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Li Kenong

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General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
Li Kenong (September 15, 1899 - February 9, 1962) , Han nationality, from Chaoxian County (today's Chaohu City), Anhui Province. The outstanding organizer and leader of the intelligence and security work of the Party and the people's army is an outstanding representative of the Communist Party of China on the hidden front [6]
Joined in 1926 Communist Party of China , once served as the director of the Political Security Bureau of the Red Front Army and the head of the Red Army Work Department; After taking part in the Long March, he served as Director of the Liaison Bureau of the CPC Central Committee; During the Anti Japanese War, he assisted Zhou Enlai and Ye Jianying in carrying out the anti Japanese national united front work in the Kuomintang ruled areas. War of Liberation During this period, he served as Minister of the Social Department of the CPC Central Committee, member of the CPC delegation and Secretary General of the Implementation Department of the Beiping Military Mediation. The People's Republic of China After establishment Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vice Minister, Director of the Intelligence Department of the People's Revolutionary Military Commission. Since 1953, he has served as Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the PLA and Director of the Investigation Department of the CPC Central Committee.
In 1955, he was awarded the rank of general and the first rank August 1 Medal , First Class Medal of Independence and Freedom, First Class Medal of Liberation The first and second sessions National People's Congress Representative, member of the 8th CPC Central Committee, standing member of the 3rd CPPCC National Committee.
He died in Beijing on February 9, 1962.
Li Kenong has been tested for a long time Proletarian Revolutionist Outstanding social activists diplomat , an outstanding leader and organizer of the hidden front of our party and army. In his long revolutionary career, with the spirit of unlimited loyalty and high responsibility to the Party, he defended the safety of the Party Central Committee at an emergency, provided decision-making information to the Party Central Committee at a critical moment, and made a significant contribution to the cause of liberation of the Chinese people.
Chinese name
Li Kenong
Zetian, Xiagong, Zhonghe, Manzi, Jiaxuan, Tianchi
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
September 15, 1899
Date of death
February 9, 1962
Military and intelligence work [6]
Key achievements
class a August 1 Medal
First Class Medal of Independence and Freedom
class a Medal of Liberation
Rank of general
one's native heath
Wuhu City, Anhui Province [8]

Character's Life


Early experience

He was born on September 15, 1899 at No. 1 Majiaxiang, Jihe Street (formerly Jiwo Street), Wuhu City, Anhui Province. His father, Li Zheqing, worked at the Yongjia Town checkpoint of Wuhu Customs, and had three sons, Li Kenong, the head of the household.
From 1905 to 1909, Li Kenong studied in private schools and primary schools in Chaoxian County.
In 1910, when Li Kenong was 11 years old, he entered the primary school attached to Wuhu Anhui Public School.
From 1914 to 1917, Li Kenong studied in the famous missionary school in Wuhu at that time, Shengya Church Middle School, the birthplace of the 1911 Revolution in Anhui Province, was educated and nurtured by progressive ideas. [7]
In 1917, he worked on the distribution of Beijing Popular Weekly, Zhang Xun's Restoration Forced to return to Wuhu, he married Zhao Ying in.

