Zhu Zaiyu

Famous jurists, calendar scholars and musicians in the Ming Dynasty
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Zhu Zaiyu (1536-1611), known as Boqin, was called Ququ Mountain Man and Jiufeng Mountain Man. When he was young, he called himself "Crazy Life", "Mountain Sun Drunken Immortal", also known as "Duan Qing Shizi" [1] , Henan Province Huaiqing Mansion Hanoi County (Today Henan Qinyang )People [2] , famous in the Ming Dynasty Legalism Family (known as "Law Saint"), calendar scholar, musician.
In 1536, Zhu Zaiyu was born in Hanoi County, Huaiqing Prefecture, Henan Province Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty The ninth grandson is the fifth generation son of Zheng Fan in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Zaiyu was deeply influenced by his father, Zheng Gong, Wang Xiude, who gave lectures, clothed himself with vegetables and vegetables, was able to read and write, and cut corners with corporal. He was frugal and simple since childhood, and was smart and eager to learn. From my grandfather in my early years Ho Tang He learned astronomy, arithmetic and other knowledge. He was imprisoned because he was not satisfied with his father's crime. He stayed alone for 19 years. Until 1567, his father was pardoned, he was willing to enter the palace. [3]
In 1591, King Zheng Vermilion When he died, Zhu Zaiyu, the eldest son, was supposed to inherit the throne, but he gave way to the country seven times, resigned from the throne and returned to the country, devoting himself to writing books. In the long years of 19 years of ups and downs, Zhu Zaiyu paid homage to the sages, went in and out of the common sense, pursued the sun and the moon, and concentrated on the study of rhythm and calendar, and opened up a wide range of marginal disciplines. [3]
Zhu Zaiyu broke the rules of the ancestors of Yue, paid attention to practice and experiment, and worked hard all his life《 The Complete Book of Music Rhythm 》、《 On Lu Lu 》、《 Lv Lv's Questioning 》、《 Jialiang Sutra 》、《 The essence of Lv 》, Legal Calendar Integration《 New Theory of Arithmetic 》、《 Sermon spectrum 》Etc. Zaiyu's achievements shocked the world, and Chinese and foreign scholars respected him as "the sage of the Oriental Renaissance". Therefore, Zhu Zaiyu and Guo Moruo They were listed as "World Historical and Cultural Celebrities".
Full Name
Zhu Zaiyu
Duan Qing Shizi [1] Crazy Shanyang Drunken Fairy
Ququ Shanren, Jiufeng Shanren
Posthumous title
End cleaning
the ming dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Henan Province Huaiqing Mansion Hanoi County [2]
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
establish twelvetone equal temperament
Made the world's first fixed tone musical instrument
Main works
"Sepu", "Lvli Rongtong", "New Theory of Law", "New Book of Arithmetic", "Cao Man Ancient Music Score"
True name
Zhu Zaiyu

Character's Life

Zhu Zaiyu [4]
Zhu Zaiyu is Henan Province Huaiqing Mansion Hanoi County (Today Henan Qinyang )Man, his father, King Zheng Gong Vermilion Be able to read and write well, and be proficient in music. Zaiyu was deeply influenced since childhood. He liked music and mathematics and was extremely intelligent. [5]
Jiajing In the 24th year (1545), at the age of 10, Zaiyu studied such historical books as Shangshu Pangeng and was awarded the title of A descendant , became the heir of King Zheng. [5]
Although Zhu Zaiyu valued his reputation Zheng Fan Prince, but his life is not smooth, which is different from his father Vermilion About their experiences. Zhu Houtan is Ming Ren Zong Zhu Gaochi He was the fifth grandson of King Zheng Gong, who was knighted after his father. He lived a simple and upright life. When Zhu Houtan was imprisoned, Zhu Zaiyu was just 15 years old, Vermilion The injustice case was settled. The following year, Zhu Zaiyu ended his life of "Xi Gao alone" and returned to the palace. [6]
Wanli In 1591, Vermilion He died of illness, and was recorded as Yu Wei A descendant He could have succeeded to the throne, but he wrote to the emperor and was willing to give up. According to some officials, "Although Yu Yu was deeply in charge of the abdication festival, he was the successor of King Zheng for three generations, without any reason, so it was better to carry Yu Zi Yi Xi as the successor." [7] Even so, Zaiyu refused. He "tired Shu to plead" and insisted on letting Jue. From the year of his father's death until the 34th year of Wanli (1606), after fifteen years of seven shu, the Emperor of Shenzong gave his permission. "Zaiyu and Yixi were granted the title of Dongyuan King after they were granted the title of" Emperor of Shenzong " [7] After Rangjue, he called himself Taoist and moved. [8]
On the sixth day of April in the thirty ninth year of Wanli (1611), Zhu Zaiyu died of illness at the age of 76. He was buried in the original place of Jiufeng Mountain and was given the title "Duanqing". [5]

