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Li Weidong

Famous astrophysicist
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Li Weidong, a famous astrophysicist in China, was born on December 29, 1968 Hubei province In 1995, he graduated from the Department of Astronomy of Beijing Normal University with a doctor's degree. From 1995 to 1997, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Beijing Astronomical Observatory (now the National Astronomical Observatory). In 1996, he used a 60cm telescope to discover an extragalactic supernova, which was the first time that Chinese people discovered extragalactic supernovae, and this discovery became one of the top ten science news in China at that time.
Chinese name
Li Weidong
one's native heath
Hubei province
date of birth
December 29, 1968
University one is graduated from
Beijing Normal University
physical scientist
Since 1997, he has been engaged in supernova observation and research at the University of California, Berkeley. In December 1998 and March 1999, he found two comets with the telescope of the United States Observatory, which were later named Comet Lee. In addition to the research on extragalactic supernovae, during his stay in the United States, Dr. Li Weidong also made many meaningful work in supernova surveys, comet and asteroid observations, and gamma ray burst research. The research team led by him found at least 600 extragalactic supernovae, which is very influential in the international astronomical community. On December 12, 2011, Dr. Li Weidong died suddenly at the age of 43.