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Artificial mummy
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Mummy( Arabic : موميءءممميءءءموممييءء1569. This word is transliterated from English mummy and comes from farsi mumiai, Means“ asphalt ”。 In many parts of the world, embalming spices are used to treat corpses, which will wither over time and form mummies. Where Ancient Egypt His mummy is the most famous. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death, the soul of a person would not die, but would still attach to a corpse or statue, so the pharaohs and other people were all mummified after death. The ancient Egyptians used embalmed spices to bury the corpse (embalmed with sesame oil or medicine) to show their respect for the dead.
In ancient Egypt, for cultural reasons, the bodies of kings or ministers were made into mummies or preserved as mummies. Without a high medical level, this could not be achieved. And Ancient China In ancient Egypt, the practice of mummification even became popular.
In addition, Human body freezing technology It is also called by some scholars as a kind of modern mummy making technology. If someone dies, his body is first sent to a place called the "clothing department": specially purifying the body. The body was covered Soda water After cleaning, they are sent to the place called "Sanbaite" (meaning the place of purity) or "Pel Nafel" (meaning the house of beauty) to complete the filling of spices.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Artificial mummy
Celebrity representatives
Lenin, Evita Peron
Epidemic area
Ancient Egypt

Historical origin

stay Ancient Egypt , there is such a moving legend. Long long ago, the son of the earth god Sabu Osiris He was very capable and once served as the king (pharaoh) of Egypt. He taught people to engage in agricultural production, such as farming, bread making, wine making, mining, and brought happiness to people. Therefore, people worship him, regard him as the Nile God, and believe that Osiris gave people their lives. He has a brother named Seth , plotted to kill his brother and seize the throne with evil intentions.
One day, Seth invited his brother to have dinner with him and asked many people to accompany him. At dinner, Seth pointed to a beautiful coffin and said to everyone, "Whoever can lie in this box will give it to whoever." Osiris, encouraged by everyone, tried in front of everyone's interview. But as soon as he lay down, Seth closed the coffin, locked it, and threw him the Nile I went inside.
After Osiris was murdered, his wife goddess Isis I searched everywhere and finally found the body. Unexpectedly, Seth knew about it. He stole the body again in the middle of the night, cut it into 48 pieces and threw it in different places. Isis found fragments of Osiris's body from different places and buried them on the spot.
Later, Osiris' posthumous son horus When he was born, he was very brave since childhood. When he grew up, he defeated Seth, avenged his father, and inherited the throne. He dug up pieces of his father's body from various places and pieced them together to make a mummy. And with God's help, he brought his father back to life.
Osiris's resurrection is not the resurrection in the human world, but the resurrection in the underworld. In another world, he was the master, responsible for judging the dead and protecting the human Pharaoh
This myth began to spread among the people. Later, the Egyptian pharaoh heard about it and used it to deceive the people. He said that with the help of God, he was a ruler when he was alive and a ruler when he died. If anyone opposes the Pharaoh, he will be punished when he is alive, and he cannot pass the judgment of Osiris after death.
After that, every Egyptian pharaoh would perform the myth of Osiris after his death. The first step is to hold a ceremony to find the corpse. The second point is to hold a ceremony of cleansing the body, that is, to dissect the corpse, take out the viscera and bone marrow, and make a mummy of the mummy. The specific method is to soak the corpse in a kind of salt water, dissolve the grease, and wash off the skin. After 40 days, take out the corpse to dry. Fill the cavity with spices and coat it with Gum To prevent the body from being exposed to air and bacteria, and then use cloth Wrap the body tightly. In this way, the long-lasting "mummy" is made. The third step is to recite the mantra, open the eyes, nose, ears and mouth for the "mummy", and put food into its mouth. It is said that you can breathe, talk and eat like a living person. Finally, there was the burial ceremony. The "mummy" was put into the sarcophagus and sent to the tomb, the "eternal residence" they operated for themselves.



Natural formation

Inca mountain mummies
Inca He consecrated the virgins to the gods, and Andes Their bodies were frozen by the cold, dry air. They are perhaps the most important mummy discoveries of the twentieth century. These mummies were bound with thick cloth and became the precious relics of Inca people. Many secrets can be learned from these mummies, especially their blood is still coagulated in blood vessels, which is an extremely rare discovery.
Soap Woman Corpse
This unnamed mummy is on display in the United States Pennsylvania Philadelphia It was found in the Matt Medical Museum 100 years ago, when an ancient cemetery was being relocated in Philadelphia. The soil, temperature and humidity are just the right conditions to turn her body into Necrotic wax Latin It means fat and wax. Under appropriate conditions, if the deceased is an obese person, the fat in the corpse will combine with water to produce fatty acid, which is the main component of the wax. This material causes water to drain from surrounding tissues, dehydrates the corpse and hinders the growth of bacteria. This process is like the preservation of Egyptian mummies. The difference is that the soapy female corpse will produce fatty acids in appearance. Soap Woman's corpse had been X-rayed in 1987, and the result showed that she wore a long pin on her clothes. They were born after 1824, so it can be inferred that she died after that.


