zero Useful+1

Texture mapping

The image data that needs to be drawn on a surface for the figure assigned to the material
"Material" is used to specify the characteristics of the surface or several faces of an object, which determines the characteristics of these planes when coloring, such as color, brightness, self illumination and Opacity Etc. Formulated to texture of material The shape on the is called a map.
Chinese name
Texture mapping
Foreign name
Characteristics of the surface or faces of an object


1、 Basic Material Properties
Shader type The most basic material types include
Blinn, Phong, Metal, Anisotropic (long reflective area, simulating willow line body) Multi Layer, Oren Nayar Blinn (non reflective material) Strauss is not available for the mental ray renderer
2-Sided is commonly used for transparent materials
Opacity is used for glass and liquid, but it is not very realistic. Advanced Transparency in Extended Parameters is used for the adjustment of transparent materials
Reflection and refraction under the Map parameter have general effects, and mental ray is generally used for more realistic effects
2、 Mapping
Mapping method:
Self—Illumination( Self luminous
Bump Opacity
Procedural maps:
Noise Noise Bricks Marble Marble Checker Checker
DeepPaint3D is dedicated to the mapping of character animation, which can solve the mapping of people's faces, animal skins, etc
{HSV (Hue Hue Sat Saturation Value Brightness) can match RGB without changing hue}
Diffuse transition color
In the Map item bar, use Raytrace Ray tracing
Use Reflection to select a map
In MapBrowser, except Bitmap It is to select pictures from outside, and the rest are procedural maps
When you select wireframe rendering, you can change the thickness of the wireframe through the Wire parameter in Extendec Parameters
Real time rendering You can update the material by selecting Initialize from the right-click menu
Color of the map Complexity Too high will increase rendering time. Generally, 256 colors are enough
Mapping coordinates are used to specify the placement position, direction and size scale of the map on the object. The three ways to set mapping coordinates are:
1. To create an object, select the Generate Mapping Coords option in Creation Parameters
2. UVW Map modification function in Modify panel
3. Special maps are used for special types of models
The gizmo in the edit modifier edits the coordinates of the map
Parameters in the sphere map
Fit fits the Shrink Wrap package
Map Blur Settings
Blur - according to Depth of field vague
Blur Deflest -- plane blur
Face mapping: according to the division of the surface plane of the mesh object, it is assigned to each plane
Twelve mapping methods (Standard)
Ambient Color Shadow Color Map
Diffuse Color transition color map
Specular Color map
Specular Level map
Glossiness Glossiness Map
Self Illumination Self Illumination Map
Opacity map
Filter Color transition color map
Bump bump map
Reflection Refraction Map
Reflection map
Dispacement Displacement map
Store Materials
Antiliasine in RayTrace settings Anti-Aliasing And Global Global, which requires a lot of calculation and is generally used when finalizing
Lights: Attenuaion brightness attenuation recommended
Far Attenuation
End Brown Start Yellow
Ray tracing Ray Traced shardows are clearer
The shardows map is soft

Environmental effects

Enunment Environment Editor
Generally, the fog color is set to black to produce a deep effect
Fog Background
Noise noise map added to the Emotion Opacity Map
Drag and drop the Noise added in Emitment onto the sample slot at the lower right corner of the material editor to release, approve the Instance, and adjust the parameters
Volume Light selected( Volume light )Rear
Go to Dick Light and select lights
The beam can be changed through the Hotspot value in the Modify panel and the Density value in the environment editor, or the beam can be changed to Mass fog
Custom Material Editor
To the right of the Material Editor toolbar Explanation:
Sample Type Flyout: allows you to change the sample material form in the sample window.
Backlight: displays how the material is illuminated by the backlight
Background: Allows you to open the background of the sample window. Especially useful for transparent materials
Sample UV Tiling Flyout: Allows you to change the number of repetitions of the material in the editor without affecting the number of repetitions applied to the object.
Video Color Check: Check for invalid video colors
Make Preview: allows previewing animated materials
Select By Material: Use the Select Object dialog to select objects in the scene
Material/Map Navigator: Allows you to view the hierarchy of materials in an organized hierarchy.
Several parameters in Material Editor Options:
Manual Update: To disable the automatic update of materials, you must update the materials by clicking the sample slot.
Don't Animate: This option is helpful if the Material Editor has several animated materials.
Animate Active Only (only active viewport animation): Similar to Don't Animate operation, it only allows the currently active sample window and Viewport Play the animation.
Update Active Only: Similar to Manual Update, it only allows the active sample window to be updated in real time.
Use Material Types
You can obtain the material types provided by 3D Max by selecting Get Material in the toolbar. The blue sphere represents the material type, and the green sphere represents the material type parallelogram Indicates the map type.
Of standard material shaders Basic parameters
Specify the type of renderer in the Shader Basic Parameters rollout. Wire, 2-Sided (double-sided) Faced, Face Map
Shader Select from the drop-down box. Each shader has its own parameters
The Anisotropic shader is used to simulate bright metal surfaces.
Blinn9 is the default shader
Metla is used to imitate metal surface
Multi Layer is used to imitate satin, silk and paint
Oren Nayer Blinn has Blinn style highlights, but is softer. Used to simulate cloth, adobe, and skin
Phong is used to simulate hard or soft surfaces.
Strauss is used to quickly create metal or non-metallic surfaces such as paint, metal or alloy
Ratrace material type( Ray tracing
The Ratrace material attempts to physically mimic the light effects of a surface. Select from the Material/Map Browser
Main parameters of Raytrace Basic Parameters rollout
Luminosity is similar to Self Illumination
Transparency acts as a filter value to mask the selected color
Reflect sets the level and color of the reflection value, which can be set to no reflection or mirror surface reflection.
Main parameters of the Extended Parameters rollout
Extra Lighting simulates light emitted from one object to another
Transparency This option can be used to make the surface effect of thin objects. Shadows cast on the surface of thin objects
Fluorescenceand FluorescenceBias (fluorescence and fluorescence offset) Fluorescencewill cause the material to be illuminated as if it were illuminated by white light,. Regardless of the color of the light in the scene.
Take the material from the material library
Click the Get Material button, select the Mtl option in the Material/Map Browser, click the Open button, click the material option in the Open Material Library that appears, and click Open. You can copy the selected material to the sample slot.
Modify the new material
Modify the parameters in the rollout to change the material
Create a material library
You can select Mtl from the Material/Map Browser, click Sace as, and save the newly created material


