zero Useful+1

Li Kui Newspaper

Minister and litterateur in the middle of the Korean Dynasty
Li Kuibao (이규보보, 1169-1241), initially named Rendi (also called Rendi), word Chunqing, number Baiyun Jushi, Zhixuan, Mr. Sankuhao [28] , Korean Huang Li (now Lizhou, Gyeonggi do, South Korea), Korea Dynasty Middle term minister and writer.
Li Kuibao became a scholar in the thirtieth year of Dading (1190, the first year of Mingchang) and lived in seclusion in Tianmo Mountain for several years. In the fourth year of Cheng'an (1199), he received a powerful minister Cui Zhongxian He became an official and served as the prefectural secretary, and was soon dismissed for offending his colleagues. In December of the seventh year of Taihe (1207), Cui Zhongxian arranged him as Quan Buzhi Imperial Academy, and later he mainly served as court official specialized in literature And gradually gained Cui Zhongxian Cui Yu (Cui Yi) In addition to being demoted for two times in the following three decades, his father and son were favored by him, and he rose all the way up. Finally, he became an official and became an official by taking the posts of guarding the imperial palace and serving as a servant. Gaoli Gaozong He died in the year of Xinchou (1241) with a posthumous title of Wenshun.
Li Kui reported cool poems, wine and zither, especially in poetry creation. He is a literary school in the middle of Korea, and Cui Zhiyuan Li Qixian He was also called the three ancient poets of the Korean Peninsula. His poems were well received by Chinese poets of the Tang Dynasty Li Bai Great influence, known as "Haidong" Immortal releaser ”。 The posthumous works are《 Li Xiangguo Collection of Eastern Countries 》Etc. [30-31]
True name
Li Kui Newspaper
Li Rendi (also known as Li Rendi)
Baiyun Jushi, Zhixuan, Mr. Sankuhao
Korea Dynasty
date of birth
January 15, 1169 (December 16, 2008)
Date of death
October 8, 1241 (September 2nd, the Year of Sin Chou)
Key achievements
High poetic attainments, and Cui Zhiyuan Li Qixian And called the three ancient poets on the Korean Peninsula
Official position
Doctor Jin Ziguanglu, Shou Taibao, the chamberlain Ping Zhangshi, the master of Xiuwen Hall, the supervisor of national history, the judge of rites, the imperial academy, the crown prince
Posthumous title
Wen Shun

Character's Life


Early experience

Li Kuibao's Family Map
Li Kuibao was born on December 16, the eighth year of Dading (January 15, 1169). [1] He was intelligent since childhood and was able to write articles at the age of nine. He was known as a "strange boy". He never forgot the books of hundreds of classics and history or Buddhism and Taoism. [2] At the age of 14, Li Kui reported to be enrolled in the study of Cheng Mingzhai, the official apprentice of Wen Xian, but he "allowed himself to drink freely, did not self check, only took the wind and the moon as his work, and did not learn the imperial examination", so that he was repeatedly ranked in the Sima examination (supervision examination), and was not accepted until the 29th year of Dading (1189) Liu Gongquan First. [3]
In June of the 30th year of Dading (1190, the first year of Mingchang), Li Kui reported that general civil service examinations , Deng Tongjinshidi, ashamed of his poor performance, wanted to resign from his official position, but gave up under the circumstances of his father's responsibility and no old rules. [4]
In August of the second year of Mingchang (1191), Li Kui reported Ding's father worries , lived in Tianmo Mountain and called himself Bai Yun Ju Shi. Since then, he has lived a life of lacking talent. [5]
In December of the second year of Cheng'an (1197), the new military minister leader came to power Cui Zhongxian Li Kui reported to Zhao Yongren, Ren Ru, Cui Shen Cui Dang Four "Confucian officials and prime ministers" Gan Ye Shi , request for appointment. [6] In December, the four ministers jointly recommended Li Kui to become an official, starting from a local official, and getting approval for his future appointment as Wenhan. However, Cheng Xuan, who was in charge of memorials, had a problem with Li Kuibao, so he detained the son and refused to give it to the official department, falsely claiming that he was lost, so Li Kuibao failed to become an official. [7]

