Li Chao

Vietnamese historical dynasties
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Li Chao (1009-1225) (Nh à Lý) is Vietnam? It is a dynasty named after its monarch, Li. The Li Dynasty has experienced nine monarchs for 216 years.
Li Chao accepted Song dynasty It is also called“ Annan China ". In 1009, Pre Li Dynasty Zuo Qinwei Hall Commander Li Gongyun Seizing the throne, the next year it was renamed Shuntian, and its capital was Shenglong (now called Hanoi ), is for LyThaiTo After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Li Dynasty adopted the tang dynasty And the central government of the Song Dynasty political system pattern. During the 117 years of the four emperors of Taizong, Taizong, Shengzong and Renzong, Vietnam entered a period of political concentration, national unity and national prosperity. Li Taizu's policy of governing the country includes building Shenglong City , enfeoffment of the central military and political officials, reorganization of local political institutions, development Buddhism , Implementation Imperial examination system , reform land and taxation system , externally policy of expansion Etc. During the first half of the Li Dynasty chenla Occupy the city A war broke out and a large area of territory was occupied. In 1054, Li Shengzong Change the country number to“ Dayue ”And became the name of several dynasties in Vietnam. 1127 Li Renzong After his death, the Li Dynasty began to weaken, and the feudal lords in China fought for power. During the second half of the Li Dynasty, "Fan You Rebellion", "Guo Bu Rebellion" and Chen Siqing Chen Cheng The scene of brothers' dictatorship. Emperor in 1225 Chen Shoudu while Li Zhaohuang Young, seizing power, establishing Chen Dynasty , Li Chaomie.
Chinese name
Li Chao
Foreign name
Nhà L&yacute
Li Chao and An Nanguo of Vietnam [1]
Political system
Absolute monarchy [1]
Li Gongyun Li Fuma Li Qiande etc.
Number of Kings
9 persons
Historical facts
Accept the title conferred by the Song Dynasty



Li Gongyun Founds the Country

Li's ancestral home is Shenzhou Raoyang , that is, China Hebei province Raoyang County [2] , later moved to the south, and arrived in Fujian Jinjiang Anhai Lijiazhuang. [2] The Li family abandoned their officials and went into business after they moved, "letting the ship go" chenla Siam region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam All places ". [2]
The founding monarch of the Li Dynasty was Li Gongyun , who was then the ruler of Vietnam Li Longyue Li Long Collar Li LongCollar appointed him“ Zuo Qinwei Hall Commander ”。 Li Longding was tyrannical and unruly, and his people were unconvinced, while Li Gongyun was "lenient, benevolent and forgiving, quite popular, and mastered the weapon handle", which resulted in "coveting the divine tools, while people also attached themselves". After Li Longding died of illness in the second year of Jingde (1009), the prince Kaifeng, Wang Lilongzha (Li Zha), rushed to Youchong, Li Longding's younger brother marched to Wang Limingti (Li Longzhi), and Li Mingchang, the king of Dingfan( Fengzhou The provincial governor) rose up to fight, but they were all Li Gongyun With the commander in front of the Right Guard Hall, Ruan Di led 500 dragon soldiers to annihilate. official receptionist Tao Ganmu He advised Li Gongyun to "the master is dizzy and violent, and does many acts of injustice. He is disgusted with his virtue, and Fu Ke ends his life, and his heirs are young and rushed. He did not have to face many difficulties". He used superstition to propose that "the Li family name is flourishing, and the prophecy has been seen", and insisted that Li Gongyun seize the throne and become emperor. Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Gongyun ascended the throne and became emperor. The Li Dynasty was established, and later generations called him "Li Taizu".

Lay the foundation

After founding the country, Taizu began to consolidate his rule. In the first year of Shuntian era (1010), Li Gongyun believed that the old capital of Ding and Li dynasties, Hualu, was too narrow to be an imperial capital《 Imperial edict to move the capital 》He believed that it should follow the precedent of moving the capital of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in ancient China Daluo City (Today Hanoi )Because the place is "in the area of heaven and earth, where the dragon and the tiger occupy the place, the north, south, east, west, and back of the country. The other places are wide and flat, the jue earth is high and refreshing, the folk houses are dark and sleepy, and everything is rich. It can be seen all over the country. It is a resort, and it is an important meeting of the four directions, and it is the capital of the capital for all generations". In July of the lunar calendar, the imperial court moved to Daluo City and changed its name“ Shenglong City ”And build palaces, treasuries, city gods, city walls, temples and other facilities, so that Shenglong City has a considerable scale.
In addition to building a new capital, Li Taizu took various measures to strengthen his rule, including reorganization local administration , divided into 24 routes nationwide taxation system , enfeoffment of princes, etc. In December of the third year of Shuntian's reign (1012), Taizu invaded Yanzhou personally. In the 15th year of Shuntian's reign (1024), Li Gongyun appointed the Crown Prince and Kaitian King Li Fuma (Li Dezheng) attacked Fengzhou and Kaiwang Libu attacked Jinzhou. In the seventeenth year of Shuntian's reign (1026), Li Fuma was ordered to crusade the bandits of Yanzhou. In the 18th year of Shuntian's reign (1027), Li Fuma was ordered to go on expedition Qiyuan Prefecture Eastern Expedition Wang Lili attacked Wenzhou.

The turmoil during the Taizong period

During the reign of Emperor Taizong (1028-1054), there were still local rebellions. The cause of such events, Vietnamese historian Chen Zhongjin It was pointed out that "the court did not set up Jiezhen The military affairs and civil affairs of each state are entrusted to governor management. In the upstream area, the chieftain is in charge. It is precisely because these people have too much power that there are often rebellions ". In the first month of the fourth year of Tiancheng (1031), Hoan (Today Vietnam Yi'an Province )People mutiny, Li Taizong In February, he personally marched and enjoyed the surrender of the state people. Taizong made lenient treatment, pardoned the local officials and appealed to their people. In the first month of the sixth year of Tiancheng (1033), people in Dingyuan Prefecture rebelled, and Taizong personally pacified them in February. In September of the same year, the people of Tuoyuan Prefecture rebelled, and Taizong personally pacified them in October. Tongrui October of the second year (1035), Aizhou (Today Vietnam Qinghua Province )When people rebelled, Taizong personally pacified them, sentenced the governor of Aizhou and appealed to their people. Meanwhile, Wang Di Li Shenggan , General Ruan Qing and others rebelled in Shenglong, the capital of the country, and were punished for their failure. At the beginning of the second year of Mingdao (1043), both Aizhou and Wenzhou rebelled, and Taizong sent troops to pacify them.
The chaos that lasted for a long time and had great influence during the Taizong period was Guangyuan Prefecture (Today Vietnam Lang Shan , was the leader of the Song Dynasty) Nong Cunfu Nong Zhigao The mutiny of father and son. Nongcunfu's first career Tangyuzhou Chieftain, the nearby Guangyuan Prefecture was originally governed by his brother and wife, who merged it and established himself as the "Emperor Zhaosheng" Tongrui In the fifth year (1038), the Chinese lunar calendar attacked the Li Dynasty in December. At the beginning of the next year (1039), Li Taizong invaded Guangyuan Prefecture, captured Cunfu, took him to Shenglong and executed him, but his wife minuano His son Nong Zhigao escaped in the war. Qianfu Youdao In the third year (1041), Nong and Nong Zhigao recaptured the state of Tangut“ Dali State ”The court of the Li family sent troops to make peace and captured Nong Zhigao and returned to Shenglong. Li Taizong felt pity for his family, pardoned them and released them, and appointed them governor of Guangyuan Prefecture. But Nong Zhigao still waited for an opportunity to revolt. In 1048, he rebelled against the evil cave. Li Tingming ordered Taiwei Guo Shengyi (the posthumous title of Guo Shengyi) launched a crusade, and his wisdom fell again. Chongxing Dabao In the second year (1050), Nong Zhigao rebelled against Bayang Cave in Ande on the border of Song and Yue“ Southern Heaven ”"Jingrui", and Aizhou and other places also rebelled at the same time. In April of the fourth year of Dabao in Chongxing (1052), Nong Zhigao contacted the Song Dynasty and asked to be attached to the Song Dynasty, but the Song Dynasty refused, so Zhigao invaded the southern border of the Song Dynasty and called himself "Emperor Renhui"“ Great Southern Kingdom ”The affected areas include Yong, Heng, Gui, Gong, Xun, Teng, Wu, Feng, Kang, Duan, Guang and other states. Great Song School Di Qing Nong Zhigao fled to Dali and was beheaded by the local people and presented to the Song Dynasty. Nong Zhigao's incident ended.

