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Seeking truth from primitive script

Medicine book written by Huanggong Embroidery in Qing Dynasty
"Seeking Truth from Materia Medica" is a medicine book written by Huang Gongxiu in the Qing Dynasty.
"Seeking Truth from Materia Medica"
Huanggong Embroidery
Year of completion
Belonging category
Chinese medical classics
Number of volumes
12 volumes


Huang felt that most of the books on herbal medicine at that time were "unclear in their reasoning and meaning", and the situation was that "they could not make up for the false meaning, they could not make up for the straight theory, or they thought it was an attachment between one and two, but they thought it was an empty drink by using clever words". Instead, they tried to correct the current problems, gathered the experience of ordinary treatment, and collected the essence of a hundred schools of thought, and wrote the ten volumes of Seeking Truth in Herbal Medicine.

Circulating edition

The existing editions are the early edition of the 34th year of Qianlong (1769), the 43rd year of Qianlong (1778) and the Republic of China edition. After 1949, there was a printed version.

About the author

Huanggong Embroidery, known as Jinfang, was born in Yihuang (today's Yihuang County, Jiangxi Province). He was born in the eighth year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty and died in the 22nd year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1731-1818 AD) at the age of 87. His father, named E, was a famous doctor at that time and wrote books such as Understanding Tiyao. Under the guidance of his father, Gong Xiu read extensively and devoted himself to "Xuanqi". He believed that medicine "the small is the essence of technology, the big is the way of counselors, and its great contribution is very small." He was not a knowledgeable and knowledgeable person, and could not become an accomplished pharmacist. He studied hard all his life. In his middle age, he was "well versed in medical research, able to interpret the truth and abstract, and identify falsehood and falsehood." He has written many books, including "Medical Truth Seeking Record", "Pulse Theory Seeking Truth", "Materia Medica Seeking Truth", and "Jinfang Medical Case", among which "Materia Medica Seeking Truth" is the most popular. As the saying in the book "Seeking Truth from Materia Medica" goes: "It is a book that is broadcast to help the world. Many people live. It is not only in the corner, but also in the world."