Mud mummy
About 6000 years ago, people lived in Chile The Qinkoro people near the coast mummified the dead people - their Mummy making Historical ratio Tutankhamun Five thousand years earlier. The Qinkoro people took out the viscera of the dead, dismembered the body and removed most of the muscles. Later, they used Plant fibre The mummies are also called black mummies because they are filled with corpses and coated with thick black mud. After three thousand years of evolution, the mummy making technology of the Qinkoro people has become more and more mature, and they even draw various exquisite patterns on the mummy's face. In the end, they began to wrap the corpse with red clay. About 3000 years later, the local people simplified the production process and began to wrap the corpse with red clay.
egyptian mummies
Egyptian mummy is the most famous mummy in the world. Their brains were removed from the nasal cavity, and their internal organs were removed from the small incision in the abdomen and stored in the ritual urn for permanent preservation. The Egyptians wrapped the corpse with 180 kg of salt mixture, which is called Pauline , can be used as preservative To keep the corpse dry and reduce odor. They also put a piece in the heart of the body amulet The heart is an internal organ retained in the corpse. Later, they used Linen Wrap the mummy and decorate it all over A prayer
Chinese mummies
About 500 years ago, China invented formalin The method of preserving the corpse does not need to take out the perishable viscera and brain in advance. This mummy making technique is still an unsolved mystery. In southern China Guilin A well preserved mummy still has nails, and nasal congestion And earplugs, which shows that there is still body fluid in the body.
Italian mummy
sicily People use a unique mummy treatment. The dead bodies were hung on the ceramic pipes of the catacombs and dried for 8 months. Before that, the bodies were washed with vinegar and exposed to flowing air. After these treatments, some of the bodies were preserved with antiseptic drugs, while others were sealed in glass cabinets. This method of mummy disposal was officially canceled in 1871. A large number of bodies were disposed in Sicily, Italy, at the beginning of the 20th century, avoiding the regulations of the relevant government departments Palermo Of Catholicism In an underground tomb. [1]

Natural formation

Inca mountain mummies
Inca He consecrated the virgins to the gods, and Andes Their bodies were frozen by the cold, dry air. They are perhaps the most important mummy discoveries of the twentieth century. These mummies were bound with thick cloth and became the precious relics of Inca people. Many secrets can be learned from these mummies, especially their blood is still coagulated in blood vessels, which is an extremely rare discovery.
Soap Woman Corpse
This unnamed mummy is on display in the United States Pennsylvania Philadelphia It was found in the Matt Medical Museum 100 years ago, when an ancient cemetery was being relocated in Philadelphia. The soil, temperature and humidity are just the right conditions to turn her body into Necrotic wax Latin It means fat and wax. Under appropriate conditions, if the deceased is an obese person, the fat in the corpse will combine with water to produce fatty acid, which is the main component of the wax. This material causes water to drain from surrounding tissues, dehydrates the corpse and hinders the growth of bacteria. This process is like the preservation of Egyptian mummies. The difference is that the soapy female corpse will produce fatty acids in appearance. Soap Woman's corpse had been X-rayed in 1987, and the result showed that she wore a long pin on her clothes. They were born after 1824, so it can be inferred that she died after that.

Celebrity representatives



Soviet Union He is one of the best preserved mummies in the world. He died in January 1924. Since then, he has been frozen. Soviet scientists have preserved his body in the secret laboratory under Lenin's tomb. They take out his internal organs and immerse his whole body formalin , which is a powerful preservative , which can prevent the body tissue from decaying. The scientist in charge of preservation cut a hole in Lenin's body and asked formalin (to join glycerol To maintain elasticity) to accelerate penetration into the body. A few weeks later, Comrade Lenin gained eternal life. He has been kept in Moscow Lenin's tomb was secretly sent to Siberia A town of temporary refuge. The disintegration of the Soviet Union After that, the laboratory that cared for Lenin's body lost the support of the government, and only for professional needs, it repaired the body every 18 months or so.

