
Plum in Rosaceae
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Li( Prunus salicina Lindl.), Rosaceae Plum Woody Botany , branchlets glabrous; The leaves are oblong obovate or elliptic obovate; Pedicel glabrous, sepal Oblong oval, white petals Color, oblong obovate; The fruit is yellow or red, sometimes green or purple, covered with wax powder; Flowering in April; The fruiting period is from July to August. [10]
Plum originated in southeast China, and is now planted in most areas around and south of Qinling Mountains in China Pei. [11] Plum has strong adaptability to climate and is suitable for growing in places with loose soil and good drainage. It is often found in hillside thickets, sparse forests in valleys, waterside, ditch bottom, roadside, etc. at an altitude of 400 to 2600 meters At. [12] There are many breeding methods for plum cuttage Seedling raising method, branch seedling raising method grafting Seedling raising method and seed breeding Miao method, etc. [13]
According to Southern Yunnan Materia Medica, plums taste sweet and sour, and have the effects of clearing heat, promoting fluid production, promoting diuresis, strengthening stomach, and dispelling liver fire. It mainly cures internal heat due to fatigue, thirst, ascites, poor urination, indigestion, etc Symptoms. [14] According to modern medical records, plums can promote the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, help improve appetite and promote digestion. Plum meat has an auxiliary therapeutic effect on liver cirrhosis. Eating plums often also has the effect of beauty and skin lubrication. Plums can be eaten raw, preserved or canned. In addition, they can be used to brew wine Raw materials. [15] The branches of plum trees are widely spread, and the leaves are red from spring to autumn, especially in spring. It is a good foliage garden Botany. [12]
Chinese name
Latin name
Prunus salicina Lindl.
Jia Yingzi Jia Qingzi Prunus sylvestris
Magnolia [16]
Named by and date
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [17]

morphological character

Deciduous trees , 9-12m high; crown of a tree Wide circle, bark Taupe, uneven; Old branches purple brown or reddish brown, glabrous; Branchlets yellow red, glabrous; The winter bud is ovoid, red purple, with several tile like scales, usually hairless, and the edge of the thin scale has very sparse hairs. The leaf blade is oblong obovate, long elliptic, thin oblong ovoid, 6-8 (- 12) cm long, 3-5 cm wide, gradually pointed, sharp or short tailed at the apex, wedge-shaped at the base, with round blunt double serrations at the edge, often mixed with single serrations, and the tooth tip has glands when young, dark green and shiny on the top, Lateral vein 6-10 pairs, not reaching the edge of the leaf, forming a 45 ° angle with the main vein, both sides are hairless, and sometimes there are sparse pubescence along the main vein below or beards in the axils of the vein; Stipules membranous, linear, apex acuminate, margin glandular, caducous; petiole 1-2 cm long, usually glabrous, with 2 or no glands at the top, and sometimes with glands at the edge of the leaf base [1] [18]
Flowers usually 3 in parallel; Pedicel 1-2 cm, usually glabrous; Flower diameter 1.5-2.2 cm; Calyx tube campanulate; sepal It is oblong ovoid, about 5 mm long, with an acute or obtuse apex, sparse teeth on the side, nearly as long as the calyx tube, without hairs on the outside of the calyx tube and sepals, and sparsely pilose on the inside at the base of the calyx tube; Petals white, oblong obovate, erosive at the apex, cuneate at the base, with obvious purple veins, short claws, attached to the edge of the calyx tube, 2-3 times longer than the calyx tube; stamen Most, filaments are unequal in length, arranged in irregular 2 rounds, shorter than petals; pistil 1, stigma discoid, style slightly longer than stamens. The drupe is spherical, ovoid or nearly conical, with a diameter of 3.5-5 cm. The cultivated variety can reach 7 cm. It is yellow or red, sometimes green or purple. The stem is concave, the top is slightly pointed, the base has longitudinal grooves, and the outside is covered with wax powder; The nucleus is ovoid or oblong, with wrinkles. florescence April, fruit period from July to August [1]
 Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li