personal works

Main works
The 29th year of Jiajing (1560 AD)
Sermon spectrum [5]
The first year of Longqing (1567 AD)
His father Vermilion Fu Jue, the son of Yu Sui, was crowned by Fu Shizi, and his father and son co wrote the scores of "Cao Man", "Xuan Gong" and so on. [5]
Nine Years of Wanli (1581 AD)
Legal Calendar Integration [5]
The 12th year of Wanli (1584 AD)
New Theory of Law [5]
Twenty third year of Wanli (1595 AD)
Zhu Zaiyu "The method of calculating the precession in the upper calendar and the musical temperament book written by him are well researched and identified, and known by those who know them." ("Ming History · Biographies of Various Kings") The "musical temperament book" mentioned here is the New Theory of Law, while "the method of calculating the precession in the calendar" includes four volumes of "Law and Calendar Integration", two volumes of "Shengshou Wannian Calendar", three volumes of "Wannian Calendar Preparation", and one volume of "Sound and Meaning". [5]
Twenty fourth year of Wanli (1596 AD)
Zhu Zaiyu presented his newly completed book "The Essence of Lulu" (including internal and external chapters). [5]
The 31st year of Wanli (1603 AD)
New Book of Arithmetic [5]
The 34th year of Wanli (1606 AD)
Emperor Zong gave his permission to give the prince to his brothers Zhu Zaixian The Emperor Shenzong gave a commendation: "Yu Yu made a sincere speech to the king, and let the country enjoy a high wind. I have been honored for many years. I have granted the imperial edict to build a square, and show the beauty of the sky decoration." [5]
In addition, there are still some unknown years of writing, such as New Theory of Music Learning, Lingxing Small Dance Score, Xuangong Combined Music Score, Six Generation Small Dance Score, Music Score of Small Dance Village, Two Yis with Omen Map, Jialiang Suanjing, Diagram of Round Square Sentences, Lv Lv's Questioning Questions, etc. Most of the above works were included in his Complete Book of Music and Rhythm.

Publishing books

  • Author name Zhu Zaiyu
    Work time 2006-7
    The Essence of Lulu is a book compiled by Zhu Zhuyu (1536-1611 AD), the author of the Ming Dynasty.

Key achievements

According to the Ming History · Yiwenzhi, Zhu Zaiyu wrote a lot in his life《 The Complete Book of Music Rhythm 》Forty volumes, three volumes of Jialiang Suan Jing, four volumes of Lvli Rongtong, one volume of Yinyi, one volume of Wannian Calendar《 Perpetual calendar for reference 》The second volume, the second volume of New Theory of Calendar Studies (Mr. Dai Nianzu said in his book Zhu Zaiyu, a scientific and artistic superstar of the Ming Dynasty, that the records in the History of the Ming Dynasty were wrong, and that books such as Lv Li Rong Tong and Yin Yi were included in the Complete Book of Music and Rhythm), which involved music, celestial language, calendar, mathematics, dance, literature, etc Li Shizhen Song Yingxing Xu Guangqi Xu Xiake An equally famous heavyweight scientist, he is also an encyclopedic scholar. Among his works with millions of words《 The Complete Book of Music Rhythm 》Most famous. [9-11]
English Joseph Needham Doctor said this book was published in Wanli About 38 years ago, but as early as the 12th year of Wanli, he had already proved that the interval of a uniform scale can be taken as the twelfth root of two (that is twelvetone equal temperament ), than Europe People are decades ahead of schedule [12] This discovery has completely solved the problem that has puzzled people for thousands of years and is a major event in the history of music. Modern musical instruments are made with twelvetone equal temperament To set the tone [13] twelvetone equal temperament The theory was brought to the West by missionaries and had a profound impact. Prince Zhu Zaiyu was also famous in Europe. In his book Zhu Zaiyu, a scientific and artistic superstar in the Ming Dynasty, Mr. Dai Nianzu quoted Germany physical scientist Hermann Von Helmholtz It is said that among the Chinese, there was a prince named Zaiyu who advocated diatonic scale The method of dividing octaves into twelve semitones and tone sandhi was also invented by this country with talent and skill. " [10] [14-15]
Europeans were praising and practicing Zhu Zaiyu's invention, while in his hometown China, Zhu Zaiyu's creation was put it away unheeded After sleeping for more than 400 years, although Zhu Zaiyu was re recognized and studied, he still lay in the scholar's study. It is easy to see any history textbook, whether in primary school or middle school Li Shizhen Song Yingxing Xu Guangqi Xu Xiake But hard to find Zhu Zaiyu Name of. just as Joseph Needham The doctor said, "This is an incredible irony." [16] [10]