Evita Peron

Argentina The former First Lady is one of the best preserved mummies in the world. Evita on the evening of July 28, 1952 : 25 died cancer She told her manicurist to replace her red color with transparent varnish after her death Nail Polish Millions of distressed Argentines paid their respects to her body, and then the body was sent to the Ministry of Labor. Dr. Pedroalla, the master of antisepsis, immersed her body Acetate and Nitrate Solution, and then wax was slowly injected into her body, and Madame Peron became the most unique mummy ever. In 1955, Juan Peron The president fled after being overthrown, leaving his wife's mummy behind. The new regime cut off the mummy's left ear and fingertip (ostensibly to check the fingerprint, but actually more likely to leave a memorial) to determine whether she was a wax figure. Then Argentina shipped the mummy to Italy, where vatican She was buried in Milan Cemetery, with the inscription "Maria Maggie" on the tombstone.
Argentines strongly demanded to continue to pay attention to her body, so her body was dug up 15 years later. When the coffin was opened, Evita was still very well preserved. The grave digger cried out in panic: "Miracle! Miracle!" Then he ran away in panic. The mummy of Evita was shipped to Spain Madrid Juan once lived here. When he regained power in Argentina, he left Evita's mummy in Europe. After the death of Juan Peron in 1974, Evita's body returned to Argentina and was placed beside her husband for the people to look up to. Her body is still in the original silver crystal lid coffin, which looks exactly the same as it did twenty years ago. Finally, Evita was buried Buenos Aires Duwati Family Cemetery in Leclatta Cemetery concrete Until now, it is said that it was put in a bulletproof box. [2]

Production process

Mummy Rainflower Stone
Early on, the ancient Egyptians had the idea of immortality. They regard human death as a continuation of "life" in another world, so they are keen on making mummies and repairing graves. So that the dead people can live better in the "other world". They used salt water, spices lubricate , linen, etc. Soak the corpse into a "mummy" and place it in a airtight tomb, which will last for a long time. The incorruptible corpse buried deep in the tomb quietly waits for the dead soul to return and attach itself to the body.
The ancient Egyptians also realized that the resurrection of human beings could only take place in the underworld, not in the human world. Therefore, the recombination of the body and the soul can not make people return to the world, but can only live in the underground palace. Ruling Slave owner In order to meet their own needs for life after death, they would not hesitate to use all the human, material and financial resources of the country to build graves. Pyramids emerged in this situation. A variety of living articles must also be placed in the tomb for the deceased to enjoy.
The production of "mummy" is mixed with some mysterious and superstitious things. As far as the production of "mummy" itself is concerned, it reflects Ancient Egyptian Medicine The level of achievement achieved. In the process of making "mummies", Egyptians have accumulated a lot anatomy Has a preliminary understanding of the human body blood circulation and cardiac function And the important role of the brain in the human body. Edwin Smith Papyrus 》It is the most important medical literature in ancient Egypt. This medical work was discovered by a man named Edwin Smith in the 1860s. It is about 1600 BC, and the oldest part can be traced back to Middle Kingdom The upper part of the papyrus systematically describes the structure of the human body, a little like today's Human anatomy 48 cases were listed, which were divided into three types: curable, refractory and incurable, and the symptoms were described in detail. Unfortunately, the second half has been lost. In the sculpture works around 2500 BC, we can see that doctors performed surgical operation Image of. All these show that ancient Egyptian medicine has reached a very high level. The medical achievements of ancient Egypt were directly related to their autopsy and mummification.
A mummy is a mummy. In ancient Egypt, embalmed spices were used to bury corpses, which dried up over a long period of time to form mummies. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death, the soul of a person would not die, but would still attach to a corpse or statue. Therefore, after the death of the pharaoh and other people, they were all made into mummies, as the hope and deep memory of the dead.
This expensive method of disposing of corpses is generally applicable to pharaohs, dignitaries and millionaires. The poor people's mummification method is much simpler. Clean the abdomen with laxatives, soak the body in soda powder for 40 days, take it out, let it dry, and bury it in dry sand dunes.
The ancient Egyptians, whether rich or poor, rich or poor, would be mummified after death. This is because the ancient Egyptians believed that human beings were composed of body and soul. Even in the underworld, the dead still needed their own bodies. The corpse is not a "useless shell". As long as the shell is kept intact, it can be used forever. The soul is gradually lost with the little destruction of the body, while the complete destruction of the body means the total extinction of the soul. As long as the body is preserved and the soul has a place to live, the dead can be reincarnated.

