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Unsolved mystery

Unexplainable natural, astronomical, historical and other phenomena or events
open 9 entries with the same name
Crop circle It refers to natural, astronomical, historical and other phenomena or events that can not be explained by existing scientific and technological means, or by normal thinking logic and reasoning methods [1] The unsolved mysteries of the world can be divided into mystery of mysterious treasure Unsolved mysteries of mankind Archaeological mystery, historical and cultural mystery, alien visitor mystery, universe mystery, animal mystery, plant mystery, earth mystery, nature mystery.
Chinese name
Unsolved mystery
Foreign name
It refers to the phenomenon that human beings cannot explain
Natural Astronomy history



Treasure Fever

czar Mystery of 500 tons of gold [2]
Unsolved mystery
Shi Dakai The Mystery of Treasure
Cixi Where do the coffins of treasures flow? [2]
Red Virgin Army ”The Mystery of Treasure
The mystery of Rommel's huge amount of gold
Australia The Mystery of the Golden Island
Treasures of the Knights Templar
The mysterious treasure map handed down by French pirates

human beings

Where on earth do humans come from?
human language Where do you come from?
Where does human wisdom come from?
HIV From where?
Can human skull be transplanted?
Mystery of human potential


First Emperor of Qin Mystery of Tomb
Chinese characters Why did you show up America
Many mysteries in the pyramid
Missing for thousands of years Ancient Roman City
The Secret of the Tongtian Tower

Historical culture

Noah's Ark submerged under the thousand year snow
What secrets are hidden in the Bible?
More mysterious than the pyramid Stonehenge
Who is the first emperor of Japan?
Is Jesus man or God?
The Mystery of Napoleon's Death


Aliens whose good and evil are hard to decide
Alien Visits
Where do aliens come from?
Why don't aliens want to communicate with people on earth directly?
Are Maya people from outside the world?
Alien "Mating Experiment"
4000 years ago“ Dead Hill Incident
The United States retains the remains of aliens?!


Moon It doesn't go around the earth!
The most mysterious The Mystery of the Universe ——Black hole
Doubts Found in US Lunar Landing Photos
The mystery of star formation
Gold in the Universe
Mysterious celestial bodies orbit the sun
The Pyramid Mystery on Mars


There are still living dinosaurs on the earth!
Are dinosaurs the ancestor of human beings?
China Nine headed bird Mystery
Mysterious Ant Kingdom
The riddle of the tiger lion battle
Mysterious sea demon
whale The Mystery of Suicide


The mystery of tree rings
Mysterious telepathy of plants
Plants can receive signals from space
Plants also have joy, anger, sadness and joy
The mystery of plants eating animals
The Mystery of Plant Defense Weapons


"Missing" Daxizhou
30 degrees north latitude "Dead zone" on the line
The Mystery of Lop Nor
Disappeared in the pacific ocean Middle Paleocontinent
Did the ancients still live at the bottom of Bermuda?
Japanese turn pale at the sea of death
Bermuda Triangle Is the Devil Zone an underwater base for aliens?
friction Mystery
The Mystery of Low Temperature


tangshan earthquake Seven mysteries
Earth halo Mystery
horrible Death road
Centennial mystery—— the Tunguska event
Heard about the fierce battle nine years ago
The Mystery of Sand Dune Singing
Mystery of Mirage