The Sanqu written by Zhu Zaiyu is very popular《 Awakening Words 》There are 73 small orders, with strong Critical realism Color. [17]
Chanting Ziling, Donkey Style, Hillside Sheep, Not Rich, Hillside Sheep, Huang Yinger, Seven Rhymes, Sighing for People, Respecting the Rich, Hillside Sheep, Ten Shortcomings, Huang Yinger, Keeping Away, Huang Yinger, Poor but Rich


  • temperament
81 speed super abacus [18]
Zhu Zaiyu's greatest contribution to literature and art is that he founded twelvetone equal temperament This theory has been widely used in keyboard instruments around the world, including piano Zhu Zaiyu was honored as“ The ancestor of piano theory " [18]
Zhu Zaiyu used an extra large abacus spanning 81 grades to calculate the square root and cube root, put forward the "theory of reducing diameter tubes", and based on this, he designed and manufactured the string alignment and rhythm tubes. Zhu Zaiyu's“ twelvetone equal temperament ”Make the increase or decrease of the tone of each two adjacent keys of the twelve keys equal. After decades of painstaking research, Zhu Zaiyu finally solved the academic problem left over by more than 1000 years in this music field with his theory of twelve equal temperament. Maybe this kind of professional vocabulary in music is puzzling. Let's quantify it: nine out of ten known musical instruments in the world are tuned on the basis of the twelve tone average, which is generally considered as "standard tuning" and "standard western melody" in the West. [18-20]
In the 17th century, Zhu Zaiyu studied the key data of the Twelve Mean Rhythm - "the root sign 2 to the 12th power", which was brought to the West by missionaries through the Silk Road. If you put Bach If he was called the father of the piano, Zhu Zaiyu could be called the ancestor of the piano. without twelvetone equal temperament Pavarotti Of《 My sun 》I can't sing because there are two octaves in this song. A famous Chinese expert in law Huang Xiangpeng Mr. Liu said: "The twelve average laws are not a single scientific research achievement, but a broad and profound achievement related to the musical acoustics in ancient metrology, mathematics and physics, which runs through the history of Chinese musical temperament science, as well as astronomical calendar and is closely related to the practice of musical art." twelvetone equal temperament It is a great revolution in musicology and music physics, and also a great invention in the history of world science. [21]
Zhu Zaiyu drew a lot of dance scores and pictures [18]
In the process of the development of ancient Chinese prosody, scholars of all dynasties have been tirelessly exploring how to achieve the transfer of the tunes in the performance of music. But up to now, no one has reached the summit of success, and only Zhu Zaiyu has completely solved this problem. Create for twelvetone equal temperament We need to solve a series of academic topics around this problem. First, we need to find a mathematical method to calculate the twelve average law. Zhu Zaiyu used the 81 file double row abacus made by himself to find out the parameters of the twelve mean laws by square root and cube root, which was more detailed than the ancient mathematical monographs in China, and the accuracy of the calculation results reached 25 Significant figures [22]
Taiwan scholar Chen Wannai Mr. Zhu Zaiyu said, "The method of making prescriptions was not invented by Zhu Zaiyu. He is good at planning and has no academic value. But his method of making prescriptions reached 25 significant figures. I'm afraid that he is the only mathematician since ancient times who is the most accurate and patient." [23]
  • Musical Instruments
Zhu Zaiyu Not only scientists and musicians, but also Musical Instruments A manufacturer, he is not satisfied with the old theory. He dares to question the legal system theory passed down from generation to generation. He makes a new theory, studies it with a realistic attitude, and meticulously produces The first fixed tone instrument in the world -- Xianzhun ,把 twelvetone equal temperament The theory of music is extended to music practice. Zhu Zaiyu also made thirty-six bronze pipes, each of which means the same. In his works, there are detailed descriptions of the material selection, production methods and playing requirements of each rhythm, and the data are extremely precise. Belgium Curator of Brussels Musical Instrument Museum Ma Rong After ten or twenty years of research, he copied two of them. He said, "Only smart Chinese can make such a great invention." [24]
