
[shù yǔ]
Chinese words
zero Useful+1
Terminology refers to field Used to express the appellation of a concept aggregate , also known as noun or Technical terminology (different from Grammar In noun )。 A term is an agreed linguistic symbol that expresses or limits scientific concepts through speech or words, and is a tool for the exchange of ideas and cognition. according to international standard The term "term" only refers to "literal reference". But many people use this word confusedly, sometimes referring to reference, sometimes referring to concept. This may be due to conceptual drift in the speaker's brain, but it may also be related to another definition given by Canadian terminologist Rondo, that is, the term is regarded as Saussure The linguistic sign of meaning is the unity of signified and signifier.
Chinese name
Foreign name
shù yǔ
Phonetic transcription
ㄕㄨˋ ㄩˇ
In the game, in people's life
Research, standards, work, national institutions
Special language for each discipline
Composition requirements
No synonyms before required
Part of speech

Explanation of words


Basic explanation

term shù yǔ
Terminology [1]

Sentence making

Cite and explain the special terms used in various disciplines to express the meaning of strict regulations.


Hu Shi Introduction to Mandarin Grammar: "In this era, term It is also complete, organized and more precise, so Ma Jianzhong Can build China Grammar Learn. "
Ye Shengtao Ni Huanzhi 》22: "Some term , some methods, some principles, always in her mind. "


Specialized terms in various disciplines. A term can be a word or a phrase , used to mark correctly Production technology , science, art, social life and other specialized fields of things, phenomena, characteristics, relations and processes.
for example Communication media Or called "media", "media" or "media", it refers to the carrier of information dissemination, that is, all forms of material tools that carry and transmit information from the communicator to the receiver in the process of information dissemination; 1943 American Library Association Of《 Guidelines for public libraries after the war 》First used as a term in a book.
A professional term used in a specific field.

basic feature



Terminology is used to express the special concepts of various professions, so the scope of communication is limited and fewer people use it.


Terminological semantics The scope is accurate. It not only marks a concept, but also makes it accurate and different from similar concepts.


The biggest difference between a term and a general vocabulary lies in its single meaning, that is, it is single within a specific professional scope. A few terms belong to two or more majors, such as the Chinese term "sports", which belongs to four fields: politics, philosophy, physics and sports.


In a science or technology, the status of each term can only be defined in the entire conceptual system of the profession.


Terms are often composed of words (including some morphemes) formed by the words used by the nation. After becoming a term, and Original word The meaning of is partially or completely lost. Terms can also come from proper names (person names, place names), such as "Watt", "Karst", etc. But general proper names are not terms, although they are also characterized by monosemy. The term is also often derived from Loanwords , by transliteration (e.g“ radar ”, "tank") free translation (such as "hardware", "software"), half tone and half free translation (such as "tractor", "cannon"), or borrowed from other words in the same language as the nation (such as "airport", "commuter", "boarding and landing"). In some languages, more and more terms come from loanwords. Although there are many similarities between the introduction of terms and loanwords, they are not completely equal speciality , is both a term and a loanword (or loan word); If it is unprofessional, it is just a loanword. In addition, terms can also be divided into pure terms, general terms and quasi terms according to their scope of use, of which the pure terms are the most professional, such as "plasma"; General terms take the second place, such as "pressure"; Quasi terms, such as "plastic", have penetrated into people's lives and gradually merged with general vocabulary.

Generate migration

The term is scientific culture The product of development. New things and new concepts are constantly emerging. People use various means to create appropriate words to mark them in their own language, which is the original source of terms. With the development of cultural exchanges, terms, together with the new things and concepts they mark, have spread. People of all ethnic groups have transplanted them in different ways (self-made or borrowed), which is the process of transplanting terms.
Scientific and technological terms are generally produced in countries with developed science and technology. The same thing or concept may also be discussed and appeared in different countries at the same time, so many terms with the same content but different forms will be generated. In addition, during the migration of terms, many synonymous terms with different forms will also be generated. The confusion of terms has become an obstacle to international academic exchanges, which requires linguists and scientific and technological workers to work together to solve terms Normalization Question. Many countries have set up national terminology committees, which are responsible for sorting out and examining various terms. Some scholars are advocating the creation of terms through transliteration in order to unify and standardize terms. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has a special terminology committee, which is responsible for organizing and coordinating this work. In order to strengthen terminology work, the International Terminology Information Center was also established in 1971. Some regions (such as the countries of the Council) have organized terminology coordination committees to coordinate terminology work in their own regions.
Modernization of terminology work electronic computer The popularization and application of. Many countries have established Terminology database And provide consulting services. Canada has the largest terminology database with 4 million terms, which has actually become the national terminology center. With the help of terminology database, translators can improve the speed and quality of translation and promote the unification of terms.