Distinction of recent species

Branches and leaves
The leaves are oblong obovate or elliptic obovate
Leaf blade oblong obovate or oblong lanceolate, sparsely oblong elliptic
flowers and fruits
Sepals oblong ovate, petals white Color, oblong obovate; The fruit is yellow or red, sometimes green or purple, covered with wax powder
Calyx tube is bell shaped, sepals are oblong, the apex is blunt, sepals and the outside of the calyx tube are hairless, and petals are white
Apricot plum

Main varieties

Prunus tomentosa
Prunus tomentosa (Scientific name: Prunus salicina var. pubipes The main morphological characteristics of (Koehne) Bailey) are that twigs, under leaves, petioles, pedicels and the base of calyx tube are densely pubescent. It is distributed in Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan of China. Born in shrubs or forest edge at an altitude of 1600-1800 meters [2]

Growth environment

Growth environment
Li is generally born in hillside thickets, sparse forests in valleys, or waterside, ditch bottom, roadside, etc. at an altitude of 400-2600 meters; It has strong adaptability to climate, and can grow in any soil quality as long as the soil layer is deep and has certain fertility; High requirements for air and soil humidity, extremely resistant to ponding; It should grow in places with loose soil, good air permeability and drainage, deep soil layer and low groundwater level [1] [3]

Distribution range

Li is distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong (Xianhu Botanical Garden (Wang Guodong 017334), Folk Culture Village (Wang Dingyue 2550)), Guangxi and Taiwan. It is cultivated all over the world [1] [19 ]

Reproductive methods

Reproductive methods
There are many breeding methods for plum cuttage Seedling raising method Ramet Seedling raising method grafting Seedling raising method, seed seedling raising method, etc. Each method has its own application conditions and points for attention in operation. The key point is that growers should choose the most appropriate breeding method for different varieties and environments to achieve the maximum survival rate. The following mainly introduces the splitting method of Li's grafting [4]
  • Grafting time and preparation of Li
The grafting time of plum is usually around July when the climate is suitable, which is the best time for grafting. The grafting time can be slightly adjusted according to different conditions in each region. 7-10 days before grafting, the grower can make some preparations, select the strong peripheral branches to pick the heart, which can promote the scion to mature in advance. The selection of grafting parts is generally 5-8 cm away from the ground, which is conducive to the early germination of grafted buds [4]
  • Specific operation of grafting
The grafting is mainly divided into three parts: preparation before grafting, grafting, and maintenance after grafting:
Treatment before grafting: mainly for stock and scion Processing of. For the treatment of rootstocks, growers need to select 6-10 cm above the ground to cut off the stumps of the transplanted wild plum, peach and cherry trees. At the same time, make some adjustments according to the shape of the tree. Use this stump as the rootstock. For the scion treatment, we can select the strong and plump annual semi woody branches that have not yet spread their leaves as the scions. At the same time, these scions should be properly kept and treated, with a length of about 5-6cm, 5-7 buds left, and these scions should be wrapped with wet cloth for later grafting [4]
Grafting process: because the rootstock is generally relatively strong, so choose Cleave At the same time, this method is also more favorable for later healing. The healing speed at the interface will be very fast and the success rate will be very high. The grafting shall be carried out when the rootstock bud begins to sprout or has sprouted but has not yet spread its leaves. On the day before grafting, the rootstock needs to be watered once, and the interface of the rootstock needs to be flattened with a knife, then a three centimeter split is cut, and then the scion is taken out of the wet cloth, and the lower interface is trimmed into a wedge shape that matches the split, leaving only two or three buds on the upper bud. Insert the scion into the cleat and align it tightly. Then use a wide plastic cloth to tie tightly, and make sure to tie tightly the upper end of the interface, because this can prevent moisture volatilization and pests. At the same time, when the grafting conditions are dry, some cotton balls covered with water should be stuffed inside and covered with transparent plastic bags [4]
Maintenance after grafting: for maintenance after grafting, cut off the grafted buds when they grow to 3-5 cm, leave several leaves on the rootstock, and then cut the rootstock after the grafted buds germinate. At the same time, timely watering should be carried out later. When watering, attention should also be paid to the amount of water used to prevent the root rot of plum trees. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the growth of tree roots to make their roots grow strong and lay a good foundation for growing into a mature fruit tree in the future [4]

cultivation techniques


Garden selection

Garden site selection is an important part of establishing plum gardens and developing plum production, which has an important impact on plum growth, fruit, yield and quality, management difficulty and cost. The selection of garden site shall be based on the biological characteristics of plum trees and the requirements for natural environmental conditions, combined with the local natural ecological conditions and socio-economic geographical conditions. Generally, the garden is built in gentle slope mountainous area with a gradient of 5-20 °, pH value of 4.5-8, annual average temperature of 15-20 ℃ and good drainage [5]