Operation steps

In this regard, Herodotus Leave detailed information.
First, use melted Turpentine Apply it on the face to protect the facial image and prevent it from drying too fast.
Second, the brain plasma is processed. The craftsman will Chisel Insert it through the left nostril Ethmoid bone Smash, then use tools to rotate in the brain to destroy the brain marrow, use a very small spoon with a long handle to reach into the brain from the nostril to scoop out the brain plasma, and finally put some drugs and spices into the empty skull. Brain plasma is not generally preserved.
Third, take out the viscera. The stomach, intestines, liver and lungs were taken out through the left side incision of the abdomen. Later Brown oil Clean the chest and abdominal cavity with cleaning fluid. The above organs are sometimes neatly wrapped in turpentine balls and put into the mummy's abdomen, sometimes they are separately packed in small covered jars and then put into the abdomen. Small jar from the ancient kingdom to New Kingdom More and more complex.
At first, there were some simple pot covers. In the Middle Kingdom, there were human head shaped pot covers. Eighteenth Dynasty In the early days, the lid of the jar was guarded by the gods, "the sons of Horace", who guarded the sacred internal organs and four organs. However, ancient Egypt had a taboo to take out the heart. They regarded the heart as a symbol of wisdom and tried to keep it in their bodies. New Kingdom Of《 Book of the Dead 》There is a record of three watchmen taking turns on duty.
Fourth, dehydration. This is an important drying procedure. The craftsmen first filled in the cloth Pauline And other temporary fillers, and then put it in the dry soda powder for 40 days. After the moisture is absorbed, take out the filler inside and replace it with crushed myrrh chinese cinnamon , Pauline sawdust Finally, carefully sew the cut on the cloth bag filled with water, and stick a piece of leather with Horace's eyes on it, because the ancient Egyptians believed that this kind of leather had strong healing and protective power.
Fifth, make up and plastic surgery. In order to maintain the softness of the mummy's skin, the mummy selectively applies milk Wine , spices beeswax , turpentine and Tar The mixture can beautify the skin. The mummy's eyes flax And stone, very vivid and vivid. Apply a layer of rosin on the mummy to prevent moisture, and the makeup artist also puts a layer on the mummy's cheek Carmine , wear a braided wig cover on your head, wear clothes and wear the best jewelry.
Sixth, package. The Egyptians thought that dressing the body was full of evil, so they prayed with the whole process (usually 15 days). Every movement of the hand binding the corpse is accompanied by a solemn prayer or magic spell, and the amulet is placed in the linen bandage room. They attach great importance to placing it at the heart, and amulet It is usually made of green stone Scarab Or the shape of the human heart, engraved with words such as "keep the heart of the dead so that it does not produce anything harmful to the owner". Other amulets are placed close to the mummy or wrapped in Linen Li.
Seventh, the mummy greets his card. The time is generally 70 days. After that, Anubis The god secretly returned the mummy to his family for burial.


(1) Take out the most perishable viscera immediately. Usually, a cut is made on the left side of the corpse to take out the liver, lungs, stomach, intestines and other internal organs, and the brain marrow of the dead is pulled out from the nostril through the ethmoid bone, but the heart is not taken. Because the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was an organ of thought and understanding, which must be left in the body.
(2) For viscera and Coelom Anticorrosive treatment shall be carried out first Palm wine or Dates The wine will thoroughly clean and disinfect them, then sprinkle a layer of crushed spices on the viscera, and put them into four jars for storage; For the sterilized body cavity, first fill it with cloth wrapped soda and other temporary fillers, then place it in dry soda powder for 40 days, and finally carefully sew the knife edge.
(3) Paint the treated corpse Ointment or rosin Then use white linen cloth to wrap fingers, palms, feet and dries in turn. The nose of the deceased will sometimes be damaged by extracting brain marrow. At this time, a wooden false nose should be installed, and cloth should be used to block or install artificial eyes in the eye sockets.
(4) Cross the hands of the dead in front of the chest and put them into the sarcophagus, sometimes adding a coffin cover outside. In this way, a mummy is finished.

Related research

February 2, 2023, an internationally renowned academic journal《 natural 》An archaeology research paper published online revealed that researchers had recently identified the formula used by the ancient Egyptians to preserve the mixture of specific chemicals in different parts of the human body. This discovery is based on the analysis of an ancient preservative workshop in Egypt, which will promote people's knowledge of the making and processing of ancient Egyptian mummies Knowledge and understanding. [13]

World distribution



There is a 14 × 12 square meter rectangular tomb somewhere in China, which contains the bones of 17 men and 24 women. The bones here also have no characteristics of violent death. stay South America There is a glacier tomb in the western Anden Mountains Siberia There are ice tombs in China and Sumer There are group tombs and single tombs in the region and Egypt, and the mummy was once in the north High latitude Region and South Africa be unearthed. The dead have been carefully treated and prepared for resurrection in the future; The corpses are equipped with things necessary for new life; Moreover, all tombs are designed and built so solidly that they can experience thousands of years of ups and downs.
Even in China's desert areas site of an ancient city Mummies are often found today. The most famous one is Loulan Beauty Yes