Development in Shengren Period

1054 Li Taizong After death, Prince Li Rizun Succession is for Li Shengzong (Reign period: 1054-1072). Since then, the political situation of the Li Dynasty has gradually been improved. "The people have been convinced. Since the accession to the throne, there have been few bandits and robbers". Saint Pope for cultural education We attach great importance to the development of Confucianism In the eighth month of the lunar calendar in 1070 (the second year of Li Shenwu), the Confucian Temple was built Confucius Duke Zhou "Four configurations"( Yan Hui Zeng Shen Hole Menke )And Seventy-two sages Etiquette, stipulating four seasons sacrifice, and letting the prince learn Confucian culture On the military side, we should reform the size of arms to enhance combat effectiveness and prevent mutinies. Li Shengzong expanded outward and coveted the territory of neighboring countries. Zhangsheng Jiaqing In March of the first year (1059) Qinzhou Region. Tianqi Treasure Elephant In the second year (1069), Saint Pope invaded the south Occupy the city China, seize the territory of the country (now Vietnam Guangnan ), Maling, Bucheng, etc.
In 1072, Sheng Zong died, and the seven year old prince Li Qiande Succession is for Li Renzong because Renzong Young, unable to govern in person, the biological mother relies on the orchid Imperial Concubine Yuan (also known as Yilan Yuanfei), and the Empress Dowager Yang's (also known as Yang's), his own mother, was in charge of government from behind the curtain, and the Grand Shifu Li Daocheng Auxiliary. However, Princess Yilan was jealous by nature and instigated Renzong to kill the Empress Dowager Shangyang and 76 maids. The palace tragedy was condemned by later Vietnamese historians: "How cruel it is to kill the empress and abuse the innocent!"
In the early period of Renzong's reign, Li Daocheng, the minister, and the senior general Li Changjie Under the influence of, both at home and abroad have made significant moves. In terms of internal affairs, in 1075 (Li Taining February (four years), implemented The imperial examination It is the first scientific examination for Vietnam. In the fifth year of Taining (1076), the Imperial College was set up, and in the second year of Guangyou (1086), scholars were selected to enter Imperial Academy To expand the academic officer system. Externally, the Li Dynasty and the Song Dynasty (Li Yingwu Zhaosheng During the second year, large-scale war broke out. In 1078 (the third year of Li Yingwu's victory), the Li Dynasty sent envoys to the Song Dynasty to demand peace. In 1078 (the fourth year of Li Yingwu's victory), the two sides reached an agreement.

Political situation in the middle and late period

Tianfu Celebrates Birthday The first year (1127), Li Renzong Death, by nephew Li Yanghuan Succession to the throne is for Li Shenzong. There are few divine sects, and the minister Li Boyu , Liu Qingqin Yang Yinger And so on. In the early years of the Shenzong, the people whose land was confiscated by the government were asked to take back the land, and the Sixth Army( imperial guards )"Return to agriculture more frequently", so as to stimulate agriculture.
In 1138 (the sixth year of Li Tianzhang's succession and the first year of Shaoming's reign), Li Shenzong died, the eldest son Li Tianzuo The successor is Li Yingzong. When Li Yingzong succeeded to the throne, he was only three years old and was regent of Empress Dowager Li. Empress Dowager Li trusted Du Yingwu Empress Dowager Du Younger brother), and the great power fell into the hands of Du Yingwu. Du Yingwu is in Dading The suppression of Taiyuan in 1141 Shen Li In 1150 (the 11th year of Li Dading's reign), Wu Dai, Yang Siming and other court officials who opposed him were eradicated. However, there are still other loyal officials and righteous people in the court, such as Su Xiancheng With the support of Huang Yixian, Li Gongxin and others, Du Yingwu will not commit rampant murder. In August of the 19th year of Dading (1158), Du Yingwu died, and the political situation of the Li Dynasty was supported by Su Xiancheng. Su Xiancheng is committed to rectification Military system He also advocated scholarly research and made contributions to the political situation at that time.
Heavenly feeling treasure In September of the first year (1174), the crown prince Li Longchang was deposed as a commoner because of his misconduct with the imperial concubines. Li Yingzong changed his son Li Longxuan, who was only two years old, into the crown prince. The next year (the second year of Li Tiangan Zhibao), in July of the lunar calendar, Li Yingzong died. Li Longgui, who was only three years old, succeeded to the throne for Li Gaozong Li Yingzong left a posthumous edict before his death“ Su Xiancheng Counseling the Crown Prince (Li Gaozong) "means that Su Xiancheng still remains in power until Chaste amulet He died in June of the fourth year (1179). Later Vietnamese historians Wu Shilian During the period of praising his governance, the Li Dynasty had a stable situation of "upper security and lower order".
Li Gaozong In the middle and late period of his reign (1176-1210 AD), although he grew up and was in charge of government, he was fond of hunting, traveling, and building palaces. These measures involved huge expenses, and people had to be forced to serve, which made people suffer a lot. However, the whole court failed to carefully consider the political affairs, while the trend of seizing power, corruption, selling official positions, and seizing people's wealth prevailed, which eventually led to large-scale chaos. Harnessing the Dragon Ying Four years (1208), knowing Yi An military Fan You Rebellion, Li Chaoming Fan Bingwei Lead the army to crusade. In July of the following year (1209), Fan Bingyi defeated Fan You, but Fan You escaped and sent people to the capital to Shenglong to accuse Fan Bingyi falsely. Li Gaozong captured Fan Bingyi, but this caused dissatisfaction from Guo Bu, the general of Bingyi's Ministry, and led troops into the palace to rescue Bingyi. When Li Gaozong learned the news of the mutiny, he immediately killed Fan Bingyi, and then with the prince Li 旵 Escape. Guo Bu occupied Shenglong and made Li Chen, the son of Li Gaozong, emperor. When the prince Li Xuan fled to the Liujia Village in Haiyi, he married the local elite Chen Li His daughter is his wife and Chen Li's son Chen Siqing With the help of others, Li Gaozong sent troops to escort Li Gaozong to pick up the dragon and pacify Guo Bu's troubles.
Li Gaozong Shortly after returning to Beijing, he died in October of the sixth year of Zhiping Longying (1210), and the crown prince Li Xuan ascended the throne for Li Huizong , and the Chen family he married in the Liujia Village of Haiyi is Li Wei Imperial Concubine Yuan His brother Chen Siqing was awarded the title of "Marquis of Zhangcheng". The government at that time, according to《 Complete Records of the History of Dayue 》It is recorded that "the outline of discipline is gradually abolished, the people do not know the soldiers, and the rise of bandits cannot be stopped". The separatist forces appear in the local area, and the more powerful ones are Duan Shang (According to Hongzhou) Ruan Nen (According to Fudong Township) and so on, the ruling basis of the Li Dynasty gradually became weak. In February of the first year of Jianjia (1213), Chen Siqing heard that his younger sister, the wife of the Yuan Dynasty, was abused by Empress Dowager Tan, the mother of Li Huizong, and led the troops into the palace. Empress Dowager Tan wants to poison Chen Family, Princess Yuan, but Huizong runs away with Chen Family and goes to Chen Siqing's army. As a result, Li Huizong appointed Concubine Yuan as the queen, and Chen Siqing, the brother of Concubine Yuan, served as the lieutenant general Chen Cheng It is the head judge of the internal attendants. Chen Siqing was also able to mobilize the army, manufacture weapons, exercise martial arts, and master the national Military strength However, Li Huizong fell ill and became crazy in March of the seventh year of Jianjia (1217). He was unable to manage politics, and his power was in the hands of Chen Siqing.