Preparation before planting

The planting pond shall be excavated according to the specifications planned by the survey. In production, the planting pond excavation specification requires a width of 80 cm and a depth of more than 100 cm. During excavation, the topsoil and subsoil are required to be stacked separately to facilitate soil improvement during planting. After the settlement pond is excavated, let the sun shine for about a week, and use the sun to sterilize the soil. One week later, backfill shall be carried out. The backfilling method is as follows: first, 50-100 kg of farm manure, 2 kg of calcium superphosphate or 2 kg of special compound fertilizer for fruit trees shall be applied to each pond where conditions permit; Secondly, farm manure and chemical fertilizers shall be fully mixed with the topsoil, and then backfilled. It should be noted that the mixed topsoil shall be backfilled to the bottom of the pond first, and the separately stacked subsoil shall be backfilled to the upper part of the planting pond. It is strictly prohibited to mix the subsoil with chemical fertilizers, so as to avoid "burning root" phenomenon during seedling planting; Finally, the planting pond is backfilled and compacted, 10-15cm higher than the ground, in the shape of "melon pond" [5]

Seedling planting

Seedling planting
The planting period varies with climate conditions. Taking Jinning County, Yunnan Province as an example, under the local climate conditions, the planting period of Li is generally from December to January of the next year, or the rainy season in June of the same year [5]
Colonization The method is to select healthy grafted seedlings without diseases and pests. First, trim the redundant fibrous roots and damaged main roots when taking seedlings, and then excavate the planting hole in the center of the backfilled planting pond for planting. When planting, gently lift the seedlings with hands to extend the roots. When planting, use your feet to firm the soil around the seedlings to ensure that the roots of the seedlings are in full contact with the soil, Ensure the survival rate of planting. Then pour enough root setting water and cover with film for water retention [5]
According to the characteristics of plum trees that are not strict with light and have high requirements on humidity, they can be planted in a proper density. The planting method is wide row and dense rectangular, which is convenient for mechanization and inter row farming. In plum orchards with good soil conditions, the row spacing is 4-5 meters, and the plant spacing is 3-4 meters; However, in barren mountain and sandy land, plant row spacing of (4-5) m × (2-3) m is adopted for planting. However, for varieties with self pollination failure or low seed setting rate, pollination varieties must be allocated. The pollination varieties shall be selected with the same flowering period, and the allocation ratio is 3:1 [5]

Fertility and water management

In orchard management, it is necessary to improve soil, expand fertilizer sources, increase fertilizer, and pay attention to nitrogen phosphorus Reasonable application of potassium fertilizer. The main methods are as follows:
In terms of fertilization time, the base fertilizer should be applied early (September) and topdressing should be timely, and the nutrient elements needed should be supplied according to the local phenological period. Attention shall be paid to the vigorous growth of young plum trees. It is necessary to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and less nitrogen fertilizer. The principle of topdressing nitrogen fertilizer is not to make young plum trees grow excessively. In the peak fruit period, the fruit trees bloom and bear more fruits, form more flower buds, and the new shoots grow slowly. After fruit picking every year, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in addition to basic fertilizer, and at the same time, sufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be guaranteed to meet the needs of reproductive growth and nutritional growth. For old and weak trees, in order to enhance tree vigor, nitrogen fertilizer should be mainly applied, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied sparingly. After the tree body develops normally, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be adjusted [5]
Fertilization depends on trees and the ground. The amount of fertilizer can also be determined by referring to the size of the tree body. The annual small trees should be planted, and 20-30kg of organic fertilizer should be applied per plant, and 50g of special compound fertilizer for fruit trees should be applied per plant, which will increase year by year. After flowering and fruiting, 50kg of organic fertilizer can be applied per plant in autumn, and 0.5-1.0kg/plant of compound fertilizer such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied before flowering or during young fruit expansion [5]
Before the planning of garden construction, the soil testing formula shall be carried out. First, the five point sampling method shall be adopted for soil sampling in the selected plot, and then the soil testing analysis shall be carried out. According to the analysis results, the formula fertilization shall be carried out [5]
According to the growth habits of plum trees, the plots with conditions should be irrigated for 1-2 times to ensure the normal growth of plum trees. The specific time is before the plum tree sprouts and the young fruit expands, and the new shoots grow vigorously [5]