In June 1954, a mausoleum was found again in Sakala. A box containing jewels and gold jewelry was across the tomb, indicating that the mausoleum had not been stolen. The coffin has no lid. Instead, a sliding wrench can be used to close it. On June 9, Dr. Gonem opened the coffin ceremoniously. There was nothing in it. The mummy quietly disappeared without his own treasure.
January 26, 2023, Egypt Archaeological excavation The head of the team said that Egyptian antiquarians were in the capital Cairo A pharaoh's tomb was found nearby, which may contain the oldest and "most complete" mummy ever found in the country. [11]
On January 26, 2023 local time, a famous Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass Announced on Saqqara The latest archaeological discoveries in the area, including several believed to be Ancient Egypt, Old Kingdom The unearthed cultural relics include sarcophagus, statue and one Gold foil mummy; Hawass said that the mummy is about 4300 years old, and its history can be traced back to the Sixth dynasty The period is the most complete non royal mummy found so far. [12]


Russian Ludenke at a distance Mongolia A tomb called Kurgan V was found 80km from the border. It is a stone hill, which is lined with wood. All tombs were filled with permafrost ice, so the contents of the tomb were stored in a frozen environment. One of the tombs contained a embalmed male corpse and a female corpse preserved in the same way. They have everything they really need for their resurrection in the future: food, clothes, jewelry and musical instruments in bowls and plates. All these are frozen and well preserved, including naked mummies! People identify the symbols in a tomb, which are quadrilateral Symbols, each symbol has a square picture with 6 rows in 4 lines, which can be said to be today as a whole Iraq A reproduction of the stone carpet in the palace of Nineveh Assyria! The strange image of the Sphinx, with complicated horns on the head and wings on the back, is clearly visible, and their posture is like flying.
With the archaeological discoveries in Mongolia, the motivation of expecting a second spiritual life is almost untenable. The freezing method used in the tomb there - because the tomb with wooden trees to protect the wall and filled with ice involves such a method - is used for the life of ordinary people, which is really suitable. Why do people in ancient times think that - this problem has plagued modern people repeatedly - that the corpse treated by them meets the conditions for those who are said to be able to revive? This is a mystery for the time being.
Professor Kuslov Gobi Desert A 12000 BC tomb was found in the deep of Kalakuta ruins. It was not far from the strange place where the sand grains were glazed, which was caused by the intense effect of incandescence. There were two rich people's bodies lying in the coffin, and people found a sign of a vertically divided ring on the lid of the coffin.


stay Jordan Of Jericho , people excavated tomb groups 10000 years ago, and found Gypsum Made head. This is also amazing, because this nation is said to know nothing about pottery making. In other places in Jericho, people found rows of houses: the top of the wall above was inclined inward, like a dome.
Powerful Carbon14 Can be used to determine Organic matter The data provided in our topic is as far as 10400 years ago. The data measured by scientific methods is quite consistent with the information transmitted by Egyptian priests, who said that their priests' pioneers have performed their duties for more than 11000 years. The prehistoric stones of Lussac (Poitiers, France) let people see a group of unique unearthed cultural relics: some pictures with figures, the figures' clothes are absolutely fashionable, they wear hats, jackets or shorts. Abe Breyer concluded that these pictures were reliable, and his explanation overturned all prehistory In 1940, someone Southern France The magnificent Stone Age The mural, the gallery attracts attention. It is so full of vitality, so infectious, and so well preserved, which immediately caused a sensation. It can't help thinking of two questions: how to solve the lighting in the grottoes when the artists in the Stone Age were engaged in hard creative activities? Why decorate the cave walls with these wonderful pictures?
Those who regard these two problems as boring may then point out the contradictions to us: cave people in the Stone Age were not civilized and primitive, and they could not paint a lot of exquisite pictures on the cave walls; But if primitive people can make these murals, why should they not be able to build a hut to live in? The smartest people believe that animals have built nests and habitats for millions of years. Obviously, the idea that modern people of that era have mastered the same skills is not in this ideological category!


stay Borneo West coast Indonesia In the Subi Mountains, people found a number of caves that were expanded like cathedrals, crisscrossing like grids. The cultural relics in the cave show that the building date is about 38000 BC. Among these amazing unearthed cultural relics are fabric They are pure and soft. We can't imagine how primitive people made such things today!