Ups and downs of the official sea

In May of the fourth year of Cheng'an (1199), Cui Zhongxian invited scholars to his home to recite poems. Li Kuibao was invited, and his poems were noticed by Cui Zhongxian. Cui Zhongxian remembered the previous seizure of Yuzi, lamenting that "scholars envy each other like this", so he intended to use Li Kuibao. In June, Li Kui Newspaper was awarded as the head secretary of the prefecture's pastoral department. [8]
In December of the fifth year of Cheng'an (1200), Li Kui Bao was framed by the general sentence of the whole prefecture and deprived of his official position. [9]
In May of the second year of Taihe (1202), Li Kui reported Ding Muyou December, Tokyo (now Korea Qingzhou )When the rebellion broke out, the imperial court wanted to use the people who had been admitted to the imperial court but had not yet become official as the system repairers to go with the army. Most of the eligible people tried every means to avoid, and Li Kui pushed away the three people before the newspaper. When it was Li Kui's turn to report, he said: "Although I am cowardly, I am also a citizen of the country. I escape from national difficulties, not a man." So he signed up to join the army and became a system of military record and training. [10]
In March of the fourth year of Taihe (1204), the rebellion subsided, and Li Kui reported his victory with the army, but he was not awarded a reward. [11]
In the fifth year of Taihe (1205), Li Kuibao wrote a letter to Cui Shen, the prime minister, asking to become an official, but it failed. [12]
In the seventh year of Taihe (1207), Li Kui Newspaper was recommended by Confucian officials from the History Museum, the Imperial Academy, the Imperial College and other institutions, and Cui Zhongxian agreed with him to become an official. When he set up a Mao Pavilion, Li Kui Newspaper and Li Renlao Li Yuanlao, Li Yunfu wrote a book and asked four ministers, including Zhao Yongren, to rank the first. As a result, Li Kui was reported to be the first, so he was nailed to the wall of the pavilion. He also gave the right to fill the Imperial Academy in December, and the right was actually granted in June the next year. [13]
In the first month of the fourth year of Da'an (1212, the first year of Chongqing), Li Kui reported that he was promoted to Qianniu Wei to join the military. In June, it is also the Imperial Academy. [14]

Cui Family Guest

In December of the second year of Chongqing (1212), the son of Cui Zhongxian Cui Yu As a guest at the dinner party, Li Kuibao was invited to the dinner party even though he was an eight grade micro official. During the dinner party, Li Renlao was asked to sing rhymes, with the title of "candle". Although it was more than 40 rhymes, Li Kuibao composed poems calmly. Cui Yu watched his poems and "admired them with grief", and asked Cui Zhongxian to meet Li Kuibao to test his ability. Cui Zhongxian refused at first, but was summoned after Cui Yu repeated requests. Cui Zhongxian sees that there are peacock The title of the game is "bird", which has the same fate Piano instrument After singing more than 40 rhymes, Li Kuibao, after drinking the wine offered by Cui Zhong, thought like a spring of water, "the pen can't last for a moment". Cui Zhongxian was so impressed by Li Kui Bao that he even shed tears. After that, Cui Zhongxian asked Li Kui Bao to say what kind of official he wanted to be. Li Kui Bao said that it would be enough to rise to the seventh grade. As a result, Li Kui Bao was over awarded from the sixth grade Si Zhai Temple Cheng. [15] Since then, he has often been invited by Cui Zhongxian to recite poems and compose poems, and act as Cui Zhongxian's guest. [16]
In the third year of Zhenyou (1215), Li Kui wrote a poem to offer Cui Zhongxian and asked for a promotion. Cui Zhongxian arranged him to take the important position of right-wing speech and making an official decision. [17]
In the fifth year of Zhenyou (1217), Li Kui reported that he had been promoted to the right office to advise and make a decision, and he was given a purple goldfish bag. [18]
In the first month of the sixth year of Zhenyou's reign (1218), Li Kui reported that he had moved to Zuosi to remonstrate and make a decision. In December of the same year, Li Kui wanted to impeach those who failed to submit the Eight Pass Greeting List, but Qin Yi stopped him. The next spring, Cui Zhongxian investigated the matter, forgave Qin Yi, but relieved Li Kui of his official duties. In April, Li Kuibao was released as the deputy envoy of the Guiyang Prefecture Protectorate. [19]
In June of the eighth year of Zhenyou (1220), Li Kuibao was called by Cui Yu, who had just come to power, to be a doctor of rites, a living note, and a Zhizhigao. In December, the relocation of the imperial servant Shaoqing and Qiju Zhu. [20]
In June of 1221, the ninth year of Zhenyou's reign, Li Kuibao was appointed as Baowen Pavilion's pending and Zhizhi Gao. [20]
In June of the tenth year of Zhengyou (1222), the imperial servant Shaoqing became a regular. [20]
In December of the eleventh year of Zhenyou (1223), Li Kuibao was awarded the title of "Chaosan doctor" and "trial general", and still served as the supervisor of Baowen Pavilion. [20]
In June of the 12th year of Zhengyou (1224, Jiashen year), he will become a regular supervisor. In December, I paid homage to the imperial court officials, the son of the imperial court, and the Imperial Academy officials, and I still knew how to make a decision. [20]
In December of the Yiyou year (1225), he paid homage to Zuo Jianyi, a doctor. [20]
In December of the year of Bingxu (1226), the son of the state became a regular official. [20]
In the first month of the Wuzi year (1228), Zhongsan doctor and Wei Wei were additionally awarded. [20]
In November of Gengyinnian (1230), Cui Yu's confidant, Che Ti, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, adjusted without authorization Eight Customs Meetings It was known that Wang You, the official in charge of the Imperial Platform, denounced this behavior, but the officials in charge did not listen. At that time, Li Kuibao and Song Xun were sitting on both sides of Wang You. Later, Che Ti falsely accused Wang You of reprimanding the Prime Minister. Li Kuibao and Song Xun were also blamed for being suspected of "helping Yang" Wang You. All three were exiled, of which Li Kuibao was exiled Hedgehog Island [21]
In the first month of the year of Xinmao (1231), Li Kui reported that Measurement shift To his hometown Huangli County. In July of the same year, Mengli War Li Kuibao was summoned to Kaijing to guard the Baoding Gate in white. Although he had no official position, he was entrusted to draft the correspondence between the Korean court and Mongolia. [22]
In April of the year of Renchen (1232), Li Kui retaliated against the Secretary of the Judge Ren, the bachelor of Baowenge, the Youzhan of Qingcheng Mansion, and Zhizhigao. In June, they moved to Jianghua Island with Cui Yu. In September, the left behind Chinese army knew the military affairs. [23]

