New Moon

[shuò wàng yuè]
The average period of the moon's revolution around the earth relative to the sun
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New moon, also called“ Lunar month ”。 Means Moon Around Earth revolution The average period relative to the sun is Moon phase Average period of. To go from new year to the next new year or from hope to the next time interval Is the length, with an average of 29.53059 days. The ancestors of our country called the cycle of the full moon a "new moon", and the day when the moon was completely invisible“ New day ”, designated as the first day of every month in the lunar calendar; The roundest day of the moon is called "looking at the sun", which is the fifteenth (or sixteenth) day of each month in the lunar calendar.
Chinese name
New Moon
Lunar month
The average period of the moon's revolution around the earth relative to the sun
Average days
29.53059 days
English translation
lunar month
Citation explanation
The cycle of lunar phase change

Phenomenon description

In ancient times, it was called "ShuoCe", that is Lunar phase change Period of.
In the vast starry sky, the most eye-catching celestial body is the moon. Its ever-changing appearance and so many beautiful myths and legends it carries add much poetry and painting to the world! Guanghan Palace Liqionglouyuyu, yes Chang'e The fairy danced. Moreover, the moon's periodic ups and downs have been one of the bases for people to make calendars since ancient times.
The moon surrounds Earth revolution At the same time, it also rotates with the same average period (this situation is called "synchronous rotation"), so the moon always faces the earth with the same side Artificial satellite In the long years before God, people had never seen the back of the moon.
The moon itself does not emit light - the moon seen on the earth is the light reflected from the sun.
Phase change of the moon - the moon faces Solar time , is the full moon; When the moon is behind the sun, there is no light.
Figure 1 New Moon
The red color on the right side of Figure 1 represents sunlight. The big circle is the lunar orbit, the center of the circle is the earth, and the outermost circle is the lunar phase seen by human beings on the earth, that is, the new moon is completely black, and the lunar calendar is set as the first day of every month; Hope - all white, the day when the moon reunites, the 15th or 16th day of the lunar calendar; Half white and half black moon means the first or last chord. The formation of the new moon - as shown in Figure 1: the sun shines from the right, the middle circle represents the earth, the moon around the earth is at different positions in the orbit, and the outermost circle is the moon phase seen by our people on the earth: when "looking", the earth observer sees the side of the moon ball facing the sun, that is, the full moon; When it comes to the "new moon", we can see the side of the moon that faces away from the sun, that is, there is no moon.


Why does the moon change? As we all know, the moon itself does not give off light, but only shines on it sunlight A part of Observer For example, as the relative positions of the sun, moon and earth change, the moon takes on different shapes on different days. This is phase of the moon Of Periodic change Furthermore, although half of the sphere is bright when the moon is illuminated by the sun, the moon is constantly circling Earth revolution , constantly changing its position, so the half sphere facing the earth and the half sphere illuminated by the sun sometimes completely coincide, sometimes completely do not coincide, sometimes a small part coincides, most do not coincide; Sometimes most of them coincide and a small part does not. In this way, the moon will show the changes of cloudy, sunny, round and short.
When the moon is between the sun and the earth, its dark hemisphere faces us, and we can't see the moon at all. This is called "Shuo". Shuo refers to the moon in astronomy Yellow meridian and Solar yellow meridian Same time. On new moons, the moon and the sun rise from the east almost at the same time. Even if the earth reflects the sunlight to the moon, then the part of the light reflected back by the moon will be completely submerged in the strong sunlight.
When the earth is between the moon and the sun, although the three planets are almost on the same line, at this time, the hemisphere of the moon illuminated by the sun faces the earth, and the soft moonlight sprinkles on the earth all night, which is called the full moon, or "look". At this time, the moon yellow longitude and the sun yellow longitude differ by 180 degrees.
Because the distance between the moon and the earth is relative to Sun earth distance It's too short. On the celestial sphere, the moon moves eastward Speed ratio The sun is much bigger. Every day, the moon moves 13 degrees from west to east, while the sun only moves 1 degree. Therefore, after the new moon, the moon quickly ran to the east of the sun. One or two days later, as soon as the sun set, a crescent moon could be seen in the western sky, with two sharp corners pointing to the west. Since then, the moon has risen more and more late, and the moon has gradually become plump. About seven days after the new moon, the yellow longitude of the moon just exceeded the sun by 90 degrees. We can see that the moon is a semicircle with an arc facing west, which is First quarter moon Later, the moon continued to move eastward, more plump, and rose even later, until it looked. From the new moon to the sun, the angle between the moon and the sun is getting bigger and bigger.
After looking out, the moon gradually moved closer to the sun, and the surface of the moon gradually became thinner. When the yellow longitude of the moon exceeds the yellow longitude of the sun by 270 degrees, it becomes Semicircle , but the arc faces east, which is Bottom chord Month. At this time, when the sun rises in the east, the moon is hanging high in the south sky. This is the sun rising in the east and the moon fading away. After the last chord, the moon did not come out from the east until late at night, and its half circle gradually eroded into a narrow sickle shape, with sharp corners facing west. From the perspective of the new moon to the sun

