Village Night

Seven character quatrains created by Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty
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Village Night is a poet of Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi A song created four-line poem with seven characters per line This is a poem that depicts the night scene in the countryside. When I started writing, I used two words, "Cangcang", which showed the thick and boundless autumn color; With the word "cut", Xuan Ran was sad and silent in the autumn night. The second sentence, "pedestrians must be", is extremely silent. The second sentence describes the scenery. The picture is bleak and desolate, revealing the poet's lonely mood. The third sentence is a transitional sentence. The description object turns from the village to the field, and unfolds a fresh picture on a moonlit night. [2] This poem is not rich and beautiful, and its language is not surprising. Just with light ink, it depicts a common and poetic village night. The natural scenery before and after is in sharp contrast, and the characters have strong emotional contrast, but the transition is smooth and natural. [6]
Village Night
Bai Juyi
Creation era
mid-Tang dynasty
four-line poem with seven characters per line

Original text

Village Night
Frost grass Cangcang Insect cutting , south of the village, north of the village
single Look at Noda from the front door , Yueming Buckwheat Flowers are like snow. [2]

Annotation translation


Word annotation

⑴ Frost grass: grass beaten by autumn frost. [6]
⑵ Gray: grayish white. [6]
⑶ Tangency: onomatopoeia, describing the sad voice. [6]
⑷ No pedestrians: no one left. Absence, extinction. [6]
(5) Alone: alone, alone.
(6) Noda: just like a field. [6]
(7) Buckwheat: a kind of crop with white flowers and black seeds. It can be ground into flour and eaten. [6]

Vernacular translation

The frost of weeds in autumn and the sound of insects cut through, and the pedestrians on the north road of Nancun Village were cut off at night.
I went out alone and looked at the field in front of me, and saw a piece of buckwheat blossom as white as snow under the moonlight. [2]

Creation background

In the sixth year of Yuanhe, Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty (811), Bai Juyi's mother died, and Bai Juyi went home to live in the Jin village in Xiagui, Weinan, as his mother, Ding You. This poem was written at this time. The night in the countryside was silent, and the poet could not sleep. He wandered alone in the field and wrote this poem in the face of various scenes in the autumn night in the countryside. [4]

Appreciation of works


Literary appreciation

This poem does not have a surprising pen, nor does it use flamboyant words and beautiful sentences. It only uses line drawing to draw a common rural night. It's easy to tell, but it's fresh, quiet and poetic.
"The frost grass is cut by insects, and the people in the south and north of the village are unique". The frost grass highlights the thick autumn color; The chirping of insects magnified the sadness of autumn night. The two lines of poetry clearly delineate the characteristics of the village night. Although the scenery here is purely natural, as Wang Guowei said in his Modern Human Words: "All scenery words are love words." The bleak scenery reveals the poet's lonely feelings. This way of expressing feelings in the scenery is more charming than direct lyricism.
"Going out alone and looking at the wild field" is a transition in the poem, which turns the description object from the village to the field; It was also a turning point between the two couplets, which ended the depiction of the bleak and gloomy atmosphere of the village night, and launched another refreshing picture for the readers: the bright moonlight was shining on the endless buckwheat fields, and from afar, it was brilliant and dazzling, like a crystal white snow.
"Moonlight buckwheat flowers are like snow", which is a very moving scenery. The picturesque beauty of nature infected the poet, making him forget his loneliness temporarily, and can not help but exclaim in surprise. This magnificent scene is in sharp contrast to the description in the previous two sentences. The poet is ingenious in writing the changes of characters' feelings through the transformation of natural scenery, which is flexible and free without trace; Moreover, the writing is simple and unadorned, natural and charming, with endless aftertaste. [3]

Comments of famous experts

Qing Gaozong Aixin Jueluo Hongli Imperial Edict《 Poetry in Tang and Song Dynasties 》: It is simple and unadorned, with no fake makeup. It has the characteristics of being old, and is the most ancient of the seven wonders. [5]

About the author

Bai Juyi
Bai Juyi (772-846), known as Lotte, was named Xiangshan Jushi and Zuiyin in his later years. He was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, and later moved to Xiagui (now Weinan, Shaanxi Province). He was a poet of the Tang Dynasty. During the Zhengyuan period, the Jinshi was awarded the title of secretary of the provincial school. Later, he successively served as a candidate examiner, Jixian School Manager, and was awarded the posts of Hanlin Bachelor, Zuo Shi Yi, etc. He was brilliant and had extraordinary talent. In poetry, he and Li Bai Du Fu Also known as "Li Dubai", Bai Juyi and zhen Jointly advocate the New Yuefu Movement, known as "Yuanbai", and Liu Yuxi It is also called "Liu Bai". He is a realistic poet, whose poems have a wide range of subjects, various forms, and easy to understand language. [1]