Death in old age

In June of the Guisi year (1233), because of his outstanding work in diplomacy with Mongolia, Li Kuibao was worshipped as a silver green Guanglu doctor, a deputy envoy of the Privy Council, Zuo Sanqi, and a academician. In December, he was promoted to the rank of Jinzi Guanglu Doctor, Zhimen Provincial, Hubu Shangshu, Jixian Hall Grand Scholar, Judge Ritual Department, and became a member of Zaifu. [24] [32]
In December of the year of Jiawu (1234), he was promoted to politics and supervised the revision of national history. [25]
In the first month of the year of Yiwei (1235), I paid homage to the Prince Shaofu. December, bye Enquiry into political affairs , Master of Xiuwen Hall, Judge of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Crown Prince and Taibao. [25]
Since then, Li Kuibao has repeatedly requested the above form to become an official, which was finally approved in December of the year of Dingyou (1237). He became an official with Jin Ziguanglu, Shou Taibao, the bellboy Ping Zhangshi, the great scholar of Xiuwen Hall, supervising the revision of national history, judging the Ministry of Rites, the Imperial Academy, and the crown prince Taibao“ great literature and classical works Li Kui Daily will be asked to draft a list of books and documents exchanged between different dynasties (Mongolia). [25] Cui Yi (Cui Yu) asked Li Kui who could take over his shift, and he recommended Cui An (later renamed Cui Zi )And Jinqiu [26]
In his later years, Li Kui Pao, although he was already in a high position in Zhai Fu, not only had no real power, but also had to live in poverty, so he had to borrow money from other officials in office to make a living. [40] In July of the year of Xinchou (1241), Li Kui reported that he was seriously ill. Cui Yi visited the doctor in person and published his anthology, hoping that he would see his anthology come out as a consolation. However, this work has not yet been completed, and Li Kuibao died on the second day of September. The posthumous title is Wenshun. [27]