Pruning and shaping of plum trees should not only be carried out according to the growth characteristics of plum trees, but also be carried out according to the growth needs of different stages in different periods. In the young tree period, the shape of natural open center and double open center is generally adopted for pruning. The former enables the plum trees to be ventilated and fully exposed to light, so that the seed setting rate is higher. The second is to ensure a higher survival rate of plum trees while facilitating management. The latter is used for plants with growth advantages to prevent excessive growth of plants and decrease of seed setting rate. In the flourishing period of fruit bearing, the branches should also be corrected, and those that grow too fast should be removed to prevent nutrient deprivation and small fruit growth, and the branches with diseases and pests should be pruned. Timely repair the aging branches and trunks to prevent delaying the growth of plum trees. The pruning of plants in summer generally includes pinching, twisting, girdling, and taking branches. Generally, it is carried out in the middle of June and the first ten days of July in summer [6]

Main varieties

There are many varieties of Chinese plums, which can be divided into four categories: yellow, green, purple and red according to fruit shape, peel and pulp color. According to the softness and hardness of the fruit during the eating period, it can be divided into two categories: honey and crisp plum. The honey fruit is soft and juicy when fully mature, and good when hard, such as Nanhua Li Etc. Crisp plums are crisp and juicy when they are hard and ripe, and have good flavor. When they are soft and ripe, their flavor declines, such as Panyuan Plum, Red Beauty Plum, White Beauty Plum, Chi Mi Plum, etc [9]
Drunken plums are big and colourful, with an average fruit weight of about 50g. The skin is bright red, densely dotted with yellow spots, covered with white powder, and a circle of dents at the bottom. The flesh is light orange yellow. The flesh of the initially picked fruit is dense, sweet and refreshing. After 4-5 days, the flesh becomes soft, rich in juice, and sweet with a smell of wine. Osmanthus Plum is named for its sweet scented osmanthus. When it is ripe, its flesh is soft and juicy, and its taste is sweet. Its stone is very small, and its quality is excellent. Jintang plum , fresh and sweet, fragrant, and beautiful. The royal plum produced in the north has large fruit and thick flesh, small stone and sweet taste. Junting plum produced in Jiangnan Jianning is purple and plump, sweet as honey. The cinnabar plum produced in Jing'an County, Jiangxi Province, is dark red in color, thin in skin, tender and juicy in meat, delicious, sweet and slightly sour. And Li and apricot The grafted excellent varieties, such as Xiangbian, Hebao plum, Yanguohong, Yaozihong, etc., have the double advantages of plum and apricot. The fruit is big, red and sweet [9]

Disease and insect control

The prevention and control of diseases and pests of plum trees should follow the policy of "prevention first and comprehensive prevention and control". The main diseases of plum trees include bacterial perforation disease, plum red spot disease, plum gumming disease, plum leaf shrinking disease, etc; Main pests include Cydia funebrana Red spider aphid [5]