Chen Shi Dai Li

At the end of the 13th year of Jianjia (1223), Chen Siqing died. The next year, Li Huizong's condition did not improve, while Chen's siblings Chen Shoudu He then served as "the leader of all the armies in front of the palace, the guard and the court" and became the powerful minister controlling the court of the Li family. October 1224 (the 14th year of Li Jianjia Heaven is full of justice First year), Li Huizong Abdicate from the seven year old princess Li Fojin Succession is for Li Zhaohuang
After Li Zhaohuang succeeded to the throne, the second year of Tianzhang Youdao (1225) October in the lunar calendar Chen Shoudu, a powerful minister, arranged for Chen Xuan (only eight years old), the son of his family brother Chen Cheng, to marry Emperor Li Zhaohuang. At that time, the father of Emperor Li Zhao Li 旵 , once said, "It is passed on to women to Uniyin But if people don't obey the crowd, they will regret their death. "They intend to let Li Zhaohuang abdicate to Chen Xuan. Chen Cheng, Chen Xuan's father, hesitated, but Chen Shoudu thought it was necessary to take advantage of the opportunity. "It was heaven's will that the king took Erlang (Chen Xuan) as his heir, If heaven chooses not to take, it will be blamed ”So he decided to let Chen Xuan accept the throne. In December, Chen Xuan accepted the throne of Emperor Li Zhaohuang and established Chen Dynasty




Compared with the territory of the Li Dynasty Ding Dynasty and Pre Li Dynasty The territory has expanded, which is based on its "repeated aggression against neighboring countries", so it can "expand its territory". However, its local construction is often changed. Generally speaking, for example, the French scholar Martsboro Ma Bole )It said: "The evolution of the name of the territory during the two hundred years of the Li generation was quite confused.".

administrative division

In the early years of the Li Dynasty, Li Taizu changed the ten roads of the Ding Dynasty and the former Li Dynasty into twenty-four roads. The reason for this reform is that the ten principles system has given local generals too much power because they have heavy troops and also take charge of regional politics. Therefore, the whole country was divided into 24 roads. The road chief was called "prefect" and was appointed by a civilian official. Under the road, there are prefectures, prefectures, townships and communes (communes are the most basic level, and commune officials are set to manage household registration) and other levels Administrative unit Li Taizong changed the prefecture magistrate into the state pastor, and the military and political power was in the hands of the state pastor. Li Taizong made a stipulation that he would hold an oath of alliance with officials at all levels once a year to swear allegiance to Li. Successive monarchs of the Li Dynasty also appointed their sons as kings to guard important places in China. In remote areas and ethnic minority In the place of residence, there are states, villages, and special villages in Huanzhou and Aizhou. The military rule is implemented to deal with the southern neighbor Zhanpo. Ethnic minority areas are hereditary places of local chiefs. In the early Li Dynasty governor The small ones were named chiefs. Later, due to the gradual division of regions, the chieftain's power gradually weakened. The court sent a magistrate to the state, and the chieftain was directly subordinate to them. By the 12th century (the middle of the Li Dynasty), such states had been called "towns".
All the names of the 24th Road are unknown, just like Vietnamese scholars Tao Weiying He said, "As far as we know, only 12 of the 24 roads are recorded in the directory listed in the official history of our country (referring to Vietnam)." The only 12 roads known to later generations include Tianchang Road( Nanding Province East); Guowei Road (Shanxi area in the Dijiang River basin); Haidong Road (Guang'an) Jianchang Road Taiping Province Part I), Express Road (i.e. Xing'an region), Huangjiang Road (i.e. the west of Nanding province), Longxing Road (i.e. part of Taiping province), Beijiang Road (i.e. Beining and Beijiang regions), Chang'an Road (i.e. Ningping region), Honglu (i.e. Haiyang region), Qinghua Road (i.e Qinghua Province Area), Yanzhou Road (for Yi'an Province Northern Region).
Later, the territory of the Li Dynasty increased. For example, in the fourth year of Tongrui (1037), Li Taishi conquered Linxi Road. In the second year of Tianqi Baoxiang (1069), the Li Dynasty captured the dictatorship, Dili (Yizuo) and Maling (in Guangping Province and Guangzhi Province In the third year of Taining (1074), Dili was changed to Linping and Maling to Mingling. In the first year of Taining (1072), the Northern Song Dynasty presented Guangyuan (now Vietnam) to the Li Dynasty Gaoping Province Guangyuanzhou). Later, there was still war between the two sides. Guangyuan was once recaptured by the Song army.
By the 12th century, Chinese scholars in the Southern Song Dynasty Zhou Qufei to Ayden Compiled between 1174 and 1189《 Answering outside the range 》The book generally records the territory and establishment of the Li Dynasty at that time: "set up four prefectures, thirteen states and three villages Patronage Datong, Qinghua, Fuliang; The states are called Yong'an, Yongtai, Wanchun, Fengdao, Taiping, Qinghua, Yi'an, Shufeng, Chalu, Anfeng, Suzhou, Maozhou, Langzhou; The villages are called Hening, Dapan and Xin'an. In general, Qinghua, Fufeng, Yi'an and Yong'an all follow the sea, while Yong'an and Qinzhou are the border, Chalu and Zhancheng are the border, Suzhou and Maozhou are the border Yong Guan For the environment. "
In the 20th century, the French scholar Maspero Ma Bole )Vietnamese scholars Tao Weiying , Chinese scholar Yang Wuquan, etc《 Answering outside the range 》In terms of content, it has revised and supplemented the situation of the jurisdiction of the Li Dynasty. Now it is listed in the following table [Chart basis《 Ling Wai answers and proofreads 》(Zhou Qufei, Yang Wuquan, Beijing) Zhong Hua Book Company , pp. 60-61), Political Geography of Annam in the Time of Li Chen and Hu San (included in the Four Editions of the South China Sea History and Geography Textual Research in the Western Regions), written by Ma Sibo, Feng Chengjun Translated by the Taiwan Commercial Press (114-119 pages), The Frontier of Vietnam in Past Dynasties (written by Tao Weiying, translated by Zhong Minyan, Beijing Commercial Press, 152-157 pages) and other materials and works.
Prefecture, prefecture and village
Postnatal position
In Hanoi today.
Jiaozhou in the Tang Dynasty.
Datong Mansion
The west bank of Heishui River (also known as Heihe River and Lixianjiang River) in the northwest of Hanoi today.
Masbole said that the local area should be "the area where barbarian leaders are governed".
Qinghua Mansion
Today, Qinghua City is located in Qinghua Province.
That is, Aizhou in the Tang Dynasty.
Fuliang Mansion
To be as rich and good as the moon on the river.
It is a new mansion.
Beijiang Mansion
From Lang Shan to the East China Sea via Guang'an.
Matsboro refers to Beijiang Prefecture besides the above four prefectures. Tao Weiying pointed out that the Li royal family was originally from Beijiangzhou, so it was upgraded to the government.
Tiande Mansion
Beining and other places.
Tao Weiying pointed out that Tiande Mansion was originally Beijiangzhou, while the Li royal family was originally from Beijiangzhou, so it was upgraded to the mansion.
Ying Tianfu
In Hanoi today.
Tao Weiying refers to Ying Tianfu, also known as "Nanjing", which is also located in Hanoi.
Tianchang Mansion
That is Hualu.
Tao Weiying pointed out that Tianchang Mansion was built by Hualu.
Yong'an Prefecture
It is the first place to be near Qinzhou, China, which is close to the sea.
That is, Luzhou in the Tang Dynasty. In 1023, Chaoyang Town was changed into Yong'an Prefecture.
In the east of the northwest of Haiphong.
It is in Zhiling, where Taiping River and Beijiang River (also known as Jiliu River) converge.
be unknown.
Taiping Prefecture
In the capital of Kuaozhou, Xing'an Province.
Formerly known as Tengzhou, it was later renamed as Tengzhou at the end of the Li Dynasty.
Qinghua Prefecture
Some areas in the northeast of today's Qinghua Province.
Yi'an Prefecture
That is, Yi'an Province.
That is, the enjoying state in the Tang Dynasty. In 1036, the enjoying state was changed to Yi'an state. The Yueshilue records that in 1101, "the enjoyment state was changed to Yi'an Mansion", and Masebole thinks that the Yueshilue is wrong. Tao Weiying is regarded as a prefecture according to the "Brief History of Yue".
Windward state
be unknown.
It is a coastal area.
In Guangping Province.
The ground is connected to Zhancheng (namely Zhanpo State).
Anfeng Prefecture
be unknown.
At the border of Gaoping and Langshan.
Matsboro believes that Suzhou and Maozhou should be "Suzhou Maozhou", which is one state rather than two places.
See above.
See above.
Lang Zhou
Today, Lang Shan.
He Ning Zhai
be unknown.
stay Ha Long Bay
Xin'an Stronghold
In Guang'an.
South China Song Ningzong Zhang Qia, a scholar during the period (1194-1224), wrote Annals, which recorded the establishment of prefectures and counties in the late Li Dynasty. There were 25 roads and prefectures and several counties under his jurisdiction. Later written by Li Wenfeng of the Ming Dynasty《 Yue Jiao Shu 》And shall also be cited. The name of Vietnam in, and the quotation《 Answering outside the range 》Such historical data are different. Its contents are shown in the following table [refer to Li Wenfeng for the chart《 Yue Jiao Shu 》Volume I "Evolution of States and Counties" (included in《 Complete Library of Four Branches of Books Chumu Series · History Department, Volume 162, Qilu Publishing House )Made of].
Road, state
County under jurisdiction
Annan Road
Anhu, Taiping, Jiaoxuan, Weiyuan, Longbian, Pingdao, Wuping.
Jiaping, Xinchang, Fenghua, Songshan, Zhuyuan.
Rangjiang, Boling, Hushan, Hongyuan.
Changle, Sifeng, Gaocheng, Shilong.
Dujiu, Huigui, Wulong, Hengshan, Rulai.
Jiuzhen, Anshun, Chongping, Sunan, Junning, Changlin.
Jiude, Puyang, Yueshang, Huaihuan.
Wudang, Biqing, Ninghai.
Fulu Prefecture
Rouyuan, Tanglin, Fulu.
Wenyang, Tongcai, Changshan, Qichang.
Tangquan, Lvshui, Luoshao.
Acting state
Loyalty and Longchi.
Jinlong, Haijie.
Beijing, Zhu Wu, Youwen.
Dragon pool, basin pool.
Ancient state
Le Gu, Le Xing, ancient books.
Wu Le, Wu Li, Luo Long, An Nan, Long E, Wu Guan, Wu Jiang.
Zhengping, Fuling, Longyuan, Rao Mian, Sien, Wushi, Geliang, Dujia.
Wuyi Prefecture
Wuyi, Wulao, Wuyuan, Jiangshan.
Longshui, Yashan, Dongxi, Tianhe.
Pingqin Prefecture
Rongshan, Yongyi, Fuyang, Gufu.
Dehua Prefecture
Dehua, Guizhong
Wu'an Prefecture
Lang Mang, Gu Yong.
Dragon soldiers, Fuwu.