join the revolutionary ranks

Li Kenong
In September 1918, upon the introduction of Jiang Guangci and Li Zongye, Li Kenong joined the anarchist group An She, which was mainly organized by students of Wuhu Provincial Fifth Middle School. Anshe published the Flower of Freedom, which advocated against power, ethics and autocracy. It was progressive at that time and had a great impact on schools both inside and outside Anhui Province.
In June 1919, when the May 4th Movement was raging across the country, Li Kenong went to Anqing, the provincial capital, to serve as the editor of the supplement of the National Daily after being introduced by Gao Yuhan, the supervisor of Wuhu Provincial Fifth Middle School, and Liu Xiping, the teacher. He was accused by the chairman of the provincial assembly of being in prison for writing against the new tax law of 25 cents per packet of Huai salt proposed by Ni Sichong, the governor of Anhui Province. Seven days later, he was released after the provincial school federation and other mass organizations petitioned and protested to the authorities, and soon returned to Wuhu.
In 1921, Li Kenong, introduced by Liu Xiping and others, went to Lu'an County to serve as the head of the second section of the county government.
In May 1925, Wuhu students set off a wave of education against imperialist enslavement Gong Qiaoyan Qianxing Village He founded Minsheng Middle School and served as the director of affairs. Driven by the May 30th Movement, he took an active part in this struggle, [7] Later, he was appointed as the propaganda affairs of Anhui "Diplomatic Support Association". At the end of 1926, he joined the Communist Party of China. In March 1927, the Kuomintang Wuhu County After the establishment of the Party Department, he served as a propaganda member and was instructed by the Wuhu Special Branch of the Communist Party of China to enter the Wuhu Green Gang. April 18, Wuhu Kuomintang Rightists Li learned in advance of the plan of the counter revolutionary incident, which enabled the main backbones of the Wuhu Special Branch of the Communist Party of China and the Wuhu Local Executive Committee of the Communist Youth League to hide. Kenong and others sneaked to Chaoxian County and returned to Wuhu on November 27 to preside over the school affairs as the chairman of the board of directors of Minsheng Middle School. This school has become a secret activity site of the CPC Anhui Provincial Provisional Committee. In accordance with the instructions of the Provisional Committee, the school set up a "rescue society" in the school.
During this period, Li Kenong also organized the struggle against Chen Diaoyuan, an Anhui warlord. [6] On January 27, 1928, Wuhu County Public Security Bureau rounded up the person in charge of the rescue society Wang Shaoyu More than 40 people waited. On the morning of the 28th, they surrounded Minsheng Middle School and carried out a search. Li Kenong sneaked to Shanghai, the governor Chen Diaoyuan Order wanted.
In January 1928, Li Kenong evaded arrest and fled to Nanjing, where he was found by the enemy at Xiaguan Station. In the pursuit, thanks to Wang Zhenwu, a former colleague of Minsheng Middle School, he was rescued again.

Entering Shanghai

In the autumn of 1928, Li Kenong contacted Luo Qiyuan, then the head of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee. According to the instructions of the Party, he and Pan Hannian, the director of the Propaganda Department, founded a small newspaper, first the Armored Car, then the People's Daily, with Li Kenong as the manager and Pan Hannian as the editor. Around the beginning of 1929, after the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee studied and decided that Li Kenong was transferred to Huzhong District to appoint a propaganda committee member.
In November 1929, Li Kenong watched and filmed a film in a film company in Shanghai. Hu Di, an old friend from Shucheng, Anhui, introduced Qian Zhuangfei to him.
In December 1929, he was admitted to the Kuomintang Shanghai Radio Administration Bureau with the approval of the organization (the director was Xu Enzeng ), served as radio news editor, and later as chief of the telecommunications department, Obtained Xu Enzeng's trust and many important intelligence [6] Follow Zhou Enlai Li Kenong Qian Zhuangfei Hu Di He tried to infiltrate into the Party and form a special group of the Party. Li Kenong served as the group leader, often came and went between Nanjing and Shanghai to guide work and be responsible for contacting the Central Special Branch.
In 1930, Li Kenong transferred the work of the Central Special Branch under the leadership of Gu Shunzhang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and Chen Geng contacted him. Since then, the secrets of the Kuomintang CC organization have been mastered in a timely and planned manner by the leadership of Li Kenong Group.
In April 1931, the head of the Central Special Branch Gu Shunzhang Arrested and mutinous, the enemy tried to use Gu Shunzhang to capture all the organs of our Party Central Committee in Shanghai. At this critical moment, Li Kenong received the information sent by Qian Zhuangfei, managed to report it to the Party Central Committee, made outstanding contributions to the security of the Party Central Committee and underground party organizations, and was rewarded by the Central Committee. Li Kenong is resourceful and brave to fight against the enemy, and is known as one of the "four heroes of the Party's secret work".

