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Loyal and diligent uncle of the Ming Dynasty
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Li Xian (?~1425), the first ugly donkey, Mongolia Tartar Ministry of nobility, the ming dynasty Early ministers. Initially Beiyuan Minister of the Ministry of Work. After Hong Wu came back 21 years ago, the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty gave him his name and granted Ji Shan the title of Lord Yan's Residence. In the battle of Jingnan, he made great contributions. After moving the capital, the commander and his colleagues, Jin Wei Bachelor Mingren Sect He ascended the throne, paid homage to the Right Governor, and was granted the title of Loyal Officer. Hong Xi He died of illness in the first year (1425). [1]
Yuan and Ming Dynasties
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
True name
Ugly Donkey

Character's Life

Ugly donkey, an aristocrat of the Mongolian Tatar tribe. Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty Hong Wu Twenty one years in Yongchang Marquis Sapphire Main will start“ The Battle of Fishing in the Sea ”And defeated the remaining regime of the Northern Yuan Dynasty. Beiyuan minister of public works Ugly Donkey broke away from the Northern Yuan regime and returned to the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang As Ugly Donkey is proficient in Mongolian, Turkic, Chinese, Hui and many other languages, he serves as a translator. Ugly donkey is knowledgeable. The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty liked him very much and named him Li Xian. At that time, the King of Yan Zhu Di In charge of the northern war, the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty awarded Li Xian, who was proficient in the languages of the northern nationalities, as Yan Mansion Ji Shan (teacher of the royal residence). [1]
Li Xian Serves the Prince Yan's Son in the Lord Yan's Residence Zhu Gaochi Most respectful. Later, the King of Yan Zhu Di Started“ Battle of Jingnan ”Li Xian has assisted in making great contributions. Ming Huidi( Zhu Yunwen Writing In four years, Zhu Di attacked Nanjing Ming Huidi After stepping down from the stage and becoming the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, Li Xian moved to Duzhi as a commander due to his hard work. His official rank was the third highest, and later Jin became a great scholar. Since then, Li Xian has translated all the imperial edicts from outside the Great Wall and from the imperial court. When Li Xian saw what he saw repeatedly in the court, the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty mostly adopted it. [1]
Mingren Sect Zhu Gaochi When he ascended the throne, he thought of Li Xian's old job and promoted him to the post of the Commander in Chief of the Later Army. Later, Li Xian, who was ill, was appointed as a loyal and diligent man, and ate 1100 stones. Shortly after Li Xian died of illness, his second son took his former official position "Ji Shan" as his surname and changed his surname to Ji in order to read the gratitude of Emperor Taizu. [1]

Historical records

Li Xian, an ugly donkey at the beginning, Tartar He was the minister of the Ministry of Work of the Northern Yuan Dynasty at the beginning. Hong Wu Twenty one years back, translation books. The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty granted the name and Yan Mansion Ji Shan. Shiyan Shizi( Zhu Gaochi )Most respectfully. Battle of Jingnan ”Since I started, I have made great achievements, and I have moved the capital to command my colleagues. Li Xian was appointed to translate any imperial edict sent by the imperial court and any external performance. Li Xian also saw what he had seen many times, and all the ancestors of Ming Dynasty adopted it. Mingren Sect He ascended the throne, read his old labors, entered the post of the military governor's office, and then entered the right governor's office, Bestow a gift Very rich. He summoned them and showed compassion for their sick and old. He was loyal and diligent. He ate hundreds of stones and paid thousands of salaries to find his soldiers. [1]