  • Dancing
It pioneered "dance learning" and formulated an outline for dance learning, establish Has laid a theoretical foundation, draw A large number of dance music and dance pictures. His dance score with the word "peace in the world" is also today's Group calisthenics It is a pioneer. Zhu Zaiyu also put forward a more systematic music teaching system. His collective teaching of singing, accompaniment of musical instruments, and learning to sing music by reading music are still widely used in our music teaching today. [21]
  • dance
List of Zhu Zaiyu's Works [25]
The history of "holding the sedan chair high" in Shanwang Villa can be traced back to the Tang and Song Dynasties. Local residents have the custom of walking on stilts and carrying the sedan chair to celebrate the Spring Festival since ancient times. This custom was reborn in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Zhu Zaiyu, the son of King Zheng, lived in seclusion by the Danshui River Jiufeng Mountain Write a book and say, all good ancient town Nature is the place he often travels. Shizi is very sympathetic to the people, such as the sedan bearers and suona players, who are known as the "lower Jiuliu" artist They tried their best to fight for their status, boldly combined the two folk performing arts of walking on stilts and carrying sedan chairs, and elaborately designed the performance form of walking on stilts and carrying sedan chairs. [26-28]
Zhu Zaiyu's original intention was to make people look up to the "sedan chair man", and to improve the image and status of the "sedan chair man" in the eyes of the world with artistic means of expression. Later, Zhu Zaiyu continued to improve it, changing the daytime performance to the night performance, changing the flower sedan chair to the fire sedan chair, and changing the original cloth sedan chair to the yarn sedan chair. Candles were inserted around the sedan chair, and the top of the sedan chair was inlaid with a dragon head that can spray colored flames, which symbolizes the prosperity of the people's life in a year. [27]
In addition to the continuous improvement of the performance form, it is also rich in content. Zhu Zaiyu widely used his folk dances, and the accompanying musical instruments were also his improved Guanzi and a suona horn The percussion instrument uses the drum score in the "Golden Drum Sutra". He also composed his own "Awakening Ci" and "Rational Ci" into tunes for artists to sing in performances. In 2008, the State Council announced the first batch of national level high lift sedans Intangible cultural heritage Expand the project directory. [29]


  • mathematics
Zhu Zaiyu pioneered the use of abacus to square root and worked out the sequence equation, [30] It is the first time in the world to solve the first term, the last term and the number of terms of a known sequence of proportional numbers, and to solve the decimal conversion of different carry systems, some of which are still used today. [8]
  • Metrology
Zhu Zaiyu had a very detailed investigation and physical experiment on the relationship between ancient coins and weights and measures, especially the research on the changes of weights and measures system in the past dynasties, which has been influencing today; He proposed a series of calculation methods and formulas for nozzle correction, and also accurately measured the mercury density. [31]
  • Astronomical calendar
Zhu Zaiyu believed that the calendar at that time was not very accurate in calculating the length of each year. After careful observation and calculation, he worked out a formula for calculating the length of regression years. In 1986, experts verified Zhu Zaiyu's calculation results of 1554 and 1581 with modern high-tech measurement methods. The verification found that the length value of 1554 calculated by Zhu Zaiyu was only 17 seconds different from that calculated today, and 21 seconds different from that calculated in 1581. This has to shock the world. Even experts and scholars in Europe and the United States are surprised. It is the first accurate calculation in Chinese history Beijing The geographical position of 39 ° 56 ′ north latitude and 116 ° 20 ′ east longitude. [31-32]