Research concept, concept definition and concept naming basic law Terminology, a marginal discipline of Chinese language, was formally established in the early 1930s. Doctor of Austrian Terminology Eugen Ulster (Eugen Wuister, 1898-1977). He is also the founder of the Vienna School of Terminology. Others such as Former Soviet Union Ai De Liezeng, Zapragin (1868-1942), Lott (1898-1950) and others also started the research of terminology in the early 1930s. The Constitution Principles of Scientific and Technological Terms written by Academician Lott has always been Former Soviet Union The theoretical basis of terminology work. In linguistics Prague School The successor of Czechoslovakia , devoted to the research of terminology. In the early 1930s, they became interested in terminology from the perspective of terminology standardization, and their arguments were influenced by Prague structuralist linguistic school. Canada's Quebec School of Terminology rose in the 1970s, and cultivated masters and doctors of terminology.
As a new interdisciplinary, relevant academic research in China be just unfolding In addition to more research on the naming of specific subject nouns, a number of experts and scholars who have carried out theoretical research on terminology have begun to emerge in the field of linguistics, translation, traditional Chinese medicine and other disciplines, and have achieved fruitful results. The most authoritative academic journals in this field in China are《 Chinese scientific terminology 》(Bi monthly), the chief editor is Academician Lu Yongxiang, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


With the development and progress of society, a large number of new concepts have emerged, which must be defined and referred to scientifically. Terminology and culture are inseparable from each other like a shadow. Different cultures should be explained and absorbed in different terms Foreign culture At the same time, foreign terms must be absorbed. In the past, the main work was to standardize the terms of natural science. In order to make China's social sciences a real science and a knowledge connected with the world, the standardization of terms in social science research is also an unavoidable problem. It does not mean that "the academic thought of social science is stereotyped".