Entering the Soviet Area

In 1932, he served as the director of the Political Security Bureau of the First Front Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and the head of the Red Army Work Department, and participated in organizing and leading the construction of political security work in the Soviet area and the Red Army. [1]
In October 1934, Li Kenong participated in the 25000 li Long March, led the reconnaissance troops to carry out ground reconnaissance along the way, and served as the garrison commander of the central column, playing an important role in defending the CPC Central Committee. He also helped Ye Jianying and others to fight resolutely against Zhang Guotao's conspiracy to split the Party Central Committee.
In October 1935, after the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, the CPC Central Committee decided to implement the policy of the anti Japanese national united front and put forward the idea of "stopping the civil war and resisting Japan unanimously" according to the situation of the rise of world fascism and the Japanese invasion of China. Under Mao Zedong's instructions on doing a good job in the work of the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army, the CPC Northeast Army Working Committee was established, with Zhou Enlai as the director, and Li Kenong and Zhu Lizhi as Zhou Enlai's assistants. Soon, the Central Liaison Office of the Communist Party of China was established, and Li Kenong served as the director, known as the Foreign Minister of the Soviet Government. During this period, he assisted Zhou Enlai to hold a training class in Wayaobao, and under the leadership of Zhou Enlai and Peng Dehuai, he focused on Gao Fuyuan, the former head of the 619 Regiment of the 107th Division of the 67th Army of the Northeast Army. He often talked with him, so that Gao's consciousness soon improved, he realized that there was a way out only by uniting against Japan, and said he would go back to work with Zhang Xueliang and others. Finally, Li Kenong and others introduced Gao Fuyuan to join the Communist Party of China.
Xi'an Incident Later, Li Kenong served as Secretary General of the CPC Delegation to assist Zhou Enlai Ye Jianying And other comrades peacefully settled the Xi'an Incident Counter-Japanese National United Front Formation and realization of The Second KMT CPC Cooperation Has made important contributions.

the period of the war of Resistance Against Japan

Information King Li Kenong
In late February 1937, Li Kenong was ordered to take the plane of Zhang Chong, a member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, to Shanghai for Kuomintang Communist cooperation.
On August 29, 1937, Li Kenong was ordered to go to Nanjing to establish the office of the Eighth Route Army in Nanjing as the director. During his four months in Nanjing, he completed many urgent and heavy tasks. He once assisted Ye Jianying, Chief of Staff, in negotiating with the Kuomintang military authorities for the Eighth Route Army about military pay, ordnance, medical drugs and other military supplies, and procured and transported a large number of urgently needed supplies for the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region and the Eighth Route Army. Under the leadership of Qin Bangxian, he participated in the restoration and establishment of local CPC organizations in the Yangtze River basin and southern China. The Central Anhui Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Li Shinong as its secretary and Zhang Kaifan and Guipeng as its members, was established in November 1937 under his planning. He also assisted Zhou Enlai, Qin Bangxian and Ye Jianying in rescuing and bailing out hundreds of CPC members and progressives from Kuomintang prisons.
On or about December 15, 1937, Li Kenong arrived in Wuhan and was soon appointed Secretary General of the Yangtze River Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary General of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, in charge of confidential, radio and intelligence work.
In the middle of November 1938, according to Zhou Enlai's instructions, Li Kenong went to Guilin to set up the office of the Eighth Route Army in Guangxi as the director. Since the Kuomintang caused the Changsha fire, Guilin has become an important stronghold of the Anti Japanese War.
On January 22, 1941, after the office of the Eighth Route Army in Guangxi was revoked, he led his comrades to break through the blockades and reach the Hongyan office of the Eighth Route Army in Chongqing.

Yan'an work

In February 1941, Li Kenong was ordered to withdraw to Yan'an, and in March, he served as Deputy Minister of the Social Department of the CPC Central Committee. In September, the Central Intelligence Department of the CPC was established, and Mao Zedong nominated Li Kenong as Vice Minister. During this period, he participated in and led the construction of secret intelligence organizations around the country, and focused on establishing the Xi'an intelligence system of the Central Intelligence Department, making it gradually become the base for our party to carry out work in the north, providing the party with a lot of important confidential information to decide policy actions in a timely manner.
In January 1946, the Kuomintang was forced to sign an armistice agreement with the Communist Party of China and set up the Military Mediation Implementation Department in Peiping. Li Kenong served as the Secretary General of the CPC Delegation and Secretary of the General Branch of the Delegation, mainly responsible for leading the work of the radio and confidential section.

