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[jī tǐ]
The general term for the rest of the aircraft except the power unit
The engine body refers to the engine body aircraft The general name of the rest. Including fuselage wing , landing gear, tail wing and other parts. The aircraft manufacturer is mainly responsible for the manufacturing of airframe and the final assembly of aircraft. The power plant is completed by other factories. Only the holder of an independent airframe maintenance license in civil aviation maintenance can be responsible for the maintenance of airframe parts. [1]
A general term for individuals with life, including plants and animals, such as the most primitive single celled organisms such as the lowest, and the most complex human beings such as the highest. Also called organism.
Chinese name
jī tǐ
Phonetic transcription
ㄐㄧ ㄊㄧˇ

Vital organism

Organic circulation of plants
The body constantly generates heat and continuously loses heat to the external environment, both of which are in dynamic balance. Organic Thermogenesis The process and heat dissipation process are affected by many factors and are constantly changing. Both are like trays on both sides of the balance Thermoregulation Under the control of mechanism, for human body Equilibrium state Is maintained Normal body temperature At 37 ℃. If heat generation or dissipate heat Of Imbalance , which will cause the body temperature to rise or fall.
Plant absorption carbon dioxide , release oxygen Except for the reverse circulation at night, both are in a process of dynamic balance, only changing with environmental factors.

Crusher body

The main function of the crusher body is to support the rotor and the castor bar to crush materials and ensure that there is a large enough crushing chamber to fully crush materials. In addition, in order to prevent materials from wearing the inner wall of the machine body, lining plates are laid on the inner wall of the machine body that is easy to wear. The impact plate shall be able to be opened to an appropriate position (the opening and closing of the impact plate of small size machines shall be completed by the crane, and the opening and closing of the impact plate of large size machines shall be completed by the hydraulic system), so as to facilitate the replacement of the impact lining plate and other lining plates. The hammer head can be replaced after opening the access cover. In addition, open the access door to move the castor bar out for replacement Castor bar Open the inspection door to check the clearance between the hammer head and the castor bar and the wear of the hammer head. [2]