Imperial Court Structure

When the Li Dynasty was founded, Li Taizu set about building his own imperial organization. In order to consolidate the ruling position of the Li family, Li Taizu granted various titles and titles to the members of the royal family. He made his mother the empress dowager, six of them the empress dowager, the eldest son the prince, and the other sons and brothers the "marquis" or "king".
Li Taizu also established the rank of officials. The more important officials include the minister Privy Council Chief Executive in late Tang , Taibao, Taifu, Zuo Jinwu Zuowuwei Youwu Guard Grade. Among many civil and military ministers, officials are divided into Jiupin , each has its own responsibility, thus consolidating and strengthening Central institutions
In the early days of the Li Dynasty, the prime minister was called "Xianggong". Another important assistant official of the Li Dynasty was Taiwei According to historical records, when Li Taizu became emperor, he appointed Li Zhengxian, the son of his brother King Wuwei, as the first lieutenant. When Li Taizong succeeded to the throne, he appointed Ruan Guangli as the first lieutenant. Heavenly Sense Holy Martial Arts In the fifth year (1048), Li Taizong ordered Guo Sheng, the first lieutenant, to make a punitive expedition Nong Zhigao Geng Huiling, a scholar from Taiwan Province of China, summarized that the Taiwei is the prime minister, whose authority is "to praise the internal affairs of the military, to lead the external military, and to support the central government when nothing happens.", have you got anything to do He was appointed to go on an expedition Li Changjie He once served as a lieutenant, and was an important assistant minister in the middle period Su Xiancheng , seizing power by force in the late period Chen Siqing He also holds the post.
The Li Dynasty also imitated the Tang Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty and appointed“ Under the Middle Book Gate ”To serve as the official title of the Imperial Court. For example, Li Changjie, a senior general, was once awarded the title of "under the same school". At the same time, due to the reverence of the lieutenant in the Li Dynasty, the power of the lieutenant is actually limited. The highest officer under Zhongshu is“ Pingzhang Military Affairs ”, which is equivalent to a prime minister, but has no real power and is not often granted. It is an additional official and posthumous gift for important officials of the court. Su Xiancheng was also awarded the title of "entering the country, checking the Taifu, Pingzhang military and national affairs prince and marquis ”。 Li Chao's additional officials, posthumous gifts and“ Doctor Guanglu ”、“ Kaifu Yitong Third Division ”Rank.
The government of the Li Dynasty still had several assistant ministers. There are left and right political affairs, and Li Shenzong was a political adviser; Secretariat As the center of the imperial court, the chief is Middle School Waiter During the Emperor Taizong's reign, Liao Jiazhen was appointed minister of the secondary school. Privy Council Chief Executive in late Tang It was set up in the Taizong period. In the Taizong period, there were left and right privy committees, and the Shenzong was the privy envoy again. In imitation of the Song system, there is a "Grand Master of Civilization Hall" for the monarch's advisers.
Another feature of the political system of the Li Dynasty is that it will reuse middle officials (eunuchs), such as Li Changjie , Liu Qingtan and others all went through the "Qingshen"( Clean body )This shows that the lieutenant of the Li Dynasty has a special position.
From the middle of the Li Dynasty, the official system gradually developed on the basis of inheriting the Tang and Song dynasties of China: rulers Near chamberlain The leader of the Li Dynasty was known as the "inner courtier", a powerful official in the late Li Dynasty Chen Cheng He once served as the head judge of internal service. When Chen took the place of Li, Feng Zuozhou also served as the head judge of the internal service. The senior attendants around the ruler also have top grade Fengyu First post: the one who seized power in the last years of the Li Dynasty Chen Shoudu He once held this post and mastered the government.


The Li Dynasty granted princes, marquises and meritorious officials feudal lords Guannei Marquis The Taizu established the country, and granted the meritorious minister Tao Ganmu the title of righteous marquis. In the early years of Huizong, a powerful minister Su Zhongci To "recruit ambassadors from Guannei". Later powerful ministers Chen Siqing He also won the title of Marquis, Zhang Cheng. In addition, the Li Dynasty set up the title of "Ming" in the style of Yue, which was awarded to important officials of the court. Li Gaozong once awarded Chen Li (Later, the posthumous title of the Chen Dynasty was "Yuan Zu") "Ming Zi".


From the time of Emperor Taizu, the Li Dynasty gradually consolidated its political power, Social order After restoration, they began to cast coins. But because of the basic principle of the Li Dynasty economic policy yes Attach importance to agriculture and restrain business , belittled the role of money, and folk exchange is mostly Barter In addition, the government of the Li Dynasty widely built Buddhist temples, and copper materials were mostly used to shape Buddha statues, so the currency of the Li Dynasty Casting quantity Less.
The general situation of the coinage of the monarchs of the Li Dynasty is shown in the following table [Basis of this table China Finance Press Published Vietnam Historical Coins, pages 16-21 and 116-120.
Shuntian Dabao
The casting time should be after 1011 (the second year of Li Shuntian). Its shape is that Qian Yuan is moderate, and the words "Shuntian Dabao" on Qian Wen are read in pairs. It is true, slanting, uneven and coordinated. Li Taizu called his coins "Dabao", which is different from the names of "Tongbao", "Yuanbao" and other coins used in the previous dynasties of China and Vietnam (the Ding Dynasty and the former Li Dynasty). The "Shuntian Dabao" is thick in shape, larger than the coins of Ding, Qianli and Chenshi, and weighs about 5g. The "Shuntian Dabao" found so far has only one format and its circulation scope is quite limited.
Li Taizong
Mingdao Yuanbao
It was minted twice in 1042 (the first year of Li Mingdao) and 1043 (the second year of Li Mingdao). The words "Mingdao Yuanbao" on the coins are also called "Mingdao Qian". It has two formats, one is bold font, the other is narrow font. Both fonts are authentic. It was minted and circulated in a small number, and was used together with other currencies. Coincidentally, Renzong of the Northern Song Dynasty of China also cast "Ming Dao Yuanbao", but Li Taizong's "Ming Dao Yuanbao" is obviously different from that of Renzong of the Song Dynasty in terms of casting technology and style.
Tiangan Yuanbao
It was forged by Li Taizong in his later years. The words "Tiangan Yuanbao" on the coins have two forms: one is bare back, the other is "Ganwang" (Ganwang is Li Rizhong, the second son of Li Taizong, and the words "Ganwang" were cast on the coins to show Li Taizong's favor for Li Rizhong and his mother). Both fonts are authentic.
Li Shengzong
There is no literature record or physical discovery of Li Shengzong's coinage.
Li Renzong
Tianfu Tongbao
Li Renzong's Tianfu Ruiwu (1120-1126) and Tianfu Qingshou (1127) were cast in his later years. There is only one style version. The "Tianfu Tongbao" on the text of the money is read in rotation. It uses authentic books and has a rough manufacturing process. It is similar to Li Taizu's "Shuntian Dabao". The money is large, thick, and smooth back. The money is moderately shaped, well defined, and well distributed, but the text is relatively rigid. The number of "Tianfu Tongbao" was very small, which was based on the Li Dynasty's emphasis on agriculture and suppression of commerce, and its contempt for the role of monetary economy.
Tianfu Yuanbao
The "Tianfu Yuanbao" was thought by later scholars to be a private coin. Its Qian Wenxuan reads, "Yuan" is in seal script, and the other three characters are in authentic script. The margin of Qian is slightly wider, which is different from "Tianfu Tongbao".
Li Shenzong
There is no literature record of Shenzong's coin casting and no physical discovery.
Li Yingzong
Dading reign
It was cast in Dading period (1140-1162). Its money path is relatively large. The four characters of "Dading Tongbao" are read in pairs, and the real book is used. The money margin is slightly wide, relatively thick, and bare. China's Jin Shizong also has "Dading Tongbao", while Li Yingzong's "Dading Tongbao" is Vietnamese style, and its production is relatively rough.
Zhenglong Yuanbao
It was cast in 1163 (the first year of Zhenglong Baoying). In Qian's article, "Zheng" is written as "Zheng", which is read in four words. It is a true book, and it is bare. Li Yingzong's "Dading Tongbao" and "Zhenglong Yuanbao" are very few in number. The King of Jinhailing in China also cast the "Zhenglong Yuanbao", while the "Zhenglong Yuanbao" of Li Yingzong was relatively thick, with wide margin and uneven perforation.
Li Gaozong
A treasure of peace
It was cast during the reign of Zhiping and Longying (1205-1210). It has two formats. One is that Qian has a large diameter, and the characters of Qian and Wen are read in four words. The real book is used. The characters of "Zhi" and "Yuan" are square, and the characters of "Ping" and "Bao" are thin and long, with a bare back. The other kind of Qian Wen is the same as the previous one, but slightly smaller, and has a wide margin. "Zhiping Longying" was cast in the late Li Dynasty, and the political situation was becoming increasingly turbulent, so there were fewer casting companies.
Li Huizong
There is no literature record or physical discovery of Huizong's coin casting.
Li Zhaohuang
There are no literature records and material objects found on the coins cast by Emperor Zhao.