Book review and preface

Qihuang is a skill. Although the small one is the essence of technology, the big one is the way of counselors. Its contribution is very great, and its reason is very small. It is not true that those who have true knowledge and insight come out to be doctors. It is also true that they can enrich many books and explore the source of poverty! If there are genuine Confucians in the world, there will be genuine doctors. It must be true Confucianism that believes in true medicine, and then its medicine begins to be true and not false. It is necessary to read medical books as true medicine, so the medicine is more true than fake.
Gu Shizhi's doctors do not like this. They either read books and stop counting, or occasionally recall when they are ill, and hold back their opinions, which will cause untold harm. If he is lucky enough, he will sing his skills without seeking the essence; If you are unlucky but not fortunate, you should appoint all the orders together and never know what you have lost. Woo hoo! The death and life of tens of millions of people is the poor work of one person, but if you really taste it with skill! However, this is not the fault of those who attack medicine alone, that is, ancient books are also responsible. Yu Xiangxi, who is not familiar with medical science, has been writing books to punish money for a long time since he was appointed by Jian Jian. Sometimes he has a little time to do business. The study of the smell of drugs in the "Materia Medica" is not only complex and well prepared, but also often takes every one or two as an example, and infers instead that he sees what he wants to see. People are confused about the boundaries of the country. People who do not know the banks of the country want to seek truth, so they should be confused about the truth. It is no wonder that people who see little and hear little will never get their truth. The Taixue in Yichuan, whose surname is Huang Bugong, whose embroidery number is Mianfang, was a parrot whose father was a taboo. He used to use Understanding Tiyao to explain the world, and knew that he was born of a Confucian son. He has been influenced by Confucianism for a long time. One day, please give me the preface of "Seeking Truth from Materia Medica". The rest of my reading is a book, that is, I already know it like the palm of my hand. I think it is like a sun star, and I know better in medical research. Therefore, I can interpret the truth and abstract, correct the false and identify the false, and publish what has not been published before. Those who have been trained as Confucian scholars but have not learned medicine from their husbands are sure to know the Tao at a glance, that is, they have never been trained as Confucian scholars but have learned medicine from their husbands, and they have only just read it to get the most of it. How can a quack, a shallow scholar, say that it is just in case?
Today, the Holy Son of Heaven will reward Yuanyuan. Everything is in one body. The letter is constant and the house is spring. If the book is widely distributed, it will help the world and the living people. Its contribution is not only seen in the corner, but also in the world; It does not stop at a time, but will continue forever without replacement. It is for narration.
When Qianlong was ugly and Ji Dong knew about Yihuang County, Wang Guangxie wrote to Fenggang Office
In the thirtieth year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong of Wei, he met the Emperor Jigu Youwen respectfully and ordered him to purchase the posthumous books for storage and browsing, while the rest of the books were assigned to the library by the upstream to collect and check. There were hundreds of books from Jiangyou, which were refuted and contradicted each other, and it was an immortal business. However, the huge compilation of the voluminous cases had already become obscure. Those who can read with the eyes can also inquire about the grand view! Yihuang Huang Taixue Palace Embroidery is based on the two volumes of Understanding Tiyao, written by his late father for Ying, and several volumes of Medical Truth Seeking Record, and several volumes of Materia Medica Truth Seeking. Only the theory of righteousness and reason, to Song Confucianism and Ming Dynasty, invented the connotation of Song Confucianism, more Yuan, Ming Confucianism and great preparation. Yihuang was also an ancient Linchuan County. Ji is the governor of the county. There were Xiangshan in Song Dynasty, Thatched Cottage in Yuan Dynasty, and Kangzhai in Ming Dynasty. All of them developed their own knowledge with outstanding talent. Huang Junzhi's book is similar to several ancient philosophers in its resources, and can not indulge in the habit of speaking and listening to the beautiful words in addition to the chapters, sentences and exegesis. It gathers the flow of Confucian scholars, and thinks that this book can not be regarded as a person who can extricate himself from the popular world. The Imperial College is dedicated to reading his father's book in his spare time, and the wanli Xuan can extricate himself from the vulgarity. The Imperial College, in his spare time, devoted himself to Xuanqi. The ancients used the merit of good doctors to compare with good ministers. The ancient benevolence and people's interest in things are like ears. Otherwise, the charity will benefit the public, and its affairs will become poor, while there are many good ministers and good doctors, who are willing to consolidate their strength, and fear that the benevolent skill will be too narrow. Today's Taixue is also the book, and it has been said by the local experts in history. If it can return to the establishment of honest feelings, it is not only to send its thoughts on good looks, but also to promote its thoughts on near analogy. Therefore, it is different from those who trade skills in the world. Love did not refuse his request. He mailed the two books to the Book Office for selection, and the same goes for the description.
In the winter of the 38th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong, he was awarded as a scholar of the Chinese Constitution. He was an official of Jiangxi Province who went to Guangrao and Jiunan, and was also in charge of water conservancy. He was also in charge of the preparation of Taoist and Taoist records. The day before yesterday, he talked about living and living. The Imperial Academy attendant talked about Zuo Chunfang, Zuo Zanshan, the Imperial Academy editor, and Ning Qin Chengen wrote

Chapter Contents

First part
Volume I Supplement
balanced supplementation
Make up fire
spurt water
Warming kidney
Volume II - astringency
Warm and astringent
difficult and harsh
Volume III Powder
Dispel cold
Drive the wind
Dissipating dampness
dissipate heat
Vomiting powder
Temperature dispersion
Flat dispersion
Volume IV laxative
Ooze moisture
Purgative water
Reducing phlegm
Purgative fever
Purgative fire
Volume V Blood Agents
Warm blood
Cooling blood
Volume VI Miscellaneous
Volume VII Food
Part II
Volume VIII. Main indications
Main medicine for visceral diseases
Part II
Volume IX, Main Treatment (II)
Main drug for six sexual disorders
Summer heat
Quench thirst
Volume X General Meaning

