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Zhu Kezhen

Top Martial Scholar of the Ming Dynasty
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Zhu Kezhen, with the character of Zhanyu and Haozi Temple, was born in Shitang, Longjiang, Shunde County, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province (now Longjiang Town, Shunde District, Foshan City Xixi Community Rulin Village, Shitang City), was the first champion of the Ming Dynasty and the first champion of Guangdong. [1]
Full Name
Zhu Kezhen
Late Ming and Early Qing
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Long Jiang Zhen, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
Key achievements
The top martial artist of the Ming Dynasty, the first in Guangdong
Main works
Collection of Poems by Dan Songzhai
Zhu Kezhen, with the character of Zhanyu, Haozi Temple, was born in Shitang, Longjiang, Shunde (now Shitang, Rulin Village, Xixi Community, Longjiang Town, Shunde District, Foshan City), and was the first champion in Guangdong. Zhu Kezhen studied in a private school in the countryside when he was young, and read Confucian classics such as "Four Books and Five Classics". He once passed the exam. Later, he witnessed the decline of national strength and continuous border wars, so he gave up his career and went to Panyu, a neighboring county, to learn martial arts. During this period, he practiced martial arts while reading military strategy. Every morning, I get up early, dance guns, play swords and broadswords, pull horses and bows to practice archery, and study military books like Sun Tzu's Art of War and Wu Tzu's Art of War every day.
In the fourth year of the apocalypse (1624), Zhu Kezhen was a member of the martial arts examination team. Later, he lived in the capital and often competed with famous northern martial artists. When in the capital, Zhu Kezhen often rode alone out of the border to examine the situation. Wu Yuzhong, the supervisor of the imperial historian, angered Wei Zhongxian when Xiong Tingbi, the Liaodong economic strategist, accused him of being an innocent jailer, and was killed in prison. Qi You in Beijing was afraid of being involved, so no one cared about his future. Zhu Kezhen was not related to Wu Yuzhong. He only remembered that Wu Yuzhong had a good policy in Shunde's Ren Zhixian County in his early years, which left a good reputation for the people of Shunde, and now he died to admonish the state affairs. So, despite the danger of causing trouble, he bravely went out to take care of the funeral and transported the coffin back to Wu Yuzhong's hometown with a family member surnamed Jin. When Chongzhen ascended the throne, Wu Yuzhong was able to make a posthumous posthumous posthumous title of the martyr.
In the first year of Chongzhen (1628), Zhu Kezhen was the top martial artist in high school. The news that Zhu Kezhen won the title spread all over the capital in an instant. In the capital, he did mischief against the "eunuch party" headed by Wei Zhongxian, which brought disaster to the country and the people, and he hated it. Some people tried to attract Zhu Kezhen to join the circle of eunuch forces, and they were in the same boat, but Zhu Kezhen refused.
Zhu Kezhen, who won the first prize in martial arts, was appointed to the Royal Guards' Deputy Thousand Households, and the Deputy General of Lisheng Zhongdu stayed behind. However, Zhu Kezhen was upright, didn't know how to flatter, and was not good at flattery. He often disagreed with his boss in dealing with some daily affairs or problems, accidentally offended his boss, and was moved to Guangdong and Guangxi to be the head of the headquarters, and then was exiled to Liuzhou. Zhu Kezhen is dedicated to protecting his family and the country. He doesn't care where he is. He is not afraid to take any risks or take any responsibility when he is an official. As long as he can contribute to safeguarding national security, he will feel at ease and fulfill his duties. Because he had been effective in governing the disturbances and pacifying the people in Liuzhou, he was soon reinstated and transferred back to Guangdong.
Zhu Kezhen has just returned to Guangdong after being transferred from Liuzhou. It happened that pirates were rampant and organized to invade Yangjiang and Dianbai. He first devoted himself to rectifying coastal defense, went to the front to command the suppression and capture, broke the enemy's nest, and attacked pirates on a large scale. He captured dozens of pirate ships. The remaining pirates, like frightened birds, fled far away and dared not harass again. Yangjiang and Dianbai, once immersed in panic, have regained their former calm, and people's lives are stable and orderly.
He has just dealt a heavy blow to the pirates who have invaded Yangjiang and Dianbai, and restored the peace of one side. He has been transferred to Guangxi Haiphong. Zhu Kezhen was born in Shunde, a water town. Since childhood, he has rowed with his parents and brothers to and fro in rivers and streams. He is familiar with the nature of water, and is familiar with water disasters. In particular, he is more familiar with coastal defense affairs after the experience of going to Yangjiang to suppress pirates by radio and white. After taking office in Guangxi coastal defense, he first went to the barracks, post stations and checkpoints for inspection, listened to opinions, felt the situation, and then carried out targeted rectification. In a short time, he returned the coastal defense to peace and the local peace.
Just when he put Guangxi's coastal defense governance in order and restored the past peace and tranquility, the northern border was plagued with frequent problems and the situation was tense. Zhu Kezhen has written to the imperial court many times to request him to be transferred to Liaodong, but has not been approved. The war was fruitless and there was no way to serve the country. Zhu Kezhen resigned and returned to his hometown. [1]
Zhu Kezhen is the author of Dansongzhai Poetry Collection, whose works are as lively and straightforward as his own. According to Longjiang Township Records《 Bank of Communications 》A poem.