Advocate Buddhism

As early as LyThaiTo At that time, he attached importance to Buddhism. He himself was a monk, who taught all kinds of things. With his help, he seized power. Since then, the monk class has gained a special position in the government of the Li Dynasty, and Wanxing was honored as a "national teacher" by Taizu Li. Later, the monarch also imitated the practice of Taizu and even granted the monks a manor. When Li Gaozong arrived, he issued an edict to recruit Shatiao monks to participate in reform politics in the court and give advice.
The government of the Li Dynasty invested a lot of money to promote Buddhism. Throughout the country, the government has vigorously built temples and pagodas Yizhu Temple Country Guarding Temple , Zhangshan Temple, Foji Temple, Tianfu Temple, Yongqing Temple, etc. In order to get《 tripitaka 》Etc Buddhist classics The Li Dynasty sent envoys to the Song Dynasty of China for many times. Every spring and autumn, Dafa Festival, Lantern Buddhist Festival and Dharma Hall are held as Buddhist ceremonies. Buddhism became the state religion of the Li Dynasty.

Culture, education and imperial examinations

In the Song Dynasty of China, the same period as the Li Dynasty, Confucianism was respected and Neo Confucianism flourished. The cultural and educational policies implemented by the Li Dynasty government were also influenced by the Chinese style of study. In 1070 (the second year of Shenwu), Li Shengzong Build Confucian Temple and set up prescribed sacrifices Confucius Duke Zhou This is of epoch-making significance. The historian Chen Chongjin (namely Chen Zhongjin )It is said that Vietnam "has Confucian temples dedicated to Confucius and all the sages since this time".
After the introduction of the policy of advocating Confucianism, the government of the Li Dynasty further implemented the Chinese style Imperial examination system , and select people to serve as officials. In 1075 (the fourth year of Taining), the imperial court held the "Ming classics erudition and test" Confucianism ”Three games, the winner Li Wensheng He was immediately employed by the imperial court to "serve the imperial school" (that is, teach the rulers to learn) and became a young master Li Renzong This is the beginning of the imperial examination system in Vietnam. In 1076 (the first year of Yingwu Zhaosheng), the imperial court set up a Imperial College, and selected civilian officials who were literate to learn Chinese. In 1077 (the second year of Yingwu Zhaosheng), officials were assessed, and the contents of the examination were books, calculations and criminal laws. In 1086 (the second year of Guangyou), it was established Imperial Academy Select talents with literary talent from all over the country to serve in the Imperial Academy. In 1195 (ten years of Tianzi Jiarui), Li Gaozong The "Three Religions" (Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism) examination was held. In addition to the national capital Shenglong, there are also "local examinations" at the local level, which are based on a two-level system and select candidates from different levels. This series of measures feudalistic age The imperial examination system laid the foundation.
According to Chinese scholars Guo Zhenduo Zhang Xiaomei According to the statistics of the Li Dynasty, Li Renzong (reigned from 1072 to 1127) Li Yingzong (1138-1175) and Li Gaozong (1176-1210). Among them, Li Renzong opened the imperial examination once, and the number of candidates was ten; Li Yingzong started his career once, and the number of candidates is unknown; Li Gaozong also started his career once, with 20 candidates. In addition, Guo Zhenduo and Zhang Xiaomei also believed that the imperial examination of the Li Dynasty, together with the private land system landlord class Rise related. As the private land system spread throughout the country, the Li Dynasty granted land to those who had passed the imperial examination in order to cooperate with this objective fact, thus encouraging private land, contributing to economic construction and increasing National income

International Relations


And the Song Dynasty

The Li Dynasty in Vietnam was worth the Song Dynasty in China. Jianlong The first year (960) Northern Song Dynasty Establish. In 1980, Vietnam Li Huan Capture Ding Dynasty Regime establishment Pre Li Dynasty Song Taizong As a result of the war with Li in the following year (981), the Song army was defeated. In the year of Shuntian Yuannian (1010), Li Taizu claimed to be Li Taizu soon after he became independent on behalf of Li“ Annan Quiet Navy The right to stay behind ", sent envoys to the Song Dynasty to pay tribute to the local things to show good relations. At that time Song Zhenzong The emperor despised Li's seizure of power and believed that "Li Zhizhong (the former lying emperor of Li Dynasty) Li Long Collar )It is gained through injustice, and the public accumulation is especially followed, and the benefits are hateful ", but Song Zhenzong believed that“ Jiaozhou Malaria "," If the army is launched, there will be more deaths and injuries ", unwilling to send troops to the south like Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, so he recognized Li Gongyun's ruling position and conferred him the title of" Tejin, Procurator Taifu Annan Duhu , quiet naval observation and disposal envoy, Jiaozhi Prince, etc. Since then, the Li Dynasty has sent envoys to the Song Dynasty for many times, with frequent exchanges. Chinese scholars Guo Zhenduo Zhang Xiaomei It is pointed out that the Li Dynasty sent envoys to the Song Dynasty in the following years: 1010, 1012, 1014, 1019, 1023, 1058, 1063, 1069, 1073, 1078, 1082, 1087, 1107, 1127, 1130, 1156, 1164, 1173, 1178, 1182, 1190.
And right here LyThaiTo During this period, the Li Dynasty began to invade the border of the Song Dynasty. In the fifth year of Shuntian (1014), Zhang Dang, a "alien" in Vietnam, fled to China because he was punished by the Li Dynasty Qinzhou Li Chao plundered Ruhong Stronghold in Qinzhou on the pretext of chasing fugitives. Song Zhenzongming Guangnan West Road official in charge of transportation Claim responsibility from Li Chao. In the 19th year of Shuntian's reign (1028), Li Taizu "ordered his son and son-in-law Shen Chenggui, etc. to lead people into his own way and plunder border people", and the Song Dynasty still ordered the Guangnan West Road Forwarder to pursue the case against the Li Dynasty. Since then, the invasion of the Song Dynasty by the Li Dynasty has continued unabated. In the October of the lunar calendar in the third year of Tongrui (1036), Li Taizong sent troops to invade the Song Siling and other states, and plundered and destroyed, "looting cattle and horses, burning houses and returning". Zhangsheng Jiaqing In the first year (1059), the Li Dynasty invaded Qinzhou of the Song Dynasty. In the second year of Zhangsheng Jiaqing (1060), Lang Zhou Mu Shen Shaotai hunted down the fugitive soldiers, chased them into the Song Dynasty, and plundered the Song Dynasty people and horses. But in general, the Song Dynasty still adopted a policy of tolerance, Taining In the first year (1072), the Shenzong made more overtures to Li Renzong, the new emperor and minister who came to power at that time Gaoping Province Guangyuan Prefecture), etc.
Song Shenzong stay Xining During the period of 1068-1077, the government adopted a tough attitude towards Vietnam. According to Song people author of the history Zizhi Tongjian Narration: "In Xining, the court sent Sink up Liu Yi Know Guizhou one after another region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam Qi and Yi make warships, unite with Dong Ding to protect armour, give array pictures, and make teach martial arts However, the behavior of the Song people was revealed to the Li Dynasty by Xu Baixiang, a spy stationed in the southern Vietnam in the Northern Song Dynasty, who volunteered to propose "the art of war:‘ Ancestors have the heart to rob others ’If we don't raise our troops to invade first, Baixiang should be our domestic agent. So the Li Dynasty attacked the Song Dynasty in the fourth year of Yitaining (1075) Li Changjie Lead the army to invade Qinzhou Lianzhou Yongzhou Etc. In the battle of Yongzhou, Zhizhou Su Ju Struggling to resist, the city burned itself and died. The army of the Li Dynasty slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the three states of Qin, Lian and Yong, and captured the people back. The Song Dynasty immediately counterattacked. In March of the fifth year of Taining (1076), the Song Dynasty was appointed Guo Kui , Zhao Gao, etc Occupy the city , Zhenla and other countries launched a joint attack. Vietnamese general Li Changjie is in Ruyue River (In Vietnam Beining Province Ruyue Village, Dujiang Lower section )Defeat Song's army, and Guo Kui retreats. After that, Guo Kui's troops recaptured Guangyuan Prefecture, and then went to the Fuliang River (one said it was Zuojiang, the other said it was Red River )Defeat the Vietnamese army and kill Prince Hongzhen of Vietnam. Fearful, Li Renzong asked the Song side for a truce and was willing to return the captured people. The Song Dynasty also handed Guangyuan Prefecture (renamed Shunzhou) back to the Li Dynasty, and the two countries were reunited.
Tianfu Celebrates Birthday In the first year (1127), Jin destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty moved south to become Southern Song Dynasty However, the friendly relationship between Vietnam and Song Dynasty lasted until the late Li Dynasty.
In addition to the war and tribute relations Commercial trade It is also very frequent. When Li Gongyun asked the Song Dynasty to set up a trade fair in Qinzhou to allow businessmen from both countries to trade, but Song Zhenzong gave up because the Li Dynasty harassed the border guards. Song Huizong During Zhenghe's reign (1111-1118), he began to open an exchange in Yongzhou. Huizong Later, because the Song Dynasty was troubled by the enemy in the north, it had no time to visit the south, which made the business activities of the two countries more active. In addition to Yongzhou, Qinzhou, Lianzhou, and Guangxi Youjiang River Nanjiangzhai is also an important place for both parties to discuss. In terms of trade goods, Vietnamese are famous for incense, rhinoceros horn, gold, silver, salt, fish, shrimp, clams Agarwood Pearl , ivory, etc., trade Chinese silk brocade, silk cloth, bronze ware, porcelain, "meter cloth", silk, paper and pen, medicinal materials, etc. With the close exchanges between Song and Li, there are many Chinese immigrants to Vietnam, making Vietnam an important country for overseas Chinese activities. But at the same time, human trafficking between the two countries is also very active, Border areas Human traffickers in the two countries sell thousands of border people every year, and the victims are slaves for life.