Terminology, a marginal discipline that studies the basic laws of concepts, concept definitions and concept naming, was formally established in the early 1930s. Since then, the theories, principles and methods of terminology have been widely applied to terminology standardization in various professional fields.
It is generally believed that terminology, as a discipline, is Austria Professor Eugen Ulster (1898-1977), who is also in terminology Vienna School Founder of. Others, such as Ai De Liezeng, Chaplekin (1868 ~ 1942), Lott (1898 ~ 1950) of the Soviet Union, also started the research on terminology in the early 1930s. The Constitutive Principles of Scientific and Technological Terms written by Academician Lott has always been the theoretical basis of Soviet terminology work. Chaprekin is an aerodynamics scientist. He and Lott are both in the emerging terminology Moscow school The ancestor of.
The successor of Prague School in linguistics is still committed to the study of terminology. In the early 1930s, they became interested in terminology from the perspective of terminology standardization, and their arguments were influenced by Prague structuralist linguistic school. Canada's Quebec School of Terminology rose in the 1970s, and has made remarkable achievements in terms of the establishment of terminology and translation (including machine translation). At Laville University in Quebec, Professor Rondo gave a theoretical lecture on terminology, and trained masters and doctors in terminology (Su Wubin, 1990). Terminology is an important tool to guide the standardization of terms. With the rapid development of science and technology, terminology standardization has more obvious practical significance.
In the 1950s, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Soviet Union, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom, France and other countries began to put forward the principles and methods of terminology standardization to guide the work of terminology unification. By the end of 1988, there were 334 terminology standards issued by ISO. These works are shared and completed by 161 sub technical committees and several working groups. Among them, ISO/TC37 (the 37th Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization, with its secretariat in Austria) is responsible for formulating relevant international standards according to the basic principles of terminology.
China has a long history of terminology work, but it was only in the 1980s that terminology theory was formally incorporated into the agenda of terminology standardization. During this period, the secretary of ISO/TC37 and UNESCO Professor Ferber, the director of the International Terminology Information Center and Mr. Galinski have given lectures in China many times, introducing the basic principles and application methods of terminology. As early as 1968, ISO published the recommended standard ISO/R704 1968 Terminology Working Principles formulated by its Terminology Working Committee (ISO/TC37).
After this standard was revised and issued in 1988, the National Technical Committee for Terminology Standardization of China formulated Chinese National Standard GB1087 88 General Principles and Methods for Establishing Terminology. At the beginning of the 1990s, the international community began to revise the terminology standards, and put forward the working draft WD, the committee draft CD and the international standard draft DIS before and after.
China is an active member of ISO/TC37. In order to establish a standard for standardizing terminology, the National Technical Committee for Terminology Standardization, established by the former National Bureau of Standards, has organized the formulation of basic standards to guide terminology work, namely, the national standard code GB10112 of General Principles and Methods for Establishing Terminology, and the national standard code GB1.6 of Regulations on the Preparation of Terminology Standards. The working principles and methods determined by these standards are based on the ideas and practices of modern terminology, and the principles proposed therein are universal and applicable to all knowledge fields, including, of course, terminology work in the field of social sciences. Standardized terms and their definitions are an important part of the work in the basic field of standardization.
Confucius Said:“ The name is irregular and the words are not smooth ”。 "Name rectification" is the standardization of terms (Zhou Youguang, 1997). The purpose of terminology standardization is first to distinguish professional boundaries and conceptual levels, so as to correctly guide the formulation and revision of various standards. Terminology and terminology standardization have become the necessity of scientific development in order to cope with the rapid growth and rapid spread of terminology. A term is a reference to a concept. The number of root words in any language is limited. Compared with the concepts that need to be expressed by these root words, the number of root words is very small. There are many Chinese characters in China《 Kangxi Dictionary 》47073 Chinese characters were collected. In the 1980s, 8969 commonly used Chinese characters were found by using computer for word frequency statistics; The national standard "Chinese character coded character set for information exchange - basic set" stipulates that the number of Chinese characters for computer use is 6763. However, it is said that there are more than 4 million existing concepts in the electrical and electronic field alone (Su Wubin, 1990).
In contrast, the explosion of words in the field of social life is more refreshing. In the face of such a large concept community, if we do not adopt strict scientific methods in terminology work, there will be communication problems in the near future. As far as the field of social science is concerned, the standardization of terms in social science research is also an unavoidable problem in order to make China's social science a real science and a knowledge connected with the world.
Here, it needs to be clear that the purpose of terminology standardization is not to unify ideas, but to unify expressions. The standardization of terms in social science research does not mean "the sameness of academic thought in social science". On the contrary, terms are the premise of academic research. The standardization of terms means the development of science. Standardizing terms is an essential part of discipline construction. The academic atmosphere of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend must require the background of terminology standardization what i say goes There is no need to consider terminology. In a sense, standardized terminology is not only an important part of social science discipline construction, but also an important means to promote discipline construction and development as well as cross integration between different disciplines.
At the plenary meeting of the fourth National Committee of the National Commission for the Examination and Approval of Scientific and Technological Terms held in Beijing in mid June 2000, Jiang Lansheng, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, proposed to standardize the terminology of social sciences, which became the highlight of attention.
It's been years Chinese Academy of Social Sciences The leaders of. Like natural science, with the development of social science and various research work, academic discussions and exchanges are increasingly needed, so standardizing social science terminology will become an urgent matter.
If the unification of scientific and technological terms is a basic condition for a country to develop science and technology, then it will be an important progress in the history of social sciences in China to review terms according to the discipline system of social sciences, first standardize terms in the field of social science research, and then gradually realize the official release of social science terms.