Italian Catholic mummy [1]
In a mystery Catholicism In the catacombs, people can walk in the rubble basement and get in close contact with 8000 well preserved mummies hundreds of years ago. It sounds like a thriller in a horror movie, but in fact it's real, Italy sicily Palermo Every year, thousands of tourists come to see the mysterious mummies in the Catholic underground mausoleum. According to statistics, there are 8000 mummies hanging on the walls of this Catholic catacombs. The necks and feet of these mummies are hung by hooks. Wearing expensive clothes, the heads of the corpses hang down as if they are praying silently. The mummies were placed in different poses. For example, two children were sitting side by side in a rocking chair, and men, women, girls, children, monks and Catholics were displayed separately.
The mummy on display is a symbol of social status
Who are these mummies? How did they get here? The original history of this Catholic catacombs can be traced back to the 16th century, when Catholics excavated the catacombs. The first Catholic mummy was Sylvestro. His body attracted the visitors. People from all regions looked at his body and prayed silently, expressing a sincere respect for him.
Although the original plan of this catacombs was only to display the deceased Catholics Monk However, the local rich and famous people in Italy soon became interested in this sacred underground tomb and planned to display the corpse here after death as a social position The symbol of. In fact, many local celebrities have changed the traditional way of death burial, hoping that this Catholic catacombs will become their final destination. After their death, they wore special clothes, which were donated by the family members of the deceased to replace at regular intervals.
This kind of mummy body treatment enables the dead to retain their identity and dignity even after death. The body's coat was replaced with the most fashionable and expensive cloth. It is said that the famous Spanish painter is still preserved in this Catholic catacomb Velasquez But the exact location of his body is still unknown.
Sicilians are proud of this catacombs, and visitors often come to pray to the dead. It is reported that the last body preserved here was a little girl, only 2 years old, named Rosalia Lombardo. At that time, the body was preserved in 1920. She died pneumonia The corpse was preserved by a doctor named Alfred Salafia, who was a Catholic who was able to embalm the corpse at that time. Her body is almost intact, from her black hair and blue eyes to her delicate eyelashes. [1] These things are not hypotheses. They exist in large numbers: caves, tombs, coffins, mummies Ancient map , buildings and technological achievements , huge strange buildings and historical materials from different sources that are unconventional, etc.
The first doubt is imperceptibly entering archaeology But we must break the gap and enter the bush of the past era; People must reset milestones, even in places where it is possible to redefine a series of unchanging historical data.
One thing is clear: we do not doubt the history of nearly 2000 years! We are only talking about the most remote ancient times; They are only the deepest secrets of the past, which we spare no effort to bring up new questions to reveal.
However, we dare to doubt the time determined so far for the distant ancient times! We estimate that we have a good reason to stand on our feet Paleolithic Age Later measurement methods, including those that bring good news Carbon14 When the measured age exceeds 5600 years, there will be big differences in the measurement method. Because the older the material to be investigated, the more unreliable the radiocarbon method is. Some serious researchers even told us that they think the carbon-14 method is of little use, because people can determine the age of organic substances between 30000 and 50000 years by using this method according to their wishes.
We must listen to these serious opinions in a limited way - in any case, the second date determination method based on the most modern measuring instruments in the short term, and its coexistence with the carbon-14 determination method, is undoubtedly worthy of our expectation.


Chile Archaeologists from the University of Santiago in Chile Atacama Desert The oldest mummy ever found in—— Chinchorro mummies Archaeologists found that the Neoklo people in the Atacama Desert in Chile had learned to make mummies more than 7000 years ago. The Neoklo mummy is thousands of years older than the Egyptian mummy. Unlike the Egyptian practice of making mummies only for emperors and nobles, the New Croats would respect every dead person and make mummies for them. Because of the protection of the driest climate on earth, the neo Croat mummies buried in Chile's Atacama Desert for a long time can still retain their original skin, hair and clothing.
The mummy buried in Chile's Atacama Desert for a long time still retains its original skin, hair and clothes. A new study shows that the ancient Neoklos would use the natural environment to dehydrate the dead bodies into mummies. This technology was invented during the evolution of the New Croat civilization. New Croat settlements are located in Chile and Peru They live by fishing on the coast of. The Neoklos began mummifying corpses around 5050 BC, thousands of years earlier than the Egyptians. Archaeologists have long wondered how they completed this process, and the mummy was wearing clothes imported from the humid Amazon basin. [3]
July 2014, by poland , Peru and Columbia The team of archaeologists in northern Chile Atacama Desert 150 mummies have been found, and there is no information about the civilization created by these mummies. It is estimated that they lived in a younger age than Inca civilization and Tivaraku Civilization About 500 years earlier. through the use of carbon isotope According to the dating method, archaeologists found that the oldest of these mummies came from the 4th century AD and the youngest came from the 7th century AD. The picture is at Tambo River Delta Mummy wrapped in gauze found.
Archaeologists generally believe that the Tivaraku civilization disappeared from 500 to 1000 AD, and its main activity areas are mostly in today's Peru and Chile.