  • Bacterial perforation
Harmful symptoms: bacterial perforation mainly affects leaves, branches and fruits. It usually occurs in rainy years and high temperature and humidity conditions. After the disease of fruit trees, the leaves appear brown, round or irregular spots, perforation to fall off. When the disease is serious, a large number of leaves fall off and photosynthesis cannot be carried out, resulting in the weakening of fruit trees. After the onset of the fruit, the skin appears pore like water spots. After the development, the spots gradually expand into brown, round, hardened, concave spots in the middle. When the humidity is high, the spots have yellow pus overflow, and the diseased fruit falls off [5]
Control methods: agricultural control and drug control should be combined. The disease is a fungal disease, which can cause death of fruit trees in serious cases. Spray 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 100 before germination Bordeaux liquid Prevention; Spray 72% for agriculture after germination streptomycin Alternating control of 3000 times solution of soluble powder or 46% copper hydroxide water dispersible granule 1500 times solution [5]
  • Plum red spot disease
Plum red spot disease
Harmful symptoms: leaves and fruits can be harmed. When the leaves are infected, orange yellow spots appear on the leaf surface at the initial stage, which are nearly round and slightly raised. The edge of the spot is clear. After the spot expands, the color gradually deepens, the mesophyll of the diseased part thickens, and many dark red small dots appear on the spot at the later stage, which are the conidia of the pathogen. At the end of autumn, the disease spot turns red and black, with a convex front and black spots on the top, which is the ascus of the pathogen. After the fruit is killed, orange red round disease spots appear on the surface of the fruit, slightly protruding, and finally the disease spots are red and black, with many dark red small dots scattered on them. The injured fruit is deformed, easy to fall off, and cannot be eaten [5]
Prevention methods: First, clean the orchard. After autumn, remove fallen leaves and fruits and burn or bury them deeply to reduce the source of overwintering bacteria; The second is to strengthen orchard management. Reasonable fertilization and pruning, and attention to drainage in rainy season can reduce the occurrence of diseases; The third is chemical control. Spray 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 200 times Bordeaux liquid at the end of flowering or the beginning of leaf spreading of plum trees for prevention, and 50% can be used at the beginning of disease Carbendazim Control by 1000 times liquid spraying of wettable powder. Chemical control in critical period. Spray 0.3-0.5 Baumedol sulfur agent when the bud is just exposed. Spray 0.5 ∶ 1 ∶ 100 times Bordeaux liquid or 30% after flower fading Cupric succinate 600 times liquid of wettable powder for prevention. At the same time, pay attention to drainage and plough frequently to avoid excessive soil moisture in the orchard [5]
  • Plum gummosis
Plum gummosis
Hazard symptom: It is a non infectious disease. When the sap begins to flow in early spring, translucent milky white soft gum flows out from the bark of the trunk or other wound cracks, especially after rain. After a period of time, the gum is in the form of blocks. After contacting with the air, it becomes yellowish brown, very sticky, and can pull out the rubber wire. After drying, it becomes a hard yellowish brown rubber block. The injured part is slightly swollen, and its lower bark and xylem are brown and often infected by saprophytes, resulting in weakened trees, small and yellow leaves, and withered branches in serious cases [5]
Prevention and control methods: First, in order to prevent the occurrence of gummosis, it is necessary to strengthen the drainage of the orchard, increase the application of organic fertilizer, improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, and properly increase the application of lime or superphosphate in acid soil, centering on strengthening the tree vigor; Second, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests on branches and reduce diseases and insect injuries; The third is to scrape off the glue flow part, and then apply the Baumedol sulfur agent, which has good control effect; Fourth, chemical control, 12.5% available from May to June Diniconazole Waterable powder 2000-2500 times liquid spray prevention, 15 days apart each time, 2-3 times of continuous prevention [5]
  • Plum leaf shrinking disease
Plum leaf shrinking disease
Harmful symptoms: Plum leaf shrinking disease mainly harms leaves. The leaves are deformed, curled and shrunk, brittle and thickened after onset. Greening fades to reddish brown, and branches wither and die [5]
Prevention and control methods: agricultural prevention and drug prevention measures shall be taken. When the garden is cleared in winter, diseased branches, diseased leaves, dead branches, etc. shall be treated innocuously in a timely manner. It is strictly prohibited to discard or stack them at will. During the fruit bearing period, orchard management and pruning should be done well to promote the growth of fruit trees and improve their disease resistance. Leaf shrinking disease is only infected in early spring, so it is necessary to seize the opportunity to spray pesticide to control it, so as to obtain ideal control effect. Spray 1% Bordeaux solution at the end of flowering and at the time of leaf bud opening; In case of serious illness, spray 80% once in May June Mancozeb Wettable powder 500 times liquid [5]