In ancient China, science and technology were very developed, and terminology work had a long history. Xunzi's Zhengming Pian is a book about language theory, in which many arguments are related to terminology. The translation of Buddhist scriptures in the Han and Tang dynasties absorbed a large number of Buddhist terms in Sanskrit. In order to solve the problem of free translation and transliteration, Xuanzang The principle of "five no turning" is put forward. In the Ming Dynasty, the cause of translating scientific works flourished. Chinese and foreign scholars jointly translated many works on astronomical calendar, topographic mapping, irrigation and water conservancy, and the science of power and art. In the second half of the 19th century, a large number of scientific and technological works were translated and a large number of scientific terms were introduced centering on the Beijing Tongwen Museum and Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau. For example, Xu Shou Prior to the translation of Chemical Connotation, there were only some names of the most common chemical elements in China, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, nourishing gas, light gas, chlorine, etc. The naming principle of creating new words according to the first syllable of Western language was used in the book Chemistry Appreciation of the Origin, so sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc. appeared. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, when Yan Fu translated new nouns, on the one hand, he chose free translation words, on the other hand, he created many transliterated words. During this period, Hu Yilu In the article "On Translated Names", although I tried to translate it, I also suggested that transliteration Ten categories of words of. All these indicate that the formulation and standardization of terms have always been a concern of people. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was a growing demand for the unification of translated names. In May 1909, Taoist Yan Fu, a candidate of the School of Musical Performance, compiled a list of Chinese and foreign nouns in various subjects and a variety of dictionaries. In September, the School of Musical Performance set up a terminology library, with Yan Fu as the chief editor. This can be said to be the first unified organization to examine and approve academic terms in Chinese history. But no results were published. Revolution of 1911 Later, the Society of Doctor of Medicine Jiangsu Education The Science Society of China, the Science Society of China and other units carried out the examination and approval of scientific terms. In 1919, the Scientific Terms Examination Committee was established. In 1928, the University College set up a unified translation committee in Shanghai. However, truly centralized management of the validation of national scientific terms can be said to be conducted by Nanjing National Compilation and Translation Museum (founded in 1932). It was published in 1933《 Principles of chemical naming 》, to The People's Republic of China Before its establishment, it was compiled into about 50 terms, of which nearly 20 have been published. After 1949, terminology work began a new stage.
In May 1950 Central People's Government Under the leadership of the Culture and Education Committee of the Government Affairs Council“ Working Committee for the Unification of Academic Terms ”It consists of five groups of natural science, social science, medicine and health, art science and current affairs. In 1956, the Culture and Education Commission was abolished, and the State Council entrusted the work of unifying academic terms to the Chinese Academy of Sciences“ Natural Science Terminology Compilation Office of Chinese Academy of Sciences ”(In the middle, it was changed to "Noun Room of the Translation and Publishing Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences"). the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”During this period, the terminology validation was completely interrupted. In 1978, the State Council approved the establishment of the National Natural Science Terminology Examination and Approval Committee under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Over the past few years, six sub committees have been established and a series of meetings and seminars on terminology validation have been held. On April 25, 1985, National Natural Science Terminology Commission It was officially established in Beijing. Qian Sanqiang is the chairman and about 70 members. The scope of work of the Committee covers a broad range of natural sciences, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, earth science, biological science, technical science, agricultural science, medicine, etc. The tasks of the Committee are: to determine the working principles and draw up the work plan, implementation plan and steps for the national unification of natural science terms; To be responsible for examining and approving the unified names of terms in various disciplines of natural science, and publishing them for implementation.
In 1995, the Third National Committee Plenary Meeting of the National Committee for Natural Science Terminology Accreditation was held, and the Third Committee was formed Lu Jiaxi Director. Shortly after the meeting, the National Natural Science Terminology Commission was renamed as National Commission for the Examination and Approval of Scientific and Technological Terms After the tragic death of Director Lu Jiaxi in June 2001, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Lu Yongxiang Academicians took over the chairmanship of the 4th and 5th National Science and Technology Commission. In September 2010, the National Science and Technology Commission will hold the plenary meeting of the sixth committee in Beijing.