And Dali

Dali is adjacent to the Li Dynasty in Vietnam. As early as the late Tang Dynasty, Vietnam was the predecessor of Dali Nanzhao Guomeng's intrusion. The Li Dynasty still clashed with Dali. In 1012 (the third year of Li Shuntian), Dali (also known as "Hetuoman", "Hezheman"), a Chinese scholar Fang Guoyu It was called Nanzhao State in the late Tang Dynasty, which was still used in Dali. People came to Weilongzhou (in Vietnam) Xuanguang Li Taizu sent people to capture the Dali More than ten thousand people and horses returned. In the next lunar October (1013, the fourth year of Li Shuntian), Weilong Prefecture surrendered to Dali, and Li Taizu invaded Weilong Prefecture in person, expelling He Zejun, the leader of Weilong Prefecture. But this led Dali to send troops to Vietnam. In the fifth year of Shuntian era (1014), General Yang Changhui (Du Changhui) and Duan Jingzhi of Dali led 200000 troops into Vietnam. Li Taizu sent troops to resist. He defeated Dali's army in Jinhuabu area of Pinglin Prefecture (also known as "Fanglin" and "Maolin", in Gaoping, Vietnam), beheaded more than 10000 soldiers and captured a large number of horses. After the victory of the Li Dynasty, the envoy sent 60 horses from the spoils to the Northern Song Dynasty to show his military exploits cap and belt , coins, horses, etc.
In the time of Emperor Taizong Li, the uprising took place in Guangyuan Prefecture (in today's Lang Son, Vietnam, which belonged to the Song Dynasty at that time) and other places Nong Zhigao Over the years, they successively attacked Vietnam and Song regions. By 1053 (Li Chongxing Dabao Five years), Nong Zhigao's forces were severely defeated by the Song army. Later, according to Vietnamese classics《 Complete Records of the History of Dayue 》According to the record, Nong Zhi sent envoys to the Li Dynasty to ask for help, which was higher than the October of the lunar calendar that year. Later, Nong Zhigao was defeated by the Song army again, fled to Dali, and was finally killed by Dali people, who gave his head to the Song Dynasty.