Material Map( Texture Mapping ): is the most important in object coloring attract sb.'s attention , is also the most realistic method, and most of them are Game software Used. A plane image (which can be a digital image, a small icon or a dot matrix map) will be pasted onto a polygon. It is usually thought of as a wallpaper of a 3D object, that is, a 2D drawing will be "pasted" onto a 3D surface. For example, in the development of racing games, this technology may also be used to draw tire tread and body coating.
In 3dmax software, materials and maps are mainly used to describe the material shape of the object surface and construct the visual representation of the natural material surface in the real world. different texture of material And maps can bring people different visual feelings, so they 3dmax China is one of the most effective means to create the real effect of objective things.


Texture mapping stay computer graphics Is stored in memory bitmap Wrap to the surface of a 3D rendered object. texture It provides rich details for objects and simulates complex appearance in a simple way. An image (texture) is pasted (mapped) onto a simple shape in the scene, just like a stamp pasted onto a plane. This greatly reduces the amount of computation for making shapes and textures in the scene. For example, you can create a ball and paste the texture of the face on it, so you don't have to deal with the shape of the nose and eyes.
along with Graphics card With more and more functions, material mapping has become more and more unnecessary in theory, and 3D painting (rendering) has become a common tool. But in fact, the recent trend is to use larger and more texture images, coupled with complex techniques to combine multiple textures into different angles of the same object. (This is more important in real-time graphics, because the number of textures displayed at the same time is the available graphics Memory capacity Function of.)
Last displayed on the screen pixel Is from the texture texel Calculated by Texture filtering decision. The fastest way is to use one texel per pixel, linear interpolation It is also commonly used. There are more complicated methods, see MIPMAP In addition, texture can also be used to determine the color of model surface, or even Bidirectional reflection distribution function ( BRDF ), which is combined with lighting model and other methods.