Anecdotes and allusions

Zhu Zaiyu's Eight Musical Instruments [25]
Twenty ninth year of Jiajing. Outside the palace of King Zheng, a small mud hut "rose from the ground" - inside this mud hut was Zhu Zaiyu, the son of King Zheng. The son's father - King Zheng Vermilion He was a relatively honest vassal in the history of the Ming Dynasty. The History of the Ming Dynasty said that he was "from youth to age, clothed and fed", but he committed the holy anger, was punished by the Emperor Jiajing and went to Zhongdu Fengyang house arrest. Zhu Zaiyu believed that his father did not make any mistakes, neither rebelled against the law nor took bribes and perverted the law, but he did not like other vassal kings who were in favor of the emperor (Jiajing believed in Taoism and was keen on religious rites, so the kings scrambled to send envoys to worship and flatter). Instead, he wrote a letter to exhort the emperor to cultivate morality and give lectures, not to develop construction, and not to believe in immortals. This is what a minister should do. The emperor is credulous of slander and will punish his father. However, as a member of the royal family, Zhu Zaiyu was both bitter and unable to vent his hatred. In desperation, he found such a method that was quite similar to modern "non resistance doctrine", and vowed that his father would not return to the palace one day, and he would not return to the palace one day. In this way, he lived in the small mud hut for 19 years until the early years of Longqing when King Zheng was pardoned and returned to the palace. [9-11]
In the 19th year of Wanli, Vermilion Hong, Zhu Zaiyu, the leader of Shushen Sect, pleaded for the title to be transferred to his brother of the same clan. His behavior caused a great shock in the imperial court and the people called him "a different person in the sky" [33]

Character evaluation

In the Ming History, it was said that he was "devoted to learning and capable of learning". During the period of "Xi Gao Alone", he devoted himself to writing; After restoring his status as a son, he still focused on learning and wrote books, thus leaving a wealth of works for future generations. [7-8]
He carried out square root and cubic root calculation on abacus, and obtained the solution of proportional sequence, which was the first twelvetone equal temperament , put forward the "reducer theory", designed and manufactured string alignment and rhythm pipe; He founded "Dancing" and drew a large number of dance scores; He invented the rolling millet method to accurately calculate the geographical position and geomagnetic declination of Beijing, the length of the regression year and the specific gravity of mercury. He is a musicologist, musician, instrument maker, dancer, and a mathematician, physicist, astronomer and calendar. He has also made great achievements in art, philosophy, and literature. He is an encyclopedic scholar born in the soil of Chinese traditional culture. As early as the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zaiyu won many world firsts for China. Chinese and foreign scholars respected him as a "real world historical and cultural celebrity". [3]
Famous British scholar Joseph Needham This comment: Zhu Zaiyu is "the founder of the first average number in the world", whose "works have been highly praised". Joseph Needham called him "the sage of the Chinese Renaissance". 1997 Jiang Zemin Visiting the United States in Harvard University During the speech, Zhu Zaiyu was one of the three scientists who praised the outstanding contributions to mankind in Chinese history. [21] [34]

Memorial Hall

"Former Site of Zheng Fan Wang's Yuefu", published by the State Council on June 25, 2001 National key cultural relics protection units be located Qinyang City, Henan Province Middle section of Zhizhi Street. The memorial hall is divided into four exhibition halls to introduce Zhu Zaiyu's life and achievements. There are a large number of steles and inscriptions in the museum. In the center of the memorial hall is a statue of Zhu Zaiyu, and beside it is a large suona model improved by Zhu Zaiyu. [35]


Zhu Zaiyu: A Scientific and Artistic Star in the Ming Dynasty
Zhu Zaiyu: A Star of Science and Art in the Ming Dynasty, Dai Nianzu , 2011; [36]
Zhu Zaiyu, Immortal of Tianhuang 》, Dai Nianzu Elephant Press, 2008; [37]