Northern Europe One of the most famous mummies in peat bogs in some areas - "Tolende Man", his head and face are well preserved. This mummy was found in 1950 Denmark , was initially supposed to be the victim of a recent murder. [4]


On July 1, 2015, the US media reported that Indiana Lake County An original action quarry A mummy was accidentally found at the site. Archaeologists said that the mummy had a history of 500 to 2000 years.
According to the report, according to local regulations, in order to obtain a quarrying permit, the quarry must first let archaeologists search the mining area for ancient vessels or sites. It was in this search that archaeologists found the mummy.
The local police chief said that the mummy could clearly distinguish the head and torso, and the location where the mummy was found might be aborigines The burial ground of. [5]


In April 2016, according to the UK《 Daily Mail 》It is reported that archaeologists recently Mongolia Altai Mountains A mummy was found at 2800 meters above sea level. Experts judge that this mummy may be one from the sixth century AD Turkic Women, now only one hand and boots can be seen, archaeologists are carefully continuing to dig. This is the first time that the Central Asia Complete Turkic remains were found in the mountain area. B. Sukhbaatar, a research expert from the Khovd Museum, said that the reason why it was inferred that this was a female mummy was because no bow and arrow were found in the tomb. The clothes and accessories worn by the mummy were very exquisite at that time, and the patterns had national characteristics. It was from this dress that researchers gradually inferred that the man was buried about 1500 years ago. Moreover, there were some cloth made of wool, clothes, pillows, and a sheep skull in the tomb. [6]

Historical representatives

Historic Top Ten Mummies It is the ten or ten batches of mummies that are the most important and have the most exploration value among the many mummies found at present. In terms of identity, they have shepherds, sailors and revolutionary leaders; In terms of age, they have babies, teenagers and adults; In terms of gender, they have men and women. Their death causes are different, reflecting the Social situation , natural conditions, human survival conditions.

Ramesses II

The mummy of Ramesses the Great is the most famous mummy in the world
Ancient Egypt The mummy of Ramesses the Great is the most famous mummy in human history. Finding his mummy was like finding it all at once Washington Lincoln Alexander Or Cleopatra's mummy has aroused the interest and concern of relevant experts and scholars all over the world. The mummy of Ramesses not only guides scientists to analyze and study History of Egypt In addition, scientists were guided to conduct an unprecedented experiment: can modern science replicate the ancient Egyptian mummy technology?

iceman otzi

Oz Iceman mummy It is a 5300 year old mummy who was murdered in a cold prehistoric world. The location of the mummy led people to conclude that the iceman did not die there by accident. So it's probably the oldest murder victim. In 1991, a group of German tourists Italy and Austria Borderline The Alps A 5300 year old man's body was found on the glacier of. It was found in Oz Valley, so people called him Oz the Iceman He is about 45 years old and has many tattoos. The research found that Oz belongs to Bronze Age (3500 BC to 1000 BC). When the Iceman was found, it had been mummified by ice and snow on the Alps. The skin holes on his body are still clearly visible, and even his eyeballs are well preserved. He is 159 cm tall and dressed by Sheepskin Deerskin and bark Three layer clothing made of straw, wearing hat and sheepskin Shin guards Beside him were a copper axe and a quiver with 14 arrows. The most surprising thing about Oz is that one Copper ax Because scientists have always thought that humans only mastered such melting furnace and molding technology 4000 years ago. The Iceman was preserved in the mummy museum in a small Italian city, where scientists and Discovery Channel Cooperate to complete a documentary about the Iceman's mummy, in which Oz is believed to have died of murder. [7]


Wrinkled and red haired, they look like demons, but they are sacrifices to the gods. They proved to modern people that the legend of sacrifice of living people human society Once existed in.


stay Tutankhamun (Ancient Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt Pharaohs, about 1361~1352 BC) and thousands of years before the arrival of the era of Ramesses, Chile The fisherman used cruel methods to make exquisite mummies. They peel off the skin of the dead, like a lady Pantyhose That way.


The frozen mummies of three British sailors let people know the secret of a tragic incident at sea. It helped people solve the biggest mystery of navigation in history - why would the Franklin Expedition Team, composed of 129 people and equipped with the most advanced technology and best ships in the world at that time, never return?