content validity

This book contains 520 medicines, which are divided into two parts. The first part has a detailed record of the form, nature, taste, function, main indications and taboos of medicines. The second part is divided into three parts: the main medicine for visceral diseases, the main medicine for six yin diseases, and the general meaning of medicines. The meaning of medicines in this book is "all exhaustively searched, mixed with traction, and all are deleted, so that we can really see them". Therefore, it is called "seeking truth".
Huang's classification of drugs is quite unique. He did not use the subordinate classification method that has been used in the books of herbal medicine in the past dynasties, that is, the medicines are arranged in the order of grass, tree, vegetable, gold and stone, etc., but the drug efficacy classification method is used. According to the nature of the drugs, they are divided into seven categories: tonic, astringent, loose, laxative, blood, miscellaneous, and food. Each category is also divided into several sub categories, such as tonic, which is also divided into warm, moderate, fire, water, and kidney warming; The purgative agent can also be divided into the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent, the purgative agent and the purgative agent. Under each medicine, the subordinate and the serial number of the catalogue are indicated. This is a very progressive index form in the herbal works. It is not only convenient for reference, but also helpful for scholars to distinguish the similarities and differences of drugs and guide clinical prescription. For example, although both yam and atractylodes macrocephala belong to tonics, yam is a kind of flat tonics, while atractylodes macrocephala is a kind of moderate temperature, and their clinical application should be different.
In the aspect of medication method, Huang proposed to distinguish medication by shape, color, nature and taste according to the theory that five colors enter the five zang organs and his own academic opinions. It is believed that "all medicines that are green in color, sour in taste, foul in qi, and wooden in nature enter the Gall Bladder Channel of Feet Yin Liver and Feet Shaoyang"; "Those whose medicine is red in color, bitter in taste, scorched in qi, and fire in nature all start with Shaoyin Heart and Small Intestinal Meridian of Hand Sun"; "Those whose medicine is yellow in color, sweet in taste, fragrant in gas, and native to China, all enter the Taiyin Spleen and the Yangming Stomach Meridian"; "All medicines with white color, pungent taste, fishy smell and golden nature enter the lung of the hand Taiyin and the large intestine channel of the hand Yangming"; "Those who are black in color, salty in taste, gas rotten, and water in nature all enter the Foot Shaoyin Kidney and Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian", and clearly put forward that drugs have "shape temperament", "smell fluctuation", "root tip up and down", "five injuries", "five walks", and "five passes". These understandings have played a positive role in the efficacy of drugs and clinical research.
Huang attached great importance to the theory and experience of his predecessors, and collected the masterpieces of Cheng Wuji, Zhang Jiegu, Zhu Danxi, Li Dongyuan, Li Shizhen, Yu Jiayan and others, but learned from the past without being muddy. For example, in the Classic, it is said that the root of white thatch can "fill the middle and replenish qi", but the Huang family does not think so. He said, "The cloud can fill the middle and replenish qi. Although it comes out of the Classic, it is only because its stomach heat is eliminated and the middle qi recovers itself. How can it really be said to be beneficial? It seems that the theory of the classics is not credible." This theory is quite reasonable. In addition, Huang did not blindly worship the words of the former sages. For example, Zhang Jiegu, Li Dongyuan and Zhu Danxi said that phellodendron was the product of nourishing yin, and later generations learned from it as a tonic. However, Huang strongly refuted the fallacy and believed that: "Phellodendron chinense is extremely yin in nature, bitter in taste and cold in nature, and it has the air of cold in winter". "However, people in the world today, regardless of the truth or falsehood, have a wonderful medicine to cure heat and fatigue, but they do not know the performance of yin and cold, which will damage people's popularity and reduce their food consumption, and the fire of the vital gate will disappear at the first sight, and the role of the spleen and stomach will be depressed at the first sight. The vitality is both weak and bitter cold, which can stop the vitality." This incisive statement is undoubtedly a blow to the doctors who like to use bitter cold and want to receive the benefit through "strengthening yin".
