so it has already won a prominent position in many museums. The exhibition focuses on Western European modernist and American modernist paintings. Its collection includes important works of Picasso, Klee and Beuys. The 21st Century Art Collection is a museum of international contemporary art. In addition, it also displays works from the late 1970s to modern times. The theme of the museum kunstpalast is based on three pillars: in addition to classical modernist exhibitions and ancient art exhibitions, contemporary art from five continents of the world is also the focus of the exhibition. The internationally renowned Printmaking Collection (GraphischeSammlung) has a large number of Italy Baroque It and the Glasmuseum are special boutique attractions for tourists in this art field.
The Museumf ü rEurope ä ische Gartenkunst Gardening Museum was originally set up in the east wing of Schlosses Benrath as part of EUROGA2002. The four corridors introduced sculpture, sculpture, oil painting, printmaking, porcelain, book collection, models, modern media style and gardening respectively.

musical play

Musicals are often performed in the Capitol Theater, namely the Musical Theater D ü sseldorf. Jazz Jazz Rally More than 30 performance venues and 80 concerts transformed this metropolis on the Rhine River into a city that has danced in music for three days.

Entertainment attractions

By the Rhine
Neue Rheinpromenade (Neue Rheinpromenade): located in the old city to Rhine between. It has beautiful scenery, attractive restaurants and evening entertainment places.
Benlat Palace (Benrath): It was built by the Duke of Carl Teodoro between 1756-1769 and is an existing one rococo One of the buildings, covering more than 60 hectares.
Heine's Former Residence Heine House: Heine Heine, the great German poet, was born in the old city of Dusseldorf.
Art Collection (Kunstsammlung): It is one of the most prestigious modern art collections in the world.
Japanese Culture Home : Traditional Japanese wooden buildings, including temples, bell towers and Japanese courtyards.
Palace Garden (Hofgarten): Street center park. It was located outside the city and was a garden in the center of the city. The garden is covered with green shade, the lake is rippling, and the water birds are dancing. The scenery is very beautiful.
Yegehoff Palace (Schloss J 鋑 erhof): Goethe Museum, with Goethe Written by《 Faust 》My handwritten manuscripts and letters.
Theater Museum (Hofg 鋜 tnerhaus): Germany's oldest public park, located in the city center.
Parliament Palace (Landtag): Nordrhein-Westfalen The seat of the parliament is a luxurious circular building on the Rhine River.
Altstadt, Dusseldorf
Old Town (Altstadt): Located by the Rhine River, the old city is antique and has completely preserved the traditional German residential buildings. Germany Beer It is famous. The old city of Dusseldorf is famous for its beer house. Within the scope of less than half a square kilometer, there are many beer shops, bars and more than 200 restaurants with different flavors. It is known as the city with the densest number of restaurants and pubs in Europe.
The local specialty beer in Dusseldorf is Altbier, which means "old beer". This old beer is dark beer It is one of the most unique species in western Germany. The largest and most famous beer restaurant in the old city is Urige, where you can drink fresh black beer brewed on site.
Market Square (Marktplatz): It is located in the center of the old city. The square is very small, and the old building next to it is Dusseldorf's city hall (Rathaus)。 Compared with other cities in Germany, the city hall is much smaller. In the center of the square stands the bronze riding statue of Duke John William, which was carved in 1711 Cultural city
Schlossturm, Dusseldorf
Palace tower Schlossturm: The landmark building of Dusseldorf, located on the bank of the Rhine River. The lower part of the ancient pagoda with unique shape is cylindrical, and the upper part is octagonal. There was a duke castle built in 1380. A fire in the 19th century destroyed most of the castle buildings, leaving only the palace tower at the corner of the castle to survive. Now it is a museum of ships.
art gallery (Kunstmuseum): mainly the paintings of the romantic painters (Cornelius, Schirmer, Achenbach, Rethel) of Dusseldorf College, as well as the works of the German expressionist painters (Corinth, Kandinsky, Jawlensky, Macke, Klee, Kirchner, Nodde). In addition, there are medieval sculptures and glassware (including Roman period, modern Far East and Europe).
King's Road (Konigsallee): One of the most elegant shopping streets in the world. In the middle is a canal, and on both sides is a tree lined chestnut avenue. The west side of the avenue is the bank area. Main points in western Germany Bank branches multi-storied building. To the east is a high-end business district. There are modern luxury fashion boutiques, jewelry stores, porcelain stores, antiques Auction house Etc.
Schadow Strasse: This street is named after the famous architect Schadow. Large department store here Chain store Relatively concentrated. Kaufhof, Karstadt, C&A Etc. In addition, there are shoe stores and electrical appliances stores.
Media port (Medienhafen): It was once a deserted dock area. At the end of last century and the beginning of this century, after large-scale reconstruction, it has become the most fashionable office area in Dusseldorf. There are new era buildings designed by world famous designers, office buildings, hotels and restaurants designed in a new style. The restaurants here can be called the most fashionable in Europe, and they are full at night.


Anadolou(Mertenspetrolse 10; From € 4 for main course) Anatolia Vegetables, including vegetarian dishes, can be eaten in the store or taken away.
Brauerei zur Uer (Ratinger Strasse 16) is a restaurant full of rural flavor. It only costs 10 euros to eat. There are also some other bar style restaurants on Ratinger Street, which can drink while eating.

Entertainment Overview

The old city of Dusseldorf is affectionately known as "the longest bar in the world". The most popular blocks are Bolker Street, Kurze Street and Andreas Street, as well as some surrounding blocks. The best drink is Old beer (Alt beer) This is a specialty of Dusseldorf, and it tastes half sweet.
Zum Uerige (Berger Strasse) This is the only place where you can buy old Uerige beer. 1.4 EUR per 250 ml.
Et Kabuffke (Flingerstrasse 1) Taste Killepitsch, a kind of herb Liqueur Only available here and in the store next door.
Night Live (Bolkerstrasse 22) has live band performance, and da Spiegel (Bolkerstrasse 22) upstairs is a very popular bar.

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