3D mapping


The truth of materials

Material is simply the texture of the object. Material can be seen as the combination of material and texture. In the rendering program, it is the combination of various visual attributes of the surface, which refer to the color, texture, smoothness transparency reflectivity Refractive index , luminosity, etc. It is with these attributes that we can recognize what the model in 3D is made of, and it is with these attributes that our 3D virtual world of computer will be as colorful as the real world. We must carefully analyze the causes of different materials, so that we can better grasp the texture. The truth of materials is still light, which cannot be reflected without light materials. For example, with the help of the weak Skylight It is often difficult for us to distinguish the material of objects, but under normal lighting conditions, it is easy to distinguish. In addition, in the Color light source It is also difficult for us to distinguish the color of the object surface under the illumination of the white light source. This situation shows the subtle relationship between the material of the object and the light. Next, we will specifically analyze the interaction between the two.
Color (including texture)
Color is a characteristic of light. The color we usually see is the result of light acting on the eyes. But when the light hits the object, the object will absorb some Light color , will also diffuse reflection Some light colors. When these diffuse reflected light colors reach our eyes, they determine what color the object looks like. This color is called“ Solid colored ”。 These diffuse light colors will affect us vision Besides, it also affects the objects around it, which is Radiosity Of course, the range of influence will not be as large as our visual range. It should follow the principle of light energy attenuation. In addition, there are many materials Radiosity Translate into“ thermal radiation ”In fact, this is quite appropriate because objects are reflecting Light color When the light color is emitted in the form of radiation, the objects around it will appear "dyeing" phenomenon.
Smoothness and reflection
Whether an object has a smooth surface or not often does not need to be touched by hand, and vision will tell us the result. Because smooth objects always have obvious highlights, such as glass, porcelain, metal... while objects without obvious highlights are usually rough, such as bricks, tiles, clay... This difference is nature Everywhere, but its generation is still the reflection of light“ Solid colored ”Of diffuse reflection Different ways, smooth objects have a "mirror" effect. When the surface of the object is not smooth enough to mirror the surrounding objects, it is very sensitive to the position and color of the light source. Therefore, the smooth object surface only "mirrors" the light source, which is the highlight area of the object surface. Its color is determined by the color of the light source illuminating it (except for metal). With the improvement of the smoothness of the object surface, the reflection of the light source will become more and more clear. That is, in 3D material editing, the more smooth the object, the smaller the highlight range, the higher the intensity. When the clarity of highlights is close to the light source itself, the object surface will usually take on another look, which is the reason for the generation of Reflection material, and also the principle of the ancients to grind copper into a mirror. However, it must be noted that not all materials can improve their smoothness through continuous "tempering". For example, we know that tiles will not be ground into mirrors, because tiles are very rough. This roughness not only refers to its appearance, but also refers to its internal microstructure. The tile is rough and full of pores. No matter how you polish it, it can only make its surface look neat, but can't fill these pores, so it can't be a mirror. When editing materials, we must not ignore the upper limit of material smoothness. This is why many objects in beginner's works look like plastic.
Transparency and Refraction
nature Most of the objects in this category usually block the light. When the light can pass through the object freely, the object must be transparent. The "passing" here refers not only to the light from the light source passing through the transparent object, but also to the light reflected from the object behind the transparent object passing through the transparent object again, so that we can see the thing behind the transparent object. Due to the different densities of transparent objects, the light rays will deflect after being shot, which is called refraction. For example, the chopsticks inserted into the water look bent. Different transparent substances Refractive index It is also different. Even if the same transparent material has different temperature, its refractive index will also be affected. For example, when we pass through flame The hot air above can be seen to have obvious distortion when observing the opposite scene. This is because the temperature changes the density of the air, and different densities produce different refractive indexes. The correct use of refractive index is an important means to truly reproduce transparent objects.
stay nature There is another form of transparency in, which is called "translucency" in the material editing of 3D software, such as paper, plastic, plant leaves, and candles. They were not originally transparent objects, but under the strong light, the backlight part will appear "light transmission" phenomenon.
Through the above simple description, we believe that you have further understood the relationship between light and materials. If you ignore the role of light when editing materials, it is difficult to call out realistic materials. Therefore, when adjusting various attributes in the Material Editor, you must take into account the light source in the scene, and refer to the basic optical phenomena to achieve good visual effects, rather than adjusting them in isolation. Of course, you can't just copy physical phenomenon After all, there is still a gap between art and science, and truth and aestheticism are not the same concept.

About Cameras

A rendered image is actually a picture. After the model is positioned, the light source and material determine the hue of the picture, and the camera determines the composition of the picture. When determining the position of the camera, the visual habits of the public are always taken into account. In most cases, the viewpoint should not be higher than the height of normal people. According to the indoor space structure, the viewpoint height of people squatting, sitting or standing will also be selected, so that the rendered image will conform to people's visual habits, It will look very comfortable. When using the standing viewpoint height, the target point will generally be at the same height of the viewpoint, that is, head up. In this way, the vertical * outline of the wall and column will not be generated Perspective deformation It gives people a sense of stability. This sense of stability and comfort is created by the camera.
Of course, this camera placement method is not necessarily suitable for outdoor buildings. What I want to say is that the location of the camera must consider the position and habits of the observer, otherwise the picture will look awkward. In film and television works, movie camera The degree of freedom will be much greater, in order to show special emotional effects. Sometimes, they deliberately use exaggerated or even extreme lenses, so they should be treated differently.
The camera in 3D software has other functions besides influencing composition, which is Depth of field effect and Motion blur It should be said that these two special effects are inseparable from the camera, because the camera (or camera )All have aperture And shutter, and aperture and shutter are the direct causes of depth of field effect and motion blur. Therefore, using these two special effects well is a necessary means to reproduce the real camera effect.
In addition to the content mentioned above, there is a more complex part of the camera in 3D software, that is, the motion of the camera. If your work does not involve animation production, you can ignore the content related to camera movement. However, it is helpful to take a moment to read books on camera shooting. You should know that film and television works are different from our usual photography. Photography pays attention to composition and lighting, and film and television works pay more attention to lens movement and lens switching. Therefore, if you want to use your "virtual camera" well, you must refer to professional books, and never rely on your own imagination, otherwise, you have spent a lot of effort to make the model, set the light source, adjust the most difficult materials, and set animation Keyframes , should have a good rendering result, but because of the use of "bad" Camera lens And movement methods, which led to the inability of the editor to start, and the result was that all previous efforts were wasted. Of course, such results are rare in 3D animation production, because 3D animation production usually comes first Shot script (also called Storyboard )I just started making it.