
[wèi lái]
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In the future, Chinese vocabulary. Pinyin is w è i l á i, which means that the time from now on is relative to the moment we are in future time , it can be a moment or a period of time. Relatively speaking, tomorrow is only a part of the future, and so is the next second. Is a Time concept , relative to the past and the present. Everything has a future. For the future reflection And creation have brought us extraordinary significance in life. There is a special knowledge called Futurology
Chinese name
Foreign name
wèi lái
words whose meaning is similar
Phonetic transcription
ㄨㄟˋ ㄌㄞˊ
Collection of Drinking Ice Room - Essays



1、 attributive word Coming (of time): There will be a rainstorm within 24 hours.
2、 Temporal word Time after now; Future Scenery : Outlook~.


Poetry of the South ·Nine Songs · Xiang Jun: "Looking forward to the future of my husband and gentleman, who will think when I blow the ragged songs?"
Northern History ·The Legend of Joy: "It's not easy to be a baby with a scale of a ruler. You should be afraid of the future when you issue an edict. You should be even more cruel. Can you be without pincers?"
Tang Dynasty· Han Yu Feeling Two Birds Fu 》: "Timely transportation will lead to the future, or two demands will not come."
Water Margin 》Eighteenth session:“ Zhixian Xianggong The Yamen party has left early. Both the public and the accusers have gone to dinner. In the future. "
Jin · Ge Hong《 Embrace Puzi ·Poverty ":" Wise people can eliminate disasters in the future, and wise people can worry about disasters when they hear about benefits. "
Wei Shu, Shi Laozhi 》: "Futu Positive sign It is said that Buddha...... The purpose of the sutra, generally speaking, is to create life, and so on, all arise from the industry. There are the past, the present and the future. Through three generations, the knowledge of God is always immortal. There must be retribution for good and evil. "
Beiqi · Yan Zhitui Yan Family Instructions ·Returning to the Heart: "Ordinary people are blind to the future, so they say that the other life and the present are not one ear."
Tang · Hanshan's "Poem 268": "In this life, we planted in the past, and in the future, we will repair today. We only take today's beauty, and we are not afraid of future worries."
Qing Dynasty· Ji Yun Jottings from the Thatched Abode of Close Observations ·Luanyang Summer Relieving Record III: "The ultimate sin lies in Cardiology Is not allowed by Yin Law Firm. This life is over, and we should encourage the future. "
Yang Mo Song of Youth 》Chapter 2 of the first book: "Books have cultivated her rich imagination and vision for a better future."
Ding Ling Mengke 2: "So she would lie in bed all day long and think of her future life like recalling some kind of novel."
Yang Shuo Yongding River: "This river is the future and the reality."
Ai Qing The paean of light 》Chapter 8: "I will always praise the brightness. The brightness belongs to the people, the future belongs to the people, and any wealth belongs to the people." For example, a happy future.
Ba Jin perish 》Chapter 15: Beater The shouts and curses of the two policemen have also abated. It seems that they have played enough. Now they have no anger, and they are thinking about the future reward 。” [1]