Main impacts

Li Kui Newspaper is a literary school in the middle of Korea, whose poetry level is praised as "like the sun and the moon are insufficient". [29] His influence on literature is mainly in two aspects:
  • Poetry
Li Kui Newspaper and Cui Zhiyuan Li Qixian Qiming was one of the three ancient poets on the Korean Peninsula. His Chinese poetry has many styles, and even tried to create words. His early poems modern-style poetry Mainly, older than Ancient style poetry His poems were well received by the Romantic poets of the Tang Dynasty Li Bai He was very impressed by Li Bai. "He didn't call himself Tang Bai in his life, but was referred to as' writing about Li Tang Bai '". He was also called "Haidong" by later generations Immortal releaser ”。 At the same time, there are also many realistic works criticizing the darkness of society and caring for the sufferings of the people in his poems. In his later years, he wrote some patriotic chapters against the background of Mongolian resistance. His representative works are《 King of the Eastern Ming Dynasty 》Twenty four Chants of Kaiyuan Tianbao, Singing of Widow Women, Singing of Looking at the South Family, Looking at the East Gate for Crops, Thirsty Rain, Singing for Farmers, Uneven, Hearing Da Dan Entering Jiangnan, October Telegraph, etc. The most distinctive feature of his poetry in art is its distinctive personality and high subjectivity, so his poetry has rich imagination and powerful momentum, and has a high artistic charm, forming a peak in the history of Korean Chinese poetry. [30-31] [39]
  • article
Li Kui Bao also dabbles in various types of Chinese articles, including《 Biography of Mr. Qu 》"Kuang Bian", "Zhou Qian Shuo", "Jie Guo Ji", "Wei Fu" and so on all have a high artistic level, showing Li Kui's profound knowledge of Chinese. [30] What is worth mentioning in particular is his diplomatic documents on Mongolia. Although Li Kui once lamented that "Wen Zhuo didn't declare the Son of Heaven( This refers to the King of Korea )It's better to sit idle for the rest of your life " [41] However, the Korean people generally believed that his articles could move the Mongol Khan, so they attributed the Mongolian retreat to him, saying that he was "sincere, able to move and ruthless". [32] [39]

Historical evaluation

  • Self assessment: the nature is unrestrained, the six joints are narrow, the heaven and earth are narrow, and people who have been invited to drink wine will be happy to make it, and return after being drunk Tao Yuanming What are you doing? [35]
  • Goryeosa 》: open-minded, not engaged in production, and unrestrained in drinking. For poetry, do not follow the ancients method He is so ambitious that he can write big books for a while. Three palms of the ceremonial table have earned many celebrities. [32]
  • Cui Zi : Since he was young, he created new ideas in his writing. He spoke more and more words, and became stronger and stronger. Although it is embedded in the rhythm of the rope and ink, it is exquisite and exquisite. However, those who regard the public as a genius and handsome are not equal to the law. Covering a long article with ancient tunes and strong rhyme and danger, it is free and unrestrained to sweep a hundred papers without following the ancients. It is outstanding in nature, and it is still humble to others. Anyone who is good will be rewarded if he is right Public assets are honest and fair. It is natural to admire, praise and criticize them. The ancients said that people are indifferent to each other, which is the ear of ordinary people. [29]
  • Zhao Guangzu : Although Li Kui Newspaper had articles, he attached Cui Zhongxian, and Fang Xianzhong [Zhongxian] was good at prestige and happiness. The country was in danger and was in the middle of the day. Kui Newspaper did not say anything about this. Instead, it was too busy trying to follow him. People knew him, so they also knew that the morale was declining at that time. Late Han Dynasty Cao Cao If you are good at prestige, you can go everywhere kong rong As a scholar, he should not be allowed to be too aggressive. The morale of the country is very important. [33]
  • Li Youcheng: He was in the military coup in 1170( Zheng Zhongfu Two years before the outbreak, he was born in a low position bureaucratic family in Kaicheng. During his sentimental youth, Kaesong had become murderous due to repeated bloody coups. Since then, his character has become unrestrained and unorthodox. The bumpy Niu Huo strengthened his rebellious character. After middle age, different from his apparent success, his spiritual level was still very upset and entangled, and he finally spent the rest of his dark life in Jianghua Island, a place to avoid chaos. Because of this, he has become the object of sympathy for his rough life Although Li Kui reported Cui regime He had already passed away before he fell down, but as he predicted all this, his poems in his later years were full of melancholy, and he could not hide his dissatisfaction and sigh with his own situation. In every poem, we can see his poems waiting for the early arrival of death. The useless people live in vain, and are full of guilt for the people who have been devastated in the war. This sentence can also be seen in several places. Finally, he went through the funeral under the protection of the Cui regime, and his vast collection of works was also published by the Cui regime. Later historians criticized Li Kui for being a disciple of the Cui Family. Is it appropriate to judge Li Kui Bao by Cui Family guests? It's really impressive. [34]