National institutions

The National Commission for the Examination and Approval of Scientific and Technological Terms (formerly known as the National Commission for the Examination and Approval of Natural Science Terms) was established in 1985 with the approval of the State Council. It is an authoritative organization authorized by the State Council to examine, approve and publish scientific and technological terms on behalf of the country. On August 12, 1987, the State Council explicitly instructed that the terms approved and published by the National Natural Science Terminology Commission should be authoritative and binding force All scientific research, teaching, production and operation, press and publishing units throughout the country should follow the rules.
The task of the National Science and Technology Terminology Examination and Approval Committee (hereinafter referred to as the National Science and Technology Nomenclature Committee) is to be responsible for formulating guidelines, policies, principles and plans for the work of science and technology terms in China; To be responsible for organizing the validation, publication, coordination, promotion and application of terms in various disciplines of science and technology; To carry out exchanges, coordination and unification of scientific and technological terms across the Taiwan Straits and in Chinese speaking areas; Organize research on scientific and technological terms and academic exchanges at home and abroad.
Academician Qian Sanqiang, a famous physicist, and Academician Lu Jiaxi, a famous chemist, successively served as the director of the National Science and Technology Commission. The current director is Lu Yongxiang, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Famous scientist and scholar Wu Jieping Qian Weichang Zhu Guangya Xu Jialu Served as the specially invited consultant of the National Science and Technology Poetry Commission. Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences National Natural Science Foundation General Administration of Press and Publication China Association for Science and Technology State Administration of Radio, Film and Television General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine State Intellectual Property Office State Language Work Committee The standing committee is composed of the relevant heads of the departments and several scientists. Deputy Director of the Fifth National Committee Cheng Jinpei Jiang Lansheng Yu Yongzhan Zhao Qinping, Zhu Zuoyan, Liu Qing (full-time); The standing members are Chen Yuntai, He Hua, Jin Delong Li Jisheng Li Yuming Lu Ruqian Ma Yang, Wang Jixiang Wang Yongyan , Xuanxiang Zhang Huanqiao , Zhang Lihe Zhang Xianen Zhang Xiaolin. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have jointly invited 108 famous scholars, experts and professors in various disciplines to serve as members of the national committee.
The office of the National Science and Technology Commission is the Affairs Center of the National Science and Technology Terminology Commission, whose main responsibility is to implement the resolutions of the National Science and Technology Commission; Organize the implementation and implementation of the term validation task of the National Science and Technology Commission; To organize and coordinate the work of sub committees of various disciplines; Edit and publish scientific and technological terms approved and published by the National Science and Technology Commission; Carry out academic exchanges at home and abroad; Handle the daily affairs of the National Science and Technology Commission.
Examining and approving scientific and technological terms and realizing the standardization of scientific and technological terms play an irreplaceable role and significance in supporting scientific and technological development, ensuring language health, inheriting Chinese culture, promoting social progress, and maintaining national unity and national unity. Therefore, since the establishment of the National Science and Technology Dictionary Committee, the country has always attached great importance to it. Li Peng a great distance Fang Yi Zhang Jinfu Yan Jici Wu Jieping Lu Jiaxi Zhou Guangzhao Xu Jialu Lu Yongxiang Qian Xuesen Qian Weichang Song Jian Zhu Guangya State leaders such as Yan Jici, Lu Jiaxi, Lu Yongxiang and other leaders also personally presided over the work of the National Science and Technology Poetry Commission, greatly inspiring and inspiring the noun workers.
For serious implementation the state council On the guiding spirit of the work of unifying scientific and technological terms, National Science and Technology Commission (Today Science and Technology Department )、 Chinese Academy of Sciences State Education Commission Press and Publication Administration A joint notice was issued on June 23, 1990, putting forward three clear requirements: first, all news organizations should publicize the importance of unifying terms through various media and take the lead in using published terms; 2、 All editing and publishing units are required to use the published terms for the relevant books, periodicals, documents and materials to be published in the future. Especially for various reference books, whether to use the published standard nouns should be one of the standards to measure the quality of the book; 3、 All the published terms of various disciplines and all kinds of textbooks to be compiled and published in the future should be used in accordance with them. This spirit of notification has greatly promoted the promotion and application of standardized nouns.
So far, the National Science and Technology Nomenclature Commission has set up 78 science and technology discipline term validation committees, and more than 3000 first-class scientists have participated in the term validation work. 88 standard terms (35 of which are defined terms), including astronomy, physics, biochemistry, electronics, agronomy and medicine, have been published, and 5 cross Strait scientific and technological terms and eight disciplines in traditional Chinese have been published. The successive publication of these standardized terms has played a good role in scientific research, teaching and academic exchanges, and laid a foundation for the unification of scientific and technological terms in China.
The National Science and Technology Nomenclature Commission attaches great importance to academic exchanges at home and abroad, has established close ties with major terminology organizations and experts at home and abroad, actively participates in activities related to scientific and technological terms, learns and draws on the theories and terminology work experience of various terminology schools, cultivates, enriches and strengthens its own terminology validation team, and improves the level of the unification and standardization of scientific and technological terms in China, And is committed to developing towards internationalization. Actively organize forces to study terminology theories at home and abroad, combine the characteristics of Chinese, and make efforts to gradually establish terminology theories with Chinese characteristics on the basis of summarizing previous research results.
China's science and technology are taking off, the cause of standardization and unification of scientific and technological terms is developing, and the National Science and Technology Commission is advancing. The National Science and Technology Poetry Commission will work with tens of thousands of scientific and technological workers throughout the country to make greater contributions to this groundbreaking work matching the development of science and technology.

Composition requirements

Single list semantics : Before creating a new term, check whether there are synonyms, and select a term that can better meet other requirements for the term among several existing synonyms.
seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function Sex: also called Transparency Terminology should be able to express accurately and concisely definition The gist of.
Conciseness : Information exchange requires that terms be as concise as possible to improve efficiency.
derivation It is also called productivity. Terminology should be convenient for ventral words, especially for basic terms combined into phrases. The shorter the basic terms, the stronger the word formation ability.
stability : The commonly used terms with high frequency and wide range should not be changed easily, even if they are not ideal.
Conform to language habits : The terms should conform to the language habits, and the words should be chosen in such a way that they do not cause ambiguity and do not have emotional connotations such as praise or criticism.