Some drugs are very similar in some aspects, which is easy to be confused. Huang tries to be profound through discrimination. For example, Ophiopogon japonicus and Ophiopogon japonicus are both yin nourishing and heat clearing products, but Huang stressed that "Ophiopogon japonicus has a lot of sweetness and less cold nature. Ophiopogon japonicus is mainly in the lungs, while Ophiopogon japonicus is mainly in the lungs, more in the heart". Both Pinellia ternata and Fritillaria ternata can expel phlegm, but "Pinellia ternata can also cure the spleen and lungs, while Fritillaria ternata can only clear the lung gold; Pinellia ternata can use its pungent, while Fritillaria ternata can use its bitter; Pinellia ternata can use its warm, while Fritillaria ternata can use its cool; Pinellia ternata has a slow nature; Pinellia ternata can dissipate cold, Fritillaria ternata can clear heat, and smell Yin and Yang, which is quite different." In addition, there are differences between red and white peony medicines. Those who are red can purge, can disperse, and those who are white, All are discussed in detail. All these reflect Huang's rigorous academic attitude and rich practical experience.
Huang has also developed some new functions of drugs in the long-term clinical practice. For example, the drug "Liu Jinu" not only points out that it has the function of breaking blood stasis, unblocking meridians and promoting blood circulation, but also points out that it can stop the blood flow when it is used for bleeding from golden sores. It is also Huang's experience.
Huang also attached great importance to the source, authenticity and processing of drugs. As the saying goes, "The new Dangshen from Taihang, Shanxi, can stop clearing the lungs, but can not be beneficial. It is not the same as the real Dangshen (ginseng), which has been banned for a long time.". Fangfeng is famous for "those who grow out of rehmannia in the north are better, and the wind of Sifeng windmill cannot be used as medicine". For the processing of drugs, it is emphasized that "medicine is more expensive than others", "less is more difficult to obtain efficacy, and too much is more difficult to obtain odor", and the theory of drug compatibility is extended to the processing method of "drug based medicine". Take Coptis chinensis as an example, there are ten ways to make Coptis chinensis: "heart fire is used, vinegar is used for cooking, pig bile is used for cooking, hot wine is used for cooking, ginger juice is used for cooking, salt water or stool is used for cooking, loess is used for cooking, Evodia rutaecarpa is used for cooking, blood is used for cooking, dry lacquer is used for cooking, and human milk is used for cooking." These descriptions have practical significance in the processing of traditional Chinese medicine.
Seeking Truth from Materia Medica, 12 volumes, 10 volumes for one book. Written by Huanggong Embroidery (Jinfang) in the Qing Dynasty. It was published in the 34th year of Qianlong's reign (1769). The author deeply studies pharmacology, "so that we can really see", so it is a famous book of "seeking truth". The first nine volumes contain 520 kinds of drugs. The main text of the drug strip is based on efficacy drugs. Each drug directly describes its nature, taste, and efficacy, and also discusses the source, authenticity, and processing method of the drug. When discussing medicine, the author likes to use simple words and express his own meaning directly. In terms of pharmacology, "it is always inferred from the four characters of the smell, shape and quality of drugs, so that the drug's view is applied to the patients, which has its own reasons, and the drug's view is applied to the patients, which is effective and has its own reasons." Thus, it is new to combine pharmacology, efficacy, drug form and clinical practice closely. This book adopted the advanced retrieval method at that time. The text is divided into seven parts: tonic, astringent, powder, laxative, blood agent, miscellaneous agent and food. The book is attached with the "Table of Contents after Volume" (i.e. index). The names of each medicine are still divided into grass, wood, fruit, grain, vegetable, gold, stone, water, soil, birds, animals, scales, fish, insects, humans, etc. The serial number is marked under the front and rear contents and the main drug strip for easy searching. There are 477 pictures in the front of the book, which are mostly transferred from the Compendium and the Collection of Materia Medica.

Impact assessment

"Seeking Truth from Materia Medica" is characterized by being practical and not empty talk. It is a monograph on materia medica with close combination of medicine, concise content and high clinical practical value.