Anecdotes and allusions


Origin of name

Li Kui's real name is Ren Di (also Ren Di). In the 29th year of Dading (1189), when he took part in the Sima test (supervision test), he dreamed that a group of villagers were drinking in the hall. Others said they were Twenty eight nights Surprised, Li Kui quickly bowed down and asked if he could pass the exam this year. One of them pointed to the other and said, "He is Kuixing , he knows. " Li Kui Pao asked the man quickly. He woke up before he answered. He was sorry for that. Then he fell asleep and dreamed again. The man said, "You must win the first prize in the exam. Don't worry. This is a secret. Don't reveal it." So Li Kuibao changed his name to "Kuibao" and took part in the Sima exam. He really won the first place in the exam. [36]

Origin of nickname

Li Kui reported that he was good at poetry, wine and piano in his life, so he called himself "Mr. Sankuhao". Later, he thought that he was "not good at playing zither and writing poetry", so he should not use this nickname. He changed his nickname to "Baiyun Jushi" for the reason that he admired "white clouds" and "happy at home". [28] However, Li Kui Bao is still very fond of three things, especially wine, to the point of "no drink, no luck" (can't write good poetry). [15]

Youyu Shenqi

Three months after Li Kuibao was born, he was covered with sores and did not improve after taking many medicines. His father carried him to the Songyue Temple and divined his life and death. The result was "life", and divination of "pharmacology". The result was "no pharmacology". Since then, Li Kui has stopped giving medicine to him, so that his skin is all ulcerated and he can't distinguish his face. His nurse often put white face on Li Kuibao's arms, and then held him. One day, the nurse took him out of the door, and an old man passing by said, "This is the son of a thousand gold. Why should we abandon him like this? It's better to take good care of him." The nurse told Li Kuibao's father that Li Kuibao's father suspected that the old man was a fairy, so he sent people to chase him. When he met three different roads, he sent three people to look for him separately, but they could not find him. [37]

Make fun of the seven sages

When Li Kui was less than 20 years old, he was married by seven scholars including Li Ren Haizuo Seven Sages Wu Shicai, one of them, had a friendship with Li Kui Bao and died early. Li Zhanzhi, the other, asked whether Li Kui Bao could make up. Li Kui said: "Are the seven sages officials of the imperial court? Do they need to be filled if they are missing? I have never heard of them Ji Kang Ruan Ji After that, there are others who can bear this name. " These people laughed and asked Li Kui Bao to compose poems with two rhymes of spring and human. Li Kui said, "Rong Shen will meet under the bamboo and quickly pour out the jar of Zhongchun. I don't know who is the core driller among the seven sages ( Wang Rong )。” As a result, the seats were filled with displeasure, and Li Kui Pao proudly got drunk. Li Kui Newspaper is also regarded as a "maniac" because of this kind of behavior. [38]

interpersonal relationship

  • Great ancestor : Li Yinbo (official to Zhongyin)
  • grandfather : Li He (Senior General and Colonel from the officer to the procurator)
  • father : Li Yunsui (official to Hubu doctor)
  • mother : Jin Family (born in Jinran, the daughter of Wei Jin, the governor of Weizhen County, and the monarch of Jinlan)
  • wife : Jin Family (Daughter promoted by the Grand Secretary of State)
  • Son
    • Li Guan (died early)
    • Li Han (Deng Ke, Guan Zhi Si Zhai Shaojian)
    • Li Cheng (Yin Bu records for Qingxian Hall)
    • Li Ji (Yin Bu records for the Western Dabei Academy)
  • daughter
    • Li Shi (married to Li Weixin)
    • Li Shi (married to Gao Bozhen)
Above references [32] [39]

Main works

Li Kui has written a lot, but only two-thirds of his works have been handed down. These works were sorted out by his son Li Han before his death《 Li Xiangguo Collection of Eastern Countries 》41 volumes, and 12 volumes of Later Collection were added after death, including more than 2000 poems and more than 500 articles. [42] Later, the anthology was lost on the Korean Peninsula, but in the 18th century Japan Get, publish again in the world. [43]
In addition, it is said that Li Kui Newspaper created Poetic talk Baiyun Novel 》Handed down from generation to generation. However, some people think that this book was not written by Li Kuibao, but was compiled by a scholar whose name is unknown, who selected the poetry review, poetry talk, poetry theory, etc. in the Collection of Li Xiangguo in the Eastern Kingdom, and then added some other chronicles. [44]

Commemoration for future generations

  • a burial
Li Kui's Tomb is located in South Korea Incheon City Jianghua County Auspicious noodles. [45] The epitaph written for him by Li Xiang was unearthed (now hidden in National Museum of Korea )。 [46]
Li Kui's epitaph [46]
  • Commemorative activities
Li Kui Newspaper was selected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of South Korea as the "cultural figure of this month" in August 2005. [47]

Film and television image