Mystery to be solved

When did life begin? What is the universe made of? Why do we need sleep? Science has developed by leaps and bounds, and we still have many difficult problems to solve.
  1. one
    What is the core of the earth? The center of the earth is 4000 miles away from the surface of the earth, where there is a solid iron ball the size of the moon. We all live on 1800 miles of rock, which forms the crust of the earth and the covering of the earth's surface. So, Geocentric What material is there between the earth's crust and the earth's crust? It's a piece Magma However, scientists are not sure what kind of material this piece of magma is composed of and how it will affect the surrounding environment.
  2. two
    Is time continuous? Plato Think of time as continuous. and Einstein Think that time is just another scale, except up and down, left and right, front and back Fourth dimension Einstein's concept of space and time works in theory, but it is difficult to do so in practice. Because we can only follow time axis Walk in one direction. In the end, someone will be able to draw the correct conclusion. It is just a matter of time.
  3. three
    Where does life come from? "Natural selection, survival of the fittest", Natural selection theory It explains how organisms evolved to adapt to changes in the environment. but Darwin But it can't explain how the first organism came into being. Did compounds without any signs of life initially create life? first Life form How is it assembled? Nature didn't even give a hint.
  4. four
    What caused the Ice Age? Small scale ice ages occur every 20-40000 years, and large-scale ice ages occur every 100000 years. Scientists believe that, Earth orbit The irregularity of the earth changes the amount of energy it absorbs, leading to the sudden cooling of the earth. But research shows that the irregularity of the earth's orbit only accounts for 1% of the impact on the earth's absorption of solar energy. How does this small impact cause a major change in the earth's climate?
  5. five
    Why decode DNA? A typical human cell contains 6 feet (1 foot is about 0.3 meters) of DNA, but only 1 inch (1 inch is about 2.54 centimeters) of DNA carries the code that needs to be used to make proteins. What are the other parts? Brenner, the Nobel Prize winner, found that they were waste products after research. But biologists believe that these so-called waste DNA also contains "wealth".
  6. six
    How do forests affect global warming? Everyone knows that forests help improve the environment. Trees will absorb carbon dioxide, the culprit of global warming, in the process of growth, but even so, the earth is still warming. Therefore, there is a contradiction that in the future, forests cannot slow down climate change, but with the continuous destruction of forests, global warming will become more severe.
  7. seven
    How does the brain calculate movement? The brain is slow in processing the rules of movement. It takes several milliseconds to feel the heat when placing the hand on a hot plate. How can the brain obtain visual data at the same time in a short time, generate information that instructs the body to move, and calculate [4] How about setting a precise track so that the lizard's tongue can catch flies instantly, and our hands can quickly grasp the falling glass?
  8. eight
    Why do the two poles of the earth transpose? About 800000 years ago, the compass would point to the south, and earlier, it would point to the north. When earth rotation In the kernel Liquid metal Stir together to produce an electromagnetic field. The change of movement direction of the core caused by rotation will change the two poles of the electromagnetic field. Once the process of heterotopia begins, it will take 7000 years for the earth to complete this major north-south reversal change. This will happen 2-3 times on average in a million years, but no one knows how it is realized.
  9. nine
    Where has the black hole information gone? The attraction inside the black hole is very strong, and no matter or energy can escape the attraction of the black hole. But physicists Hawking It is said that something can escape the gravity of a black hole, which is“ hawking radiation ”Such random particles. If black hole If the material with fixed structure can be eaten, then the black hole will be filled with all kinds of information and emit all kinds of uncertain noises. Where is the information?
  10. ten
    Why can't we forecast the weather? Meteorologist Lorenz In a computer weather simulation, it was decided to round off one of the parameters. This small change completely changed the weather model, which became famous later“ Butterfly effect ”。 Lorenz's approach inspired meteorologists to input as accurate data as possible into computer models to expand their Forecast interval However, extremely accurate data cannot enable us to obtain accurate long-term prediction results. Climatologists also need to understand the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean and other factors that affect the weather. Therefore, it is basically impossible to predict the weather decades or centuries later.
  11. eleven
    Why is the disease prevalent? An epidemic disease is actually just the external manifestation of a pathogen "lucky". How bacteria infect depends on how they work and how resistant humans are. But no one knows how to predict when those bacteria will spread among people, so don't forget to wash your hands often.
  12. twelve
    Why can't our organs regenerate? Take a kitchen knife and cut it from your finger. This finger will always say goodbye to you. However, when a newt's leg is cut off, it will naturally grow a new leg. We will make a fuss about the damage to our nails, but the regeneration process of animal organs is so natural. Scientists want to know why the omnipotent human cannot do this.
  13. thirteen
    Mathematicians can prove that Riemann Guess? In the early 20th century, German mathematician Hilbert once said that if he woke up after 1000 years of deep sleep, the first question he would ask was: has the Riemann conjecture been proved? More than 100 years have passed, but there is still no answer to this question. The Riemannian conjecture will be distributed to zero on the basis of the so-called Riemannian zeta function. This conjecture has been Cray Institute of Mathematics As one of the world's gold issues, those who can prove or falsify the conjecture will receive a bonus of $1 million.
  14. fourteen
    Why do we die? When physicists are asked why things die, they will not hesitate to answer that this is consistent with The second law of thermodynamics Everything, whether it is minerals, animals and plants, or a car, will eventually disintegrate and die. This phenomenon in humans is to make people old. Aging may be caused by DNA damage or chromosomes telomere Shrinkage occurs. If you want to know when life will end, you should also turn to ecologist , but they only make a rough prediction and cannot accurately predict a person's Time of death
  15. fifteen
    Where did human language come from? According to statistics, there are more than 7000 languages in the world. When and where did they originate? Are they of the same origin or independent origin? These are still unsolved scientific puzzles. In April 2011, a report of Science magazine in the United States caused great repercussions in the academic community. Quentin Atkinson, a New Zealand scholar, said in his report that human languages may all originate from the southwest of Africa, about 150000 years ago, when cave art began: they are of the same origin rather than independent origin. Since the 1990s, more and more linguists, archaeologists, psychologists, biologists, anthropologists and others have tried to use various new methods to explore the "world's most difficult academic problem" of language evolution. Unfortunately, due to the long history of human language, the complexity of language itself and the lack of strong scientific evidence, there has been little progress in the exploration of language evolution in the past 20 years, and there is no convincing explanation. Professor Zhou Haizhong, a well-known Chinese scholar, once pointed out that it is no less difficult to solve the problem of language evolution than to solve the mystery of species evolution; Language evolution is not only a social phenomenon, but also a natural phenomenon. It is also the result of human mental development and historical and cultural evolution; The origin and change of language has its internal causes and external influences, which increases the complexity of language evolution. [5]