Mummies unearthed in Xinjiang Western China Of Taklimakan Desert , is of nomadic people The mummy of. They rewrote the starting time of the exchanges between Eastern and Western civilizations. [8]

Ice and snow preservation

Their centennial remains tell of people arctic The story of struggling to survive. The mummies may have come from two families, and researchers have not fully understood the cause of their death.

Inca children

Inca Child Mummies They are sleeping children who are the victims of the ancients to appease the gods. U.S.A New York Binghamton University anthropologist Dr. Thomas Bison described the bodies of these children as follows: some of them were injured by beating their heads, some were cut off their throats and died, and some were buried alive. These are several ways of sacrifice in that era. The dead bodies of children brought people back five centuries ago.

Saint Biz

A medieval mummy is called Mummy of Saint Biz It is about the war of pagans, and its tragic death has shaken England Ian McAndrew, a doctor in England, said the mummy was not only intact but also soft when it was found. People can shake its arms and curl up its fingers.


On September 3, 2008, a female mummy wearing a mask was found Peru capital Lima 1. Exhibition in the museum.
On August 26, 2008, archaeologist The 1300 year old mummy was found in an ancient tomb in the center of Lima. This is the first time that the well preserved Wali Culture Grave sites. Several archaeologists said on the 26th that they found three 1300 year old mummies when digging a tomb in the center of Lima, Peru's capital.
In addition to three adult mummies, the remains of a buried child, two well preserved masks and various fabrics were also unearthed. One of the female mummies wore a mask painted with a pair of large and protruding blue eyes, so the mummy was named "Mask Lady".
Isabel Flores, the head of the archaeological team, said: "The mask has firm eyes, which shocked the staff and archaeologists."
Flores said that this tomb is the first well preserved burial site of the Wali culture in this region. The characteristics of Wali tomb are that there are many corpses in one tomb, the body is fetal, and one child is buried with it.
The Wali culture prevailed in the southern highlands of Peru from AD 500 to AD 1000, Warri Empire The territory of Mockgourd It extends to Trujillo in the north.

Important events

Millennium mummy dog found in Mexico
archaeologist stay Mexico Northern Semiarid region Coavera An estimated 1000 year old Mummy dog , which may help uncover the hunting tradition of a mysterious ancient tribe in the country. This is the first such discovery obtained in Mexico. Previously, only Peru Mummy dogs found in Egypt.
Archaeologist Isaac Aquino exhibited this important discovery at the local museum in Torreon. Experts believe that this dog was domesticated by a local tribe to help hunting. Archaeologist Alejandro Bautista Wadespino said: "This discovery supports that dogs are the traditional funerals of local nomadic tribes Funerary goods This also shows that the animal has been domesticated at that time. " Hundreds of human skeletons, as well as thousands of ancient objects such as textiles, baskets, bows and arrows, were found along with this animal, which is believed to be a natural mummy.
Archaeologist Yuri De Rosa said: "This is the first mummified dog with archaeological significance. The desert and drought environment led to the natural air drying of the dog into a mummy. Its skin became dry and stuck to the bone, which is a naturally formed mummy." Scientists will soon measure, X-ray and carbon detection of this ancient hound to determine its exact age and species. [9]
Three thousand years ago, the mummy of ancient Egypt debuted in Singapore
"Mummies: Mystery of Ancient Tombs" Ancient Egypt On the 27th of the Cultural Relics Exhibition Singapore Marina Bay Jinsha Museum of Arts and Sciences Open to the public, the most amazing thing in the exhibition is to use cutting-edge technology to restore the story behind the 3000 year old mummy.
First pregnant mummy
January 25, 2022, according to Russian Satellite News Agency It is reported that archaeologists found a well preserved fetus in the mummy of an ancient Egyptian woman, poland A group of researchers have uncovered the secret of the discovery of pregnant mummies in Egypt for the first time in the history of scientists. [10]

Falsification is rampant

More than 800 mummies were scanned.
British scientists said that ancient Egypt Animal mummy The problem of industry fraud is very serious.
britain Manchester Museum And University of Manchester An X-ray scanning project found that about one-third of animal mummies were empty. Researchers are convinced that it is common to buy animal mummies for burial Ancient Egypt relation between supply and demand It may be unbalanced and there is not enough supply, which has resulted in the phenomenon of fake animal mummies found now.
So far, more than 800 mummies have been scanned, including cats, birds crocodile wait. About one third of these mummies contain intact animals, which are well preserved. Another third contains some animal remains, but the other third is completely free of animals.