And Champa

Zhan Po (also known as Occupy the city )Located in the central and southern regions of Vietnam, it is the southern neighbor of the Li Dynasty. As early as before the Li Dynasty, there had been many wars between Vietnamese and Champa, but at the same time, Champa The government also sent envoys to Nantong, Vietnam.
In the second year of Shuntian (1011) when Li Taizu ascended the throne, Zhancheng presented lions to the Li Dynasty as a gesture of friendship. However, the two sides met many times in the future. In the 12th year of Shuntian's reign (1021), the Emperor Taizu ordered his son, Kaitian King Li Fuma, to lead an army to invade the south, attack Zhanpo Buzheng Zhai, and kill the local "Bu Ling" (official name). In the second year of the Ming Dynasty (1043), the Lord Janpocha, the Yaseng, sent a water army(《 Complete Records of the History of Dayue 》Called "Zhancheng Fenglang Thief") invaded the coastal territory of the Li Dynasty, and Li Taizong prepared the Southern Expedition and built more than 100 warships on the ground that Zhanpo had not sent envoys for many years. The next year (1044), he personally went to war with Zhanpo's army on the south bank of Wupu River. In this battle, the Vietnamese army won, and the King Zhanpo was killed. More than 30000 people died in the military war and more than 5000 were captured, Sixty war elephants died. In the seventh lunar month of that year, the Vietnamese army entered the capital of Champa Srivijaya (Also made“ Vijaya ”), plundering the palace and returning. This war also led to the end of the 8th Champa Dynasty.
After Li Taizong led the army back to China, Zhanpo was once trapped in civil strife. The new monarch Jayapuromi Rahman I (also known as "Yongni", the first king of the ninth dynasty of Champa) quickly tidied up the order. The inscription of Champa said that he "went to pacify the chaos with all the officers and men". On the other hand, Zhan Wang tried to mend relations with Vietnam. Heavenly Sense Holy Martial Arts In the fourth year (1047), Zhan Po sent an envoy to Vietnam, but the court of the Li family thought that Zhan Wang was disobedient and sent Zhan Po's envoy into exile. However, the king still adopted a friendly attitude and sent a gift to the Li Dynasty in the second year of Dabao in Chongxing (1050) White elephant Long Rui Taiping In the second year (1055), envoys were sent to Vietnam to congratulate Li Shengzong on his accession to the throne, in 1057 (the fourth year of Li Longrui's Taiping, or 1059, the first year of Li Zhangsheng's Jiaqing), and in the second year of Zhang Shengjiaqing (1060), envoys were sent to Vietnam to send gifts and visit.
In 1061, after King Ludla Bhamo III of Zhanpo (also known as "Shililu Tea Tray Machang Yangpu", "Yangbu Shilu Tubang Motiva", "Diju", "Zhiju", etc.) ascended the throne, he reorganized his military to attack Vietnam. But before the war, he still made a friendly gesture to Vietnam Tianqi Treasure Elephant In the first year (1068), an envoy was sent to Vietnam for a visit. By the end of 1068, Zhanpo finally invaded the border of the Li Dynasty, and Li Shengzong immediately responded. Shenwu In February of the first year (1069), Li Chaofa navy Going south, the momentum is overwhelming Rili Haikou,&Cedil; ri Banö y and other places defeated and occupied the army in the Xumaojiang River, and occupied the capital of the abandoned kingdom Srivijaya (also known as "Vajjaya") fled, so the Vietnamese army entered and occupied Buddha, and finally in April, the general Li Changjie Capture Zhan Wang. Li Shengzong went to the Champa Palace to feast the officials, sent envoys to the Song Dynasty to declare victory, and withdrew the army to return home in June. During the period when the Vietnamese army occupied the Buddha's death, they went rampant and looted. According to《 A Brief History of Yue 》It is recorded that: "The king (referring to Li Shengzong) ordered people inside and outside the Buddha Oath City to count more than 2560 districts and burn them." The inscription of Zhanpo also recorded that: "The Yue soldiers invaded Zhanpo, and the wealth of the king god was all obtained. The temples, palaces, villages, horses, elephants, cattle, and valleys of Zhanpo's states were plundered." The Li Dynasty also took the release of the king of Zhanpo as a condition to carve out Dilizhou (also known as "Dili") ), Maling State and Burmese State (these three states are in Vietnam today Guangping Province and Guangzhi Province )In Zhanpo's country, there was a chaos of separatism. In 1071, there was a Champa envoy who sent gifts to Yuezhi. French scholars pointed out that it was difficult to confirm whether it was sent by Luthera Bhama III.
Later, according to the inscription of Zhanpo, the 10th Dynasty's Hlebamo III took the throne in 1074, the third year of Taining, and cleaned up the mess, while the former King Ludhara Bhamo III defected to the Li Dynasty in Vietnam. In the fourth year of Taining (1075), the Li Dynasty sent Li Changjie to attack Zhanpo in an attempt to help Lutharabamo III reset, but was repulsed by the occupying army. In the same year, war broke out between the Northern Song Dynasty and Vietnam. At the beginning of the next year (1076), the Great Song Dynasty sent envoys to contact Zhanpo chenla Cambodia ), attack Li Chao together. Zhan Po sent 7000 troops to check Li Chao. However, in the end, the combined forces of Song, Zhanpo and Zhenla did not pose a fatal threat to the Li Dynasty. In the second year of Yingwu Zhaosheng (1077), Zhanpo sent envoys to Vietnam again to visit Tonghao.
Guangyou In the second year (1086), Champa sent envoys to Vietnam to give gifts, but the two countries did not really make up. In that year, Zhan Po sent an envoy to the Song Dynasty and asked that when Vietnamese and Zhan envoys entered the Song Dynasty at the same time, the Song people should not meet on the same occasion. Zhan asked to express his dissatisfaction with the Li Dynasty. In 1092 (the eighth year of Li Guangyou), Zhanpo sent an envoy to the Song Dynasty to propose a joint expedition against Vietnam, but the Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty refused the proposal on the ground that the Li Dynasty often paid tribute to the Song Dynasty. Li Renzong of Vietnam also Huifeng In the third year (1094), an envoy was sent to urge Champa to pay tribute to Vietnam. Out of fear, Zhan Po frequently sent gifts to the Li Dynasty in the fourth year of Huifeng (1095), the sixth year of Huifeng (1097), the seventh year of Huifeng (1098), the eighth year of Huifeng (1099) and the second year of Longfu Yuanhua (1102).
In October of the third year of Longfu Yuanhua (1103), Li Jue in Yanzhou, Vietnam, launched a rebellion and was defeated by General Li Changjie. Li Jue fled to Champa and went to King Jabata Indravarman II (Monarch of the Tenth Champa Dynasty) provides internal information of the Li Dynasty. Zhanpo then sent troops to attack Vietnam and recovered the three states of Dili, Maling and Buzheng. In February of the next year (1104), the Li Dynasty sent Li Changjie to fight against Zhanpo and seize three states including Tianli. So Zhan Po sent envoys to Vietnam again to show her friendship. Since then, she has sent envoys to Vietnam. Huixiang Daqing Eight years (1117), nine years (1118) of Huixiang Daqing Heavenly Talisman In the first year (1120), the fifth year of Tianfu Ruiwu (1124), and the seventh year of Tianfu Ruiwu (1126), Champa sent envoys to Vietnam several times. Especially in 1126, Li Renzong hosted a banquet for Champa's envoy.
During the reign of Emperor Li Shenzong, another neighbor of the Li Dynasty, Zhenla (also known as "Zhanla"“ khmer ”)Start to intensify the attack on Vietnam, and Zhanpo is also involved in it. In July of the fifth year of Tianshun (1132), Zhanpo and Zhenla united to attack Li Chaoyi Anzhou, and Li Chao immediately sent Yang Yinger, the first lieutenant, to defeat the allied forces of the two countries. Later, when Li Yingzong was alive, Zhanpo refused to assist Zhenla in attacking Vietnam. In the sixth year of Dading (1145), Zhenla sent troops to attack and occupy the city of Buddha's death (the first work, "Vajraja").
Shortly after, Janpochio Harivarman I (The monarch of the 12th Dynasty of Zhanpo, also known as "Zou Shi Lan Ba" and "Zhi Pi Luo Bi") ascended the throne to recover the death of Buddha, but the royal family of Zhanpo also had internal strife, and Jakayah Libama I gave up with his wife and brother rajas (Vanç araja, also known as "Yongming Dies" and "Yongming Dies"). Banseraja was not good, so he asked the Li Dynasty of Vietnam for help. The Li Dynasty canonized Banseraja as the King of Zhanpo, and sent Li Meng and Banseraja to lead the army to occupy it. The battle was also recorded in the inscription of Champa: "Yavana Wang Kanjatsu Yahalibamo was invincible, and wanted to stop it, he ordered Champa like Serra to be the king, gave many Vietnamese generals, and strengthened more than 100000 troops (according to Vietnamese historical records, the Li Dynasty sent Qinghua Yi An More than 5000 people went to war). Jakaya Libama led the army of the dead Buddha to defeat it, and the dead could not defeat. " Both Sasaraja and Li Meng were killed in battle. When the war took place, the French scholar George Maspero (i.e Ma Bole )At the end of 1150 or the beginning of 1151《 Complete Records of the History of Dayue 》It was recorded in the 13th year of Dading (1152), and said that in October of that year, Li Yingzong married the daughter of King Zhanpo.
For more than ten years after that, although Champa continued to send envoys to the Li Dynasty to give gifts, there were also activities in the border area. Even the envoys to Vietnam plundered the Vietnamese people on their way. Li Chao is finally here Zhenglong Baoying For five years (1167), riding on the Jawabata Indra Bamo IV (also known as "Zou Yana") was appointed minister soon after he ascended the throne Su Xiancheng As the leader of the expedition, King Zhanpoxin was afraid of the war against Vietnam and sent pearls to the Vietnamese, but Vietnam returned from the war. Since Jaindra Bhama IV, Zhanpo has concentrated on chenla China started a war, while the Li Dynasty was sometimes repaired and sometimes invaded. In the eighth year of Zhenglong Baoying (1170), Zhanpo sent an envoy to Vietnam for a visit. In the second year of Zhenfu (1177), Zhan Po entered Yi'an, Vietnam. Chaste amulet In the ninth year (1184), Zhanpo sent an envoy to visit. Tiancai Jiarui In the 13th year (1198), Suliyebamo (also known as "Buchi"), the king of Champa, sent an envoy to the Li Dynasty to ask for the title, and the Li Dynasty granted him the title of king the next year (1199).
Tianjiabaoyou In the second year (1203), Dhanapati Grama, the uncle of King Zhanpo, colluded with Zhenla to attack King Suliyebamo. When the king was defeated, he took more than 200 remaining warships and fled to Kilohekou (also called "Jiluo Haikou") in Vietnam, asking for Vietnamese support. Vietnam? Yi An Local officials Du Qing, Fan Yan and others reported to the court, and the Li Dynasty sent ministers Tan Yimeng , Duane, etc. However, Tan Yimeng and Duan were worried about the fraud of the Champa King and were unwilling to provide assistance. Du Qing and Fan Yan, in order to protect themselves, planned to attack and occupy King Zhanpo, but the plot was leaked. King Zhanpo attacked and killed more than 200 people of Du Qing, Fan Yan and Yi'an soldiers, and then fled to the sea without knowing where they were going. So Zhanpo became a dependency of Zhenla (from 1203 to 1220), and Zhenla appointed Tanapardi to manage Zhanpo. In the time of Li Huizong, Zhenla invaded Yi'an Prefecture of Vietnam twice in the seventh year of Jianjia (1216) and the ninth year of Jianjia (1218). Zhanpo people also helped Zhenla fight, but they were repulsed by Li Buchan, the Yi'an officer.

