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Zhu Wenjin

The monarch of Min State during the Five Dynasties
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Zhu Wenjin (? - 945), Fuzhou Yongtai (Today Fujian Yongtai County). The monarch of Fujian during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period.
When Wang Jipeng, Emperor Kangzong of Fujian, was in power, he moved the military envoy of Gongchen to take charge of the imperial guard. They launched rebellions successively, killed Wang Jipeng and Wang Yanxi, the king of Fujian, and usurped power and succeeded to the throne. Appearing to be a vassal of the Later Jin Dynasty, he was awarded a powerful envoy and the king of Fujian, and was attacked by the Quan Zhang warlord Liucongxiao, Chen Hongjin, and the Yin Emperor Yanzheng. The situation became increasingly embarrassing.
In the first year of Kaiyun in the Later Jin Dynasty (February 14, 945), Lin Renhan, a subordinate, assassinated him.
Full Name
Zhu Wenjin
Seal number
King of Fujian (canonized in the Later Jin Dynasty)
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
one's native heath
Yongtai (Now Yongtai, Fujian)
Date of death
In office time
January 1, 945 to February 14, 945
Minjingzong Wang Yanxi
Fugong Yiwang Wang Yanzheng
Highest office
Mighty envoy

Serve in the Forbidden Army

"Gongchen City" and "Crane Control City" were both Fujian Taizu After taking the throne, Zong Jipeng of Minkang, Wang Shen's close army, established his own name as "Chen Weidu", and treated it more thickly than Gongchen and Konghe, who complained repeatedly. Zhu Wenjin and Lian Chong, the envoy of the Crane Control Army, met Wang Jipeng three times and four times, and they were very dissatisfied with this.
In the fourth year of Min Tongwen (939), Beigong caught fire. Lian Chong was sent by Feng to clean up the ashes left by the fire. He worked hard and the soldiers resented him. Lian Chongyu was suspected by Wang Jipeng of being involved in arson, so he led the army to rebel, welcomed Wang Yanxi, Wang Jipeng's uncle, as the emperor, and killed him. After the coup, Zhu Wenjin was appointed Commander of Gongchen City.

Killer ascends the throne

Wen Jin and Chong Yu have been worried about being killed by others since they killed Wang Jipeng, and Wang Yanxi's personality has always been cruel, so they think that Yan Xi has the intention of inflicting harm Yonglong Five years《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government ·According to the textual research of the fourth year of Tianfu, the Emperor Gaozu of the Later Jin Dynasty, all the books were written as Tongwen and changed into Yonglong in the fourth year. Only Lin Zhiren, a native of Fujian, recorded that Wang Yanxi ascended the throne in the fourth year of Tongwen in the leap of July, was renamed Yonglong next year, and was killed in the fifth year. However, people in the Five Dynasties "transcribed the credentials of the country more from memory and hearsay than from old texts", Zhu and Lian took the initiative to assassinate Wang Yanxi. Zhu Wenjin, who was recommended by Lian Zhongyu, claimed to be the leader of Fujian, killed more than 50 members of the royal family with the surname of Wang in the territory, and let the palace ladies out of the palace to stop the project under construction, in an attempt to completely oppose Wang Yanxi's tyranny and win people's hearts.
Soon after, Zhu Wenjin cancelled the imperial title and claimed to be a powerful envoy. Later, Zhu Wenjin was appointed as a powerful envoy. On December 15 (January 1, 945), the first year of the reign of Emperor Kaiyun of the Later Jin Dynasty (944), Zhu Wenjin was officially conferred the title of King of Fujian by Shi Chonggui, the outgoing emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty.

Mutiny killed

But at this time, Zhu and Lian's troops were constantly led by generals Retention effect Chen Hongjin As well as the defeat of the crusader led by Yan Zheng, the Yan Emperor, the situation became more and more difficult, and his subordinates became centrifugal. Wen Jin and his reunion were assassinated by Lin Renhan, a subordinate who wanted to protect himself, on the 29th of leap December in the first year of the reign of Emperor Kaiyun of the Later Jin Dynasty (944) (February 14, 945 in the Gregorian calendar).