Intelligence Director

After the liberation of the country, Li Kenong served successively as the head of the Central Military Commission's Intelligence Department and the secretary of the Central Intelligence Committee of the Communist Party of China. After the establishment of the Central People's Government in October 1949, he also served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On December 6, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong was invited to the Soviet Union. Li Kenong, Minister of Public Security Luo Ruiqing and others escorted Mao Zedong to Manchuria safely.
In December 1950, the General Intelligence Department of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China was established, and Li Kenong was appointed Minister.
He participated in the Korean armistice negotiation in 1951. In 1954, as one of the representatives of the Chinese government delegation, he attended the discussion on the peaceful settlement of the Korean issue and the restoration of peace in Indochina Geneva conference Obtained Democratic People's Republic of Korea Two first-class national flag medals.
On July 1, 1955, the Liaison Department of the General Staff was changed to the Investigation Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Li Kenong, the Deputy General Director of the General Staff, served as the Minister concurrently, and was approved to attend the meetings of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the Central Committee as nonvoting delegates.

Honored Admiral

In September 1955, he was awarded the rank of general, the First Class 81 Medal, the First Class Medal of Independence and Freedom, and the First Class Medal of Liberation.
On June 7, 1956, Chairman Mao Zedong designated Li Kenong as the convener of the Central Taiwan Working Group. At the Eighth Congress of the Party, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee.

Old age life

On October 25, 1957, Li Kenong fell down and suffered from cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized.
On March 6, 1958, after his illness became slightly stable, the Central Committee of the Party appointed him as a member of the Central Foreign Affairs Group.
On January 6, 1961, his wife Zhao Ying died of illness. Li Kenong, who is ill, is extremely sad and affectionately praises the wife who has followed him for 44 years as a "model of motherhood".
From January 26 to February 6, 1962, Li Kenong was ill and attended the enlarged Central Working Conference held in Beijing. At 21:00 on February 9, he died of encephalomalacia in Peking Union Medical College Hospital at the age of 63. On February 10, his body was moved to Beijing Hospital, and leaders such as Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun went to the hospital to bid farewell to his body. On February 12, the CPC Central Committee decided to set Li Kenong's mourning hall at Zhongshan Hall in Zhongshan Park. On the 13th, more than 2500 people from all walks of life in the capital held a grand public memorial ceremony in Zhongshan Hall.

Character family

wife: Zhao Ying [2]
The eldest son: Li Zhi [5]
First Daughter: Li Ning [5]
second son: Li Li [4-5]
Second daughter: Li Bing [3] [5]
Sanzi: Li Lun [5]

Commemoration for future generations


memorial meeting

He died of illness in Beijing on February 9, 1962 at the age of 63. the Chinese People's Liberation Army Chief of the General Staff Luo Ruiqing The senior general delivered a eulogy, saying Li Kenong was an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, an outstanding revolutionary fighter of the Chinese people, and one of the organizers of the political security work of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
Li Kenong died of illness, and both the Party and the army were sad. Dong Biwu An old man once wrote a eulogy poem, and his achievements were better than Tang Taizong Fang Xuanling, the former counselor of the Qin and Han Dynasties, Li Zuoche, sighed that the heaven never left his old age, and that his soul died early. The full text of the mourning poem is as follows:
Thirty years ago, it was on credit,
Li Kenong
Only when you know you are good at China.
Being able to plan is quite like being able to shoot people,
The time difference is the same as that of Li Zuo.
Tianbu Yizi is an old man,
If one can redeem thousands of families.
Jiqiu Keshao Zhilan Show,
Hold high the red flag, and the clouds fall.

Li Kenong's Former Residence

Li Kenong's former residence is located in Zhongli Village, Tongyang Town, Juchao District, Chaohu City, from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. There were 8 rural quadrangles with two entrances and two sides, with a building area of 187 square meters. In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of General Li Kenong's birth, the former residence was restored and renovated in March 1999, and a new exhibition hall of Li Kenong's life stories was built. In 2003, Chaohu Municipal Government allocated funds for the second phase construction of the former residence.

Character evaluation

Comrade Li Kenong is Communist Party of China The glorious representative of the early hidden front struggle. Zhou Enlai once took him with Qian Zhuangfei Hu Di And listed as the Party's information work“ Three heroes of Longtan ”。 With his loyalty to the revolutionary cause, Li Kenong went deep into the tiger's den and made outstanding contributions to the security of the Party Central Committee. His achievements are forever engraved in history.