Term management is far more than just collecting these terms, their translation and their supporting elements, such as pronunciation, part of speech or definition. Enterprises need to have the ability to extract words from all existing and new content, so as to quickly create a comprehensive dictionary, so as to focus on terms and their translations, including those prohibited and impermissible by regulations, to provide support information that helps clarify the term, such as hyperlinks to the Internet or the network or multimedia pictures, And publishing the terminology database through several ways to ensure that Network server Access to internal and external term bases.
Since 1990, SDL MultiTerm has been able to fully control the most important asset of the enterprise: the term base. It provides centralized access to approved terminology to deliver accurate and consistent terminology through the authoring and translation processes. As a comprehensive solution, SDL MultiTerm can provide enterprises with solutions to extract, centralize and publish terms.
Extraction To ensure that the company can implement it immediately, SDL provides two industry recognized methods for extracting terms that are applicable to both single language and dual language documents:
The language extraction method is based on the sound language based principle and the statistical extraction method of the built-in dictionary. Based on the occurrence frequency of the candidate terms, the terms are processed centrally and stored in the centralized repository on the server; The server can collect unlimited terms and support data. User defined security management ensures that only designated users can submit or edit terms, while others can only perform intelligent searches and view results. Search options include:
Simple search to find a specific term wildcard search to find all terms containing a specific string Fuzzy search to find terms that are similar or contain part of the search text Multi technical corpus search to find terms that may exist in multiple term databases Full text search to find terms that may exist anywhere in the entire term library, Including terms stored in the published terminology library in metadata can be shared through multiple media to ensure that each author and translator has read or write access, regardless of their physical location or network connection. These media include:
Client/server application The powerful and easy-to-use export function of any standard web browser is used for people who are not authorized to access the relevant network architecture, and for remote access Fat client From other commercial applications, use XML and SOAP files. The integration available at this installation includes: SDL MultiTerm seamlessly integrates with SDL AuthorAssistant, so that when using Microsoft ®、 Common authoring tools such as Word, Adobe ®, FrameMaker ®, XMetaL ®, and Arbortext Editor check terms when creating. SDL MultiTerm seamlessly integrates with SDL Trados 2007 to deliver real-time term validation in the translation process. SDL MultiTerm can deliver intelligent products for managing and sharing company terms:
SDL MultiTerm Desktop, It is applicable to the installation of SDL MultiTerm Team on a single client, the sharing of the term SDL MultiTerm Server plus Online for small teams connected to the network, and the installation of clients/servers of any size, as well as web publishing.


In the basic skill requirements for the assessment personnel, it is not only required to make accurate judgments on the flue gas quality, but also required that the assessment personnel can use professional terms to describe correctly. Therefore, it is very important to be familiar with professional terms and understand their meanings. The terms of the evaluation and absorption specified in the national standard are described as follows:
1. Greatness: cut tobacco has bright luster, oily and shiny.
2. Fragrance: comprehensive feeling of cigarette aroma and taste.
3. Delicate taste: The fragrance is flowing, elegant and pleasant, far away and stay for a while, and the light aroma type flue-cured tobacco belongs to this fragrance.
4. Strong fragrance: the fragrance is thick and semi strong, beautiful, thick and long, which belongs to the rich flavor flue-cured tobacco.
5. Full fragrance: rich and full fragrance.
6. Harmony: The fragrance is harmonious and consistent, and the characteristics of one component cannot be felt.
7. Enrichment: The fragrance is full and rich, solid but not empty, and can be really felt. But it is less than half full, that is, rich but not rich, full but not full.
8. Purity: pure fragrance and purity.
9. Fresh: The fragrance is novel, with a beautiful and fresh feeling.
10. Clean: all parts of the mouth are clean and free of residues after inhalation. [2]




Understanding terminology is necessary for better communication on BN. The text below does not include everything you hear. For some commonly used words, Blizzard did not put them on its official website, probably because those words are not polite. However, these words are displayed here, but of course, we don't want you to use them in games.


It refers to "anti air", which is usually used to refer to units that can attack air targets, as well as those specially used to destroy flying forces. For example, troll headhunters, archers, musketeers, and crypt demons.
Abuse of certain winning tactics and troops. For example, if someone suddenly finds that a Naga female sea witch The magic shield tactics, and every game in 20 consecutive games, may be called Abusive by other players.