Occurrence instance

The moon phase is calculated according to the difference of sun moon yellow longitude (the following degrees are the difference of sun moon yellow longitude), and is divided into eight types:
1、 New Moon (the first day of the lunar calendar, that is New day ): 0 degrees;
2、 On the month of Emei (usually around the second night of the lunar calendar --- around the seventh day of the lunar calendar): 0 degrees --- 90 degrees;
3、 The first quarter moon (around the eighth day of the lunar calendar): 90 degrees;
IV waxing gibbous (Around the ninth day of the lunar calendar - around the fourteenth day of the lunar calendar): 90 degrees - 180 degrees;
5、 Full moon (looking at the sun, on the 15th or 16th day of the lunar calendar): 180 degrees;
6、 Deficient convex moon (around the 16th lunar calendar - around the 23rd lunar calendar): 180 degrees - 270 degrees;
7、 The last quarter month (around the 23rd lunar calendar): 270 degrees;
8、 The lower Emei month (around the 24th lunar month - end of the month): 270 degrees - 360 degrees;
In addition, the last day of the lunar month is called the obscure day, that is, the moon is not seen;
There are four main phases above:
new moon (the first day of the lunar calendar),
The first string (around the eighth day of the lunar calendar),
The full moon (around the 15th day of the lunar calendar),
The bottom chord (around the 23rd lunar calendar),
They all have a clear time of occurrence, and are precise Track calculation Obtained.
Full process diagram of moon phase
because Moon Around the Earth at the same time Solar motion , earthly center of the sun The yellow longitude is basically the sun centered yellow longitude of the moon. Put the center of the calculation of the sun centered yellow longitude on the earth to calculate the yellow longitude, which is called the earth centered yellow longitude. The lunar phase calculates the degree of the Yellow Meridian according to the Yellow Meridian at the center of the earth. However, the geocentric yellow meridian is converted based on the heliocentric yellow meridian, so each new moon will have a different geocentric yellow meridian. However, the difference of 360 degrees in a circle is the same. That is to say, no matter what the geocentric longitude of the moon is, the new moon can be regarded as the geocentric longitude difference of 0 degrees.
In ancient times, there was a book called the Yellow Emperor's Frog {gema} Sutra, which divided the new moon into 30 days. The 30th day was called the 30th day of lunar eclipse. The moon's frog and the rabbit were gone. calendar In the lunar calendar, sometimes 29 and sometimes 30, also known as the obscure day. It can be understood that when the yellow meridian is 0 degrees different, it can be either an obscure day or a new day.

Haunting songs

It is true at three hours, five days and eight noon, and it is true at the beginning of the tenth lunar month before the thirteenth lunar month.
The Fifteen Yous and Eighteen Xus, and the Twentieth Hai remember the oblique god.
On the twenty - third day, the ugly goes.
On the twenty eighth day, at the hour of midnight, 30 Calais will take the last round.
Song at the beginning of the month:
Reunion in May and June
On July 18th, it will be more popular
At the beginning of the month
A poem of the Tang Dynasty chanting the moon Miao's son
The crescent moon is like a bow that has not been bent,
It is clearly hanging beside the blue sky.
When people don't know that the eyebrows of moths are small,
Three or five reunions fill the sky.

And the sidereal moon

The new moon refers to the length of the period from the new moon to the new moon, or from the new moon to the new moon, or from the new moon to the new moon, that is, the average number of days is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 2.86 seconds. This cycle is when the moon revolves around the earth; The earth revolves around the sun and is formed by relative motion among the three. It is not formed when the moon revolves around the earth Actual time
New Moon
If we do not consider the rotation of the earth around the sun and simply calculate the time when the moon rotates around the earth, it is only 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 seconds. So, why is the time for the moon observation in a new moon more than 29 days? Now, let's start with the syncretic sun of the moon: we know that the syncretic sun of the moon is the time when the sun, the moon, and the earth are in a straight line, the moon is between the sun and the earth, facing away from the earth, and people can't see the moon at all. At this time, if the earth stops circling the sun, then the moon will return to this position relative to the earth after circling the earth for one time, it will be 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 seconds. This length is called“ Sidereal month ”。 However, when the moon revolves around the earth, the earth also revolves around the sun. When the moon has walked for more than 27 days and returned to the position relative to the earth at the time of last month's new moon, the moon no longer resides in the straight line between the sun and the earth. Because the forward movement of the earth has moved the original position relative to the moon and the sun forward, leaving the connection between the sun and the earth, It forms a distance. The moon can only continue to move forward. Only when it passes this distance and reaches a new connection between the sun and the earth can it form a new synopsis. This distance takes 1 to 2 days, which is called the first and second hidden days.
So why is the actual period of the moon's rotation around the earth called "star moon"? This is because when the moon rotates around the earth, it passes through 28 groups of star constellations. As a record of the moon's position, each group of stars has its own name, commonly known as 28 constellations (houses). The moon runs for one night every day. Nearly 28 days, it actually circles the earth for one week. But as mentioned above, the new moon cannot appear at this time, and it has to walk the distance away from the connection between the sun and the earth due to the earth's revolution. Therefore, the moon has 28 visible days, followed by 1 to 2 hidden days.

Super Moon

Public observation of the moon Apparent diameter There are changes. During a cycle of the moon's revolution around the earth, there will be a perigee. If it happens that the sun, the earth and the moon are arranged in a nearly straight line (looking), a "super moon" will appear. The cycle of the super moon occurs once every 14 new moons (413.4 days). [1]


The average length of the new moon is 29.53 days. In fact, the length of the new moon is not fixed, more than 29 days. In this century, the shortest is 29.27 days and the longest is 29.82 days. [2]