And Zhenla

chenla (also called "Zhanla" and "Jimei") Indochina Peninsula Later Cambodia The true wax in the Li Dynasty corresponds to Angkor Dynasty , including the southern part of Vietnam Laos South and Thailand Part of the territory also has contacts with the Li Dynasty. According to《 Complete Records of the History of Dayue 》According to records, at the beginning of 1014, the Li Dynasty won the battle against Dali. Since that year, Zhenla sent envoys to Vietnam many times to send gifts, which lasted until the later stage of the Li Dynasty. The years when Zhenla sent envoys were: 1014, 1020, 1025, 1026, 1033, 1039, 1056, 1118, 1120, 1123, 1135, 1191.
However, there were many conflicts between Zhenla and the Li Dynasty. According to《 History of the Song Dynasty 》Contained in Song Renzong Of jiayou In the sixth year (1062, the fourth year of Li Zhangsheng's Jiaqing reign), the officials of Guangnan West Road reported to the Song Dynasty: "Zhan Lasu did not learn the military, and Pay (that is, the Li Dynasty in Vietnam) is a neighbor who often invades the country ", pointing out that the country is often harassed by the Li Dynasty. When Li Renzong arrived, in 1076 (the fifth year of Li Taining), during the war between the two countries, both Zhenla and Zhancheng (today's Nanzhong and southern Vietnam) joined the camp of the Great Song Dynasty and fought against Vietnam together. This was an earlier dispute between Zhenla and the Li Dynasty in Vietnam.
Later, Zhenla attacked Yue several times, and the attack place was mainly in the area of Yi'an. Tianshun In the first month of the first year (1128), soon after Li Shenzong succeeded to the throne, Zhenla sent more than 20000 troops to attack the Potoubu area in Yi'an Prefecture, which was defeated by Li Gongping, the general of the Li Dynasty, and captured the main general and soldiers of Zhenla's army. In August of the same year, Zhenla sent more than 700 warships to attack Dujia area in Yi'an Prefecture, which was defeated by the Li Dynasty's army. At the end of that year, Zhenla sent a letter to the Li Dynasty government asking for an envoy to visit the country, but the Li Dynasty government ignored it. In August of the fifth year of Tianshun (1132), Zhenla allied with Zhancheng to invade Yi'an, but was defeated by Yang Yinger, the Lieutenant of the Li Dynasty. In September of the same year, the Yi'an Prefecture government successfully captured three Zhanpo people who often abducted Yi'an people and sold Zhenla, and escorted them to the court of the Li Dynasty. Tianzhang Treasure Heir At the beginning of the fifth year (1137), when Zhenla invaded, the Li Dynasty sent Li Gongping, the first lieutenant, to repel it.
In the late Li Dynasty, Zhenla still attacked Vietnam. In the time of Li Yingzong, in September of the 11th year of Dading (1150), Zhenla sent troops to invade Yi'an and go to Misty Mountain Summer dampness When a large number of soldiers died of illness, they withdrew without fighting. During the reign of Li Huizong, there were civil unrest in China, and Zhenla and Zhanpo took the opportunity to attack Vietnam (Zhanpo was the territory of Zhenla from 1203 to 1220). In the seventh year of Jianjia (1216), Zhenla and Zhanpo attacked Yi'an Prefecture and were repulsed by Li Buran, the Yi'an officer. Two years later (1218), Zhenla attacked Yi'an with Zhanpo again, but was defeated by Li Buchan again.

And mourning prison

Another neighboring ethnic group in Vietnam Mourning prison It is also the target of the Li Dynasty. As early as the time of Ding and Li, they launched a crusade against the "Julong bandits" who originally belonged to Ailao. The second year of Shuntian (1011) February in the lunar calendar Li Taizu attacked Julong in person, and "burned his tribe in the war, captured his leader and returned, and the thief was killed". In September of the fifth year of Tiangan Shengwu (1048), Emperor Taizong ordered an army to invade the people of Kouai prison and "save them and return them".

Other countries

There is an independent tribe living in the Tuojiang River basin. Vietnam calls it Bull roars pretty (Thai people). According to Huang Zhongzheng's Xinghua Local Records, "Niu Hou's words and characters are the same as Ailao's. Now (1066 AD), it has entered the territory of Xinghua Anzhou It's the place. ". Xieng Khouang The people in Niu Hou area are often attacked. They are not willing to be ruled by the Vietnamese feudal rulers tributes paid by a vassal state ”。 The rulers of the Li Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty fought in person several times (13 times from the Li Dynasty to the Chen Dynasty). In the 10th year of Huixiang Daqing (1119), Li Renzong "captured hundreds of people including Wei Pang, the head of his cave, and returned them". with Dry railing building Determine national boundaries.

Imperial lineage

Li Dynasty (1010-1224)
Temple name
Posthumous title
full name
be alive
imperial mausoleum
Thái Tổ
Shenwu Emperor
Thần Vũ Hoàng Đế
Lý Công Uẩn
Shuntian Thu ậ n Thi ê n 1010-1028
Shouling Tomb
Thọ Lăng
Thái Tô ng
Li Fuma (Li Dezheng)
Lý Phật Mã
Tiancheng Thi ê n Th à nh 1028-1034
Thô Ng Th ụ y 1034-1039
Qianfu Youdao C à n Ph ù H ữ u Đ o 1039-1042
Mingdao Minh ạạạ 1042-1044
Tiangan Shengwu Thi ê n C ≮ m Th á nh V ũ 1044-1049
Chongxing Dabao S ù ng H ư ng Đạạạạạạạ较较较较较较较较较较较较较较36739
Shouling Tomb
Thọ Lăng
Saint Pope
Thánh Tô ng
Lý Nhật Tô n
Long Th ụ y Th á i B ì nh 1054-1058
Ch ư ng Th á nh Gia Kh á nh 1059-1065
Long Ch ư ng Thi ê n T ự 1066-1068
Thi ê n Th ố ng B ≮ o T ư ng 1068-1069
Shenwu Th ầ n V ũ 1069-1072
Shouling Tomb
Thọ Lăng
Nhân Tông
Filial Piety, Holy Spirit, Wen Wu Emperor
Hiếu Từ Thánh Thần Văn Vũ Hoàng Đế
Lý Càn Đức
Taining Th á i Ninh 1072-1076
Yingwu Zhaosheng Anh V ũ Chi ế n Th ắ ng 1076-1084
Guangyou Qu ≮ ng H ự u 1085-1092
Huifeng, 1092-1100
Long Ph ù 1101-109
Huixiang Daqing, 1110-1119
Thi ê n Ph ù Du ệ V ũ 1120-1126
Thi ê n Ph ù Kh á nh Th ọ 1127
Qiande Mausoleum
Thiên Đức Lăng
Thần Tô ng
Guangrenchongxiao Wenwu Emperor
Quảng Nhâ n Sùng Hiếu Văn Vũ Hoàng Đế
Lý Dương Hoán
Tianshun Thi ê n Thu ậ n 1128-1132
Tian Zhangbao Thi ê n Ch ư ơơơựự 1133-1138
Shouling Tomb
Thọ Lăng
Anh Tông
Lý Thiên Tộ
Shaoming Thi ệ u Minh 1138-1140
Zhenglong Baoying Ch í nh Long B ∨ o Ứ ng 1163-174
Tiangan Zhibao Thi ê n C ∨ m Ch í B ∨ o 1174-175
Shouling Tomb
Thọ Lăng
Gao Zong
Cao Tông
Li Longhan (Li Longpeng)
Lý Long Trát(Lý Long Cán)
Zhenfu Trinh Ph ù 1176-1186
Tianzi Jiarui Thi ê n T ư Gia Th ụ y 1186-1202
Tian Jia Bao You Thi ê n Gia B ∨ o H ự u 1202-1204
Controlling Longying Tr ị B ì nh Long Ứ ng 1205-1211
Shouling Tomb
Thọ Lăng
Huệ Tô ng
Lý (Hạo)Sảm
Jianjia Ki ế n Gia 1211-1224
Emperor Zhao
Chiêu Hoàng Đế
Li Fojin (Li Tianxin)
Lý Phật Kim(Lý Thiên Hinh)
Thi ê n Ch ư ng H ữ u Đ o 1224-1225

Royal family

After Chen took the place of Li, he began to clean the Li royal family. In the eighth month of the lunar calendar in the second year of Jianzhong (1226), the then ruler Chen Shoudu He made an allegory of Emperor Li and let him commit suicide. Tianying Zhengping In June of the first year (1232), there was one person in the Chen Dynasty Chen Li Therefore, it is necessary to change "Li" to "Ruan" for the reason of avoiding taboo, so as to "break people's expectation of Li". In the winter of the same year, Chen Shoudu saw that the Li people were dissatisfied with the death of Emperor Li, so he buried the Li people with a trap.
In the middle of the Chen Dynasty, some Li family members were also employed by the imperial court. stay Daqing In August of 1318, the Chen Dynasty sent troops to attack Zhan Po One of the generals was "General of the Li Family", Xiao Su Marquis Li Bijian, who died in the battle. Vietnamese Historical Records《 Compendium of Imperial Guide to Yue History 》It was also pointed out that Li Bijian was the "Li family".
In addition, at the time of the demise of the Li Dynasty, the imperial family Li Yangkun Li Longxiang Wait, I escaped Korean Peninsula Of Gaoli And has been living in the country. His descendants are the Jingshan Li and Huashan Li in South Korea. their Patriarchal clan association The delegation visited Vietnam in 1995.