Insect pest

Plum Heart Eater
Harmful symptoms: Plum fruit borer is the key point of plum disease and pest control, and also the most serious pest to plum fruit. Once there is a fruit borer, the damage rate of plum fruit is 80-90%. If there is a fruit moth in the fruit, tear shaped pectin will flow from the wormhole, and the fruit will not continue to develop, and then fall off [5]
There are two main control methods of plum fruit borer: agricultural control and chemical control. The agricultural control is to excavate all the soil within a radius of 1 m with the trunk of plum tree as the center before the larvae of the borer are unearthed, and then replace it with new soil without winter cocoons. Or, after the borer larvae are excavated continuously, take the trunk of plum tree as the center, and press 3.3-6.6cm thick new soil within a radius of 1m, so as to kill the larvae. Either way, it must be treated as soon as possible before and after the overwintering larvae are unearthed. Once the overwintering adults fly out to lay eggs, the consequences will be unimaginable. The chemical control is to kill the larvae by spreading poison soil, fully mix 2 kg of 15% Lossbane granules with 15-25 kg of fine soil, and then evenly spread on the ground to mix the pesticide soil and soil. This method can be used once. Or spray 48% Lesben emulsifiable concentrates 300-500 times to the ground [5]
Harmful symptoms: Red spider will suck the plum leaves and the juice in the plums' sprouts, causing the plums' sprouts to fail to continue to germinate, or the leaves to be damaged, eventually causing the leaves to fall off. In serious cases, the plums' fruits will not mature in the current year, or even affect the yield of the second year [7]
Prevention and control method: In the prevention and control of red spiders, regular observation must be carried out. In combination with the situation of red spiders, choose the right time to spray 1% abamectin emulsifiable concentrates 2000 times [7]
Harmful symptoms: Aphids like to eat new shoots and leaves on plum trees, which may lead to poor growth of plum trees, or lead to leaf loss and decline in fruit tree yield [7]
Control method: During pruning of plum trees in early spring, the damaged branches can be cut off and collectively destroyed. If the aphid problem is extremely serious, spray 5% imidacloprid emulsifiable concentrates 2000-3000 times [7]

Key values

Watch: The branches are wide spread, reddish brown and smooth, and the leaves are red from spring to autumn, especially in spring. The flowers are small, white or pink. It is a good foliage garden plant [3]
 Li Li Li Li Li
Plum Fruit
medical: Sexual taste Meridian tropism : "Plums are sweet, sour and cool in nature; they belong to the liver and kidney meridians."《 Herbal medicine of southern Yunnan 》: "Clearing heat and promoting fluid production, purging the liver and promoting fluid retention." TCM syndrome differentiation: "Li (fruit), clearing liver heat, promoting fluid production, suitable for yin deficiency and fever, joint fatigue and heat, toothache, thirst elimination, phlegm elimination, leucorrhea, upset children erysipelas and ulcers, bruises, bone pain, stool dryness, swelling and edema of women's lower abdomen, and other diseases of food can also be used to remove freckles and scorpion poison." Modern medical research: "Plum (fruit) has the function of relieving diarrhea, which can be used for constipation. It contains a variety of trace elements, which can strengthen the liver and kidney functions, purify blood and blood, promote the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, and also has the function of relieving cough and eliminating phlegm [8] 。”
Nutrition: According to the measurement, every 100g of edible plum (fruit) contains 90g of water, 0.5g of protein, 0.2g of fat, 8.8g of carbohydrates, 0.1g of dietary fiber, carotene and vitamin B one Vitamin B two Vitamin C and trace elements calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, including Nicotinic acid Thiamine , asparagine, various amino acids and r-aminobutyric acid, etc. In addition, it also contains glucoside Amygdalin etc. [8]
diet tyerapy: Eating plums often also has the effect of beautifying the skin and lubricating the skin. Plums can be eaten raw, preserved or canned. In addition, they can be used to brew wine Raw materials. [15]